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In the polytene chromosomes of Sciara coprophila, in addition to a nucleolus, large numbers of nucleolarlike structures or micronucleoli are formed. A detailed mapping localized the nucleolar organizer at one end of the X chromosome and revealed that approximately 18% of the bands of each chromosome are potentially capable of producing micronucleoli. Most of these sites are in regions known from a previous study to show asynchronous DNA replication: DNA puffs and certain heterochromatic regions. Micronucleoli are rarely found in association with bulbs. The RNA metabolism of the polytene chromosomes during late fourth instar was studied using radioautographic techniques. Isolated glands were incubated in tritiated uridine for 10 to 30 min, and radioautographs were made of squash preparations. Despite the wide range of variation found among different larval cultures, the following pattern was observed. Just prior to and at the beginning of DNA puff formation, a period of intense extrachromosomal nucleolar and micronucleolar RNA synthesis occurs. After maximal development of the DNA puffs, the synthesis of extrachromosomal RNA is at a low point, while incorporation into bulbs and DNA puffs remains high. With the onset of the prepupal stage, all nuclear RNA synthesis ceases.  相似文献   

Though the fagellum of Sciara sperm arises from a blepharoplast and is characterized by doublet tubules with arms, it differs markedly from the familiar type of flagella in the number and arrangement of its tubules. The axial filament complex in sperm from the testis of Sciara consists of approximately 70 doublet tubules, each with an associated singlet tubule. Near the nucleus these tubules are displaced in an oval array. Posteriorly the oval breaks and coils from one free end so that the axial filament complex at posterior levels has the form of a spiral. The singlet tubules do not extend the full length of the sperm but terminate in order from inside the spiral. Farther posteriorly the axial filament complex reverses the direction of coiling, and the doublets terminate from outside the spiral. Four arms are specifically positioned on the singlet and doublet tubules. A single mitochondrial derivative extends most of the length of the sperm; it consists of a large mass of proteinacious material, a crystalloid located adjacent to the axial filament complex, and peripheral cristae. In the female genital tract, sperm undergo gross morphological changes which include sloughing of practically all the mitochondrial material except the crystalloid, repositioning of the crystalloid, and uncoiling and subsequent recoiling of the axial filament complex into a different configuration. From analysis of serial sections it was determined that the orientation of arms, when the axial filament is viewed from base to tip, is the same as in conventional flagella.  相似文献   

The cellular and secretory proteins of the salivary gland of Sciara coprophila during the stages of the larval-pupal transformation were examined by electrophoresis in 0.6 mm sheets of polyacrylamide gel with both SDS-continuous and discontinuous buffer systems. After SDS-electrophoresis, all electrophoretograms of both reduced and nonreduced proteins from single glands stained with Coomassie brilliant blue revealed a pattern containing the same 25 bands during the stages of the larval-pupal transformation. With the staining procedures used in this study, qualitative increases and decreases were detected in existing proteins and enzymes. There was no evidence, however, for the appearance of new protein species that could be correlated with the onset of either pupation or gland histolysis. Electrophoretograms of reduced samples of anterior versus posterior gland parts indicated that no protein in the basic pattern of 25 bands was unique to either the anterior or posterior gland part. Electrophoretograms of reduced samples of secretion collected from either actively feeding or "cocoon"-building animals showed an electrophoretic pattern containing up to six of the 25 protein fractions detected in salivary gland samples, with varied amounts of these same six proteins in electrophoretograms of secretion samples from a given stage. Zymograms of non-specific esterases in salivary gland samples revealed a progressive increase in the amount of esterase reaction produce in one major band and some decrease in the second major band during later stages of the larval-pupal transformation.  相似文献   

The paper describes the forward streaming, growth, and division of the vegetative cell of Basidiobolus ranarum. The cell is several hundred microns long and has a single large nucleus. Mitosis is invariably followed by cell division. Both processes have been studied in the living cell by ordinary and phase contrast microscopy. Mitosis is accompanied by a temporary coarsening of the organisation of the cytoplasm and a considerable slowing down of the rate of growth of the cell wall tube. Fixed and stained preparations have shown that there is a large number of small chromosomes and that the mitotic spindle is formed from the nucleolus. Basidiobolus appears suitable for observations on the cell duplication cycle and the physiology of mitosis.  相似文献   

When animals were irradiated early in spermiogenesis, i. e. , at the spherical nucleus stage (7), two or more flagella were observed to be formed in many cells at the subsequent stages. Other irradiation effects included the absence of cytoplasmic microtubules at an early stage followed by their excessive production later during formation of the flagellum, the abnormalities in structure of the mitochondrial sheath around the axoneme, and the extremely disordered arrangement of flagellar components. However, the basal body and axoneme showed a normal structure at all stages, and acrosome development appeared to be unaffected by the irradiation.  相似文献   

Additional experiments with homologous as well as heterologous hybridization confirmed our previous finding in Sciara coprophila that XX females have nearly twice the number of ribosomal RNA cistrons as XO males. A comparison between two different X' chromosomes revealed that only the one carrying the irradiation-induced Wavy mutation has a deletion of 70% of its ribosomal RNA cistrons as compared to the standard X. The deletion is relatively stable, and the remaining ribosomal RNA cistrons donot appear to undergo disproportionate replication or magnification as in Drosophila. Homologous hybridization experiments revealed an unusually low reiteration of ribosomal RNA cistrons in this fly, 45 gene copies per X chromosome. The question is raised as to whether such a low number of cistrons may be related to the unusual nucleolar condition encountered in the Sciaridae.  相似文献   

A 16-month study was made of sitatunga in a swamp in western Kenya, with particular reference to distribution within the habitat, daily activity, and food preferences. Absolute figures for density could not be obtained because of observational difficulties, but there was a minimum of 7.3 animals/linear km of swamp, or c. 55/km2. The sitatunga preferred areas of swamp adjacent to patches of gallery forest, and areas where there was deep water and a dense growth of tall reeds. They were most active during the first five and last two hours of daylight, and at night. Much of this time was spent feeding. Feeding behaviour and food preferences were studied. The sitatunga usually moved along well-marked tracks through the swamp vegetation; some of these led to beds of flattened plants, raised above water level, which were probably used for resting and for breeding. The latter took place in most months of the year, with a possible peak in November. Calves remained hidden for some weeks after birth. Group size and structure were examined; most sightings were of single animals or groups of two. A majority of these two groupings were composed of adult females. The proportion of immature animals seen indicated a healthy population. Courtship behaviour was observed 18 times and mating once.  相似文献   

The structural aspects of sperm penetration in the rat egg were investigated by electron microscopy. Eggs were recovered at intervals between 8 and 10:30 A.M. from females which had mated during the previous night. The oviducts were flushed with hyaluronidase and the eggs transferred into a 2 per cent osmium tetroxide solution, buffered at pH 7.8. After fixation, the eggs were mounted individually in agar, dehydrated in ethyl alcohol, and embedded in butyl-methyl methacrylate (3:1). The sperm penetrating the egg is covered by a plasma membrane which is present only on the side facing toward the zona pellucida; no membrane is visible on the side facing toward the vitellus. The sperm plasma membrane becomes continuous with the egg plasma membrane and forms a deep fold around the entering sperm. Cross-sections through the sperm midpiece in the perivitelline space show an intact plasma membrane. At the place of entrance, the plasma membrane of the sperm appears to fuse with the egg plasma membrane. After the sperm has penetrated the vitellus, it has no plasma membrane at all. The nuclear membrane is also absent. These observations suggest a new hypothesis for sperm penetration. After the sperm has come to lie on the plasma membrane of the egg, the egg and sperm plasma membranes rupture and then fuse with one another to form a continuous cell membrane over the egg and the outer surface of the sperm. As a result the sperm comes to lie inside the vitellus, leaving its own plasma membrane incorporated into the egg membrane at the surface of the egg.  相似文献   


在豢养条件下,白鱀豚的游泳除背向上正常姿态外,尚有侧游、仰游、滚游、跳跃、直立、浮卧和滑行多种型式。呼吸间隔时间不均匀,最短5秒,最长243秒,呼吸率为109—143次/小时。它的昼夜活动表现出明显的“激烈活动”和“平缓活动”两种状态,后者可能是一种休息方式。  相似文献   

玉米双受精过程的细胞学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1.玉米双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合的类型。2.授粉后21至24小时,大部分雌、雄性核发生融合。雌、雄性核融合时,雄性核仁的出现存在两种情况,其一是精核染色质逐渐分散的同时出现雄性核仁,其二是精核染色质逐渐分散后,约经2至4小时才出现雄性核仁。3.合子内的雌、雄性核仁若发生融合,一般在合子分裂前进行。合子以一个大核仁的形式进入分裂期;雌、雄性核仁不融合的合子同样可以进入分裂期。授粉后30至33小时,合子进行第一次分裂。合子静止期大约为9小时左右。4.初生胚乳核内的雌、雄性核仁不发生融合。授粉后24至26小时,初生胚乳核进行第一次分裂。初生胚乳核的静止期为2—4小时。5.人工授粉条件下,玉米果穗受精过程的进行有一定的顺序;即自果穗上部逐渐向下部完成受精作用。  相似文献   

Basement membranes in the kidney are made up of a homogeneous matrix. In argyria, silver passes from the blood in the ionic form and diffuses into the kidney basement membranes in which it is precipitated. X-ray diffraction studies of "silver-stained" rat kidneys show that most of the silver in the kidneys is combined with some form of sulfur. Histochemical staining for sulfhydryls and disulfides demonstrates the presence of these groups in basement membranes. It appears that silver ions combine with either or both the sulfhydryl or disulfide groups in the basement membranes and also in mitochondria (when the silver diffuses into a cell).  相似文献   

本文对2只羚牛的雌性生殖器官及肝、肾、脾等脏器进行了形态描述,并与黄牛及羊的相应器官进行了比较,为探讨羚牛的分类地位提供了解剖学资料。  相似文献   

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