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红豆杉营养器官的解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对红豆杉营养器官的解剖学研究,阐明其根、茎、叶的结构特征,为红豆杉的开发利用研究提供了解剖学依据。研究结果表明红豆杉营养器官具有以下特征:(1)根、茎、叶中均无树脂道;(2)根、茎皮层中均有含单宁类物质的细胞分布;(3)根、茎中均有石细胞分布,(4)叶气孔器为双环型,略内陷;(5)根为二原型,(6)幼根的内皮层具凯氏带加厚,中柱鞘细胞富含单宁类物质;(7)根的次生维管组织中射线发达。  相似文献   

对萍蓬草〔Nupharpumilum(Thimm.)DC.〕根、茎、叶的形态结构和腺毛的发育进行形态解剖观察分析。茎中维管束散生、无形成层。茎端周围及幼叶、叶柄部位着生能分泌粘液的腺毛。不定根为多元型,有髓;侧根对着原生木质部脊着生,根表面具短缩的根毛;根顶端原始细胞具有分层特征,属封闭型。  相似文献   

贺兰山10种不同植物的旱生结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对贺兰山10种不同生活型植物的形态解剖研究表明,长期生长在干旱贫瘠环境中植物,均形成适应生境的一些特殊形态结构.叶器官主要表现在:(1)叶表面积与体积之比缩小,表面覆有厚的角质膜,并被有表皮毛,气孔下陷,具孔下室;(2)栅栏薄壁组织细胞明显增多,海绵薄壁组织细胞减少.有叶肉不分化叶、等而叶和异而叶3种结构形式;(3)叶内贮水组织和机械组织增强。轴器官主要表现在:(1)根普遍形成周皮,且木栓层细胞层数增多;(2)机械组织非常发达,在周皮、皮层和韧皮部中有许多厚壁细胞分布。维管组织中的木薄壁细胞的细胞壁也明显木质化加厚;(3)有些植物的根具有异常维管组织。另外,这些植物根、茎、叶中均有粘液细胞和含晶细胞分布。这些结构具有重要的适应干旱生境的意义。  相似文献   

报道了波温苏铁Bowenia spectabilis Hook.ex Hook. f)根、茎、叶的解剖结构.根的初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱三部分组成,为二原型木质部.茎具大量薄壁组织,薄壁细胞富含淀粉粒,维管束为外韧并生.叶柄中含有5-8束维管束,呈弧形排列.羽片叶角质层厚,有小叶脉产生,气孔主要分布在下表皮.根、茎、叶木质部中的管胞主要是螺纹和孔纹管胞,有少量纤维分化;茎中管胞的侧壁呈现凹凸不平,部分管胞具有分枝或分叉现象.  相似文献   

描述了采自中国浙江九龙山的苔类植物一新种——毛茎合叶苔Scapania paraphyllia T.Cao,C.Gao,J.Sun&B.R.Zuo。该新种与腋毛合叶苔S.bolanderiAust.相近,两种皆具带齿叶片和假鳞毛,但新种具如下特征可与腋毛合叶苔区别:(1)植物体小,通常红色;(2)假鳞毛多数,不分枝,不仅生于叶腋,茎上也有着生;(3)背脊为腹瓣长的1/4-1/3,背瓣为腹瓣大小1/2-1/3;(4)叶角质层表面粗糙,具粗瘤,直径达6-8μm。与另一个相似种sampliata Steph.相比,因新种具有粗糙的叶表面和假鳞毛等特征,也易于区别。  相似文献   

五种紫萼藓科植物茎及叶的解剖学观察   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
王虹 《植物研究》2002,22(1):T001-T002
对紫萼藓科紫萼藓属中的5种植物,运用石蜡切片法和扫描电镜法,对其茎的结构及叶表皮角质层皱褶、孔及纹饰等特征进行观察分析,结果表明:长枝紫萼藓(Grimmia elongata Kaulf.)茎呈多棱形,片状附属物沿叶腹面表皮连成带状,而叶背面角质层纹饰呈辐射状的裂片;圆蒴紫萼藓(Grimmia a pocarpa Hedw.)茎、叶细胞中内含物非常浓厚,细胞不透明,中助的角质层纹饰呈纵向的线状;高山紫萼藓(Grimmia alpicola Sw.ex Hedw.)中肋宽厚,孔呈梯形排列,叶背面角质层皱褶呈“菊花状”纹饰,叶腹面孔口处有“眼皮状”鳞片覆盖;卵叶紫萼藓(Grimmia o-valis(Hedw.)Lindb.)茎无明显的中轴部;中肋“导水细胞”发达,叶表面密布粗疣和网状排列的大孔,且孔深陷;毛尖紫萼藓(Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv.)茎的外皮部和内皮部之间有一层“鞘状”物质,叶背面孔的形状呈挤压状。  相似文献   

菰(Zizania latifolia)是一种多年生挺水植物,为了探讨该植物根、茎和叶的解剖结构、组织化学及其质外体屏障的通透性生理。该文利用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜,对菰的根、茎、叶进行了解剖学和组织化学研究。结果表明:(1)菰不定根解剖结构由外而内分别为表皮、外皮层、单层细胞的厚壁机械组织层、皮层、内皮层和维管柱;茎结构由外而内分别为角质层、表皮、周缘厚壁机械组织层、皮层、具维管束的厚壁组织层和髓腔。叶鞘具有表皮和具维管束皮层,叶片具有表皮,叶肉和维管束。(2)不定根具有位于内侧的内皮层及其邻近栓质化细胞和外侧的外皮层组成的屏障结构;茎具内侧厚壁机械组织层,外侧的角质层和周缘厚壁机械组织层组成的屏障结构,屏障结构的细胞壁具凯氏带、木栓质和木质素沉积的组织化学特点,叶表面具有角质层。(3)菰通气组织包括根中通气组织,茎、叶皮层的通气组织和髓腔。(4)菰的屏障结构和解剖结构是其适应湿地环境的重要特征,但其茎周缘厚壁层和厚壁组织层较薄。由此推测,菰适应湿地环境,但在旱生环境中分布有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》2018,38(6):804-808
描述了自重庆市江津区四面山发现的荨麻科楼梯草属的一新组和三新种:(1)雌伞楼梯草组Sect.Gynosciadion具一新种,雌伞楼梯草Elatostema femineocymosum,其特征为雌花序为3~4回分枝的聚伞花序,无花序托和总苞,根据这些特征可与楼梯草属的其他组相区别;(2)圆微叶楼梯草E.gyronanophyllum,与对叶楼梯草E.sinense H.Schr ter近缘,区别特征为此新种的叶较小,具较少二级脉,退化叶圆形或近圆形,雌总苞具12枚三角形苞片,雌花具2花被片,柱头扁球形;(3)正宇楼梯草E.zhengyuanum,与四面山楼梯草E.simianshanicum W.T.Wang近缘,区别特征在于新种的茎无毛,有时为营养茎,其叶片、钟乳体和托叶均较小,雌总苞的苞片呈倒披针状长圆形,在背面无鸡冠状突起。  相似文献   

对萍蓬草(Nupharpumilum(Thimm.)DC)根,茎,叶的形态结构和腺毛的发育进行形态解剖观察分的,茎中维管束散生,无形成层,茎端周围及幼叶,叶柄部位着生能力分泌粘液的腺毛,不定根为多元型,有髓;侧根对着原生木质部脊着生,根表面具有短缩的根毛,根顶端原始细胞具有分层特征,属封闭型。  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片和光学显微镜,对半边莲的营养器官进行形态解剖学研究。结果表明:半边莲根和茎的次生结构不发达;地上茎表现为根的特征:茎皮层所占比例较大,茎中有明显的内皮层,内皮层上具凯氏带;根的皮层和茎的髓具通气组织,裂生型分泌道存在于茎的皮层;叶的气孔高于表皮,气孔只在上表皮有分布,叶尖具水孔。半边莲的形态结构特征表现出对水生生活的高度适应。对半边莲的系统位置也作了简单探讨。  相似文献   

1. A method is given which allows us to measure the influence of the mass of a leaf upon the quantity of shoots regenerated in an isolated piece of stem. This method consists in isolating a piece of stem with only two leaves left at the basal node and then splitting the stem lengthwise so that each half has one basal leaf. By leaving one leaf intact while the size of the sister leaf is reduced, the influence of the mass of the leaf upon the quantity of shoots regenerated by the stem can be measured. 2. This method has yielded the result that the mass of shoots regenerated at the apex of such a piece of stem increases under equal conditions and in equal time with the mass of the leaf, and is approximately proportional to the mass of the leaf. 3. Such an influence of the mass of the leaf upon the mass of shoots produced by the stem is only intelligible on the assumption that the growth of the regenerating shoot occurs at the expense of material furnished by the basal leaf. 4. This assumption is supported by two facts: first, that in the dark this influence of the leaf disappears more or less completely; and, second, that a leaf attached to the base of a regenerating stem after some time weighs markedly less than does a sister leaf completely detached from the stem, but otherwise under equal conditions. 5. This latter fact that a leaf when attached to the base of an excised piece of stem wilts more rapidly than when completely isolated is the reason that the proportionality between mass of a basal leaf and mass of shoot regenerated at the apex of an isolated piece of stem cannot always be demonstrated with the same degree of accuracy as the proportionality between the mass of completely isolated leaves and the mass of shoots they produce. 6. The material furnished by the leaf to the stem is not restricted to water but includes also the solutes, since not only the fresh weight but also the dry weight of the shoot regenerated by a piece of stem increases with the mass of the leaf attached to the base of the stem; and since not only the water contents but the dry weight of a leaf attached to the base of an excised piece of stem diminish when compared with the dry weight of a completely detached sister leaf. 7. The mass of shoots produced by an isolated piece of stem without leaf is small and almost negligible compared with the mass of shoots produced by the same piece of stem when a leaf of sufficient mass is attached to the base of the stem.  相似文献   

The anatomy and organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in representative taxa of Nymphaea (subgenera Anecphya, Lotos, and Brachyceras). The stem vascular system consists of a series of concentric axial stem bundles from which traces to lateral organs depart. At the node each leaf is supplied with a median and two lateral leaf traces. At the same level a root trace supplies vascular tissue to adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds occupy leaf sites in the genetic spiral and in the parastichies seen on the stem exterior. Certain leaves have flowers related to them spatially and by vascular association. Flowers (and similarly vegetative buds) are vascularized by a peduncle trace that arises from a peduncle fusion bundle located in the pith. The peduncle fusion bundle is formed by the fusion of vascular tissue derived from axial stem bundles that supply traces to certain leaves. The organization of the vascular system in the investigated taxa of Nymphaea is unique to angiosperms but similar to other subgenera of Nymphaea.  相似文献   

马蹄香属营养器官解剖及其分类位置的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对马蹄香属Saruma Oliv.营养器官的形态解剖进行了研究,首次报道该属植物叶片宏观结构;叶表皮和叶表面的微观结构;叶柄和茎的初生结构特征与次生结构特征,并与近缘属植物细辛属Asarum L.的解剖学资料作了比较研究,发现两属的叶形均为心形;叶脉都是掌状脉序;叶沿无齿都具毛;且都是单毛;气孔器都是“毛茛科”型;叶柄维管束都呈“V”字形排列;从近轴端到远轴端都是呈3-4-4束的变化;茎的初生结构  相似文献   

The atypical symptoms first described by Bryan (1932) of the angular leaf spot disease of cotton caused by Xanthomonas malvacearum (E. F. Sm.) Dowson were reproduced by inoculation into seeds, stem apices or buds. The lesions that developed on the veins of the newly produced leaves were elongated and water-soaked, becoming dark brown. The leaf tissue dependent upon infected veins became yellow, flaccid and withered. The development of these symptoms was enhanced when inoculations were made into opening buds or germinating seeds as compared with inoculations into closed buds or dormant seeds.
In other bacterial diseases caused by Xanthomonas spp., somewhat atypical symptoms could also be produced by bud inoculation into the appropriate host. Those produced by X. ricini (Yoshi & Takimato) Dowson on castor, closely resembled the vein lesions described above on cotton but resulted only from bud inoculations; inoculations into stem apices and seeds failed to produce them. In dolichos bean inoculated with X. phaseoli (Smith) Dowson, atypical symptoms were produced only by seed inoculations and were confined to the first simple leaves (prophylls).
The differences in the production of atypical symptoms on the three hosts are correlated with differences in host structure and with the degree of virulence of the pathogen. The leaf parasite X. ricini , for example, which cannot infect castor bean stems, does not produce atypical symptoms when inoculated below the stem apex.
From the data discussed below, the incidence of atypical symptoms is attributed to infection either of an actively growing tissue or of a telescoped structure which subsequently completes its development.
The atypical symptoms of the cotton disease are not caused by a special strain of X. malvacearum. Further, they are not a peculiarity of this disease but may also develop in other necrotic diseases under similar conditions.  相似文献   

1. When leaves of Bryophyllum calycinum are suspended in moist air in a vertical plane and sidewise, roots and shoots are formed exclusively or predominate in the notches on the lower side of the leaves. When pieces of stems of the same plant are suspended horizontally in moist air, roots develop on the lower side of the stem, with the exception of the extreme basal end where they may develop on both sides. 2. The writer has suggested in a preceding paper that this directive influence of gravity on the arrangement of the regenerating organs may be due to the combination of two factors. The first factor is gravity, which causes a slightly greater collection of sap on the lower side of these organs, and as a consequence roots develop a little more quickly on the lower than on the upper side. The second factor is of an inhibitory character inasmuch as quite generally organs which grow out first, or which grow quickly, have a tendency to retard or inhibit the growth of similar organs in other places. 3. The writer was able to prove the action of this inhibitory factor by cutting off the lower edges of leaves suspended sidewise in a vertical plane or the lower halves of stems suspended in a horizontal plane (in moist air). In this case roots developed as abundantly on the upper side of these organs as they otherwise would have developed on the lower side. 4. It was, however, still necessary to prove the idea that gravity causes sap to collect in larger quantity in the lower parts of organs. This gap is filled by the present paper in which it is shown, first, that in the leaves suspended in moist air a red pigment is formed which has a tendency to collect gradually in the lowest parts of the leaf when the latter is suspended in a vertical plane. This red pigment serves as an indicator for the distribution of sap in the leaf and thus shows directly the tendency of the sap to collect in greater abundance on the lower edge of a leaf suspended in a vertical plane. Second, it is shown that when leaves or stems of Bryophyllum are suspended, in the way described, under water instead of in moist air, roots develop on the upper side as well as on the lower side. The directive effect of gravity upon the arrangement of organs disappears in this case since the abundance of the outside water makes the effect of a slight difference in the distribution of sap between the upper and lower side a negligible factor. Third, it is shown that the dry weight of the lower half of leaves suspended sidewise for several weeks in moist air in a vertical plane is greater than that of the upper half when roots and shoots are formed on the lower side only. This indicates that material from the upper half flows into the growing organs of the lower half. No such difference between upper and lower half of leaf is found when the leaves are suspended in the same way in water and roots and shoots are formed on both sides of the leaf. 5. It is shown that when a leaf connected with a piece of stem is suspended in moist air the red pigment goes into the stem instead of collecting in the lower part of the leaf, thus supporting the view expressed in a preceding paper that the inhibitory action of the stem on the root and shoot formation in a leaf of Bryophyllum is due to the fact that the material available in the leaf for organ formation is naturally sent into the stem.  相似文献   

Organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in Victoria species and Euryale ferox. The stem vascular system consists of a number of concentrically-organized continuing axial stem bundles. At the node each leaf is supplied with a root trace, two lateral leaf traces, and a median leaf trace. A peduncle fusion bundle is also present at each node. The peduncle fusion bundle supplies vascular tissue to the median leaf trace and to the peduncle trace. Flowers are nonmedian axillary but have specific vascular, spatial, and developmental relationships to leaves in a manner that resembles the genus Nymphaea. On the basis of the analysis of the stem vascular system, Victoria and Euryale are more similar to each other than to Nymphaea. However, the vascular system in Victoria and Euryale is similar enough to Nymphaea to suggest that Nymphaea, Victoria, and Euryale form a natural taxon of unique angiosperms. The organization of the stem vascular system in Victoria and Euryale is dicotyledonous.  相似文献   

叶表皮结构在榆属分类中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用扫描电子显微镜对榆属9种1变种的成熟叶表皮结构进行了观察,认为榆属叶表皮结构在扫描电镜下存在着明显的差别,可以作为榆属分种的辅助特征。  相似文献   

1. In Bryophyllum calycinum two apical leaves suppress the shoot formation in all the dormant buds situated basally from the leaf; one apical leaf suppresses the shoot formation in the basal buds situated in the same half of the stem where the leaf is, and, if one-half of the petiole of such a leaf is removed, the growth of basal buds in one quadrant of the stem is suppressed. 2. This inhibitory influence of a leaf upon shoot formation in the basal part of a stem is diminished or disappears when the mass of the leaf is reduced below a certain limit. 3. The inhibitory influence of an apical leaf upon the growth of shoots in horizontally suspended stems is greater when the leaf is on the upper than when it is on the lower side of the stem. 4. All these facts suggest the possibility that the inhibitory influence of the leaf upon shoot formation is due to inhibitory substances secreted by the leaf and carried by the sap from the leaf towards the base of the stem. 5. An apical leaf accelerates root formation in the basal part of a stem and this accelerating effect increases with the mass of the leaf. 6. This inhibitory influence of a leaf upon shoot formation and the favoring influence upon root formation in the more basally situated parts of the stem is one of the factors determining the polar character of regeneration.  相似文献   

小麦的穗领有三种类型:领腹完全敞开的U形穗领、领腹完全闭合的O形穗领和领腹呈V型交叉的V形穗领。穗领是系统演化中顶生叶叶鞘减化后的遗迹,也是个体发育中穗轴基部第一侧生小穗下苞叶原始体的痕迹。在一定条件下,从穗领可以长出叶鞘和叶片,穗轴基部节间可以变为茎节间,穗领腋内的小穗可以变为腋芽、带柄分枝穗或分枝花序。其余侧生小穗下都有一个领腹完全敞开的U形小穗领,其形态与U形穗领相似。它们是系统演化中二次轴分枝花序的苞叶叶鞘减化后的遗迹,也是个体发育中苞原始体的痕迹。一定条件下,从小穗领也可以长出叶鞘和叶片。穗轴基部节间变茎的同时,基部几个小穗若发生向圆锥花序的部分返祖变异,随着变异程度加深,从穗领和小穗领逐渐形成叶鞘和叶片。说明在系统演化中。顶生叶和苞叶先减化叶片,后减化叶鞘,最后形成穗领和小穗领。小麦祖先的花序与茎叶之间没有明显的界限。  相似文献   

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