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Colonic epithelial proliferation was investigated in three groups of rats, aged 3, 60 and 121 weeks. As reported in previous work, the crypts were markedly longer in the young rats, and the number of labelled cells per crypt was significantly greater. There was an upward movement of the marker positions derived from the distribution of labelled cells within the crypt of the young rats. This was a consequence of the increased crypt length, so that the growth fraction, as expressed as a percentage of crypt length, was the same. The proliferative changes between the young rats and the other aged rats were therefore effected by altering the size of the crypts, while maintaining the kinetic organisation. There was no evidence of any proliferative changes or changes in the growth fraction when the colons of the old rats were compared with those of the 60 week old rats.  相似文献   

Colonic epithelial proliferation was investigated in three groups of rats, aged 3, 60 and 121 weeks. As reported in previous work, the crypts were markedly longer in the young rats, and the number of labelled cells per crypt was significantly greater. There was an upward movement of the marker positions derived from the distribution of labelled cells within the crypt of the young rats. This was a consequence of the increased crypt length, so that the growth fraction, as expressed as a percentage of crypt length, was the same. The proliferative changes between the young rats and the other aged rats were therefore effected by altering the size of the crypts, while maintaining the kinetic organisation. There was no evidence of any proliferative changes or changes in the growth fraction when the colons of the old rats were compared with those of the 60 week old rats.  相似文献   

Marsh, Daniel R., David S. Criswell, James A. Carson, andFrank W. Booth. Myogenic regulatory factors during regeneration ofskeletal muscle in young, adult, and old rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1270-1275, 1997.Myogenicfactor mRNA expression was examined during muscle regeneration afterbupivacaine injection in Fischer 344/Brown Norway F1 rats aged 3, 18, and 31 mo of age (young, adult, and old, respectively). Mass of thetibialis anterior muscle in the young rats had recovered to controlvalues by 21 days postbupivacaine injection but in adult and old ratsremained 40% less than that of contralateral controls at 21 and 28 days of recovery. During muscle regeneration, myogenin mRNA wassignificantly increased in muscles of young, adult, and old rats 5 daysafter bupivacaine injection. Subsequently, myogenin mRNA levels inyoung rat muscle decreased to postinjection control values byday 21 but did not return to controlvalues in 28-day regenerating muscles of adult and old rats. Theexpression of MyoD mRNA was also increased in muscles atday 5 of regeneration in young, adult,and old rats, decreased to control levels by day14 in young and adult rats, and remained elevated inthe old rats for 28 days. In summary, either a diminished ability todownregulate myogenin and MyoD mRNAs in regenerating muscle occurs inold rat muscles, or the continuing myogenic effort includes elevatedexpression of these mRNAs.


The current study examined effects of chronic estradiol replacement on a prefrontally-mediated working memory task at different ages in a rodent model. Ovariectomized young, middle-aged, and old Long–Evans rats were given 5% or 10% 17β-estradiol in cholesterol vehicle via Silastic implants and tested on an operant delayed spatial alternation task (DSA). The two estradiol exposed groups did not perform as well as the vehicle control group did. Deficits were present at all but the longest delay, where all groups including the vehicle control group performed poorly. Surprisingly, there was not a significant effect of age or an age by estradiol interaction, despite the fact that old rats had longer latencies to respond after both correct and incorrect lever presses. These data confirm our earlier finding that chronic estradiol treatment has an impairing effect on working memory as measured on DSA task. However, contrary to expectations, young, middle-aged and old rats were similarly impaired by chronic estradiol treatment; there were no indications of differential effects at different periods of the lifespan. Also contrary to expectations, there were no indications of a decline in DSA performance with advancing age. Overall, the results demonstrate that chronic estradiol exposure causes deficits in the DSA performance of ovariectomized female rats, not only in young adulthood, but also at older ages analogous to those at which hormone replacement therapy is commonly prescribed in humans.  相似文献   

The activities of RNA polymerase I and II were assayed in nuclei isolated from different regions (cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamus, hippocampus, corpus striatum and pituitary) of brains from young (10 days), adult (6 months), and old (2 years) rats. The RNA polymerases I and II activities generally increased during maturation, i.e., from 10 days to 6 months of postnatal age and then showed a decrease from 6 months to 2 years of age in all the regions except in cerebral cortex where the RNA polymerase II activity was highest at 10 days but showed a gradual decrease through the lifespan up to 2 years.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen (APAP)-induced nephrotoxicity is age dependent in male Sprague-Dawley rats: nephrotoxicity occurs at lower dosages of APAP in 12- to 14-month olds compared with 2- to 3-month olds. The mechanisms responsible for enhanced nephrotoxicity in 12-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats are not entirely clear, but may be related to age-dependent differences in APAP metabolism in liver and/or kidney. Major pathways of hepatic APAP metabolism include sulfation and glucuronidation; glutathione conjugation represents a pathway for detoxification of reactive oxidative APAP metabolites. The present studies were designed to quantify in vitro activity of three Phase II enzyme activities: glutathione S-transferase using 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as substrate, UDP-glucuronyl transferase using APAP as substrate, and sulfotransferase using APAP as substrate, in subcellular fractions of liver and kidney of 3-, 12-, 18-, and 30-month-old naive male Sprague-Dawley rats. In liver, glutathione S-transferase, UDP glucuronyl transferase, and sulfotransferase activities were not significantly different in rats from 3 through 30 months of age. Renal UDP glucuronyl transferase and sulfotransferase activities were similar in rats from 3 through 30 months of age. In contrast, renal glutathione S-transferase activity was characterized by a lower Km in 12- and 30-month olds when compared with 3-month olds. These data suggest that the reduced total systemic clearance of APAP in 12-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats previously observed cannot be attributed to age-dependent differences in hepatic APAP metabolism. In addition, it is unlikely that differences in renal APAP metabolism contribute to age-dependent APAP nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

Recently, a new head-to-head sperm association was described in the rat during epididymal transit. This association was called a rosette and a filamentous and PAS-positive material was also described joining the sperm heads. The begining of rosette formation in the epididymis and the linking material between heads have remained unclear. Epididymides of adult rats were fixed by vascular perfussion and thin sections of the principal regions were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The first evidence of rosette formation was observed in the distal corpus. Rosettes were isolated from the distal corpus and processed for immunogold and immunofluorescence microscopy to detect an epididymal glycoprotein called DE. This glycoprotein is secreted by the corpus epididymis and appears to be involved in sperm maturation. Colloidal gold marks and fluorescence were observed in the linking material between the sperm heads. The results presented here show that rosettes begin to appear following the sites of DE secretion and permit us to postulate that DE is involved in rosette formation and constitutes another example of gamete-epididymal interaction. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to compare the regenerative ability of skeletal muscle between young (5 month) and old (26 month) rats, sliced or intact extensor digitorum longus muscles were freely autografted into young and old rats and also reciprocally grafted from young to old inbred animals and vice versa. Sixty days after grafting, the transplants were analyzed for contractile and histochemical properties. There was a relative similarity between the contraction times of both normal control muscles and of all groups of transplants, although the contraction time tended to be prolonged and histochemical fiber pattern was more often found to be uniform in grafts of senescent animals. All groups of transplants possessed histochemically heterogeneous fiber types at 60 days. The experiments demonstrate that skeletal muscle in old rats possesses a substantial degree of regenerative ability and that the free tranpllantation of entire muscles in old animals is feasible.  相似文献   

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of behaviors across the life span was conducted in F2 mice from a C57BL/6J × DBA/2J cross and 22 BXD recombinant inbred (RI) strains. Mice of three age groups were tested in a hole-board apparatus for 3 min on three occasions ∼1 month apart (average age at test 150, 450 and 750 days, ∼400 mice per group, divided equally by sex). Quantitative trait loci with small effect size were found on 11 chromosomes for hole-board activity (Hbact) and hole-board rearing (Hbrear). Analysis of 22 RI strains tested at 150 and 450 days of age found only suggestive linkage, with four QTL for Hbact overlapping with those from the F2 analysis. There was a significant phenotypic correlation between Hbact and Hbrear (∼0.55–0.69) and substantial commonality among QTL for the two behaviors. QTL analyses of head-pokes (HP) and fecal boli (FB) only identified QTL at the suggestive level of significance. Age accounted for ∼15% of the phenotypic variance (sex ∼3%), and there were genotype by age interactions at ∼25% of the Hbact and Hbrear QTL. Quantitative trait loci for Hbrear were relatively stable across the three measurement occasions (those for Hbact somewhat less so), although mean levels of each index declined markedly comparing the first to subsequent trials. Considered as a whole, the polygenic system influencing exploratory behaviors accounts for approximately the same amount of phenotypic variance as age (within the range studied), is stable across substantial periods of time, and acts, for the most part, independently of age and sex.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterized estrogenic effects of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on reproductive parameters in male rats to identify a minimal dose level that alters epididymal and sperm functions but has little or no effect on sperm production and/or spermatogenesis. Adult rats (five animals/group) received s.c. injections of 0.2 ml of corn oil containing DES at a rate of 1.0 mg, 200 microg, 40 microg, 8 microg, 1.6 microg, or 320 ng x rat(-1) x day(-1) for 12 days. The control group received corn oil only. DES effects were similar in the 8-microg group and higher dose groups and included significant (P < or = 0.05) reductions in 1) absolute and relative weights of the head and body of the epididymis (EP), tail of the EP, and seminal vesicle, 2) numbers of sperm in both regions of the EP, and 3) motility characteristics in sperm collected from the tail of the EP. Conversely, no significant changes were observed in relative testis weight, daily sperm production, spermatogenesis, seminiferous epithelial height in stage VII, and sperm morphology. All of the above parameters in the 1.6-microg group (except seminal vesicle weight) and 320-ng group were comparable to those of controls. Plasma testosterone (T) level was reduced to an almost undetectable level in the > or = 8-microg groups and to a very low level in the 1.6-microg group (0.35 vs. 2.36 ng/ml in controls or 320-ng group), but LH level was unaltered. In a parallel fertility study, males received DES at a rate of 40, 8, or 1.6 microg x rat(-1) x day(-1) for 12 days prior to and 12 days during cohabitation (1:1) with untreated females. Of the 15 females cohabited with treated males (5 females/dose), none in the 40-microg and 8-microg groups and 1 in the 1.6-microg group formed a copulatory plug and delivered 8 pups, in contrast to 5/5 copulatory plugs and 13-15 pups/litter in the controls. DES at a rate of 8 microg x rat(-1) x day(-1) for 12 days reduced EP weights, sperm numbers in the EP, and sperm motility patterns but caused minimal to no alterations in daily sperm production, spermatogenesis, or sperm morphology. Factors other than T, or in addition to lower T, may be responsible for DES-induced reproductive disorders (despite lower T, sperm contents and sperm motility patterns in the EP were normal in the 1.6-microg group). Deficits in EP sperm functions and/or sexual behavior (as evident from absence of copulatory plugs) probably accounted for reduced fertility in treated males.  相似文献   

We have recently published a new technique for visualizing nuclei in living muscle fibers of intact animals, based on microinjection of labeled DNA into single myofibers, excluding satellite cells (Bruusgaard JC, Liestol K, Ekmark M, Kollstad K, and Gundersen K. J Physiol 551: 467-478, 2003). In the present study, we use this technique to study fiber segments of soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles from mice aged 2, 14, and 23 mo. As the animals maturing from 2 to 14 mo, they displayed an increase in size and number of nuclei. Soleus showed little change in nuclear domain size, whereas this increased by 88% in the EDL. For 14-mo-old animals, no significant correlation between fiber size and nuclear number was observed (R2=0.18, P=0.51) despite a fourfold variation in cytoplasmic volume. This suggests that size and nuclear number is uncoupled in middle-aged mice. When animals aged from 14 to 23 mo, EDL IIb, but not soleus, fibers atrophied by 41%. Both EDL and soleus displayed a reduction in number of nuclei: 20 and 16%, respectively. A positive correlation between number of nuclei and size was observed at 2 mo, and this reappeared in old mice. The atrophy in IIb fibers at old age was accompanied by a disturbance in the orderly positioning of nuclei that is so prominent in glycolytic fibers at younger age. In old animals, changes in nuclear shape and in the peri- and internuclear microtubule network were also observed. Thus changes in myonuclear number and distribution, perhaps related to alterations in the microtubular network, may underlie some of the adverse consequences of aging on skeletal muscle size and function.  相似文献   

At standard laboratory ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 20-24 degrees C, peripheral injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) reliably produce fever in young rats. In contrast, old rats may show a blunted fever, no fever, or even hypothermia after LPS. In the present study we hypothesized that old rats might use behavioral thermoregulation to help them develop a fever. Young and old rats were implanted with temperature transmitters. At least 1 wk postoperatively they were placed in a thermally graded alleyway (T(a) 10-40 degrees C). On the third and sixth day they were taken out of the gradient, placed at an T(a) of 23 degrees C, injected intraperitoneally with LPS or saline, and left at 23 degrees C for 3 h. At the end of that time, all young rats had become febrile, whereas the old rats had not. When the rats were replaced in the thermal gradient, the young animals continued to develop a fever that was similar to fever in young rats left at 23 degrees C. The old animals chose significantly warmer positions in the thermal gradient than did the young animals and only then became febrile. Although there was a tendency for the young rats to prefer higher T(a) after LPS than after saline, these differences were not significant. However, the differences in the old rats were significant. These results suggest that the LPS had increased the thermal set point in the old rats, but they could develop febrile responses only at the warm T(a) they selected.  相似文献   

An androgen binding protein (ABP), which binds 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone with high affinity (Ka = 0.3 x 10(9) M(-1)), has been demonstrated in testicular and epididymal cytosols of 5 young post pubertal bulls (15-17 months old) of the Montbeliarde dairy breed. Simultaneously, daily sperm production (DSP), semen output and plasma LH and testosterone concentrations (from frequent samplings) were determined. ABP levels were 21 fmoles/mg protein in testis and 59, 22 and 43 fmoles/mg, respectively, in caput, corpus and cauda epididymis. Mean DSP, per gram of testis, was 16.6 x 10(6) spermatozoa, and the mean sperm output was approximately 1.5 x 10(9) spermatozoa per ejaculate. Mean LH and testosterone levels were 1.5 ng/ml and 2.1 ng/ml, respectively. One bull (882) was clearly distinguishable from the others, in showing higher ABP and testosterone levels together with a lower daily sperm production. Results of this study may (1) suggest a physiological role of ABP in sperm epididymal maturation and (2) give a new parameter in the evaluation of individual bulls testicular function.  相似文献   

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