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Hieracium pilosella: (Asteraceae) was accidentally introduced to New Zealand about 100 years ago. Since then it has become an aggressive weed, and an unexpected degree of genetic and genome size variation has been detected; features that might result from interspecies hybridization. We investigated the possibility that H. pilosella has hybridized with related taxa. Of the four other subgenus Pilosella species introduced to New Zealand, H. praealtum is the most abundant and, on morphological and distributional evidence, most likely to be the other parent. Flow cytometry was used to estimate relative genome size for 156 Hieracium plants collected from the wild. Plants assigned to either parental or hybrid morphotypes were found to comprise tetraploid and pentaploid individuals using genome size measurements, and this was confirmed with direct mitotic chromosome counts for a subset of plants. The haploid DNA content of H. praealtum was approximately 22% larger than that of H. pilosella. Putative hybrids that were tetraploid had mean genome sizes equivalent to two H. pilosella and two H. praealtum haploid chromosome sets, implying they were hybrids arising from the fertilization of two reduced gametes. Similar results were obtained from tetraploid hybrids produced by controlled pollination. However, the majority of field hybrids were pentaploid with a genome size equivalent to four H. pilosella and one H. praealtum haploid chromosome sets. We infer that these are not first-generation hybrids but represent successful backcrossing with H. pilosella and/or hybrid-hybrid crossing, and that sexual tetraploid hybrids have been the parents. We note that populations putatively of H. pilosella often comprise apomictic pentaploid hybrids. Significantly, our data indicate the emergence of sexual hybrids that provide further opportunity for gene flow among taxa in this complex.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to determine simply and accurately ploidy levels as estimated by changes in nuclear DNA content of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants regenerated from microspore-derived embryos. Using flow cytometry, the nuclear DNA content of green (83) and albino (222) plants derived using anther culture of ‘Bobwhite’ and ‘Pavon 76’, and of their reciprocal F1 hydrids was estimated. The average DNA concent of the Bobwhite and Pavon 76 standards was 32.46 and 31.28 per nucleus, respectively. Microspore-derived haploid (3X), doubled-haploid (6X), nanoploid (9X), and dodecaploid (12X) plants contained on average 15.44, 30.56, 45.57, and 60.27 pg of DNA, respectively, at a ratio of 1∶1.98∶2.99∶3.90. The frequency of haploids (43.6%) was similar to that of doubled haploids (43.0%), and much larger than the frequency of endopolyploids [nanoploid (1.3%) and dodecaploid (1.0%)] and various aneuploids (11.1%). In terms of genetic stability, green plants had less chromosomal variation than albino plants. The procedure is suitable for rapid determination of the ploidy levels of wheat microspore-derived plants. The knowledge about DNA content or genome size of plants obtained here provides useful information to plant breeders and geneticists interested in using anther culture. Formerly of the Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. NE 68583-0915. Formerly of the Center for Biotechnology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588.  相似文献   

The Quercus species serve as a powerful model for studying introgression in relation to species boundaries and adaptive processes. Coexistence of distant relatives, or lack of coexistence of closely relative oak species, introgression may play a role. In the current study, four closely related oak species were found in Zijinshan, China. We generated a comprehensive genome size (GS) database for 120 individuals of four species using flow cytometry‐based approaches. We examined GS variability within and among the species and hybridization events among the four species. The mean GSs of Q. acutissima, Q. variabilis, Q. fabri, and Q. serrata var. brevipetiolata were estimated to be 1.87, 1.92, 1.97, and 1.97 pg, respectively. The intraspecific and interspecific variations of GS observed among the four oak species indicated adaptation to the environment. Hybridization occurred both within and between the sections. A hybrid offspring was produced from Q. fabri and Q. variabilis, which belonged to different sections. The GS evolutionary pattern for hybrid species was expansion. Hybridization between the sections may be affected by habitat disturbance. This study increases our understanding of the evolution of GS in Quercus and will help establish guidelines for the ecological protection of oak trees.  相似文献   

Three coexisting Daphnia species belonging to the D. longispina group (D. galeata, D. hyalina, and D. cucullata) form species-hybrid complexes by producing interspecific hybrids in several lakes in Germany and The Netherlands. To evaluate the genetic consequences of interspecific hybridization, I studied the patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. The directionality of interspecific hybridization and divergence of hybrids from parental species was tested, using the DNA sequences of a segment of mtDNA. Via the polymerase chain reaction, it was possible to investigate single animals and even single resting eggs. A species-specific marker was established, using restriction patterns of amplified cytochrome b segments. mtDNA genotypes of hybrids revealed unidirectional mitochondrial gene flow for two hybrids, which were investigated by using multiple clones. No evidence for introgression of mtDNA was found. On the basis of a phylogenetic analysis, the species exhibit considerable distinctness, whereas differences between clones within species and between hybrids and maternal species tend to be very low. These results indicate a recent origin of hybrids and suggest that the radiation of the D. longispina group occurred > 5 Mya.   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to understand the evolutionary significance of single triploids among the mostly diploid Poecilia formosa we have developed a simple, noninvasive technique for DNA content and ploidy determination. METHODS: From dorsal fin clips of 14 different fish species single cell suspensions were obtained by chopping the material in 2.1% citric acid/0.5% Tween20, passing it through a 0. 6-gauge needle and incubating it for 20 min at room temperature (RT) with gentle agitation. After overnight fixation in 70% ethanol, the cells were treated with 1ml 0.5% pepsin/0.1 M HCl for 15 min at RT before adding DAPI to a final volume of 2 ml. The cells were stained for 1-3 h and then analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: We obtained good measurements with CVs ranging from 1.23% to 3.36%. The poeciliid species measured contain from 1.6 to 2.0 pg/nucleus, Oryzias latipes (Medaka) exhibits a nuclear DNA content of 2.2 pg, Danio rerio (zebrafish) 4.6 pg, Tetraodon fluviatilis (freshwater fugu) 0.70 pg. All values except zebrafish are in good agreement with the literature. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of living specimens of different ploidy for breeding experiments, behavioral studies and tissue transplantations is now made possible. With slight modifications the method can be extended to a field technique, providing therefore a useful tool for a variety of researchers.  相似文献   

Determination of telomere length is traditionally performed by Southern blotting and densitometry, giving a mean telomere restriction fragment (TRF) value for the total cell population studied. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of telomere repeats has been used to calculate telomere length, a method called quantitative (Q)-FISH. We here present a quantitative flow cytometric approach, Q-FISHFCM, for evaluation of telomere length distribution in individual cells based on in situ hybridization using a fluorescein-labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) (CCCTAA)3probe and DNA staining with propidium iodide. A simple and rapid protocol with results within 30 h was developed giving high reproducibility. One important feature of the protocol was the use of an internal cell line control, giving an automatic compensation for potential differences in the hybridization steps. This protocol was tested successfully on cell lines and clinical samples from bone marrow, blood, lymph nodes and tonsils. A significant correlation was found between Southern blotting and Q-FISHFCMtelomere length values ( P = 0.002). The mean sub-telomeric DNA length of the tested cell lines and clinical samples was estimated to be 3.2 kbp. With the Q-FISHFCMmethod the fluorescence signal could be determined in different cell cycle phases, indicating that in human cells the vast majority of telomeric DNA is replicated early in S phase.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry (flow microfluorimetry) provides a quick means for analysis of ploidy in planarians. Nuclei from homogenized tissues of the freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu were stained with propidium iodide and measured with an argon-laser flow cytometer to produce histograms of DNA content. Tissues from sexually mature individuals produced histograms with a 1n (haploid) peak but no 3n peak (triploid peak), whereas those from asexual individuals showed a 2n peak or a 3n peak or both, but no 1n peak. Thus, the 1n peak distinguished sexual individuals. Mixoploid individuals, i.e., mosaics with both diploid and triploid tissues, were identified by the presence of both a 2n peak and a 3n peak. The ratios of the heights of the 2n and 3n peaks from tissues in different parts of a single mixoploid individual were similar, suggesting that the diploid and triploid cells are homogeneously distributed.  相似文献   

To date microsphere-based assays in flow cytometry have focused on the detection of antibody or antigen. Most studies have been research based to evaluate the performance of the technique relative to conventional techniques. However, there have not been any carefully controlled studies of the sensitivity and specificity, as well as analytic sensitivity of the FMIA technique. As such, it is difficult to document advantages of this tecnique clearly. The data suggest that FMIA is considerably more sensitive than conventional techniques, and the ability to analyze for multiple analytes in one sample dilution is attractive. This ability to simultaneously analyze for multiple samples is primarily dependent upon the size difference as sensed by FALS of the microspheres. However, it is also possible to use microspheres of the same size but that differ in either fluorescence or RALS signal. If microspheres of the same size are used but one fluoresces red and the signal in the assay uses a green fluorochrome, then the two microspheres can be separated by their red fluorescence. Using this technique, one can increase the number of microspheres that can be used in an assay. It is also possible to use microspheres of the same size but with different abilities to scatter the incident light at right angles. The use of these microspheres is then similar to the nonfluorescent versus red microspheres. By the judicious combination of microsphere size, it is possible to easily differentiate eight different microspheres. With the addition of a fluorescebt dye and/or differences in right-angle light-scatter capabilities, the number of different microspheres that can be used simultaneously becomes quite large. In practice, the number of microspheres that can be differentiated is no doubt greater than the number of analytes that need to be assayed in one assay.Although the apparent increase in sensitivity and the ability to simultaneously detect and quantitate numerous analytes are important attributes of FMIA, there are drawbacks to this method. Although the FMIA lends itself well to one-step no-wash procedures, when wash steps are necessary they are time-consuming and ineffecient. Most wash steps in FMIA use centrifugation of the microspheres to remove them from the reagent. There is a significant loss of microspheres in these wash steps, which are time-consuming. There are studies ussing vacuum filtration of the suspension to separate the microspheres from the reagents. A number of different groups are pursuing an automated or semiautomated method for the efficient washing and reagent delivery system for FMIA. Commercial systems are being developed that may allow for the easier handling of these reagents.Numerous groups are investigating the use of microspheres and flow cytometry primarily in immunoassay development. The procedure has the advantages of the simultaneous yet discrete analysis of multiple analytes and the inherent increase in sensitivity using fluorescence over other signals. There will no doubt be wider applications  相似文献   

The DNA content in 37 tumors from 34 women with gynecological cancer was measured by flow cytometry (FCM) and interactive image cytometry (ICM). Agreement was obtained in 81% of cases as regards ploidy levels, but seven tumors (19%) showed different ploidies. Of these, five were classified as diploid by FCM but either aneuploid (three cases) or polyploid (two cases) by ICM. Two other tumors were aneuploid by ICM but polyploid (one case) and unclassifiable (one case) by FCM. All tumors classified as aneuploid by FCM were also aneuploid by ICM, and all tumors classified diploid by ICM were also diploid by FCM. Of six patients whose tumors were classified as euploid (five diploid and one polyploid) by FCM but classified as aneuploid by ICM, five relapsed, and three of these have died of disease. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that ICM must be performed in cases classified as diploid by FCM to ensure that small subpopulations of aneuploid tumor cells are not overlooked.  相似文献   

利用改良的裂解液P1,以中国古代莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.Fruct.et Semin)为外标,采用流式细胞术(FCM)对海菜花属(Ottelia Pers.)6个代表性物种及3个存疑类群的基因组大小(C值)进行测定,并对海菜花属系统发育关系进行评估。结果显示:所测定的材料中,水菜花(Ottelia cordata(Wall.)Dandy)C值最小(6.759 pg),灌阳水车前(O.guanyangensis Z.Z.Li,S.Wu&Q.F.Wang)C值最大(12.929 pg);对基因组大小与该属系统发育树进行比较分析,结果发现该属植物基因组大小与系统发育关系具有一致性;对海菜花属3个存疑类群进行分子系统学研究,结果发现存疑类群与嵩明海菜花(Ottelia acuminata var.songmingensis Z.T.Jiang,H.Li&Z.L.Dao)及灌阳水车前的关系最近,而与水菜花的关系较远,这与基因组大小变异相一致。根据基因组大小进一步推测3个存疑类群很可能为二倍体。本研究结果可为海菜花属植物的系统学研究提供新资料,同时为该属植物基因组学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Sixteen ear malignant melanomas (MM) were studied for ploidy and cell cycle analysis by flow and image cytometry. The results were compared with clinical (age, sex, stage), histologic (depth of invasion, level, type) and prognostic (recurrence, death) parameters. Single nuclear suspensions were obtained from fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor and adjacent normal tissue processed separately according to Hedley's technique. These, a "spiked" specimen of normal tissue and tumor, and a spleen diploid control were analyzed on a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, California, U.S.A.). Feulgen-stained Cytocentrifuge preparations of nuclear suspensions of normal, MM and diploid spleen were analyzed with the CAS 200 Image Analyzer (Cell Analysis Systems, Inc., Elmhurst, Illinois, U.S.A.) against commercial calibration rat hepatocytes defined as diploid. Six (37.5%) MM were diploid, and 10 (62.5%) were aneuploid; 8 (90%) were hypodiploid, for a high frequency. There were no statistically significant correlations between clinical, pathologic, prognostic or cell cycle analysis parameters and ploidy, although poor prognostic features tended to be in aneuploid lesions.  相似文献   

J L Lange  P S Thorne    N Lynch 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(4):1557-1563
Current limitations in the methodology for enumeration and identification of airborne bacteria compromise the precision and accuracy of bioaerosol exposure assessment. In this study, flow cytometry and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were evaluated for the assessment of exposures to airborne bacteria. Laboratory-generated two-component bioaerosols in exposures chambers and complex native bioaerosols in swine barns were sampled with two types of liquid impingers (all-glass impinger-30 and May 3-stage impinger). Aliquots of collection media were processed and enumerated by a standard culture technique, microscopy, or flow cytometry after nucleic acid staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and identified taxonomically by FISH. DAPI-labeled impinger samples yielded comparable estimates of bioaerosol concentrations when enumerated by microscopy or flow cytometry. The standard culture method underestimated bioaerosol concentrations by 2 orders of magnitude when compared to microscopy or flow cytometry. In the FISH method, aliquots of collection media were incubated with a probe universally complementary to eubacteria, a probe specific for several Pseudomonas species, and a probe complementary to eubacteria for detection of nonspecific binding. With these probes, FISH allowed quantitative identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli bioaerosols in the exposure chamber without measurable nonspecific binding. Impinger samples from the swine barn demonstrated the efficacy of the FISH method for the identification of eubacteria in a complex organic dust. This work demonstrates the potential of emerging molecular techniques to complement traditional methods of bioaerosol exposure assessment.  相似文献   

Interspecific crosses were made by hand-pollination of Allium cepa with pollen of 19 species belonging to nine sections of two subgenera of the genus Allium. In all cases viable plantlets were obtained from ovary culture. The efficiency depended on the relationship of the pollen donor to A. cepa. The hybrid character of the regenerants was checked by morphological comparisons with the parents and/or by one or more cytological methods such as flow cytometric DNA measurement, karyotype analysis, and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Hybrids were confirmed for 18 new species combinations. The viable hybrid of the most distant cross resulted from crossing A. cepa with A. sphaerocephalon. The relevance of the verification methods and the potential use of the hybrids for breeding purposes are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The technique of DNA flow cytometry was used to study variation in DNA content among different ploidy levels, as well as among diploid species, of Vaccinium section Cyanococcus. In a sample of plants of varying ploidy level, the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) of nuclei stained with propidium iodide was a function of the number of chromosome sets (x), as represented by the linear equation RFI=3.7x-2.3 (r2=95%). The data indicated that DNA flow cytometry could be useful for the determination of ploidy level at the seedling stage in blueberry. They also suggest that conventional polyploid evolution has occurred in this section of the genus Vaccinium with an increase in nuclear DNA content concurrent with the increase in chromosome number. The nuclear DNA content of diploid species of Vaccinium section Cyanococcus was estimated from the relationship of the observed RFI to an internal known DNA standard (trout red blood cells). A nested analysis of variance indicated significant variation among species, as well as among populations within species, in nuclear DNA content, although this variation was small compared to the variation among ploidy levels. The variation in nuclear DNA content corresponded to the phylogenetic relationships among species determined from previous studies.  相似文献   

We studied nuclear DNA distribution by flow cytometry in 59 human brain tumors. Samples were frozen at -20 degrees C immediately after surgery and unicellular suspensions were obtained with a mechanical dissociation technique. Nuclear DNA was stained with propidium iodide. Normal human brain tissue was used as a diploid reference standard. In 86.3% of benign tumors an unimodal DNA distribution with a DNA index usually within the diploid range was found. Among malignant tumors, 64% had un unimodal DNA distribution with diploid or near-diploid modal DNA content. The remaining 36% showed an additional cell peak with a DNA index ranging from 1.15 to 1.92. The percentage of S-phase cells was higher in malignant (median = 3.8) than in benign tumors (median = 1.9) (p less than .001), without correlation to histological tumor subtype.  相似文献   

O E Iversen  O D Laerum 《Cytometry》1987,8(2):190-196
Control of technique and use of biological standards in flow cytometry have become increasingly important due to the wider use of the method for ploidy determination of malignant tumors in clinical research. Trout (TRBC) and salmon erythrocytes and human buffy coat leukocytes were selected for a study of factors influencing the DNA stainability. Whether standard and test cells were mixed before or after enzymatic treatment and staining was found to be critical for the ploidy comparisons. Otherwise, artifactual differences of at least 20% may be noted, leading to an overestimation of DNA aneuploidy. The time from staining to analysis had minimal effect, with some exceptions. The proportions of different cells in the sample had no influence, and nonlinearity of measurements was negligible. Diploid cells in normal endometrium and benign ovarian tumors, as well as the diploid fraction of aneuploid tumor cells, were systematically measured to have a DNA staining 5-7% above human leukocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate genome size and ploidy of the dimorphic pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The cell cycle analysis of 10 P. brasiliensis isolates by flow cytometry (FCM) revealed a genome size ranging from 26.3+/-0.1Mb (26.9+/-0.1fg) to 35.5+/-0.2Mb (36.3+/-0.2fg) per uninucleated yeast cell. The DNA content of conidia from P. brasiliensis ATCC 60855-30.2+/-0.8Mb (30.9+/-0.8fg) -showed no significant differences with the yeast form, possibly excluding the occurrence of ploidy shift during morphogenesis. The ploidy of several P. brasiliensis isolates was assessed by comparing genome sizing by FCM with the previously described average haploid size obtained from electrophoretic karyotyping. The analysis of intra-individual variability of a highly polymorphic P. brasiliensis gene, GP43, indicated that only one allele seems to be present. Overall, the results showed that all analysed isolates presented a haploid, or at least aneuploid, DNA content and no association was detected between genome size/ploidy and the clinical-epidemiological features of the studied isolates. This work provides new knowledge on P. brasiliensis genetics/genomics, important for future research in basic cellular/molecular mechanisms and for the development/design of molecular techniques in this fungus.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy determinations on a series of 24 breast specimens were performed independently utilizing flow cytometry (FCM) and two separate commercially available computerized image analysis systems for image cytometry (ICM). The tissues analyzed were obtained from 20 carcinomas, 2 benign neoplasms and 2 benign reductive procedures. The results showed a close correlation between the DNA indices (DIs) obtained by all methods in 14 of the 24 cases. In four cases, all methods showed aneuploid peaks, but with differing DIs. In six cases (two benign and four malignant) FCM showed diploidy while ICM showed peridiploid cell populations. The results obtained with the two image analysis systems were in agreement for 20 of the 24 cases. ICM is an acceptable alternative to FCM for reproducible ploidy analysis. ICM-based measurements have the advantage of the visual discrimination of abnormal cells and therefore may have a greater sensitivity in identifying small aneuploid populations. Populations with DIs in the range of 1.0 to 1.3 need to be assessed carefully in ICM-based determinations due to the potential that these "aneuploid" peaks may represent shifted diploid populations.  相似文献   

A Jakobsen  S Mommsen  S Olsen 《Cytometry》1983,4(2):170-173
The histopathological grade of atypia was compared with the ploidy level in biopsy specimens from bladder tumors and six grossly normal areas (selected sites). The study included investigation of 303 specimens from 45 patients. The results demonstrated a high correlation between the grade of atypia and the occurrence of aneuploid cell populations. The selected site specimens were diploid in patients with low grade malignant tumors, while high grade malignant tumors were associated with aneuploid selected site specimens in 20% of the cases. The divergence of ploidy level in the tumor and selected site specimens found in some cases clearly demonstrated that the carcinogenic process in the bladder may lead to clonal heterogeneity. Flow cytometric analysis seems suited for mapping of the ploidy levels in different parts of the bladder. The possible importance of the additional information is discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution flow cytometry of nuclear DNA in higher plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
I. Ulrich  W. Ulrich 《Protoplasma》1991,165(1-3):212-215
Summary High-resolution flow cytometry of nuclear DNA in higher plants has been performed from chopped plant tissues and plant protoplasts. A preparation and staining procedure with the DNA specific fluorochrome DAPI, successfully employed for precise flow cytometric DNA analysis of animal and human cells has been used in a slightly modified manner for the DNA analysis of plant cell material. High-resolution DNA histograms coefficients of variation about 1–1.5% have been obtained routinely from plant species with different DNA content. Staining of nuclei with DAPI in combination with the protein fluorochrome sulforhodamine 101 allows bi-parametric analysis of nuclear DNA and protein. The described simple and precise method might be very promising for the analysis of DNA in basic and applied cytogenetic investigations of plant cell research.Abbreviations CV coefficient of variation - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - SR 101 sulforhodamine 101  相似文献   

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