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Tryptases alpha and beta are trypsin-like serine proteinases expressed in large amounts by mast cells. Beta-tryptase is a tetramer that has enzymatic activity, but requires heparin binding to maintain functional and structural stability, whereas alpha-tryptase has little, if any, enzymatic activity but is a stable tetramer in the absence of heparin. As shown previously, these differences can be mainly attributed to the different conformations of the 214-220 segment. Interestingly, the replacement of Asp216 by Gly, which is present in beta-tryptase, results in enzymatically active but less stable alpha-tryptase mutants. We have solved the crystal structures of both the single (D216G) and the double (K192Q/D216G) mutant forms of recombinant human alphaI-tryptase in complex with the peptide inhibitor leupeptin, as well as the structure of the non-inhibited single mutant. The inhibited mutants exhibited an open functional substrate binding site, while in the absence of an inhibitor, the open (beta-tryptase-like) and the closed (alpha-tryptase-like) conformations were present simultaneously. This shows that both forms are in a two-state equilibrium, which is influenced by the residues in the vicinity of the active site and by inhibitor/substrate binding. Novel insights regarding the observed stability differences as well as a potential proteolytic activity of wild-type alpha-tryptase, which may possess a cryptic active site, are discussed.  相似文献   

Recombinant human adenovirus serotype 2 proteinase (both native and selenomethionine-substituted) has been crystallized in the presence of the serotype 12, 11-residue peptide cofactor. The crystals (space group P3(1)21 or P3(2)21, one molecule per asymmetric unit, a = b = 41.3 angstrum, c = 197.0 angstrum) grew in solutions containing 20-40% 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD), 0.1-0.2 M sodium citrate, and 0.1 M sodium HEPES, pH 5.0-7.5. Diffraction data (84% complete to 2.2 angstrum resolution with Rmerge of 0.0335) have been measured from cryopreserved native enzyme crystals with the Argonne blue (1,024 x 1,024 pixel array) charge-coupled device detector at beamline X8C at the National Synchrotron Light Source (operated by Argonne National Laboratory's Structural Biology Center). Additionally, diffraction data from selenomethionine-substituted proteinase, 65% complete to 2.0 angstrum resolution with Rmerge values ranging 0.05-0.07, have been collected at three X-ray energies at and near the selenium absorption edge. We have determined three of the six selenium sites and are initiating a structure solution by the method of multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing.  相似文献   

The structure of two selective inhibitors, Ac-Tyr-Ile-Arg-Ile-Pro-NH2 and Ac-(4-Amino-Phe)-(Cyclohexyl-Gly)-Arg-NH2, in the active site of the blood clotting enzyme factor Xa was determined by using transferred nuclear Overhauser effect nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. They represent a family of peptidic inhibitors obtained by the screening of a vast combinatorial library. Each structure was first calculated by using standard computational procedures (distance geometry, simulated annealing, energy minimization) and then further refined by systematic search of the conformation of the inhibitor docked in the active site and repeating the simulated annealing and energy minimization. The final structure was optimized by molecular dynamics simulations of the inhibitor-complex in water. The NMR restraints were kept throughout the refinement. The inhibitors assume a compact, very well defined conformation, embedded into the substrate binding site not in the same way as a substrate, blocking thus the catalysis. The model allows to explain the mode of action, affinity, and specificity of the peptides and to map the active site. Proteins 30:264–279, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The active site of aspartic proteinases   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
L Pearl  T Blundell 《FEBS letters》1984,174(1):96-101
The active site of the aspartic proteinase, endothiapepsin, has been defined by X-ray analysis and restrained least-squares refinement at 2.1 A resolution with a crystallographic agreement value of 0.16. The environments of the two catalytically important aspartyl groups are remarkably similar and the contributions of the NH2- and COOH-terminal domains to the catalytic centre are related by a local 2-fold axis. The carboxylates of the aspartyls share a hydrogen bond and have equivalent contacts to a bound water molecule or hydroxonium ion lying on the local diad. The main chains around 32 and 215 are connected by a novel interaction involving diad-related threonines. It is suggested that the two pKa values of the active site aspartyls arise from a structure not unlike that in maleic acid with a hydrogen-bonded intermediate species and a dicarboxylate characterised by electrostatic repulsions between the two negatively charged groups.  相似文献   

The pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) belongs to a family of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIP), which depurinate ribosomal RNA through their site-specific N-glycosidase activity. We report low temperature, three-dimensional structures of PAP co-crystallized with adenyl-guanosine (ApG) and adenyl-cytosine-cytosine (ApCpC). Crystal structures of 2.0-2.1 A resolution revealed that both ApG or ApCpC nucleotides are cleaved by PAP, leaving only the adenine base clearly visible in the active site pocket of PAP. ApCpC does not resemble any known natural substrate for any ribosome-inactivating proteins and its cleavage by PAP provides unprecedented evidence for a broad spectrum N-glycosidase activity of PAP toward adenine-containing single stranded RNA. We also report the analysis of a 2.1 A crystal structure of PAP complexed with the RIP inhibitor pteoric acid. The pterin ring is strongly bound in the active site, forming four hydrogen bonds with active site residues and one hydrogen bond with the coordinated water molecule. The second 180 degrees rotation conformation of pterin ring can form only three hydrogen bonds in the active site and is less energetically favorable. The benzoate moiety is parallel to the protein surface of PAP and forms only one hydrogen bond with the guanido group of Arg135.  相似文献   

Pit viper venoms contain a number of serine proteinases that exhibit one or more thrombin-like activities on fibrinogen and platelets, this being the case for the kinin-releasing and fibrinogen-clotting KN-BJ from the venom of Bothrops jararaca. A three-dimensional structural model of the KN-BJ2 serine proteinase was built by homology modeling using the snake venom plasminogen activator TSV-PA as a major template and porcine kallikrein as additional structural support. A set of intrinsic buried waters was included in the model and its behavior under dynamic conditions was molecular dynamics simulated, revealing a most interesting similarity pattern to kallikrein. The benzamidine-based thrombin inhibitors alpha-NAPAP, 3-TAPAP, and 4-TAPAP were docked into the refined model, allowing for a more insightful functional characterization of the enzyme and a better understanding of the reported comparatively low affinity of KN-BJ2 toward those inhibitors.  相似文献   

Caspases are cysteine proteases that play a critical role in the initiation and regulation of apoptosis. These enzymes act in a cascade to promote cell death through proteolytic cleavage of intracellular proteins. Since activation of apoptosis is implicated in human diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, caspases are targets for drugs designed to modulate their action. Active caspases are heterodimeric enzymes with two symmetrically arranged active sites at opposite ends of the molecule. A number of crystal structures of caspases with peptides or proteins bound at the active sites have defined the mechanism of action of these enzymes, but molecular information about the active sites before substrate engagement has been lacking. As part of a study of peptidyl inhibitors of caspase-3, we crystallized a complex where the inhibitor did not bind in the active site. Here we present the crystal structure of the unoccupied substrate-binding site of caspase-3. No large conformational differences were apparent when this site was compared with that in enzyme-inhibitor complexes. Instead, the 1.9 A structure reveals critical side chain movements in a hydrophobic pocket in the active site. Notably, the side chain of tyrosine204 is rotated by approximately 90 degrees so that the phenol group occupies the S2 subsite in the active site. Thus, binding of substrate or inhibitors is impeded unless rotation of this side chain opens the area. The positions of these side chains may have important implications for the directed design of inhibitors of caspase-3 or caspase-7.  相似文献   

Aspartic proteinases are produced in the human body by a variety of cells. Some of these proteins, examples of which are pepsin, gastricsin, and renin, are secreted and exert their effects in the extracellular spaces. Cathepsin D and cathepsin E on the other hand are intracellular enzymes. The least characterized of the human aspartic proteinases is cathepsin E. Presented here are results of studies designed to characterize the binding specificities in the active site of human cathepsin E with comparison to othermechanistically similar enzymes. A peptide series based on Lys-Pro-Ala-Lys-Phe*Nph-Arg-Leu was generatedto elucidate the specificity in the individual binding pockets with systematic substitutions in the P5? P2 and P2′-P3′ based on charge, hydrophobicity, and hydrogen bonding. Also, to explore the S2 binding preferences, asecond series of peptides based on Lys-Pro-Ile-Glu-Phe*Nph-Arg-Leu was generated with systematic replacements in the P2 position. Kinetic parameters were determined forboth sets of peptides. The results were correlated to a rule-based structural model of human cathepsin E, constructed on the known three-dimensional structures of several highly homologous aspartic proteinases; porcine pepsin, bovine chymosin, yeast proteinase A, human cathepsin D, andmouse and human renin. Important specificity-determining interactions were found in the S3 (Glu13) and S2 (Thr-222, Gln-287, Leu-289, Ile-300)subsites. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

钱岑  方琦  王磊  叶恭银 《昆虫学报》2013,56(8):841-853
Pacifastin蛋白酶抑制剂在昆虫免疫与发育中起着重要作用。为了明确其在寄生蜂中的相关功能, 本研究分别克隆获得编码丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Pacifastin蛋白酶抑制剂开放阅读框的cDNA序列nvpp-1和nvpp-2, 序列长度分别为723和888 bp, 分别编码240和295个氨基酸残基。预测结果表明, nvpp-1和nvpp-2推导氨基酸序列N端均含一个长度为17个氨基酸残基的信号肽序列。序列分析和进化树构建结果表明, NVPP-1和NVPP-2分别含有5个和4个典型的Pacifastin保守结构域, 并与疑黑瘤姬蜂Pimpla hypochondriaca毒液蛋白CVP4 聚为一类。实时荧光定量RT-PCR结果表明, nvpp-1和nvpp-2于该蜂雌蜂各组织中均发生转录, 且在胸、 腹部残体(解剖后腹部剩余部分)和毒器官中的转录水平较高; 于毒器官中, 其在羽化初期(0和1 d)转录水平较高, 其转录水平显著降低。Western blot结果表明, NVPP-1和NVPP-2均只在毒液中被大量检出, 在其他待测组织中均未被检出, 而刚羽化时(0 d)其在毒液中含量较低。利用pET-28a (+) 载体分别对nvpp-1和nvpp-2进行了原核表达, 并对重组表达产物进行纯化。分别测定重组NVPP-1和NVPP-2对4种不同丝氨酸蛋白酶(胰蛋白酶、 糜蛋白酶、 蛋白酶K和弹性蛋白酶)的抑制效果, 结果表明, 重组NVPP-1和NVPP-2分别能显著抑制糜蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活性。同时还分别测定了两种重组蛋白对寄主家蝇蛹血淋巴自身的酚氧化酶活性及原酚氧化酶激活反应的影响, 结果表明, 重组蛋白对家蝇蛹血淋巴原酚氧化酶激活反应亦有抑制效果, 但其均不能显著影响血淋巴自身的酚氧化酶活性。综上所述, 丽蝇蛹集金小蜂毒液中含有Pacifastin蛋白酶抑制剂NVPP-1和NVPP-2, 分别为糜蛋白酶抑制剂和胰蛋白酶抑制剂家族成员, 均能显著影响寄主家蝇蛹血淋巴原酚氧化酶激活反应, 从而削弱寄主体液免疫水平。本研究所获结果加深了我们对昆虫尤其是寄生蜂Pacifastin蛋白酶抑制剂作用的认识。  相似文献   

The proteinases in the midguts of three scarab white grub species, Lepidiota noxia, L. negatoria, and Antitrogus consanguineus, were investigated to classify the proteinases present and to determine the most effective proteinase inhibitor for potential use as an insect control agent. pH activity profiles indicated the presence of serine proteinases and the absence of cysteine proteinases. This was confirmed by the lack of inhibition by specific cysteine proteinase inhibitors. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, and leucine aminopeptidase activities were detected by using specific synthetic substrates. A screen of 32 proteinase inhibitors produced 9 inhibitors of trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase which reduced proteolytic activity by greater than 75%. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The motions of water molecules, the acyl moiety, the catalytic triad, and the oxyanion binding site of acyl-chymotrypsin were studied by means of a stochastic boundary molecular dynamics simulation. A water molecule that could provide the nucleophilic OH? for the deacylation stage of the catalysis was found to be trapped between the imidazole ring of His-57 and the carbonyl carbon of the acyl group. It makes a hydrogen bond with the Nε2 of His-57 and is heldin place through a network of hydrogen-bonded water molecules in theactive site. The water molecule was found as close as 2.8 Å to the carbonyl carbon. This appears to be due to the constraints imposed by nonbonded interaction in the active site. Configurations were found in which one hydrogen of the trapped water shared a bifurcated hydrogen bond with His-57-Nε2 and Ser-195-0γ with the water oxygen very close to the carbonyl carbon. The existence of such a water molecule suggests that large movement of the His-57 imidazole ring between positions suitable for providing general-base catalyzed assistance and for providing general-acid catalyzed assistance may notbe required during the reaction. The simulation indicates that the side chains of residues involved in catalysis (i.e., His-57, Ser-195, and Asp-102) are significantly less flexible than other side chains in the protein. The 40% reduction in rms fluctuations is consistent with a comparable reduction calculated from the temperature factors obtained in the X-ray crystal-lographic data of γ-chymotrypsin. The greater rigidity of active site residues seems to result from interconnected hydrogen bonding networks among the residues and between the residues and the solvent water in the active site. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

P Gros  A V Teplyakov  W G Hol 《Proteins》1992,12(1):63-74
Thermitase is a thermostable member of the subtilisin family of serine proteases. Four independently determined crystal structures of the enzyme are compared in this study: a high resolution native one and three medium resolution complexes of thermitase with eglin-c, grown from three different calcium concentrations. It appeared that the B-factors of the thermitase eglin complex obtained at 100 mM CaCl2 and elucidated at 2.0 A resolution are remarkably similar to those of the 1.4 A native structure: the main chain atoms have an rms difference of only 2.3 A2; for all atoms this difference is 4.6 A2. The rms positional differences between these two structures of thermitase are 0.31 A for the main chain atoms and 0.58 A for all atoms. There results show that not only atomic positions but also temperature factors can agree well in X-ray structures determined entirely independently by procedures which differ in virtually every possible technical aspect. A detailed comparison focussed on the effects of eglin binding on the structure of thermitase. Thermitase can be considered as consisting of (1) a central core of 94 residues, plus (2) four segments of 72 residues in total which shift as rigid bodies with respect to the core, plus (3) the remaining 113 residues which show small changes but, however, cannot be described as rigid bodies. The central cores of native thermitase and the 100 mM CaCl2 thermitase:eglin complex have an rms deviation of 0.13 A for 376 main chain atoms. One of the segments, formed by loops of the strong calcium binding site, shows differences up to 1.0 A in C alpha positions. These are probably due to crystal packing effects. The three other segments, comprising 51 residues, are affected conformational changes upon eglin binding so that the P1 to P3 binding pockets of thermitase broaden by 0.4 to 0.7 A. The residues involved in these changes correspond with residues which change position upon inhibitor binding in other subtilisins. This suggests that an induced fit mechanism is operational during substrate recognition by subtilisins.  相似文献   

The active site of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Torpedo californica is located 20 A from the enzyme surface at the bottom of a narrow gorge. To understand the role of this gorge in the function of AChE, we have studied simulations of its molecular dynamics. When simulations were conducted with pure water filling the gorge, residues in the vicinity of the active site deviated quickly and markedly from the crystal structure. Further study of the original crystallographic data suggests that a bis-quaternary decamethonium (DECA) ion, acquired during enzyme purification, residues in the gorge. There is additional electron density within the gorge that may represent small bound cations. When DECA and 2 cations are placed within the gorge, the simulation and the crystal structure are dramatically reconciled. The small cations, more so than DECA, appear to stabilize part of the gorge wall through electrostatic interactions. This part of the gorge wall is relatively thin and may regulate substrate, product, and water movement through the active site.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activity of purified staphylococcal extracellular serine proteinase decreases as a result of incubation with granulocytes as well as with lymphocytes taken from peripheral blood of healthy donors. However, specific proteinase binding was observed only in the case of granulocytes but not in peripheral lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of S189D rat chymotrypsin have been determined (resolution 2.55A) and compared, together with D189S rat trypsin to wild-type structures to examine why these single mutations resulted in poorly active, non-specific enzymes instead of converting the specificities of trypsin and chymotrypsin into each other. Both mutants have stable structure but suffer from a surprisingly large number of serious deformations. These are restricted to the activation domain, mainly to the substrate-binding region and are larger in S189D chymotrypsin. A wild-type substrate-binding mode in the mutants is disfavored by substantial displacements of the Cys191-Cys220 disulfide and loop segments 185-195 (loop C2/D2) and 217-224 (loop E2/F2) at the specificity site. As a consequence, the substrate-binding clefts become wider and more solvent-accessible in the middle third and occluded in the lower third. Interestingly, while the Ser189 residue in D189S trypsin adopts a chymotrypsin-like conformation, the Asp189 residue in S189D chymotrypsin is turned out toward the solvent. The rearrangements in D189S trypsin are at the same sites where trypsin and trypsinogen differ and, in S189D chymotrypsin, the oxyanion hole as well as the salt-bridge between Asp194 and the N-terminal of Ile16 are missing as in chymotrypsinogen. Despite these similarities, the mutants do not have zymogen conformation. The Ser189Asp and Asp189Ser substitutions are structurally so disruptive probably because the stabilization of such a different specificity site polarities as those after the removal or introduction of a charged residue are beyond the capability of the wild-type conformation of the substrate-binding region.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plants have developed defensive mechanisms to minimize predation by insect pests. Proteinase inhibitors are an example of plant compounds synthesized as a mechanism for defence. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of trans‐epoxysuccinyl‐l ‐leucylamido (4‐guanidino) butane (E‐64), phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF‐serine protenase inhibitor) and Kunitz trypsin inhibitors on the pre‐ovipositional and ovipositional periods, the mean number of eggs laid per female, and the longevity of western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, adults. This study provides information on the effectiveness of proteinase inhibitors as a host‐plant resistance tool for managing WCR beetles. The study was conducted in 1997, 1998, and 2000. In 1997, E‐64 was added to an artificial diet at the concentrations of 0.05, 0.025 and 0.0125% (w/w), corresponding to 500, 250, and 125 ppm respectively. In 1998, PMSF was added to the artificial diet at the same concentrations. In 2000, Kunitz trypsin inhibitor was added to the artificial diet at concentrations of 0.2, 0.1 and 0.05% (w/w), corresponding to 2000, 1000, and 500 ppm respectively. The mean fecundity of beetles fed the untreated diet was between 67 and 111 eggs per female. The fecundity of beetles fed E‐64 and PMSF at different concentrations, ranged between 162 and 246 eggs per female for E‐64 and 61 and 80.5 eggs per female for PMSF. The fecundity of the beetles fed Kunitz trypsin inhibitor was between 155 and 225 eggs per female. When beetles fed on the diet which consisted of the lowest dosage of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (500 ppm), fecundity was higher than that on untreated control. The proteinase inhibitors investigated did not show a negative impact on WCR adults. Beetle fecundity, the length of the pre‐ovipositional and ovipositional periods and the longevity of the beetles fed with proteinase inhibitors were not lower than that of the beetles fed only the artificial diet. This study does not support the use of investigated proteinase inhibitors at applied concentrations as effective host‐plant resistance tools for managing WCR beetles.  相似文献   

The midgut proteinase activities were characterized from the keratinolytic larvae of two lepidopterans, Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stainton) (Oecophoridae) and Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) (Tineidae), and one coleopteran, Anthrenocerus australis (Hope) (Dermestidae). The major endopeptidase activities, characterized using specific enzyme inhibitors, were serine proteinases with hydrolytic activity against N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide and against N-succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-leucine-p-nitroanilide. No significant levels of metalloendopeptidase or cysteine endopeptidase activities were detected. Aminopeptidase activity was present in all larvae. The enzyme levels and properties of the two moth larvae were similar to each other and to those of phytophagous lepidopteran larvae but different from those of the beetle larva. Whereas only a limited number of serine proteinase inhibitors inhibited the midgut proteolysis of the lepidopteran larvae, most inhibitors inhibited the midgut proteolysis of the beetle larva. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thrombin is a multifunctional serine proteinase that plays a key role in coagulation while exhibiting several other key cellular bioregulatory functions. The X-ray crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin was determined in its complex with the specific thrombin inhibitor D-Phe-Pro-Arg chloromethylketone (PPACK) using Patterson search methods and a search model derived from trypsinlike proteinases of known spatial structure (Bode, W., Mayr, I., Baumann, U., Huber, R., Stone, S.R., & Hofsteenge, J., 1989, EMBO J. 8, 3467-3475). The crystallographic refinement of the PPACK-thrombin model has now been completed at an R value of 0.156 (8 to 1.92 A); in particular, the amino- and the carboxy-termini of the thrombin A-chain are now defined and all side-chain atoms localized; only proline 37 was found to be in a cis-peptidyl conformation. The thrombin B-chain exhibits the characteristic polypeptide fold of trypsinlike serine proteinases; 195 residues occupy topologically equivalent positions with residues in bovine trypsin and 190 with those in bovine chymotrypsin with a root-mean-square (r.m.s.) deviation of 0.8 A for their alpha-carbon atoms. Most of the inserted residues constitute novel surface loops. A chymotrypsinogen numbering is suggested for thrombin based on the topological equivalences. The thrombin A-chain is arranged in a boomeranglike shape against the B-chain globule opposite to the active site; it resembles somewhat the propeptide of chymotrypsin(ogen) and is similarly not involved in substrate and inhibitor binding. Thrombin possesses an exceptionally large proportion of charged residues. The negatively and positively charged residues are not distributed uniformly over the whole molecule, but are clustered to form a sandwichlike electrostatic potential; in particular, two extended patches of mainly positively charged residues occur close to the carboxy-terminal B-chain helix (forming the presumed heparin-binding site) and on the surface of loop segment 70-80 (the fibrin[ogen] secondary binding exosite), respectively; the negatively charged residues are more clustered in the ringlike region between both poles, particularly around the active site. Several of the charged residues are involved in salt bridges; most are on the surface, but 10 charged protein groups form completely buried salt bridges and clusters. These electrostatic interactions play a particularly important role in the intrachain stabilization of the A-chain, in the coherence between the A- and the B-chain, and in the surface structure of the fibrin(ogen) secondary binding exosite (loop segment 67-80).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The active site of lysostaphin is shown to contain a residue of glutamic acid. As judged by a pK value of 9.2 (with pentaglycine bridges in peptidoglycan of staphylococci as a substrate), another ionogenic residue could be the epsilon-amino group of a lysine. However, the pH value near a negatively charged cell is supposed to be strongly shifted to acidity as compared to the pH of the solution volume. This shifts the enzyme pH dependence curve in solution to alkalinity. Therefore, the other group might be histidine, which is consistent with the X-ray crystallographic data. A similar shift is likely to occur for lysozyme in the case of Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells. Determination of pK of ionogenic groups in the active sites of alkaline enzymes responsible for lysis of negatively charged bacterial cells gives their apparent values because the "pericellular" and "voluminous" values of pH are not coincident.  相似文献   

Two mutant forms of fumarase C from E. coli have been made using PCR and recombinant DNA. The recombinant form of the protein included a histidine arm on the C-terminal facilitating purification. Based on earlier studies, two different carboxylic acid binding sites, labeled A- and B-, were observed in crystal structures of the wild type and inhibited forms of the enzyme. A histidine at each of the sites was mutated to an asparagine. H188N at the A-site resulted in a large decrease in specific activity, while the H129N mutation at the B-site had essentially no effect. From the results, we conclude that the A-site is indeed the active site, and a dual role for H188 as a potential catalytic base is proposed. Crystal structures of the two mutant proteins produced some unexpected results. Both mutations reduced the affinity for the carboxylic acids at their respective sites. The H129N mutant should be particularly useful in future kinetic studies because it sterically blocks the B-site with the carboxyamide of asparagine assuming the position of the ligand's carboxylate. In the H188N mutation at the active site, the new asparagine side chain still interacts with an active site water that appears to have moved slightly as a result of the mutation.  相似文献   

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