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Skeletal muscles of the North American harvestman Leiobunum aldrichi are exhaustively surveyed and compared with other chelicerates to clarify the evolutionary morphology and phylogenetic relationships of arachnids. Representatives of 104 muscle groups are described and illustrated, and their possible functions are proposed. Comparisons of the feeding apparatus of L. aldrichi with that of other opilions, especially Sim (Cyphophthalmi) and Acromares (Laniatores), and two scorpion genera ( Centruroides, Pandinus ) indicate that the pharyngeal apparatus in L. aldrichi is derived and that its ability to accommodate large food particles is a secondary rather than primitive condition. Comparisons reveal several possible synapomorphies between Opiliones and Scorpiones suggesting that these orders may be sister groups. Apparently unique synapomorphies include an extrinsic cheliceral muscle that arises from the carapace and inserts on the second cheliceral article (deutomerite); an epistome divided into distal and proximal parts by a transverse sulcus; pharyngeal dilator muscles supported by a peripharyngeal skeleton formed by one dorsomedial and two ventrolateral epistomal processes, the latter also with muscular attachments to the endosternite; a specialized preoral chamber (stomodieca) derived from extensions (coxapophyses) of the coxae of the pedipalp and first two leg pairs; internal processes associated with the coxapophyses that serve, in part, as an attachment for muscles operating the coxa-trochanter joints, and lateral endosternal suspensor muscles that insert on the arthrodial membrane between the leg coxae. These are the first observations providing explicit support for an Opiliones-Scorpiones clade.  相似文献   

Opiliones are an order of arachnids commonly known as harvestmen. Although they belong to the class of arachnids, harvestmen are not spiders. Harvestmen are well known for their exceptionally long legs compared to body size, and the made up of two main parts, cephalothorax and abdomen. Although over 6,400 species of harvestmen have been discovered worldwide, the research on these arachnids is still an unexplored field comparing to spiders or insects. The Harvestmen is the Arachnids disregarded to Korean researchers. Therefore, in Korea, it doesn't become nearly the investigation of the harvestmen. Histological data about the harvestmen tries to be provided through the research of the internal structure of the harvestmen. The study of structures of the opiliones was made with the histological image and it focused mainly on the eye, leg, and genital organs.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that a newly described bacterial endosymbiont, Cardinium, is widespread in arthropods and induces different reproductive manipulations in hosts. In this study, we used a portion of the 16S rRNA gene of the Cardinium to screen 16 Opilionid species from the suborder Palptores. We found the incidence of Cardinium in these Opiliones was significantly higher than in other pooled arthropods (31.2% versus 7.2%, = 0.007). Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian analysis revealed two distinct clades in Opiliones. One is a divergent monophyletic clade with strong support that has so far not been found in other arthropods, and a second one contains Cardinium both from Opiliones and other arthropods. There is not complete concordance of the Cardinium strains with host phylogeny, suggesting some horizontal movement of the bacteria among Opiliones. Although the divergence in the sequenced 16S rRNA region between the Cardinium infecting Opiliones and Cardinium from other arthropods is greater than among Cardinium found in other arthropods, all are monophyletic with respect to the outgroup bacteria (endosymbionts of Acanthamoeba). Based on high pairwise genetic distances, deep branch, and a distinct phylogenetic grouping, we conclude that some Opiliones harbor a newly discovered Cardinium clade.  相似文献   

Although the order Opiliones constitutes the third‐largest group of arachnids, this creature is still mysterious and has a rich unexplored field compared to what is known about insects and crustaceans. The order Opiliones is traditionally regarded as a close relative of mites, mainly because of morphological similarities in external body structure; however microstructural organization of the ganglionic neurons and nerves in the harvestman Leiobunum japonicum is quite similar to the central nervous system (CNS) in all extant arachnids. The CNS consists of a large neural cluster with paired appendicular nerves. The esophagus passes through the neural cluster and divides it into the upper supraesophageal ganglion (SpG) and the lower subesophageal ganglion (SbG). The dorsal part of the SpG has a quite condensed cell body compared with other parts of the CNS and has two main components, the protocerebrum and the cheliceral ganglion. The protocerebrum receives the optic nerves and has four main groups of neuropiles from the optic lobes, the superior central body, the lateral neuropils (corpora pedunculata) and the inferior neuropil. However, a pair of pedipalpal and four pairs of appendage nerves including several pairs of abdominal nerves arise from the nerve masses of the SbG.  相似文献   

Preliminary observations of the harvestman Leiobunum vittatum found that individuals rub their bodies against the substrate, presenting the possibility of chemical marking. To determine whether or not L. vittatum individuals can detect substrate-borne chemical cues, we compared responses of L. vittatum males and females to substrate-borne male and female cues. We found that individuals of L. vittatum do respond to conspecific cues and that their responses are sex-specific. In response to substrate-borne conspecific cues, male L. vittatum spent more time, engaged in more scraping with their sensory legs I, and engaged in pedipalpal tapping more often in the presence versus absence of conspecific cues (male and female equally). Furthermore, in the presence of conspecific cues, males engaged in two behaviors never observed in females—(a) “fast approach” and (b) “jerking”, the latter of which was never observed in the presence of cricket cues. In contrast to males, females did not spend more time on conspecific cues, but did spend more time tapping their pedipalps in the presence of male vs female cues, suggesting an ability to distinguish between them. A final experiment explored the possibility that females could discriminate among males of varying histories of agonistic interactions based upon their chemical cues. We found no support for this hypothesis. Our results demonstrate that L. vitattum do respond to conspecific cues, and introduce the possibility that intraspecific communication may be mediated in part by chemical cues.  相似文献   

Abstract The discontinuous gas exchange cycle, characterized by stringent spiracular control and periods of near-zero external CO2 emission separated by 'bursts' of CO2 emission, has evolved independently in several taxa of tracheate arthropods. These include the hexapoda, diplopoda, and several arachnid taxa; ticks, pseudoscorpions and solphugids. This paper presents the first data on gas exchange kinetics in a harvestman (Arachnida; Opiliones). The experimental animal, Leiobunum townsendi Weed, from an arid area of the south-western United States, displayed a metabolic rate similar to those of other arthropods at 25 °C (129 ± 22 µW). Their CO2 emission kinetics showed, when the animals were motionless, only minor variations about a mean value of 0.0217 ± 0.0037 mL/h ( n  = 6, mean body mass 86 mg). Expressed on an intra-recording basis, the coefficient of variation of CO2 emission (= SD/MEAN), which is an index of short-term gas emission fluctuations and thus of spiracular control, had a mean value of only 0.082. In contrast, the coefficient of variation of animals employing a discontinuous gas exchange cycle is > 1.5. Gas exchange in opilionids, unlike the case with most other tracheate arthropods, may therefore be dominated by simple diffusion without a prominent role for wide modulations of spiracular conductance. Contributory to this conservative spiracular control strategy may be the weak degree of tracheation in opilionids, combined with circulating haemocyanin, which acts as both a transport medium and a buffering reservoir for respiratory gas exchange.  相似文献   

The hemocytes of Leiobunum limbatum, Mitopus morio, and Opilio ravennae number from about 8,000 (juveniles) to 41,000 (pregnant females) per microliter of hemolymph. Five different types of hemocytes occur in all three species and both sexes. According to their ultrastructural appearance and their similarities to other arthropod hemocytes these five types are designated as prohemocyte, plasmatocyte, granulocyte, coagulocyte, and spherulocyte. From the ultrastructural point of view the prohemocytes are interpreted as stem cells for plasmatocytes which on their part differentiate into granulocytes. Transitional stages which would indicate the origin of coagulocytes and spherulocytes could not be found. Granulocytes and spherulocytes are interpreted as being storage cells; coagulocytes burst when hemolymph is transferred to a microscopic slide. Plasmatocytes are involved in the removal of dead cells or cell fragments. Plasmatocytes are demonstrated as being able to phagocytize and digest bacteria.  相似文献   

The tracheal system of two species of harvestmen with different life styles was investigated: the long-legged, Leiobunum rotundum (Phalangioidea, Phalangiidae) and the short-legged Nemastoma lugubre (Troguloidea, Nemastomatidae). The morphology of the tracheae is very similar in both species: The branching pattern is basically asymmetric and dichotomous, and the tracheae taper between branching points. The tracheal diameters range from 160 to 0.3 mum in L. rotundum (mean body mass 25.3 mg), and from 70 to 0.5 mum in N. lugubre (mean body mass 3.8 mg). Ultrastructurally, the tracheal walls are similar to those of insects, consisting of an outer hypodermal layer and an inner cuticular layer with taenidial structures. Tracheae of all diameters have close contact with organs and muscles, indicating that diffusive gas exchange may take place through the walls of all tracheae. The finest tracheae end freely in the hemolymph or at the surface of organs and muscles. Exceptions are tracheal penetration of the central nerve mass in the prosoma in both species, and of the muscles in L. rotundum. The latter may correlate with the active perambulatory life style of L. rotundum.  相似文献   

Among the least studied harvestmen are the members of the family Caddidae sensu Shear, 1975 , a group of Opiliones with massive eyes and the putative sister group of the remaining Eupnoi. Caddids were originally described as two families, Caddidae and Acropsopilionidae, but these are currently treated as subfamilies of Caddidae. These minute arachnids are rarely collected and present some interesting biogeographical patterns, including a disjunct distribution between East Asia and eastern North America, and some of the few cases of trans‐Pacific genera in southern hemisphere Opiliones. We therefore obtained samples from most of the landmasses inhabited by Caddidae and undertook a phylogenetic study using nuclear and mitochondrial genes for as many samples as possible. Our results, based on a broad taxonomic sampling, surprisingly showed polyphyly of Caddidae, with the genus Caddo forming the sister group of the remaining Eupnoi, whereas the southern hemisphere genera, many of which were originally placed in Acropsopilionidae, within Dyspnoi, formed the sister clade of the remaining Dyspnoi. In addition, the more recently described genus Hesperopilio, from Western Australia and Chile, was unrelated to either Caddidae or Acropsopilionidae, despite having the supposedly diagnostic large ocularium, and instead appeared deeply nested within the Eupnoi superfamily Phalangioidea. Our results are robust to analytical treatment and to homology scheme (dynamic vs. static notions of homology), resulting in a new phylogenetic proposal for Eupnoi and Dyspnoi. Ancestral state reconstruction suggests that the ancestral Palpatores was probably a tiny harvestman with an enlarged ocularium and glandular palpal setae in its enlarged and armed palps. We take the following taxonomic actions: Acropsopilionidae is removed from synonymy under Caddidae and its family status and membership in Dyspnoi are restored. Hesperopilio Shear, 1996 is removed from Caddoidea/Caddidae and transferred to Phalangioidea, but it is not assigned to any family.  相似文献   

Two new harvestmen species of the family Phalangiidae, Rilaena caucasica sp. n. and Rilaena silhavyi sp. n. are diagnosed, illustrated, and described from the Caucasus region. Comparative illustration of the related Rilaena anatolica (Roewer, 1956), R. atrolutea (Roewer, 1915) and R. kelbajarica Snegovaya &; Pkhakadze, 2014 Snegovaya, N. Y., &; Pkhakadze, V. D. (2014): New species of the genus Rilaena (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) from the mount Gyamish, Azerbaijan. Vestnik zoologii, 48, 313318. doi: 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0037[Crossref] [Google Scholar] are given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7B29FD94-45A2-4E32-A41E-3276E016410B  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic glands have convergently appeared in animals and are often responsible for the production of pheromones. In the suborder Laniatores of the order Opiliones (Arachnida), glands of such type are widespread, but there is not a single paper on how they are used. Using Scanning Electron Microscopy and a behavioral approach, we describe glandular openings and how these glands are used, in the harvestmen Gryne perlata and Gryne coccinelloides (Cosmetidae). Males of these two species have glandular openings on the metatarsi of legs I and on the metatarsi IV. Males were shown rubbing the glands of the metatarsi I against their other legs, whereas glands on the metatarsi IV are gently touched on the substrate or rubbed either against other legs, or against the substrate. Not all behaviors were seen in both species.  相似文献   

A unique pathway that utilizes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) networks is proposed for screening pigment granule formation in the retina of adult Eumesosoma roeweri. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) functions to transport pigment particles to the formative site. Each site is composed of concentric, interconnected rings of SER that are filled with dense-cored, spherical pigment particles. Formation of the screening pigment granule begins by the release of particles from the innermost rings of carrier SER. Continued release followed by fusion and condensation of the pigment particles results in the formation of a mature pigment granule.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of three forms of the harvestman Mitopus morio in Britain have been examined. These have been identified by previous workers as a small, upland M, morio cinerascens , a larger, lowland M. morio morio , and a northern M. morio borealis. In this paper, the delimitation of trinomials has been found to be inappropriate for M. morio. since all three forms have been shown to lie at different points on a continuum of phenotypic variation within the species M. morio. It is suggested that this phenotypic variation is mediated by the variation in temperature regimes between different localities.  相似文献   

The appearance of the electroretinogram was established during the development of two species of opilionids, an epigaeic species, Pachylus chilensis, and a cavernicolous one, Ischyropsalis luteipes. In nymphs and adults of the two species, electroretinograms of about the same amplitude can be recorded. During embryonic and larval development they are quite different. In Ischyropsalis luteipes, it is impossible to record an electrical response before hatching. In Pachylus chilensis on the other hand an initial inconstant and very small response occurs from the 50th hour of development of the retina and can always be recorded from the 72nd hour. In older embryos, the response has a progressively greater amplitude, but remains a simple negative wave. On the tenth day, when the first synaptic relays appear, the electroretinogram takes the shape of that of the adult. Given that transmission electronic microscopy cannot detect differences between the microvilli of these two species, it is tempting to compare Ischyropsalis luteipes lack of response with that of the mutant norp A of Drosophila melanogaster in which transmission electron microscopy shows no marked difference, whereas freeze-etching shows a very low number of intramembranous particles.  相似文献   

Four new laniatorean harvestmen specimens (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores) are described from the mid-Cretaceous (upper Albian–lower Cenomanian) Burmese amber of Northern Myanmar. One is placed as Insidiatores indet., but is not formally named as it is probably immature. Burmalomanius circularis n. gen. n. sp. and Petroburma tarsomeria n. gen. n. sp. represent the first fossil records of the extant families Podoctidae and Petrobunidae respectively. Finally, Mesodibunus tourinhoae n. gen. n. sp. belongs to Epedanidae, a family previously recorded from Burmese amber. These new records bring the total number of Burmese amber laniatorean species to ten, and the total number of fossil laniatoreans to fifteen. The new finds offer additional calibration points for the Laniatores tree of life and are consistent with the hypothesis that the modern Laniatores fauna of Southeast Asia may have had Gondwanan, as opposed to a Laurasian, origins.  相似文献   

Juvenile harvestmen Gyas annulatus overwinter in dormancy in hypogean habitats for 4–5 months. The ultrastructure of the autophagic structures in their midgut epithelium cells was studied by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM) during this non-feeding period. Before overwintering (November), autophagic structures were scarce. In the middle (January) and at the end of overwintering (March), phagophores, autophagosomes and autolysosomes were present in the cytoplasm of both the secretory and the digestive midgut epithelium cells, gradually increasing their abundance during overwintering. In addition, vacuolization of the cytoplasm intensified. Both processes are induced by starvation. Autophagic structures and cytoplasm vacuolization enable the reuse of the cell's own components required for the maintenance of vital processes during dormancy. While TEM is a much more convenient method for recognition of the autophagic structure types and their ultrastructure, IFM enables exact counting of these structures.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring population variation in reproductive mode presents an opportunity for researchers to test hypotheses regarding the evolution of sex. Asexual reproduction frequently assumes a geographical pattern, in which parthenogenesis‐dominated populations are more broadly dispersed than their sexual conspecifics. We evaluate the geographical distribution of genomic signatures associated with parthenogenesis using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data from two Japanese harvestman sister taxa, Leiobunum manubriatum and Leiobunum globosum. Asexual reproduction is putatively facultative in these species, and female‐biased localities are common in habitat margins. Past karyotypic and current cytometric work indicates L. globosum is entirely tetraploid, while L. manubriatum may be either diploid or tetraploid. We estimated species phylogeny, genetic differentiation, diversity, and mitonuclear discordance in females collected across the species range in order to identify range expansion toward marginal habitat, potential for hybrid origin, and persistence of asexual lineages. Our results point to northward expansion of a tetraploid ancestor of L. manubriatum and L. globosum, coupled with support for greater male gene flow in southern L. manubriatum localities. Specimens from localities in the Tohoku and Hokkaido regions were indistinct, particularly those of L. globosum, potentially due to little mitochondrial differentiation or haplotypic variation. Although L. manubriatum overlaps with L. globosum across its entire range, L. globosum was reconstructed as monophyletic with strong support using mtDNA, and marginal support with nuclear loci. Ultimately, we find evidence for continued sexual reproduction in both species and describe opportunities to clarify the rate and mechanism of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

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