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When calf rennet containing approximately 15% pepsin was applied to a Cibacron Blue agarose column at pH 5.5 in a low salt medium, pepsin passed through unadsorbed while chymosin was bound to the gel in the column. After washing the column, the bound chymosin was eluted with 1.7 M NaCl or 50% (v/v) aqueous ethylene glycol. The salt eluate was analyzed and found to contain greater than 97% pure chymosin. The fraction that passed through unadsorbed was found to contain greater than 96% pure pepsin. Thus a complete separation of chymosin and pepsin was effected by this technique without having to destroy either enzyme. Both enzymes are highly negatively charged at pH 5.5 but the separation does not arise from anion exchange since the gel functions as a cation exchanger. The separation appears to result from a combination of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions of chymosin with Blue agarose. It is suggested that the enhanced affinity of chymosin to the Blue gel over pepsin may arise from topographically specified interaction between chymosin and the blue chromophore. Differential surface hydrophobicity may also play a key role, since in the presence of 0.7 M Na2SO4 the same behavior as at low ionic strength is observed.  相似文献   

High enzyme activity of mitochondrial creatine kinase (creatine-N-phosphotransferase, mCK, EC was detected in serum from a patient with advanced carcinoma of the rectum and its isoforms were characterized by means of isoelectric focusing (IEF). Three forms of mCK, membrane-bound (pI 6.9–7.0), octameric (pI 7.0–7.9) and dimeric (pI 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 and 7.0), were detected in the fresh serum. These three forms of mCK were converted to five dimeric isoforms, and these were characterized as one reduced form (pI 7.0) and four oxidized (pI 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9) forms upon treatment with urea, hydrogen peroxide or 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME). The C-terminal of the mCKs was concluded to be a lysine residue because the mCKs treated with carboxypeptidase B migrated to positions closer to the anode than did those not treated with carboxypeptidase B. Therefore, four bands were concluded to represent one reduced-delysined isoform (pI 6.4) and three oxidized-delysined isoforms (pI 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3). The broad octameric mCK band disappeared and a narrow band focused at pI 6.8–6.9 appeared upon probable delysination of the mCKs. Thus, the number of lysine residues at the C-terminal of the octamer was concluded to be variable due to variable catalysis by carboxypeptidase N in the plasma. mCKs seemed to be inactivated during conversion from a membrane-bound form to dimeric oxidized-delysined forms via the octameric, dimeric reduced and oxidized forms.  相似文献   

Summary The existence of a microheterogeneity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in human erythrocyte lysates has been previously demonstrated using isoelectric focusing (Der Kaloustian et al., 1974; Turner et al., 1975). The application of this method, modified in some aspects, to the identification of various G6PD variants led to interesting conclusions. The results reported here have been obtained from a study of four distinct molecular types: Gd(-)Mediterranean, Gd(-) Kabyle, the African Gd(+) A, and a new almost undescribed G6PD variant with severe enzyme deficiency named Gd(-) Muret.  相似文献   

The integration of functional proteins in the phospholipid bilayer is one of the most crucial features of biological membrane architecture. Phospholipid-protein interactions play an important role in the functions of bounded proteins in the phospholipid membrane. When the phospholipid-protein interactions occur, the protein structure tends to alter, which can result in a change in the isoelectric points (pI) of protein. Capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) with whole-column imaging detection (WCID) is an attractive technique that has the features of simple operation, high resolution, and fast separation without focused band mobility for detection of amphoteric biomolecules. In this study, a cIEF-WCID method was developed to characterize the phospholipids-protein interactions by monitoring the protein cIEF profiles. Seven proteins with different pI and molecular mass , and a zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) with zwitterionic properties, were used to evaluate the feasibility of the cIEF-WCID approach in the study of phospholipid-protein interactions. The cIEF profiles changed in response to the changes in protein conformation, clearly exhibiting interactions between the PC vesicles and the targeted proteins. The formation of PC-protein complex was observed in the cIEF electropherograms. It was demonstrated that seven proteins displayed distinct interactions with the PC vesicles due to their different chemical and physical properties. The influences of the PC concentration, incubation time, and incubation temperature on the phospholipids-protein interactions were investigated. This study validated a novel analytical approach for the characterization of phospholipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

A persisting complication in the development of well-resolved two-dimensional PAGE maps of halophilic proteins is their natural incompatibility with isoelectric focusing (IEF). The complete desalting of samples, which is necessary for IEF, tends to aggregate halophilic proteins, often requires relatively large amounts of starting material due to significant loss of sample, and is relatively time-consuming. Here, we describe a method of preparing protein samples from the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii that not only desalts the samples thoroughly but also drastically reduces the amount of protein loss associated with previous sample preparation methods and prevents protein aggregation during the removal of salt. This method of sample preparation, which incorporates Trizol (phenol/guanidine isothiocyanate), can easily be extended to analyze halophilic proteins from other organisms.  相似文献   

Glucose spontaneously reacts with hemoglobin amino groups to produce unstable Schiff base complexes that can dissociate or rearrange to form stable Amadori products. We used dynamic capillary isoelectric focusing and boronate affinity chromatography to assess the formation and dissociation of unstable hemoglobin complexes in vitro. Formation was studied by incubating erythrocytes at 37°C for up to 24h in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) supplemented with 0 to 55.6 mmol/L glucose. Dissociation was studied by incubating glucose-loaded erythrocytes in PBS without glucose. Dynamic capillary isoelectric focusing separated hemoglobin A1c into two subfractions identified as A1c1 and A1c2. The A1c1 subfraction contained both stable and unstable hemoglobin complexes. The A1c2 subfraction contained only unstable hemoglobin complexes. Both subfractions quantitatively increased in the presence of glucose and decreased in its absence. Rates of increase and decrease were faster and time to equilibrium was shorter for A1c2 (~4 h) compared with A1c1 (~20 h). Unstable hemoglobin complexes did not bind to boronate affinity columns but instead eluted intact in A1c1 and A1c2 subfractions from nonglycated affinity fractions. Cyanoborohydride reduction confirmed the presence of Schiff base complexes. Evidence of multiple unstable hemoglobin complexes with different rates of glycation suggests that new models are needed to describe nonenzymatic hemoglobin glycation.  相似文献   

Metalloprotein analysis by capillary isoelectric focusing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) was used to analyze three metalloproteins: conalbumin, transferrin and metallothionein (MT). Two different ampholyte mixtures were employed that generated linear pH gradients of 3–10 and 5–8. Several different proteins and one peptide known isoelectric points (pIs) were used to establish linear relationships between peak migration time and pI. These standards were also used as internal markers to estimate peak pI values of the metalloproteins subjected to cIEF. Conalbumin (iron-free) subjected to cIEF with a pH gradient of 3–10 yielded a single major component (pI 7.17). When the protein was saturated with iron (2 Fe3+/mol protein), a shift to lower pI was observed with a major peak (pI 6.24) and a lesser peak (pI 6.09). Mixing iron-free with iron-saturated conalbumin or adding iron to iron-free conalbumin prior to cIEF produced an additional peak (pI 6.68) that was presumed to be conalbumin containing a single iron atom (monoferric form). Human transferrin subjected to cIEF with a pH range of 3–10 gave a similar separation pattern to conalbumin with four major peaks at pI values of 6.25 (apotransferrin), 5.96 (monoferric form), 5.48 and 5.34 (differic forms). Additional resolution of the molecular forms of both conalbumin and transferrin was achieved using a narrower pH gradient (5–8). Rabbit liver MT subjected to cIEF with a pH gradient of 3–10 gave a complex separation pattern with two prominent peaks (pI values of 3.73 and 3.56) that were presumed to be the fully metal-saturated MT-1 and MT-2 isoforms. When individual MT isoforms (MT-1 and MT-2) were separately subjected to cIEF with a pH gradient of 3–10, heterogeneous peaks with higher pI values (4.12–4.74) were observed. In contrast, horse kidney MT gave a single predominant peak with a pI of 4.09. MT samples could be separated using pH gradient of 5–8 despite the fact that their apparent pI values were below the limits of the pH gradient established. In general, the heterogeneity observed for conalbumin, transferrin and MT proteins subjected to cIEF reflects the presence or absence of bound metal. Thus, cIEF represents a potentially useful analytical method which can provide information concerning the metal-binding characteristics of these and perhaps other metalloproteins.  相似文献   

Distributions of the isozymes of ß-amylase [EC [EC] ]in seeds of the cultivated soybean, Glycine max, the semicultivatedtype, Glycine gradlis, and the wild type, Glycine ussuriensis,were studied by the isoelectric focusing method. Four isozymes(1 to 4) were found in seeds of the soybean and related species;their respective isoelectric points were 5.12, 5.25, 5.38 and5.52?0.02. Crystalline components I and II described in a previouspaper corresponded to isozymes 2 and 4, respectively. Each varietyor species of soybean contained one or two isozymes, the typeof isozyme pattern being characteristic of the variety of soybeanand the related species. Taxonomically, the isozyme patternsseem to correlate pardy with some morphological features, e.g.the determinate growth habit, the semitwinning property of thestem and the color of the seed episperm. (Received January 9, 1979; )  相似文献   

The method of isoelectric focusing has been avoided by many workers because of expense, technical difficulty, and problems of interpretation. Inexpensive, easy, and interpretable results are possible using equipment and reagents commonly available. Methods which allow these results are presented and explained.  相似文献   

Using IEF on slabs of acrylamide gel was adapted for screening of abnormal Hemoglobins which are at the same level by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate strips. This method is fast, inexpensive and allowed the simultaneous analysis of 70 samples of whole blood. The characterization technique of IEF allowed us to distinguish some rare variants like Hb O Arab, HbD and T gamma in B 0-thalassemia.  相似文献   

The primary structure of calf chymosin.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The complete amino acid sequence of calf chymosin (rennin) (EC has been determined. The sequence consists of a single peptide chain of 323 amino acid residues. The primary structure of the precursor part of calf prochymosin was published previously (Pedersen, V.B., and Foltmann, B. (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 55, 95-103), thus we are now able to account for the total 365 amino acid residues of calf prochymosin. Comparison of the sequence of calf prochymosin with that of pig pepsinogen A (EC shows extensive homology. In the precursor part of the sequence, 15 residues are located at identical positions, as compared to 189 identical residues in the respective enzymes. Furthermore comparison to Penicillium janthinellum acid proteinase (penicillopepsin) (EC shows that 76 residues are common to this enzyme and to the two gastric proteinases. These homologies in sequence further suggest that the folding of the peptide chain in chymosin is very similar to that of other acid proteinases.  相似文献   

Chicken liver dihydrofolate reductase purified to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography contains tightly bound dihydrofolate. The most effective method for removal of the bound substrate is by electrofocusing. This procedure also removes previously unsuspected contaminants. In addition, the isoelectric profile revealed as many as four distinct peaks of enzyme activity. The major peak (pI = 8.4) represents 60–75% of the total activity, is devoid of bound substrate, and exhibits an A280A260 ratio approaching 1.9 and a specific activity of 14 units/mg. The peak of activity at the isoelectric point of 7.4 contains bound dihydrofolate. The major isoelectric band is shown to be homogeneous by the usual criteria. Notable features of the amino acid composition include a single cysteine, three tryptophans, and an excess of acidic residues. The N-terminal residue is valine. The molecular weight as determined by sedimentation equilibrium is 22,474. The s20,w0 is 2.07. A frictional coefficient of 1.2 indicates that the enzyme approximates a sphere. Circular dichroism measurements suggest a low α-helical content and a high degree of β-structure. The molar extinction coefficient was determined to be 28,970.  相似文献   

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