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MOTIVATION: Protein-protein interaction, mediated by protein interaction sites, is intrinsic to many functional processes in the cell. In this paper, we propose a novel method to discover patterns in protein interaction sites. We observed from protein interaction networks that there exist a kind of significant substructures called interacting protein group pairs, which exhibit an all-versus-all interaction between the two protein-sets in such a pair. The full-interaction between the pair indicates a common interaction mechanism shared by the proteins in the pair, which can be referred as an interaction type. Motif pairs at the interaction sites of the protein group pairs can be used to represent such interaction type, with each motif derived from the sequences of a protein group by standard motif discovery algorithms. The systematic discovery of all pairs of interacting protein groups from large protein interaction networks is a computationally challenging problem. By a careful and sophisticated problem transformation, the problem is solved using efficient algorithms for mining frequent patterns, a problem extensively studied in data mining. RESULTS: We found 5349 pairs of interacting protein groups from a yeast interaction dataset. The expected value of sequence identity within the groups is only 7.48%, indicating non-homology within these protein groups. We derived 5343 motif pairs from these group pairs, represented in the form of blocks. Comparing our motifs with domains in the BLOCKS and PRINTS databases, we found that our blocks could be mapped to an average of 3.08 correlated blocks in these two databases. The mapped blocks occur 4221 out of total 6794 domains (protein groups) in these two databases. Comparing our motif pairs with iPfam consisting of 3045 interacting domain pairs derived from PDB, we found 47 matches occurring in 105 distinct PDB complexes. Comparing with another putative domain interaction database InterDom, we found 203 matches. AVAILABILITY: http://research.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/BindingMotifPairs/resources. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://research.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/BindingMotifPairs and Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

A software suite, SABER (Selection of Active/Binding sites for Enzyme Redesign), has been developed for the analysis of atomic geometries in protein structures, using a geometric hashing algorithm (Barker and Thornton, Bioinformatics 2003;19:1644–1649). SABER is used to explore the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to locate proteins with a specific 3D arrangement of catalytic groups to identify active sites that might be redesigned to catalyze new reactions. As a proof‐of‐principle test, SABER was used to identify enzymes that have the same catalytic group arrangement present in o‐succinyl benzoate synthase (OSBS). Among the highest‐scoring scaffolds identified by the SABER search for enzymes with the same catalytic group arrangement as OSBS were L ‐Ala D/L ‐Glu epimerase (AEE) and muconate lactonizing enzyme II (MLE), both of which have been redesigned to become effective OSBS catalysts, demonstrated by experiments. Next, we used SABER to search for naturally existing active sites in the PDB with catalytic groups similar to those present in the designed Kemp elimination enzyme KE07. From over 2000 geometric matches to the KE07 active site, SABER identified 23 matches that corresponded to residues from known active sites. The best of these matches, with a 0.28 Å catalytic atom RMSD to KE07, was then redesigned to be compatible with the Kemp elimination using RosettaDesign. We also used SABER to search for potential Kemp eliminases using a theozyme predicted to provide a greater rate acceleration than the active site of KE07, and used Rosetta to create a design based on the proteins identified.  相似文献   

Understanding energetics and mechanism of protein-protein association remains one of the biggest theoretical problems in structural biology. It is assumed that desolvation must play an essential role during the association process, and indeed protein-protein interfaces in obligate complexes have been found to be highly hydrophobic. However, the identification of protein interaction sites from surface analysis of proteins involved in non-obligate protein-protein complexes is more challenging. Here we present Optimal Docking Area (ODA), a new fast and accurate method of analyzing a protein surface in search of areas with favorable energy change when buried upon protein-protein association. The method identifies continuous surface patches with optimal docking desolvation energy based on atomic solvation parameters adjusted for protein-protein docking. The procedure has been validated on the unbound structures of a total of 66 non-homologous proteins involved in non-obligate protein-protein hetero-complexes of known structure. Optimal docking areas with significant low-docking surface energy were found in around half of the proteins. The 'ODA hot spots' detected in X-ray unbound structures were correctly located in the known protein-protein binding sites in 80% of the cases. The role of these low-surface-energy areas during complex formation is discussed. Burial of these regions during protein-protein association may favor the complexed configurations with near-native interfaces but otherwise arbitrary orientations, thus driving the formation of an encounter complex. The patch prediction procedure is freely accessible at http://www.molsoft.com/oda and can be easily scaled up for predictions in structural proteomics.  相似文献   

Nucleic-acid binding proteins constitute nearly one-fourth of all functionally annotated human genes. Genome-wide analysis of protein-nucleic acid contacts has not yet been performed for most of these proteins, restricting attempts to establish a comprehensive understanding of protein function. UV cross-linking is a method typically used to determine the position of direct interactions between proteins and nucleic acids. We have developed the cross-linking and immunoprecipitation assay, which exploits the covalent protein-nucleic acid cross-linking to stringently purify a specific protein-RNA complex using immunoprecipitation followed by SDS-PAGE separation. In this way, the vast majority of non-specific contaminating RNA, which can bind to co-immunoprecipitated proteins or beads, can be removed. Here, we present an improved protocol that performs RNA linker ligation before the SDS-PAGE step, and describe its application to the specific purification and amplification of RNA ligands of Nova in neurons.  相似文献   

Guo Z  Wang L  Li Y  Gong X  Yao C  Ma W  Wang D  Li Y  Zhu J  Zhang M  Yang D  Rao S  Wang J 《Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)》2007,23(16):2121-2128
MOTIVATION: Current high-throughput protein-protein interaction (PPI) data do not provide information about the condition(s) under which the interactions occur. Thus, the identification of condition-responsive PPI sub-networks is of great importance for investigating how a living cell adapts to changing environments. RESULTS: In this article, we propose a novel edge-based scoring and searching approach to extract a PPI sub-network responsive to conditions related to some investigated gene expression profiles. Using this approach, what we constructed is a sub-network connected by the selected edges (interactions), instead of only a set of vertices (proteins) as in previous works. Furthermore, we suggest a systematic approach to evaluate the biological relevance of the identified responsive sub-network by its ability of capturing condition-relevant functional modules. We apply the proposed method to analyze a human prostate cancer dataset and a yeast cell cycle dataset. The results demonstrate that the edge-based method is able to efficiently capture relevant protein interaction behaviors under the investigated conditions. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Computational methods for predicting protein-protein interaction sites based on structural data are characterized by an accuracy between 70 and 80%. Some experimental studies indicate that only a fraction of the residues, forming clusters in the center of the interaction site, are energetically important for binding. In addition, the analysis of amino acid composition has shown that residues located in the center of the interaction site can be better discriminated from the residues in other parts of the protein surface. In the present study, we implement a simple method to predict interaction site residues exploiting this fact and show that it achieves a very competitive performance compared to other methods using the same dataset and criteria for performance evaluation (success rate of 82.1%).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein assemblies are currently poorly represented in structural databases and their structural elucidation is a key goal in biology. Here we analyse clefts in protein surfaces, likely to correspond to binding 'hot-spots', and rank them according to sequence conservation and simple measures of physical properties including hydrophobicity, desolvation, electrostatic and van der Waals potentials, to predict which are involved in binding in the native complex. RESULTS: The resulting differences between predicting binding-sites at protein-protein and protein-ligand interfaces are striking. There is a high level of prediction accuracy (< or =93%) for protein-ligand interactions, based on the following attributes: van der Waals potential, electrostatic potential, desolvation and surface conservation. Generally, the prediction accuracy for protein-protein interactions is lower, with the exception of enzymes. Our results show that the ease of cleft desolvation is strongly predictive of interfaces and strongly maintained across all classes of protein-binding interface.  相似文献   



Prediction of protein-protein interaction sites is one of the most challenging and intriguing problems in the field of computational biology. Although much progress has been achieved by using various machine learning methods and a variety of available features, the problem is still far from being solved.  相似文献   

A proteome-wide protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1 (MRU), a predominant rumen methanogen, was constructed from its metabolic genes using a gene neighborhood algorithm and then compared with closely related rumen methanogens Using proteome-wide PPI approach, we constructed network encompassed 2194 edges and 637 nodes interacting with 634 genes. Network quality and robustness of functional modules were assessed with gene ontology terms. A structure-function-metabolism mapping for each protein has been carried out with efforts to extract experimental PPI concomitant information from the literature. The results of our study revealed that some topological properties of its network were robust for sharing homologous protein interactions across heterotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens. MRU proteome has shown to establish many PPI sub-networks for associated metabolic subsystems required to survive in the rumen environment. MRU genome found to share interacting proteins from its PPI network involved in specific metabolic subsystems distinct to heterotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Across these proteomes, the interacting proteins from differential PPI networks were shared in common for the biosynthesis of amino acids, nucleosides, and nucleotides and energy metabolism in which more fractions of protein pairs shared with Methanosarcina acetivorans. Our comparative study expedites our knowledge to understand a complex proteome network associated with typical metabolic subsystems of MRU and to improve its genome-scale reconstruction in the future.  相似文献   

An empirical method for identifying interaction sites in proteins is described and validated. The method is based entirely on experimental information about non-bonded interactions occurring in small-molecule crystal structures. These data are used in the form of scatterplots that show the experimentally observed distribution of one functional group (the "contact group" or "probe") around another. A template molecule (e.g. a protein binding site) is broken down into structure fragments and the scatterplots, showing the distribution of a chosen probe around these structure fragments, are superimposed on the corresponding parts of the template. The scatterplots are then translated into a three-dimensional map that shows the propensity of the probe at different positions around the template molecule. The method is illustrated for l -arabinose-binding protein, complexed with l -arabinose and with d -fucose, and for dihydrofolate reductase complexed with methotrexate. The method is validated on 122 X-ray structures of protein-ligand complexes. For all the binding sites of these proteins, propensity maps are generated for four different probes: a charged NH+3nitrogen, a carbonyl oxygen, a hydroxyl oxygen and a methyl carbon atom. Next, the maps are compared with the experimentally observed positions of ligand atoms of these types. For 74% of these ligand atoms (84% of the solvent-inaccessible ones) the calculated propensity of the matching probe at the experimental positions is higher than expected by chance. For 68% of the atoms (82% of the solvent-inaccessible ones) the propensity of the matching probe is higher than that of the other three probes. These results indicate that the approach generally gives good predictions for protein-ligand interactions. The potential applications of the propensity maps range from an aid in manual docking and structure-based drug design to their use in pharmacophore development.  相似文献   



Sequence comparison is one of the most prominent tools in biological research, and is instrumental in studying gene function and evolution. The rapid development of high-throughput technologies for measuring protein interactions calls for extending this fundamental operation to the level of pathways in protein networks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Improving the quality and coverage of the protein interactome is of tantamount importance for biomedical research, particularly given the various sources of uncertainty in high-throughput techniques. We introduce a structure-based framework, Coev2Net, for computing a single confidence score that addresses both false positive and false negative rates. Coev2Net is easily applied to thousands of binary protein interactions and has superior predictive performance over existing methods. We experimentally validate selected high-confidence predictions in the human MAPK network and show that predicted interfaces are enriched for cancer-related or damaging SNPs. Coev2Net can be downloaded at http://struct2net.csail.mit.edu/  相似文献   

Rigid-body docking has become quite successful in predicting the correct conformations of binary protein complexes, at least when the constituent proteins do not undergo large conformational changes upon binding. However, determining whether two given proteins interact is a more difficult problem. Successful docking procedures often give equally good scores for proteins that do not interact experimentally. This is the case for the multiple minimization approach we use here. An analysis of the results where all proteins within a set are docked with all other proteins (complete cross-docking) shows that the predictions can be greatly improved if the location of the correct binding interface on each protein is known, since the experimental complexes are much more likely to bring these two interfaces into contact, at the same time as yielding good interaction energy scores. While various methods exist for identifying binding interfaces, it is shown that simply studying the interaction of all potential protein pairs within a data set can itself help to identify the correct interfaces.  相似文献   



Many integral membrane proteins, like their non-membrane counterparts, form either transient or permanent multi-subunit complexes in order to carry out their biochemical function. Computational methods that provide structural details of these interactions are needed since, despite their importance, relatively few structures of membrane protein complexes are available.  相似文献   

The formation of specific protein interactions plays a crucial role in most, if not all, biological processes, including signal transduction, cell regulation, the immune response and others. Recent advances in our understanding of the molecular architecture of protein-protein binding sites, which facilitates such diversity in binding affinity and specificity, are enabling us to address key questions. What is the amino acid composition of binding sites? What are interface hotspots? How are binding sites organized? What are the differences between tight and weak interacting complexes? How does water contribute to binding? Can the knowledge gained be translated into protein design? And does a universal code for binding exist, or is it the architecture and chemistry of the interface that enable diverse but specific binding solutions?  相似文献   



With the advent of increasing sequence and structural data, a number of methods have been proposed to locate putative protein binding sites from protein surfaces. Therefore, methods that are able to identify whether these binding sites interact are needed.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for observation of the interaction between charged macromolecules such as proteins. The method is based on the fact that the pK of an ionizable reporter group attached to a macromolecule can be altered by the electrostatic effect of another charged macromolecule which associates with the former. The effectiveness of the method was shown in the study of the association of bovine serum albumin with hen egg lysozyme [EC]. The errors inherent in this method in obtaining the equilibrium constant of the association reaction and procedures for their correction are discussed.  相似文献   

Liu X  Liu B  Huang Z  Shi T  Chen Y  Zhang J 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30938


The molecular network sustained by different types of interactions among proteins is widely manifested as the fundamental driving force of cellular operations. Many biological functions are determined by the crosstalk between proteins rather than by the characteristics of their individual components. Thus, the searches for protein partners in global networks are imperative when attempting to address the principles of biology.


We have developed a web-based tool “Sequence-based Protein Partners Search” (SPPS) to explore interacting partners of proteins, by searching over a large repertoire of proteins across many species. SPPS provides a database containing more than 60,000 protein sequences with annotations and a protein-partner search engine in two modes (Single Query and Multiple Query). Two interacting proteins of human FBXO6 protein have been found using the service in the study. In addition, users can refine potential protein partner hits by using annotations and possible interactive network in the SPPS web server.


SPPS provides a new type of tool to facilitate the identification of direct or indirect protein partners which may guide scientists on the investigation of new signaling pathways. The SPPS server is available to the public at http://mdl.shsmu.edu.cn/SPPS/.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical properties of interaction interfaces have a crucial role in characterization of protein–protein interactions (PPI). In silico prediction of participating amino acids helps to identify interface residues for further experimental verification using mutational analysis, or inhibition studies by screening library of ligands against given protein. Given the unbound structure of a protein and the fact that it forms a complex with another known protein, the objective of this work is to identify the residues that are involved in the interaction. We attempt to predict interaction sites in protein complexes using local composition of amino acids together with their physico-chemical characteristics. The local sequence segments (LSS) are dissected from the protein sequences using a sliding window of 21 amino acids. The list of LSSs is passed to the support vector machine (SVM) predictor, which identifies interacting residue pairs considering their inter-atom distances. We have analyzed three different model organisms of Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Homo sapiens, where the numbers of considered hetero-complexes are equal to 40, 123 and 33 respectively. Moreover, the unified multi-organism PPI meta-predictor is also developed under the current work by combining the training databases of above organisms. The PPIcons interface residues prediction method is measured by the area under ROC curve (AUC) equal to 0.82, 0.75, 0.72 and 0.76 for the aforementioned organisms and the meta-predictor respectively.  相似文献   

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