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In vitro incubation of Santa Barbara Basin sediments indicated that methane production occurs at all depths sampled, including those in which sulfate reduction occurs. Methane production in the sulfate zone decreases with depth. U‐14C‐lactate is readily metabolized in the sulfate‐reducing zone, with 14CO2 production being greater than 14CH4 production. However, if sulfate is added to incubated sediments that have become depleted in sulfate, the 14CH4 production increases dramatically at the expense of 14CO2 production. Contrary to what has been observed in other ecosystems, sulfate stimulated methane production, especially from lactate. Experiments using 2‐14C‐acetate or H14CO3 have indicated that bicarbonate is the principal source of methane and acetate is oxidized to CO2 in sediments from the methane‐producing zone.  相似文献   

Dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) was evaluated as a means of freeze-marketing ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), brown lemurs (L. fulvus), and Parma wallabys (Wallabia parma). Application times of 3–6 sec on unshaven lemurs resulted in successful markings, but the wallabys failed to respond with growth of white hair to application times of 3–10 sec. The freeze-marking process caused little physical discomfort when applied to fleshy regions, and the marks appear to be permanent.  相似文献   

The pore-water geochemistry and benthic foraminiferal assemblages of sediments from two slope sites and within the central portion of the Santa Barbara Basin were characterized between February 1988 and July 1989. The highest foraminiferal numerical densities (1197 cm–3 as determined by an ATP assay) occurred at a slope site in June 1988 (550 m) in partially laminated sediments. In continuously laminated sediments from the central basin, foraminifera were found living (as determined by ATP assay) in October 1988 to depths of 4 cm, and specimens prepared for transmission electron microscopy were found with intact organelles to 3 cm, indicating their inhabitation of anoxic pore waters. Ultrastructural data from Nonionella stella is consistent with the hypothesis that this species can survive by anaerobic respiration. However, the benthic foraminifera appear unable to survive prolonged anoxia. The benthic foraminiferal population was completely dead in July 1989 when bottom water O2 was undetectable.  相似文献   

The dentitions of individuals from archaeological sites located along the Santa Barbara Channel were analysed using quantitative methods which allow the accurate assessment of attrition rates. Comparisons of molar wear gradients indicate that attrition rates have decreased significantly through time in the Santa Barbara Channel area.  相似文献   

Newly described phylogenetic lineages within the domain Archaea have recently been found to be significant components of marine picoplankton assemblages. To better understand the ecology of these microorganisms, we investigated the relative abundance, distribution, and phylogenetic composition of Archaea in the Santa Barbara Channel. Significant amounts of archaeal rRNA and rDNA (genes coding for rRNA) were detected in all samples analyzed. The relative abundance of archaeal rRNA as measured by quantitative oligonucleotide hybridization experiments was low in surface waters but reached higher values (20 to 30% of prokaryotic rRNA) at depths below 100 m. Probes were developed for the two major groups of marine Archaea detected. rRNA originating from the euryarchaeal group (group II) was most abundant in surface waters, whereas rRNA from the crenarchaeal group (group I) dominated at depth. Clone libraries of PCR-amplified archaeal rRNA genes were constructed with samples from 0 and 200 m deep. Screening of libraries by hybridization with specific oligonucleotide probes, as well as subsequent sequencing of the cloned genes, indicated that virtually all archaeal rDNA clones recovered belonged to one of the two groups. The recovery of cloned rDNA sequence types in depth profiles exhibited the same trends as were observed in quantitative rRNA hybridization experiments. One representative of each of 18 distinct restriction fragment length polymorphism types was partially sequenced. Recovered sequences spanned most of the previously reported phylogenetic diversity detected in planktonic crenarchaeal and euryarchaeal groups. Several rDNA sequences appeared to be harbored in archaeal types which are widely distributed in marine coastal waters. In total, data suggest that marine planktonic crenarchaea and euryarchaea of temperate coastal habitats thrive in different zones of the water column. The relative rRNA abundance of the crenarchaeal group suggests that its members constitute a significant fraction of the prokaryotic biomass in subsurface coastal waters.  相似文献   

We have examined the species composition of 127 sediment trapsamples collected sequentially from the Santa Barbara Basin,USA, during a 7-year period. The sampling period included twowarm-water periods (El Niños) and two cold-water periods(one La Niña and one more local). We examined changesin total species composition and changes in subsets of speciesaccompanying extreme environmental conditions, as well as changesin flux composition associated with periods of anomalous flux.Our goal was to improve the scale and precision of hindcastingpast conditions from the sedimentary record and, hence, predictionof the biological consequences of environmental change. Althoughlarge-scale climate events were accompanied by changes in theflux composition, there was little similarity in compositionduring environmentally similar periods, precluding generalization.Eighty-four percent of the flux (number of cells m–2 d–1)and 89% of its variability were due to changes in the flux offour dominant species. Anomalous flux events were due to changesin flux of these species rather than introduction of new flora.Rare species showed the same patterns as the flora as a whole:there were changes in composition associated with extreme environmentaltemperatures but little redundancy of species between similarperiods. Our data indicate that, at present, we can predictonly that the specific composition of flux will change in responseto extreme environmental conditions. It is premature to generalizeabout the specific composition of that response. Knowledge aboutmechanisms linking flux with ocean environment is currentlyinsufficient to permit the precision of hindcast and predictionthat we were seeking from our data. Nevertheless, species compositionremains a potentially important tool for interpreting past environmentalconditions on both the regional and the local scales.  相似文献   

We conducted a population genetic analysis of the stalked kelp, Pterygophora californica, in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA. The results were compared with previous work on the genetic differentiation of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, in the same region. These two sympatric kelps not only share many life history and dispersal characteristics but also differ in that dislodged P. californica does not produce floating rafts with buoyant fertile sporophytes, commonly observed for M. pyrifera. We used a comparative population genetic approach with these two species to test the hypothesis that the ability to produce floating rafts increases the genetic connectivity among kelp patches in the Santa Barbara Channel. We quantified the association of habitat continuity and oceanographic distance with the genetic differentiation observed in stalked kelp, like previously conducted for giant kelp. We compared both overall (across all patches) and pairwise (between patches) genetic differentiation. We found that oceanographic transit time, habitat continuity, and geographic distance were all associated with genetic connectivity in P. californica, supporting similar previous findings for M. pyrifera. Controlling for differences in heterozygosity between kelp species using Jost's DEST, we showed that global differentiation and pairwise differentiation were similar among patches between the two kelp species, indicating that they have similar dispersal capabilities despite their differences in rafting ability. These results suggest that rafting sporophytes do not play a significant role in effective dispersal of M. pyrifera at ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Ocean currents are expected to be the predominant environmental factor influencing the dispersal of planktonic larvae or spores; yet, their characterization as predictors of marine connectivity has been hindered by a lack of understanding of how best to use oceanographic data. We used a high-resolution oceanographic model output and Lagrangian particle simulations to derive oceanographic distances (hereafter called transport times) between sites studied for Macrocystis pyrifera genetic differentiation. We build upon the classical isolation-by-distance regression model by asking how much additional variability in genetic differentiation is explained when adding transport time as predictor. We explored the extent to which gene flow is dependent upon seasonal changes in ocean circulation. Because oceanographic transport between two sites is inherently asymmetric, we also compare the explanatory power of models using the minimum or the mean transport times. Finally, we compare the direction of connectivity as estimated by the oceanographic model and genetic assignment tests. We show that the minimum transport time had higher explanatory power than the mean transport time, revealing the importance of considering asymmetry in ocean currents when modelling gene flow. Genetic assignment tests were much less effective in determining asymmetry in gene flow. Summer-derived transport times, in particular for the month of June, which had the strongest current speed, greatest asymmetry and highest spore production, resulted in the best-fit model explaining twice the variability in genetic differentiation relative to models that use geographic distance or habitat continuity. The best overall model also included habitat continuity and explained 65% of the variation in genetic differentiation among sites.  相似文献   

During the 1983 ‘el Niño’, filter fractionationshowed that over 80% of the chlorophyll-based phytoplanktonbiomass in the Santa Barbara Channel was <5 µm. Largernanoplankton (5–30 µm) accounted for the chlorophyllin the remaining fraction but, unlike other years, no significantquantities of net plankton <30 µm were detected. Thepopulation as a whole was dominated by chroococcalean cyanobacteriawhich were two times were abundant (123±24x103 cellsml–1 than previously reported for the California CurrentSystem (Krempin and Sullivan, 1981). Numbers of other typesof bacteria were uniformly low (277±44x103 cells ml–1Cyanobacteria and larger nanoplankton exhibited similar diurnalpatterns of photosynthesis, i.e., maximal rates of light-saturatedphotosynthesis (Pmax) occurred mid-day and day-night amplitudeswere >2.0. In both size fractions the onset of the rise andfall in Pmax preceded sunrise and sunset, respectively, andthe photosynthetic periodicity was independent of both chlorophyllcontent and dark fixation of inorganic carbon. Unlike previousstudies on diel periodicity in phytoplankton, no significantoscillations in light-limited rates of photosynthesis (  相似文献   

Blooms of domoic acid (DA) producing Pseudo-nitzschia, regularly occur off the coast of California. Although it has been hypothesized that these blooms are increasing in frequency, the lack of historical records limits our understanding of potential causal mechanisms. In this study, an 15-year time-series (1993–2008) of sediment trap samples collected from the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) at 540 m were analyzed for Pseudo-nitzschia (n = 196, microscopy and SEM) and DA (n = 206, LC–MS/MS) concentrations and fluxes. Results suggest that there was an abrupt shift towards greater frequency and higher magnitude Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and toxic DA flux events in the SBB after the year 2000. SEM analysis of sediment trap material indicates that these events were mainly blooms of P. australis, with cell fluxes increasing by an order of magnitude from a maximum of 4.5 × 106 cells m−2 d−1 pre-2000, to as high as 3.2 × 108 cells m−2 d−1 thereafter. Similarly, sediment trap DA fluxes increased by an average of 13.4 μg m−2 d−1, with only one large event (>5 μg m−2 d−1) from 1993 to 1999 versus 16 large DA events from 2000 to 2008. While the causes of this abrupt shift remain ambiguous, we suggest that this shift may be related to natural climate variability associated with a change in phase of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) and its potential influence on the composition and magnitude of waters that are upwelled into the SBB.  相似文献   

Microbiological contamination from runoff is a human health concern in urbanized coastal environments, but the contamination sources are often unknown. This study quantified fecal indicator bacteria and compared the distributions of human-specific genetic markers and bacterial community composition during dry and wet weather in urban creeks draining two neighboring watersheds in Santa Barbara, CA. In a prior study conducted during exclusively dry weather, the creeks were contaminated with human waste as indicated by elevated numbers of the human-specific Bacteroidales marker HF183 (Sercu et al. in Environ Sci Technol 43:293-298, 2009). During the storm, fecal indicator bacterial numbers and loads increased orders of magnitude above dry weather conditions. Moreover, bacterial community composition drastically changed during rainfall and differed from dry weather flow by (1) increased bacterial diversity, (2) reduced spatial heterogeneity within and between watersheds, and (3) clone library sequences more related to terrestrial than freshwater taxa. Finally, the spatial patterns of human-associated genetic markers (HF183 and Methanobrevibacter smithii nifH gene) changed during wet weather, and the contribution of surface soils to M. smithii nifH gene detection was suspected. The increased fecal indicator bacteria numbers during wet weather were likely associated with terrestrial sources, instead of human waste sources that dominated during dry weather flow.  相似文献   

The Santa Barbara Channel, CA is a highly productive region where wind-driven upwelling and mesoscale eddies are important processes driving phytoplankton blooms. In recent years, the spring bloom has been dominated by the neurotoxin-producing diatom, Pseudo-nitzschia spp. In this paper, we relate a 1.5-year time series of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance and domoic acid concentration to physical, chemical, and biological data to better understand the mechanisms controlling local Pseudo-nitzschia spp. bloom dynamics. The data were used to define the ranges of environmental conditions associated with Pseudo-nitzschia spp. bloom development in the Santa Barbara Channel. The time series captured three large toxic events (max. particulate domoic acid concentration, pDA ~6000 ng L?1; max. cellular domoic acid concentrations, cDA ~88 pg cell?1) in the springs of 2005–2006 and summer 2005 corresponding to bloom-level Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance (>5.0 × 104 cells L?1). In general, large increases in Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance were accompanied by increases in cDA levels, and cDA peaks preceded pDA peaks by at least one month in both the springs of 2005 and 2006. Statistical models incorporating satellite ocean color (MODIS-Aqua and SeaWiFS) and sea surface temperature (AVHRR) data were created to determine the probability that a remotely sensed phytoplankton bloom contains a significant population of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Models correctly estimate 98% of toxic bloom situations, with a 7–29% rate of false positive identification. Conditions most associated with high cDA levels are low sea surface temperature, high salinity, increased absorption by cDOM (412 nm), increased reflectance at 510/555 nm, and decreased particulate absorption at 510 nm. Future efforts to merge satellite and regionally downscaled forecasting products with these habitat models will help assess bloom forecasting capabilities in the central CA region and any potential connections to large-scale climate modes.  相似文献   

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