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van Dam PS 《Hormone research》2005,64(Z3):109-114
The clinical condition of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) as a consequence of pituitary or hypothalamic disease has been associated with reduced cognitive performance. In several studies, neuropsychological assessment has been performed in adults with GHD both before and after growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy. Interpretation of the available data is complicated by the variation in patient selection as well as the neuropsychological tests used in such studies. Most of the available studies indicate that GHD can lead to small, but clinically relevant changes in memory, processing speed and attention. Some of these changes may be reversed by GH replacement, although the number of reliable intervention studies is limited. In addition to the possible clinical relevance of neuropsychological improvement following GH replacement in patients with GHD, the observed findings may be of interest for studies in neurocognitive performance in other conditions associated with changes in the activity of the somatotrophic axis, and in the understanding of underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adult growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a multifactorial disorder in which pituitary dysfunction associated with pituitary adenomas or their treatment plays a major role. The introduction of recombinant growth hormone (GH) for the treatment of GHD has opened up new treatment avenues but has also raised concerns about possible untoward long-term metabolic effects of GH, such as the potential effect of GH on insulin sensitivity and a deterioration in glucose tolerance. Research has shown that GH induces insulin resistance by the stimulation of lipolysis and a concomitant switch from oxidation of glucose to oxidation of lipids, during both acute and chronic treatment. However, although this is a consistent effect of GH therapy, it does not mean per se that it leads to abnormal glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus. This article discusses this and other potential long-term metabolic effects of GH, and raises a number of questions to be addressed by future research.  相似文献   

The concept of partial growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) is well established within the paediatric setting having been validated against height velocity. In hypopituitary adults, GHD is defined by a peak GH response <3 microg/l to stimulation. This cut-off is arbitrary due to the lack of a biological marker equivalent of height velocity. The majority of normal adults achieve peak GH levels several fold higher than this cut off during stimulation. It can be argued, therefore, that there is a cohort of hypopituitary adults with intermediate peak GH values (3-7 microg/l), who have relatively impaired GH secretion, and for whom the impact of this partial GHD (GH insufficiency, GHI) on biological endpoints is not known. Studies of GHI adults have demonstrated an abnormal body composition, adverse lipid profile, impaired cardiac performance, reduced exercise tolerance and insulin resistance. The severity of these abnormalities lies between GHD adults and normal subjects. Whether these anomalies translate into increased mortality, as observed in GHD hypopituitary adults, is not yet known. Given the presence of similar sequelae in GHI and GHD adults, and the improvements during GH replacement in GHD adults, a randomized placebo-controlled study of GH replacement in GHI patients is warranted.  相似文献   

J C Job 《Hormone research》1989,31(4):149-152
In the past, growth hormone (GH) deficiency has usually been diagnosed too late in dwarfed children, so that substitution therapy was not able to obtain a final height in the normal range for most of them. Complete catch-up of growth in hypopituitary patients needs early diagnosis and early treatment. This requires: (1) that full attention be paid to any insufficiency of length or height increment in infants and young children; (2) that evaluation of GH secretion be performed in spite of the practical difficulties encountered in small patients, and (3) that the interpretation of hormonal measurements be carefully discussed. Though the overall results obtained to date in treating very young GH-deficient children have not been completely satisfactory, it is certain that those whose height was within or near the limits of -2 SD at the onset of treatment maintained a normal height. The relationship of end results with the doses of GH used remains to be investigated. Future results will probably be improved more by earlier diagnosis and by using daily injections than by an increase in the annual dose of GH.  相似文献   

In the present report, we have compared 12 months of rhGH therapy given daily (D) at the beginning and then on alternate days (A) to 20 subjects with severe adult-onset GH deficiency (GHD). Aim of the study was to establish whether the lower frequency injection regimen is as effective as the daily dose. Measurements included: IGF-I levels, body composition (BF%), lipid profile, insulin sensitivity by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-IR) and quantitative insulin check index (QUICKI), as well as thyroid function. Evaluation on A therapy was performed both 12 and 36 hours after the last rhGH injection. The final rhGH dose was 0.3 +/- 0.1mg/day. During A, the dose used in D was doubled and given on alternate days. Recombinant hGH given during the A period induced changes in IGF-I levels, BF% and lipid profile comparable to daily treatment. HOMA-IR increased similarly after both regimens, though QUICKI did not significantly change. A significant reduction in serum FT4 levels occurred after both D and A therapy, so that an adjustment of L-T4 replacement dose in 5 of 20 patients was necessary. No differences were found in the various parameters after 12 and 36 hours post rhGH injection. In conclusion, rhGH therapy given on alternate days is clinically effective and may result in improved patient compliance. Monitoring glucose tolerance and thyroid function while on rhGH is essential.  相似文献   

Serum somatomedin-C (SM-C) and somatomedin (SM) concentrations were measured by, respectively, radioimmuno (SM-C RIA) and radioreceptor assays (SM RRA) in 3 groups of children with short stature. The patient population was different from previously reported series in that it was urban Brazilian, low income, and significantly older. Group A consisted of 6 male and 3 female children, aged 7.7-16.0 years, whose average peak plasma immunoreactive growth hormone (GH) was above 10 ng/ml. Group B contained 8 male and 5 female untreated GH-deficient patients, ranging in age from 9.5 to 21.0 years. In Group C there were 4 male and 1 female GH-deficient subjects treated with I.M. injections of GH (0.1 U/kg) from 1 month to 7 years. The mean +/- SE basal RIA SM-C (ng/ml) concentrations were significantly lower in groups B (34.2 +/- 8.8) and C (43.8 +/- 13.7) than A (214.3 +/- 42.7): A X B, P less than 0.001 and A X C, P less than 0.02. Likewise the mean +/- SE basal RRA SM (ng/ml) concentrations were significantly lower in groups B (78.9 +/- 17.6) and C (90.8 +/- 19.3) than group A (316.3 +/- 43.0): A X B, P less than 0.001 and A X C, P less than 0.002. A significant linear correlation was observed between RIA and RRA in group B (r = 0.84; P less than 0.001) and C (r = 0.96; P less than 0.01), but not for A (r = 0.61; P greater than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We previously reported that in young adult males growth hormone (GH) release is related to exercise intensity in a linear dose-response manner (Pritzlaff et al. J Appl Physiol 87: 498-504, 1999). To investigate the effects of gender and exercise intensity on GH release, eight women (24.3 +/- 1.3 yr, 171 +/- 3.2 cm height, 63.6 +/- 8.7 kg weight) were each tested on six randomly ordered occasions [1 control condition (C), 5 exercise conditions (Ex)]. Serum GH concentrations were measured in samples obtained at 10-min intervals between 0700 and 0900 (baseline) and 0900 and 1300 (Ex + recovery or C). Integrated GH concentrations (IGHC) were calculated by trapezoidal reconstruction. During Ex, subjects exercised for 30 min (0900-0930) at one of the following intensities [normalized to the lactate threshold (LT)]: 25 and 75% of the difference between LT and rest, at LT, and at 25 and 75% of the difference between LT and peak O2 uptake. No differences were observed among conditions for baseline IGHC. To determine whether total (Ex + recovery) IGHC changed with increasing exercise intensity, slopes associated with individual linear regression models were subjected to a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. To test for gender differences, data in women were compared with the previously published data in men. A Wilcoxon ranked-sums two-tailed test was used to analyze the slopes and intercepts from the regression models. Total IGHC increased linearly with increasing exercise intensity. The slope and intercept values for the relationship between total IGHC and exercise intensity were greater in women than in men. Deconvolution analysis (0700-1300 h) revealed that, regardless of gender, increasing exercise intensity resulted in a linear increase in the mass of GH secreted per pulse and summed GH production rate, with no changes in GH secretory pulse frequency or apparent half-life of elimination. Exercise reduced the half-duration of GH secretory burst in men but not in women. Gender comparisons revealed that women had greater basal (nonpulsatile) GH secretion across all conditions, more frequent GH secretory pulses, a greater GH secretory pulse amplitude, a greater production rate, and a trend for a greater mass of GH secreted per pulse than men. We conclude that, in young adults, the GH secretory response to exercise is related to exercise intensity in a linear dose-response pattern. For each incremental increase in exercise intensity, the fractional stimulation of GH secretion is greater in women than in men.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present survey among members of the ESPE on current practice in diagnosis and treatment of growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) is of great clinical relevance and importance in the light of the recently published guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of GHD by the Growth Hormone Research Society. We have found much conformity but also numerous discrepancies between the recommendations of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the current practice in Europe. RESULTS: We found that 80% of the pediatric endocrinologists included insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in their initial evaluation of a short child suspected of having GHD, whereas only 22% used GH provocative testing alone in the initial evaluation of a short child. Sixty-eight percent confirmed the diagnosis of GHD using two separate provocative tests. In the present survey cutoff values for GH provocative testing clustered around two values; 10 ng/ml and 20 mU/l. Interestingly, these two values, differing by a factor of 2, were also the most prevalent cutoff values among those who reported their assay to be calibrated against the WHO International Reference Preparation 80/505 where the conversion factor between milligrams and milliunits is 2.6. This suggests that the selection of cutoff values is based on tradition rather than on specific GH assay characteristics. In addition, only 63% of the respondents actually knew what GH assay they were using, and only 57% knew how their GH assay was calibrated. Dosing of GH at the start of treatment was reported according to body surface by 39%, whereas 59% were dosing according to body weight. GH dose adjustment was primarily based on growth response and height during auxological assessment every 3-4 months (height velocity, change in height velocity or change in height standard deviation scores) as indicated by almost 70% of the respondents. However, dose adjustment according to body surface (38%) and body weight (44%) was also quite common. Sixty-five percent measures IGF-I regularly (at least once a year) during GH therapy in children, and to our surprise 17% reported that they adjust the GH dose according to the IGF-I levels. SUMMARY: In summary, we have found large heterogeneity in the current practice of diagnosis and treatment of childhood GHD among European pediatric endocrinologists. Especially standardizations of GH assays and cutoff values are urgently required to ensure a uniform and correct diagnosis and therapy of GHD in the future.  相似文献   

Decreases in plasma IGF-I levels that occur with age have been hypothesized to contribute to the genesis of brain aging. However, support for this hypothesis would be strengthened by evidence that growth hormone (GH)/IGF-I deficiency in young animals produces a phenotype similar to that found in aged animals. As a result, we developed a unique model of adult-onset GH/IGF-I deficiency by using dwarf rats specifically deficient in GH and IGF-I. The deficiency in plasma IGF-I is similar to that observed with age (e.g., 50% decrease), and replacement of GH restores levels of IGF-I to that found in young animals with normal GH levels. The present study employs this model to investigate the effects of circulating GH and IGF-I on local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU). Analysis of LCGU indicated that GH/IGF-I-deficient animals exhibit a 29% decrease in glucose metabolism in many brain regions, especially those involved in hippocampally dependent processes of learning and memory. Similarly, a high correlation between plasma IGF-I levels and glucose metabolism was found in these areas. The deficiency in LCGU was not associated with alterations in GLUT1, GLUT3, or hexokinase activity. A 15% decrease in ATP levels was also found in hippocampus of GH-deficient animals, providing compelling data that circulating GH and IGF-I have significant effects on the regulation of glucose utilization and energy metabolism in the brain. Furthermore, our results provide important data to support the conclusion that deficiencies in circulating GH/IGF-I contribute to the genesis of brain aging.  相似文献   

The current guidelines state that, within the appropriate clinical context, the diagnosis of adult growth hormone (GH) deficiency must be made biochemically using provocative tests. Measurement of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) levels cannot always distinguish between healthy and GH-deficient individuals. In particular, IGFBP-3 as a marker of GH status is clearly less sensitive than IGF-I and there is general agreement that its measurement does not provide useful diagnostic information. However, the diagnostic value of measuring IGF-I levels has been revisited recently. It has been confirmed that normal IGF-I levels do not rule out severe GH deficiency (GHD) in adults, in whom the diagnosis has therefore to be based on the demonstration of severe impairment of the peak GH response to provocative tests. It has also been emphasized that very low IGF-I levels in patients with high suspicion of GHD could be considered to be definite evidence for severe GHD. This assumption particularly applies to patients with childhood-onset, severe GHD or with multiple hypopituitary deficiencies acquired in adulthood. In addition, the use of IGF-I levels to monitor the efficacy and adequacy of recombinant human GH replacement remains widely accepted.  相似文献   

L. Hechtman  G. Weiss  T. Perlman 《CMAJ》1978,118(10):1247-1250
Height, weight, pulse rate and blood pressure were measured in 65 hyperactive individuals 17 to 24 years of age who had not taken stimulant medication during childhood and in 39 control subjects matched for age, sex, intelligence quotient and socioeconomic class. There were no significant differences in the physiologic measures between the two groups. Both the hyperactive and the control subjects seemed to have reached their growth plateau by the age of 17 to 24 years, though the exact time the plateau was reached was not determined. Hyperactive individuals who had taken phenothiazines during childhood were significantly taller (P less than 0.046) than those who had never taken medication. This finding may reflect stimulation of growth by phenothiazines at a critical period of growth, but more detailed reserach on this finding is necessary. The physiologic measures obtained in the hyperactive individuals who had never taken stimulant medication provide an important baseline against which to assess values in hyperactive individuals who have taken such medication.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) treatment of GH-deficient (GHD) children is to a certain extent standardized worldwide. Recombinant 22 kDa GH is injected once daily by the subcutaneous route, mostly in the evening. The amount of GH injected (calculated per kg body weight or body surface area, expressed in terms of IU or mg) in prepubertal children mimics the known production rate (approximately 0.02 mg [0. 06 IU]/kg body weight per day). However, there is a wide variation in dosage, the reasons for which are partly unknown and partly due to national traditions and regimes imposed by authorities regulating reimbursement. The situation during puberty is less standardized, with most clinicians still not increasing the dosage according to known production rates. The results of these approaches in terms of adult height outcome are not always satisfactory. In order to achieve optimal height development during childhood, puberty and adulthood, strategies must be developed to individualize GH dosing according to set therapeutical goals taking into account efficacy, safety and cost. The implementation of prediction algorithms will help us to reach these goals. In addition, other response variables will have to be monitored during treatment in order to correct for deficits resulting from GHD.  相似文献   

Maruff P  Falleti M 《Hormone research》2005,64(Z3):100-108
There is converging evidence from neuropsychological studies that growth hormone (GH) is associated with cognitive function. The aim of the current study was to review the existing neuropsychological literature for studies in which cognitive assessment had been conducted in patients with GH deficiency (GHD), and where change in cognitive function had been assessed following treatment with GH. Studies that have investigated relationships between GH and cognitive function and those that have developed methodological and statistical approaches that could be useful in future GH studies were identified. In this review, GH levels were found to be associated with cognitive function. Untreated individuals with GHD showed reliable impairment in memory and attentional functions when compared with matched controls. Appropriately designed prospective studies also indicated that cognitive function improved with GH treatment. It was concluded that individuals with GHD do show cognitive impairment and that this is ameliorated to some extent by GH treatment. It is now important to establish the clinical importance of these findings, and further work is required to understand better the nature, magnitude and meaning of GH-related cognitive impairments and improvements.  相似文献   

52 patients (42 children and 10 adults) with growth hormone deficiency (GHD), grouped into four diagnostic categories, and 6 children with constitutional short stature who served as controls were tested for plasma GH response to synthetic GH-RH1-44 given in an intravenous bolus. The response was classified into three degrees according to the magnitude of the maximal rise: Good, greater than 9 ng/ml; Partial, 3.1-9.0 ng/ml; None, less than or equal to 3 ng/ml. Among the GHD patients the highest response was observed in patients with partial growth hormone deficiency (PGHD), and 60% of the children with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) showed an increase in plasma GH levels. Nevertheless, the response of the GHD patients was lower than that in the control group. In the children and adolescents with PGHD and IGHD the response was not age related. Among those with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies-idiopathic (MPHD-ID) there was no response in the adolescents although a hypothalamic disorder had been documented by other tests. Among those with MPHD-organic (MPHD-ORG) the GH-RH stimulated GH secretion in the patients with glioma, who had received only irradiation treatment, and in the youngest of the patients with craniopharyngioma. Of the 10 young adults tested none showed a good response. It is concluded that GH-RH is useful in differentiating between GH deficiency of hypothalamic origin and that of pituitary origin, and in selecting those patients who might benefit from long-term treatment with GH-RH in the future.  相似文献   

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