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In order to develop high affinity, fluorescent ligands for the estrogen receptor based on 2-arylindenes, it is important to understand how this non-steroidal estrogen is oriented within the binding site and to know how hydroxyl substituents affect binding. To investigate these issues a series of dihydroxyl-substituted 2,3-diphenylindenes were prepared by the cyclization of appropriately substituted alpha-benzyldesoxybenzoins, and their binding affinities for the estrogen receptor measured by a competitive radiometric binding assay. Introduction of a p-hydroxyl group in the 2-phenyl ring of two 2,3-diphenyl-6-hydroxyindene systems causes a 3-fold increase in binding affinity, whereas, p-hydroxylation in the 3-phenyl ring of these systems causes a 2-fold reduction in binding affinity. The parallel change in binding affinity in these two systems suggests a consistent binding orientation of the 2,3-diarylindene systems, which, on the basis of earlier studies, has the indene system corresponding to the A/B-ring system of estradiol. This orientation model and the enhanced affinity of the p-hydroxy 2-ring derivatives are suggestive of a new hydrogen bonding site below the D-ring binding site. Changes in receptor binding affinity upon hydroxylation in triphenylacrylonitrile ligands for the estrogen receptor, reported by others, do not show such parallelism, suggesting that different derivatives may not be bound in congruent orientations. A m-hydroxyl substituent in ring-3 of the 2,3-diarylindene has very little effect on receptor binding. In designing fluorescent 2,3-diarylindene ligands for the estrogen receptor, 3-ring hydroxylation may be useful in reducing non-specific binding and in modifying electron donation to the fluorophore with only modest or no reduction in binding affinity. p-Hydroxylation of the 2-ring, although increasing receptor binding, is not consistent with the electron accepting nature required of this ring.  相似文献   

By means of a DNA-cellulose competitive binding assay, we have studied the interaction of the estrogen receptor with genomic fragments of the estrogen responsive rabbit uteroglobin gene. The fragments spanned from 3255 bp upstream to 1754 bp downstream of the initiation site. Only a fragment (-396/+8) showed strong affinity for the receptor. Within this fragment a unique palindromic sequence (GGTCAccaTGCCC) was found which is very similar to the canonical consensus sequence for the estrogen receptor. A synthetic oligonucleotide of that structure specifically competed for the binding of the receptor to DNA-cellulose.  相似文献   

Indenestrol A (IA) and indenestrol B (IB) are analogs and metabolites of diethylstilbestrol (DES). These compounds have high binding affinity with the estrogen receptor (ER) but possess weak uterotropic activity. Due to their chemical structures, IA and IB exist as mixtures of enantiomers. We investigated whether the poor biological activity of these compounds was due to differential activity of the enantiomers. We also utilized these compounds as probes to determine the extent of stereochemical sensitivity in the ER ligand binding site. The IA and IB enantiomers were separated to greater than 98% purity using a chiral high pressure liquid chromatography column. Their enantiomeric nature was confirmed by mass spectrometry and NMR. The purified IA enantiomer peak 1 was derivatized with 4-bromobenzoyl chloride. The resulting di(4-bronobenzoate) IA was analyzed by x-ray crystallography and the absolute enantiomeric conformation assigned is C(3)-R. The IA enantiomers designated IA-R and A-S were assayed by competitive binding to cytosolic ER. The competitive binding index was estradiol, 100; DES, 286; IA-Rac (racemic mixture of IA), 143; IA-R, 3; and IA-S, 285; the index showed that ER demonstrates a stereochemical chiral preference. The IB enantiomers did not show a binding preference: IB, 145; IB-1, 100; and IB-2, 143. The differences in the IA enantiomer binding were shown to be due to competitive interactions by Lineweaver-Burk analysis of saturation binding of estradiol to ER in the presence of 1-, 5-, and 10-fold molar excess of competitor. Differences in binding affinity of the enantiomers could be partially explained by differences in the association rate constant (k+1) determined by association rate inhibition studies in which IA-S was 15 times more active than IA-R. Nuclear estrogen receptor levels were measured 1 h after in vivo treatment with doses of 5-20 micrograms/kg. The IA-Rac produced only 60% of the levels is compared with DES. Nuclear ER levels were checked every 30 min up to 2 h with no apparent difference, indicating that the low early levels were not due to a delayed estrogen receptor retention. When the enantiomers were tested individually only a dose of 10 micrograms/kg IA-S translocated ER to a level comparable to DES, while IA-R showed low levels at several doses. These results suggest that the poor biological activity of IA may be related to the differential ER interaction of its enantiomers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the estrogen receptor bears proteolytic activity responsible for its own transformation. This activity was inhibited by aprotinin. Incubation of transformed ER with aprotinin modified the proteolytic digestion of the hormone binding subunit by proteinase K. The smallest hormone-binding fragment of the ER, obtained by tryptic digestion, was still able to bind to aprotinin. These results suggest that aprotinin interacts with ER and the hormone-binding domain of ER is endowed with a specific aprotinin-binding site.  相似文献   

The model of the estrogen receptor as a dimer of identical, interacting subunits and data obtained by Sasson and Notides (1988, Mol. Endocrinol. 2, 307-312) were used to find the standard free energy changes that describe the binding of estradiol and 4-hydroxytamoxifen to the estrogen receptor. For the binding of estradiol or 4-hydroxytamoxifen to the estrogen receptor the data do not deviate systematically from the best fit to the model. The standard free energy change for binding of one molecule of estradiol at one site and one molecule of 4-hydroxytamoxifen at the second site of estrogen receptor indicates that 4-hydroxytamoxifen antagonizes the binding of estradiol to the estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

The activation function 2/ligand-dependent interaction between nuclear receptors and their coregulators is mediated by a short consensus motif, the so-called nuclear receptor (NR) box. Nuclear receptors exhibit distinct preferences for such motifs depending both on the bound ligand and on the NR box sequence. To better understand the structural basis of motif recognition, we characterized the interaction between estrogen receptor alpha and the NR box regions of the p160 coactivator TIF2. We have determined the crystal structures of complexes between the ligand-binding domain of estrogen receptor alpha and 12-mer peptides from the Box B2 and Box B3 regions of TIF2. Surprisingly, the Box B3 module displays an unexpected binding mode that is distinct from the canonical LXXLL interaction observed in other ligand-binding domain/NR box crystal structures. The peptide is shifted along the coactivator binding site in such a way that the interaction motif becomes LXXYL rather than the classical LXXLL. However, analysis of the binding properties of wild type NR box peptides, as well as mutant peptides designed to probe the Box B3 orientation, suggests that the Box B3 peptide primarily adopts the "classical" LXXLL orientation in solution. These results highlight the potential difficulties in interpretation of protein-protein interactions based on co-crystal structures using short peptide motifs.  相似文献   

Gene transfer studies have shown that estrogen regulation of specific genes is mediated by estrogen response elements (ERE). We report that binding of the estrogen receptor to the ERE can be detected by a gel retardation (band shift) assay. This binding interaction was highly sequence and receptor specific. Methylation interference analysis showed that the ERE contact sites of estrogen receptor displayed a perfect twofold rotational symmetry. This is compatible with estrogen receptor binding to the ERE as a head-to-head dimer.  相似文献   

Monocyte chemoattracant-1 (MCP-1) stimulates leukocyte chemotaxis to inflammatory sites, such as rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, and asthma, by use of the MCP-1 receptor, CCR2, a member of the G-protein-coupled seven-transmembrane receptor superfamily. These studies identified a family of antagonists, spiropiperidines. One of the more potent compounds blocks MCP-1 binding to CCR2 with a K(d) of 60 nm, but it is unable to block binding to CXCR1, CCR1, or CCR3. These compounds were effective inhibitors of chemotaxis toward MCP-1 but were very poor inhibitors of CCR1-mediated chemotaxis. The compounds are effective blockers of MCP-1-driven inhibition of adenylate cyclase and MCP-1- and MCP-3-driven cytosolic calcium influx; the compounds are not agonists for these pathways. We showed that glutamate 291 (Glu(291)) of CCR2 is a critical residue for high affinity binding and that this residue contributes little to MCP-1 binding to CCR2. The basic nitrogen present in the spiropiperidine compounds may be the interaction partner for Glu(291), because the basicity of this nitrogen was essential for affinity; furthermore, a different class of antagonists, a class that does not have a basic nitrogen (2-carboxypyrroles), were not affected by mutations of Glu(291). In addition to the CCR2 receptor, spiropiperidine compounds have affinity for several biogenic amine receptors. Receptor models indicate that the acidic residue, Glu(291), from transmembrane-7 of CCR2 is in a position similar to the acidic residue contributed from transmembrane-3 of biogenic amine receptors, which may account for the shared affinity of spiropiperidines for these two receptor classes. The models suggest that the acid-base pair, Glu(291) to piperidine nitrogen, anchors the spiropiperidine compound within the transmembrane ovoid bundle. This binding site may overlap with the space required by MCP-1 during binding and signaling; thus the small molecule ligands act as antagonists. An acidic residue in transmembrane region 7 is found in most chemokine receptors and is rare in other serpentine receptors. The model of the binding site may suggest ways to make new small molecule chemokine receptor antagonists, and it may rationalize the design of more potent and selective antagonists.  相似文献   

Defining a minimal estrogen receptor DNA binding domain.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

On the receptor binding site of relaxins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relaxin plays a critical role in viviparity and has recently been implicated as a hormone of oviparity as well. In most mammals relaxin causes the widening of the birth canal during parturition and suppresses uterine motility during pregnancy. Relaxins isolated from several species have shown a great deal of sequence variability, and speculations regarding a putative receptor interaction site have, as a consequence, varied considerably. The isolation of skate relaxin in combination with our chemical modification data enable us to suggest a unique site for the interaction of relaxin with its uterine and symphyseal receptors.  相似文献   

The response of rat uterine estrogen receptor sub-species to injection of 5 micrograms estradiol has been investigated in intact and 4-weeks' ovariectomized adult animals. Determinations of occupied and unoccupied receptor subcellular fluctuations reveal significant differences not detectable under standard assays which measure only total nuclear and unoccupied cytosolic receptors. Both animal models manifest a high level of unoccupied nuclear receptors which are inaccessible to estrogen. In contrast to the intact animal, uteri from castrate animals have a high level of occupied receptors in the cytosol, which remains high following estrogen exposure. Receptor processing occurs in the castrate, but not the intact, animal. The results demonstrate that traditional assays are complicated by the presence and simultaneous measurement of non-responsive receptor species which quantitatively differ widely among animal models and will give rise to an erroneous interpretation of the pattern of estrogen-induced turnover of its receptor.  相似文献   

In experiments to determine whether serum antibodies in patients with Crohn's disease could be used as probes for detecting potentially etiologic Ag in the patients' tissues, we found that peroxidase (HRP)-labeled IgG from healthy persons, as well as from the patients, bound to normal colonic and small intestinal epithelium, mostly or entirely to goblet cells. The binding was due to a reaction involving the Fc region of IgG because HRP-labeled Fc fragments of IgG bound, but HRP-Fab, HRP-IgA, and HRP-bovine albumin did not, and because binding of HRP-IgG was inhibited competitively by unlabeled IgG or Fc fragments but not by IgG Fab fragments or IgA. These immunohistochemical results were confirmed by ELISA with microtiter wells coated with a sonicated homogenate from human colonocytes. The epithelial IgG Fc binding site was characterized by SDS-PAGE as consisting of a high Mr (greater than 200,000 Da) and a 78,000-Da component. It bound all four subclasses of human IgG and bound aggregated as well as monomeric IgG. It is distinct from known human Fc-gamma R by lack of recognition by mAb to those receptors and differences in affinity for various subclasses of human and murine IgG. This unique IgG Fc binding site might be involved in immunologic defense of the gut, perhaps by mediating reactions between foreign Ag and the contents of goblet cells.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent binding of estrogen receptor to chromatin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W L McGuire  K Huff  G C Chamness 《Biochemistry》1972,11(24):4562-4565

Frank Gannon  Jack Gorski 《Steroids》1976,28(5):669-697
In order to show whether the estrogen complex (ER) in the intact cell binds to some nuclear component or whether it is in free equilibrium between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, we incubated intact uteri under conditions which increased the ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic ER. These conditions included (a) the use of sucrose at concentrations greater than 0.75 M, (b) ethanol at 7.5% to 10%, or (c) 1 mM mercuric chloride or phenylmercuric acetate. Whereas (b) and (c) increased the ratio by preferentially denaturing the cytoplasmic ER, (a) caused ER to move from the cytoplasm into the nucleus by an undetermined mechanism. Uteri with a high ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic ER were then washed, incubated in fresh “normal” incubation media, fractionated and the location of ER determined. If ER binding does occur in the nucleus, the high ratio of nuclear ER to cytoplasmic ER should be maintained, whereas if ER is in an equilibrium in the cell, ER should redistribute and reestablish the “normal” ratio. In all cases studied; i.e., after pretreatment with sucrose at different concentrations, ethanol at different concentrations and either mercuric chloride or phenylmercuric acetate, the ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic ER remained high, suggesting that ER binds to some nuclear component in intact cells.  相似文献   

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