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Recent epidemiological studies have demonstrated a correlation between regular aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) use and decrease risk for the development of fatal colorectal cancer. An increase in the size of the cell proliferation compartment in colorectal crypts has been correlated with an increased risk for the development of colon cancer in animals and in humans. To determine if acetylsalicylic acid acts to decrease the size of the cell proliferation compartment, young (3 month) and old (22 month) rats were treated intragastrically with: 1 the vehicle for acetylsalicylic acid delivery (0.25% wt/vol carboxymethylcellulose in 0.15 N HCI), 2 a single dose of acetylsalicylic acid (100 mg/kg), or 3 acetylsalicylic acid (30 mg/kg) given daily for 30 days. One day after the last treatment, colons were resected, fixed, sectioned and mounted on slides for immunohistochemical staining with a monoclonal antibody to proliferating cell nuclear antigen to assess cell proliferation parameters in the colonic crypts. The results were subjected to three way analysis of variance to assess the effects of: 1 rat age, 2 acute or chronic acetylsalicylic acid treatment, and 3 location of crypts over and away from aggregates of lymphoid nodules on the crypt proliferative parameters. Results demonstrated that: 1 acetylsalicylic acid treatment caused an overall decrease in the proliferative zone height, as measured in number of cells in the crypt column, 2 that crypts located over aggregates of lymphoid nodules had significantly higher proliferative activity than crypts located away from aggregates of lymphoid nodules, and 3 after chronic acetylsalicylic acid treatment there was a greater suppression of proliferative zone height in the crypts of old rats than in the crypts of young rats. In conclusion, acute and chronic intragastric delivery of acetylsalicylic acid caused an overall downward shift in the cell proliferation compartment of colonic crypts of young and of old rats. Whether or not acetylsalicylic acid administration will cause the same proliferative zone height response in carcinogen-treated rats is not yet established.  相似文献   

Recently, our laboratory, utilizing the 1,2-dimethylhydrazine model of colonic adenocarcinoma, demonstrated alterations in the 'dynamic component' of fluidity in brush-border membranes prepared from distal colonocytes of rats administered this agent for 5, 10 and 15 weeks, i.e., before the development of colon cancer. Furthermore, changes in the sphingomyelin content and sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine molar ratio of these membranes appeared, at least partially, to be responsible for these fluidity alterations. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism(s) involved in these dimethylhydrazine-induced lipid changes, in the present studies the activities of sphingomyelin synthetase and magnesium-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase, enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of this phospholipid, respectively, were examined and compared in distal colonic brush-border membranes prepared from rats after 5, 10 or 15 weeks administration of dimethylhydrazine or diluent. The results of these studies demonstrate that alterations in both these enzymatic activities can be detected after administration of dimethylhydrazine and appear to, at least in part, be responsible for the changes in membrane sphingomyelin composition noted previously. These results as well as a discussion of their possible serve as the basis for the present report.  相似文献   

Lectins linked to fluorescein were used as carbohydrate probes to examine the goblet cell mucin and epithelial cell surface glycoconjugate alterations in an experimental rodent model of colonic neoplasia induced with parenteral 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride. Lectins derived from Triticum vulgare (WGA), Ricinus communis (RCA1), and Limulus polyphemus (LPA) showed reduced labeling of goblet cell mucin in these tumors, while binding with peanut lectin from Arachis hypogaea (PNA), a lectin ordinarily failing to bind to mucin in normal colon, was positive. In addition, RCA1 and LPA showed increased cell surface labeling of neoplastic epithelial cells. Finally, alterations were observed in lectin binding to "transitional" colonic mucosa adjacent to colonic tumors from carcinogen-treated rats. These findings indicate that significant alterations in both membrane and mucin glycoconjugates occur in colonic tumors and mucosa adjacent to tumors in a chemically induced experimental animal model of human colon cancer.  相似文献   

The parameters of cell population kinetics of symmetrical 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic neoplasms and their adjacent colonic mucosa in the mouse were analyzed using the fraction labeled-mitoses curve method and compared with those of three groups of epithelial cells in the crypt of the descending colon of normal mouse. The analysis of three groups of epithelial cells in the crypt of normal mouse indicates that differentiation of epithelial cells was associated not only with a smaller proliferative pool of cells but also with a shortening of the duration of G2 phase and a prolongation of mitotic time. Other parameters of cell cycle did not change significantly. The mean cell cycle time of neoplastic cells in chemically induced colonic neoplasms was similar to that of epithelial cells in normal colon, but the variance was much greater in neoplastic cells. In neoplastic cells, the proliferative pool was greater, the G1 phase prlonged, and the S phase and the mitotic time became shorter as compared to epithelial cells in normal colon. The duration of G2 phase of neoplastic cells fell between the values of presumptive stem cells and differentiating cells in normal colon, compatible with the hypothesis that neoplastic cells are transformed stem cells defective in cellular differentiation. In the colonic mucosa immediately adjacent to neoplasms, the fraction-labeled-mitoses curve showed a flat second wave, indicating that the group of cells initially labeled by the pulse became a mixture of cells, some continuing the proliferative cycle normally, some going out of cycle, some slowing down in their passage from S through G2 to M, and some being arrested in mitotic phase. Such heterogeneous behavior of cells may be closely related to expansion of neoplasms. With some assumptions, however, cell cycle parameters of those normally cycling cells were estimated: the cell cycle time and the duration of G1 phase and mitotic phase were prolonged as compared to neoplastic cells and epithelial cells of normal colon.  相似文献   

Tissue stem cells produce a constant flux of differentiated cells with distinct proportions. Here, we show that stem cells in colonic crypts differentiate early to form precisely 1:3 ratio of secretory to absorptive cells. This precision is surprising, as there are only eight stem cells making irreversible fate decisions, and so large stochastic effects of this small pool should have yielded much larger noise in cell proportions. We use single molecule FISH, lineage‐tracing mice and simulations to identify the homeostatic mechanisms facilitating robust proportions. We find that Delta‐Notch lateral inhibition operates in a restricted spatial zone to reduce initial noise in cell proportions. Increased dwell time and dispersive migration of secretory cells further averages additional variability added during progenitor divisions and breaks up continuous patches of same‐fate cells. These noise‐reducing mechanisms resolve the trade‐off between early commitment and robust differentiation and ensure spatially uniform spread of secretory cells. Our findings may apply to other cases where small progenitor pools expand to give rise to precise tissue cell proportions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Epithelial cells with different proliferative activities were isolated from rat proximal and distal colon. The distribution of fucose, hexose, hexosamine, and sialic acid as well as the activities of three glycosyltransferases, eight glycosidases, and a nucleotide sugar pyrophosphatase, enzymes involved in glycoprotein metabolism, were then examined in these cells. The results of the present study demonstrate that: (1) all proximal cell populations appear to possess a higher content of hexose, fucose, and sialic acid than their distal counterparts; (2) in general, the proximal colonic populations have higher glycosyltransferase but similar glycosidase activities than their distal counterparts; (3) proliferative cells in both colonic regions have greater glycosyltransferase and glycosidase activities than non-proliferative cells, although their carbohydrate content is similar.
These findings suggest that alterations in glycoprotein metabolism exist during differentiation along the length of the rat colon. Furthermore, these data indicate that certain enzymes involved in glycoprotein metabolism may serve as markers for cellular differentiation in this organ.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide metabolism was examined in rat distal colonic epithelial cells with different proliferative activities. Lower crypt cells had DNA synthetic rates 7-10-fold higher than surface cells. Without a phosphodiesterase inhibitor proliferative cells had reduced basal cyclic AMP-, cyclic GMP-, and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity ratios, as well as blunted cyclic AMP responses to prostaglandin E2 and vasoactive intestinal peptide compared to superficial cells. In the presence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, basal cyclic AMP and responses to prostaglandin E2 and vasoactive intestinal peptide of proliferative cells exceeded values in superficial cells. This correlated with higher membrane adenylate cyclase activity in the proliferative cells. By contrast, particulate and soluble guanylate cyclase activities of superficial cells were higher than in proliferative cells. The apparent high Km soluble and particulate cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase activities of proliferative cells were 4-7-fold higher than those in superficial cells. Moreover, the apparent low Km soluble activity was absent in superficial cells. Thus, an altered rate of nucleotide degradation may mediate reduced cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in proliferative versus superficial cells. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP, prostaglandin E2 or vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA of colonic segments. Thus, reduced cyclic AMP in lower crypt cells may be a determinant of their greater proliferative activity.  相似文献   

The estrogen sex steroid 17beta-estradiol rapidly inhibits secretagogue-stimulated cAMP-dependent Cl(-) secretion in the female rat distal colonic crypt by the inhibition of basolateral K(+) channels. In Ussing chamber studies, both the anti-secretory response and inhibition of basolateral K(+) current was shown to be attenuated by pretreatment with rottlerin, a PKCdelta-specific inhibitor. In whole cell patch-clamp analysis, 17beta-estradiol inhibited a chromanol 293B-sensitive KCNQ1 channel current in isolated female rat distal colonic crypts. Estrogen had no effect on KCNQ1 channel currents in colonic crypts isolated from male rats. Female distal colonic crypts expressed a significantly higher amount of PKCdelta in comparison to male tissue. PKCdelta and PKA were activated at 5 min in response to 17beta-estradiol in female distal colonic crypts only. Both PKCdelta- and PKA-associated with the KCNQ1 channel in response to 17beta-estradiol in female distal colonic crypts, and no associations were observed in crypts from males. PKA activation, association with KCNQ1, and phosphorylation of the channel were regulated by PKCdelta as the responses were blocked by pretreatment with rottlerin. Taken together, our experiments have identified the molecular targets underlying the anti-secretory response to estrogen involving the inhibition of KCNQ1 channel activity via PKCdelta- and PKA-dependent signaling pathways. This is a novel gender-specific mechanism of regulation of an ion channel by estrogen. The anti-secretory response described in this study provides molecular insights whereby estrogen causes fluid retention effects in the female during periods of high circulating plasma estrogen levels.  相似文献   

Adrenergic versus VIPergic control of cyclic AMP in human colonic crypts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N Boige  A Munck  M Laburthe 《Peptides》1984,5(2):379-383
The actions of catecholamines on VIP-induced cyclic AMP is studied in human colon. We show that: (1) Epinephrine in the 10(-7)-10(-3) M concentration range (ED50 = 11.10(-6) M) inhibits VIP-induced cyclic AMP rise in isolated colonic epithelial cells; the maximal inhibition reaches 30% of VIP effect; epinephrine alters the efficacy of the peptide and does not modify its potency; epinephrine also reduces the basal cyclic AMP level. (2) The inhibition is found with other alpha adrenergic agonists with the order of potencies epinephrine greater than norepinephrine greater than phenylephrine. Clonidine has a poor intrinsic activity but antagonizes the action of epinephrine. (3) The inhibition of VIP action by epinephrine is reversed by the alpha antagonists dihydroergotamine, phentolamine and the alpha 2 antagonist yohimbine, while unaffected by the beta antagonist propranolol and the alpha 1 antagonist prazosin, (4) Epinephrine inhibits VIP-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in preparations of colonic plasma membranes. Thus catecholamines exert through an alpha 2 adrenoreceptor a negative control on basal and VIP-stimulated cyclic AMP formation in human colon. We suggest that colonic cyclic AMP metabolism undergoes a dual control: VIPergic, activator and adrenergic, inhibitor.  相似文献   

Oral administration of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) induced intestinal neoplasms in germfree rats. A supplement of 2% cholestyramine resin in the diet increased the frequency of DMH-induced intestinal tumors and accelerated malignant transformation. Bile acids in the cecal content were determined with and without cholestyramine in order to obtain a correlation between the bile acid metabolism and the enteric carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Colon cancer incidence is higher in developed countries than in developing countries. We determined the effect of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) on fecal bacterial enzyme activities in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced experimental colon carcinogenesis in rats. Male Wistar albino rats were divided into 6 groups and all animals were fed with a high-fat diet (20% fat in the diet). Group 1 served as control and group 2 animals received 60 mg.kg(-1) body weight (b.w.) oregano daily for 15 weeks. To induce colon cancer, DMH (20 mg.kg(-1) b.w.) was injected subcutaneously once a week for the first 4 weeks (groups 3-6). In addition, oregano was administered at 20, 40, or 60 mg.kg(-1) b.w. each day orally for the entire 15 weeks (groups 4-6). We analyzed the fecal bacterial enzyme activities and found it to be significantly higher in the group treated with DMH alone than in the control group. Oregano supplementation at all 3 doses significantly suppressed the bacterial enzyme activities and modulated oxidative stress significantly compared with the unsupplemented DMH-treated group. Results of our present investigation therefore revealed that oregano markedly inhibited DMH-induced colon carcinogenesis and that the optimal dose of 40 mg.kg(-1) b.w. was more effective than either the higher or lower doses.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with increased incidence of colon cancers. It is also becoming evident that cancer stem cells (CSC) play a vital role in the pathogenesis and prognosis of colon cancer. Recently, we reported the presence of colon cancer stem-like cells in macroscopically normal mucosa in patients with adenomatous polyps and that they increase with aging, suggesting that aging may predispose the colon to carcinogenesis. In the current study we have examined the combined effects of aging and carcinogen exposure on the status of colon CSCs in an experimental model. We used young (4-6 months) and aged (22-24 months) rats and exposed them to the carcinogen, dimethylhydroxide (DMH). We investigated the expression of colon cancer stem cell markers, CD44, CD166, EpCam, and ALDH1 as well as EGFR expression in normal colonic crypt epithelium following carcinogen treatment. Our results demonstrate that aging per se or carcinogen treatment alone causes an increase in the number of colon cancer stems cells, as evidenced by increased immunoreactive-CSC-markers positive cells in the colonic mucosa. In aged rats, carcinogen exposure results in a more pronounced increase in colon cancer stem cells. Our study shows that in aging colon the effects of carcinogens are more pronounced, and an increase in colon CSCs is one of the earliest changes preceding tumor development. Moreover, the current investigation of the use of a panel of immunohistochemical markers of colon CSC can potentially serve as a prognostic marker during screening for colon cancer.  相似文献   

Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolated from human colon, and differential interference contrast microscopy distinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol (CCh, 100 microM) or histamine (10 microM) released contents from goblet granules. Stimulation with prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2), 5 microM) or adenosine (10 microM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin of columnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulation with CCh or histamine ( approximately 160 fl/cell), but not with PGE(2) or adenosine. Three-quarters of goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of goblet volume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min. PGE(2) stimulated a prolonged fluid secretion that attained a rate of approximately 350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost approximately 50% of apical volume during maximal PGE(2) stimulation, with a half-time of 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. These results support separate regulation for mucus secretions from goblet cells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restricting total release of mucus stores.  相似文献   

Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolated fromhuman colon, and differential interference contrast microscopydistinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol(CCh, 100 µM) or histamine (10 µM) released contents from gobletgranules. Stimulation with prostaglandinE2(PGE2, 5 µM) or adenosine (10 µM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin ofcolumnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulationwith CCh or histamine (~160 fl/cell), but not withPGE2 or adenosine. Three-quartersof goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of gobletvolume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min.PGE2 stimulated a prolonged fluidsecretion that attained a rate of ~350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost~50% of apical volume during maximalPGE2 stimulation, with a half-timeof 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. Theseresults support separate regulation for mucus secretions from gobletcells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restrictingtotal release of mucus stores.


Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolatedfrom human colon, and differential interference contrast microscopydistinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol(CCh, 100 µM) or histamine (10 µM) released contents from gobletgranules. Stimulation with prostaglandinE2(PGE2, 5 µM) or adenosine (10 µM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin ofcolumnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulationwith CCh or histamine (~160 fl/cell), but not withPGE2 or adenosine. Three-quartersof goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of gobletvolume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min.PGE2 stimulated a prolonged fluidsecretion that attained a rate of ~350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost~50% of apical volume during maximalPGE2 stimulation, with a half-timeof 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. Theseresults support separate regulation for mucus secretions from gobletcells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restrictingtotal release of mucus stores.


Newborn male CBA mice received a single treatment with 0.5 mg testosterone propionate. Weekly subcutaneous injections of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) were given to 2-month-old mice. The incidence of pararenal angiosarcomas and colonic tumors in neonatally androgenized mice reached 78.5 and 71.0%, respectively by the 35th week after the DMH treatment was commenced. In DMH-treated control mice, the incidence of the above tumors amounted to 25 and 32%, respectively.  相似文献   

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