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Layer III pyramidal neurons were injected with Lucifer yellow in tangential cortical slices taken from the inferior temporal cortex (area TE) and the superior temporal polysensory (STP) area of the macaque monkey. Basal dendritic field areas of layer III pyramidal neurons in area STP are significantly larger, and their dendritic arborizations more complex, than those of cells in area TE. Moreover, the dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal neurons in both STP and TE are many times larger and more complex than those in areas forming 'lower' stages in cortical visual processing, such as the first (V1), second (V2), fourth (V4) and middle temporal (MT) visual areas. By combining data on spine density with those of Sholl analyses, we were able to estimate the average number of spines in the basal dendritic field of layer III pyramidal neurons in each area. These calculations revealed a 13-fold difference in the number of spines in the basal dendritic field between areas STP and V1 in animals of similar age. The large differences in complexity of the same kind of neuron in different visual areas go against arguments for isopotentiality of different cortical regions and provide a basis that allows pyramidal neurons in temporal areas TE and STP to integrate more inputs than neurons in more caudal visual areas.  相似文献   

A direct projection from area V1 to area V3A of rhesus monkey visual cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small cortical lesions were made in regions of the primary visual cortex (V1) representing different retinal eccentricities. It was found that, whereas all parts of V1 project to visual areas V2, V3 and the motion area of the superior temporal sulcus, only parts of V1 representing peripheral eccentricities (in excess of 30 degrees) project directly to visual area V3A.  相似文献   

There is much evidence in primates' visual processing for distinct mechanisms involved in object recognition and encoding object position and motion, which have been identified with 'ventral' and 'dorsal' streams, respectively, of the extra-striate visual areas [1] [2] [3]. This distinction may yield insights into normal human perception, its development and pathology. Motion coherence sensitivity has been taken as a test of global processing in the dorsal stream [4] [5]. We have proposed an analogous 'form coherence' measure of global processing in the ventral stream [6]. In a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment, we found that the cortical regions activated by form coherence did not overlap with those activated by motion coherence in the same individuals. Areas differentially activated by form coherence included regions in the middle occipital gyrus, the ventral occipital surface, the intraparietal sulcus, and the temporal lobe. Motion coherence activated areas consistent with those previously identified as V5 and V3a, the ventral occipital surface, the intraparietal sulcus, and temporal structures. Neither form nor motion coherence activated area V1 differentially. Form and motion foci in occipital, parietal, and temporal areas were nearby but showed almost no overlap. These results support the idea that form and motion coherence test distinct functional brain systems, but that these do not necessarily correspond to a gross anatomical separation of dorsal and ventral processing streams.  相似文献   

Eye movements constitute one of the most basic means of interacting with our environment, allowing to orient to, localize and scrutinize the variety of potentially interesting objects that surround us. In this review we discuss the role of the parietal cortex in the control of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements, whose purpose is to rapidly displace the line of gaze and to maintain a moving object on the central retina, respectively. From single cell recording studies in monkey we know that distinct sub-regions of the parietal lobe are implicated in these two kinds of movement. The middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal (MST) areas show neuronal activities related to moving visual stimuli and to ocular pursuit. The lateral intraparietal (LIP) area exhibits visual and saccadic neuronal responses. Electrophysiology, which in essence is a correlation method, cannot entirely solve the question of the functional implication of these areas: are they primarily involved in sensory processing, in motor processing, or in some intermediate function? Lesion approaches (reversible or permanent) in the monkey can provide important information in this respect. Lesions of MT or MST produce deficits in the perception of visual motion, which would argue for their possible role in sensory guidance of ocular pursuit rather than in directing motor commands to the eye muscle. Lesions of LIP do not produce specific visual impairments and cause only subtle saccadic deficits. However, recent results have shown the presence of severe deficits in spatial attention tasks. LIP could thus be implicated in the selection of relevant objects in the visual scene and provide a signal for directing the eyes toward these objects. Functional imaging studies in humans confirm the role of the parietal cortex in pursuit, saccadic, and attentional networks, and show a high degree of overlap with monkey data. Parietal lobe lesions in humans also result in behavioral deficits very similar to those that are observed in the monkey. Altogether, these different sources of data consistently point to the involvement of the parietal cortex in the representation of space, at an intermediate stage between vision and action.  相似文献   

Phosphenes are commonly evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to study the functional organization, connectivity, and excitability of the human visual brain. For years, phosphenes have been documented only from stimulating early visual areas (V1-V3) and a handful of specialized visual regions (V4, V5/MT+) in occipital cortex. Recently, phosphenes were reported after applying TMS to a region of posterior parietal cortex involved in the top-down modulation of visuo-spatial processing. In the present study, we systematically characterized parietal phosphenes to determine if they are generated directly by local mechanisms or emerge through indirect activation of other visual areas. Using technology developed in-house to record the subjective features of phosphenes, we found no systematic differences in the size, shape, location, or frame-of-reference of parietal phosphenes when compared to their occipital counterparts. In a second experiment, discrete deactivation by 1 Hz repetitive TMS yielded a double dissociation: phosphene thresholds increased at the deactivated site without producing a corresponding change at the non-deactivated location. Overall, the commonalities of parietal and occipital phosphenes, and our ability to independently modulate their excitability thresholds, lead us to conclude that they share a common neural basis that is separate from either of the stimulated regions.  相似文献   

Our understanding of multisensory integration has advanced because of recent functional neuroimaging studies of three areas in human lateral occipito-temporal cortex: superior temporal sulcus, area LO and area MT (V5). Superior temporal sulcus is activated strongly in response to meaningful auditory and visual stimuli, but responses to tactile stimuli have not been well studied. Area LO shows strong activation in response to both visual and tactile shape information, but not to auditory representations of objects. Area MT, an important region for processing visual motion, also shows weak activation in response to tactile motion, and a signal that drops below resting baseline in response to auditory motion. Within superior temporal sulcus, a patchy organization of regions is activated in response to auditory, visual and multisensory stimuli. This organization appears similar to that observed in polysensory areas in macaque superior temporal sulcus, suggesting that it is an anatomical substrate for multisensory integration. A patchy organization might also be a neural mechanism for integrating disparate representations within individual sensory modalities, such as representations of visual form and visual motion.  相似文献   

In adults, motion perception is mediated by an extensive network of occipital, parietal, temporal, and insular cortical areas. Little is known about the neural substrate of visual motion in infants, although behavioural studies suggest that motion perception is rudimentary at birth and matures steadily over the first few years. Here, by measuring Blood Oxygenated Level Dependent (BOLD) responses to flow versus random-motion stimuli, we demonstrate that the major cortical areas serving motion processing in adults are operative by 7 wk of age. Resting-state correlations demonstrate adult-like functional connectivity between the motion-selective associative areas, but not between primary cortex and temporo-occipital and posterior-insular cortices. Taken together, the results suggest that the development of motion perception may be limited by slow maturation of the subcortical input and of the cortico-cortical connections. In addition they support the existence of independent input to primary (V1) and temporo-occipital (V5/MT+) cortices very early in life.  相似文献   

Visual field maps in human cortex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wandell BA  Dumoulin SO  Brewer AA 《Neuron》2007,56(2):366-383
Much of the visual cortex is organized into visual field maps: nearby neurons have receptive fields at nearby locations in the image. Mammalian species generally have multiple visual field maps with each species having similar, but not identical, maps. The introduction of functional magnetic resonance imaging made it possible to identify visual field maps in human cortex, including several near (1) medial occipital (V1,V2,V3), (2) lateral occipital (LO-1,LO-2, hMT+), (3) ventral occipital (hV4, VO-1, VO-2), (4) dorsal occipital (V3A, V3B), and (5) posterior parietal cortex (IPS-0 to IPS-4). Evidence is accumulating for additional maps, including some in the frontal lobe. Cortical maps are arranged into clusters in which several maps have parallel eccentricity representations, while the angular representations within a cluster alternate in visual field sign. Visual field maps have been linked to functional and perceptual properties of the visual system at various spatial scales, ranging from the level of individual maps to map clusters to dorsal-ventral streams. We survey recent measurements of human visual field maps, describe hypotheses about the function and relationships between maps, and consider methods to improve map measurements and characterize the response properties of neurons comprising these maps.  相似文献   

We tested a patient (A. T.) with bilateral brain damage to the parietal lobes, whose resulting 'optic ataxia' causes her to make large pointing errors when asked to locate single light emitting diodes presented in her visual field. We report here that, unlike normal individuals, A. T.'s pointing accuracy improved when she was required to wait for 5 s before responding. This counter-intuitive result is interpreted as reflecting the very brief time-scale on which visuomotor control systems in the superior parietal lobe operate. When an immediate response was required, A. T.'s damaged visuomotor system caused her to make large errors; but when a delay was required, a different, more flexible, visuospatial coding system--presumably relatively intact in her brain--came into play, resulting in much more accurate responses. The data are consistent with a dual processing theory whereby motor responses made directly to visual stimuli are guided by a dedicated system in the superior parietal and premotor cortices, while responses to remembered stimuli depend on perceptual processing and may thus crucially involve processing within the temporal neocortex.  相似文献   

The neural correlates of binocular rivalry have been actively debated in recent years, and are of considerable interest as they may shed light on mechanisms of conscious awareness. In a related phenomenon, monocular rivalry, a composite image is shown to both eyes. The subject experiences perceptual alternations in which the two stimulus components alternate in clarity or salience. The experience is similar to perceptual alternations in binocular rivalry, although the reduction in visibility of the suppressed component is greater for binocular rivalry, especially at higher stimulus contrasts. We used fMRI at 3T to image activity in visual cortex while subjects perceived either monocular or binocular rivalry, or a matched non-rivalrous control condition. The stimulus patterns were left/right oblique gratings with the luminance contrast set at 9%, 18% or 36%. Compared to a blank screen, both binocular and monocular rivalry showed a U-shaped function of activation as a function of stimulus contrast, i.e. higher activity for most areas at 9% and 36%. The sites of cortical activation for monocular rivalry included occipital pole (V1, V2, V3), ventral temporal, and superior parietal cortex. The additional areas for binocular rivalry included lateral occipital regions, as well as inferior parietal cortex close to the temporoparietal junction (TPJ). In particular, higher-tier areas MT+ and V3A were more active for binocular than monocular rivalry for all contrasts. In comparison, activation in V2 and V3 was reduced for binocular compared to monocular rivalry at the higher contrasts that evoked stronger binocular perceptual suppression, indicating that the effects of suppression are not limited to interocular suppression in V1.  相似文献   

While it is known that some individuals can effectively perform two tasks simultaneously, other individuals cannot. How the brain deals with performing simultaneous tasks remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to assess which brain areas corresponded to various phenomena in task performance. Nineteen subjects were requested to sequentially perform three blocks of tasks, including two unimodal tasks and one bimodal task. The unimodal tasks measured either visual feature binding or auditory pitch comparison, while the bimodal task required performance of the two tasks simultaneously. The functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results are compatible with previous studies showing that distinct brain areas, such as the visual cortices, frontal eye field (FEF), lateral parietal lobe (BA7), and medial and inferior frontal lobe, are involved in processing of visual unimodal tasks. In addition, the temporal lobes and Brodmann area 43 (BA43) were involved in processing of auditory unimodal tasks. These results lend support to concepts of modality-specific attention. Compared to the unimodal tasks, bimodal tasks required activation of additional brain areas. Furthermore, while deactivated brain areas were related to good performance in the bimodal task, these areas were not deactivated where the subject performed well in only one of the two simultaneous tasks. These results indicate that efficient information processing does not require some brain areas to be overly active; rather, the specific brain areas need to be relatively deactivated to remain alert and perform well on two tasks simultaneously. Meanwhile, it can also offer a neural basis for biofeedback in training courses, such as courses in how to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms for the perception of face and motion were studied using psychophysical threshold measurements, event-related potentials (ERPs), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A face-specific ERP component, N170, was recorded over the posterior temporal cortex. Removal of the high-spatial-frequency components of the face altered the perception of familiar faces significantly, and familiarity can facilitate the cortico-cortical processing of facial perceptions. Similarly, the high-spatial-frequency components of the face seemed to be crucial for the recognition of facial expressions. Aging and visuospatial impairments affected motion perception significantly. Two distinct components of motion ERPs, N170 and P200, were recorded over the parietal region. The former was related to horizontal motion perception while the latter reflected the perception of radial optic flow motion. The results of fMRI showed that horizontal movements of objects and radial optic flow motion were perceived differently in the V5/MT and superior parietal lobe. We conclude that an integrated approach can provide useful information on spatial and temporal processing of face and motion non-invasively.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate possible changes of cortical thickness in the visual cortex in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) of varying severity. Twenty normal controls (NC), 20 mild (MP) and 17 severe (SP) POAG patients were recruited and scanned using magnetic resonance imaging. Cortical thickness analyses with regions of interest (V1, V2, ventral V3, V4 and V5/MT+) were used to assess the cortical changes among the three groups. Furthermore, the associations of cortical thickness with retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and mean deviation of visual field were analyzed. Compared with the NC group, decreased cortical thickness was detected in the bilateral V5/MT+ areas in the MP group and the left V1, bilateral V2 and V5/MT+ areas in the SP group. Cortical thinning of the bilateral V2 areas was detected in the SP group compared with the MP group. In addition, cortical thinning of these visual areas was related to the ophthalmologic measurements. In conclusion, POAG patients exhibit cortical thinning in the bilateral V5/MT+ in the early stage of disease. The cortical degeneration in visual areas is discrepant with disease progressing and the dorsal pathway might be selectively damaged in POAG. Therefore, the cortical thinning of these visual areas may play a key role in the progression of POAG and can serve as a novel biomarker for accurately evaluating the severity of POAG.  相似文献   

The middle temporal visual area (MT, also known as V5) is a visual association area that is particularly evolved in the primate brain. The MT receives input from the primary visual area (V1), constitutes part of the dorsal visual pathway, and plays an essential role in processing motion. Connections between the MT and V1 in the primate brain are formed after birth, and are related to the maturation of visual system. However, it remains to be determined what molecular mechanisms control the formation and maturation of the visual system. Cadherins are transmembrane proteins, originally isolated as cell adhesion molecules, which have multiple roles in synapse formation and function. To investigate potential involvement of cadherins in development of the primate visual system, we examined type II cadherin expression (cadherin‐6, ‐8, ‐12) in cortical and thalamic visual areas of pre‐ and postnatal brains of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). In the prenatal brain, cadherin‐6 was dominantly expressed in the pulvino‐MT pathway whereas cadherin‐8 was dominant in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)‐V1 pathway. During postnatal development, there was a downregulation of cadherin‐6 and upregulation of cadherin‐8 expression in the MT. The timing of this cadherin exchange preceded the development of V1‐MT connections. Our results suggest the possibility that changes in cadherin expression are involved in the development of the primate visual system, and that a switch in cadherin expression may be a general mechanism to control neural plasticity of highly cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Fang M  Li J  Rudd JA  Wai SM  Yew JC  Yew DT 《Life sciences》2006,78(11):1197-1201
Classical studies have demonstrated that the visual centers in primates consist of cortical areas V1, V2 and V4 and their branches. However, nothing is known about how these visual areas change in postnatal development. In the present studies, therefore, pigs aged 2, 4, and 6 months old, were stimulated visually with a colored checker board and the active sites in the cortex, cerebellum and brainstem recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In pigs aged 2 months old, visual stimulation induced an increase in activation of sites in the V2 and V4 cortical areas, as well as in the areas of the inferior aspect of the parietal and middle aspect of the temporal cortices, but not in the medial and caudal occipital cortex (V1 area). At 4 months old, the V1 area was also activated, and by 6 months old, an inferior sector in the prefrontal cortex was also activated. As the pigs aged, functional active sites were further demonstrated in the cerebellum and the brainstem, which probably had to do with action memory, and the control of the ocular muscles, respectively. It is concluded that the visual pathway of the pig mainly involves cortical areas that mature at 6 months of age.  相似文献   

The homologues of the two distinct architectonic areas 44 and 45 that constitute the anterior language zone (Broca's region) in the human ventrolateral frontal lobe were recently established in the macaque monkey. Although we know that the inferior parietal lobule and the lateral temporal cortical region project to the ventrolateral frontal cortex, we do not know which of the several cortical areas found in those regions project to the homologues of Broca's region in the macaque monkey and by means of which white matter pathways. We have used the autoradiographic method, which permits the establishment of the cortical area from which axons originate (i.e., the site of injection), the precise course of the axons in the white matter, and their termination within particular cortical areas, to examine the parietal and temporal connections to area 44 and the two subdivisions of area 45 (i.e., areas 45A and 45B). The results demonstrated a ventral temporo-frontal stream of fibers that originate from various auditory, multisensory, and visual association cortical areas in the intermediate superolateral temporal region. These axons course via the extreme capsule and target most strongly area 45 with a more modest termination in area 44. By contrast, a dorsal stream of axons that originate from various cortical areas in the inferior parietal lobule and the adjacent caudal superior temporal sulcus was found to target both areas 44 and 45. These axons course in the superior longitudinal fasciculus, with some axons originating from the ventral inferior parietal lobule and the adjacent superior temporal sulcus arching and forming a simple arcuate fasciculus. The cortex of the most rostral part of the inferior parietal lobule is preferentially linked with the ventral premotor cortex (ventral area 6) that controls the orofacial musculature. The cortex of the intermediate part of the inferior parietal lobule is linked with both areas 44 and 45. These findings demonstrate the posterior parietal and temporal connections of the ventrolateral frontal areas, which, in the left hemisphere of the human brain, were adapted for various aspects of language production. These precursor circuits that are found in the nonlinguistic, nonhuman, primate brain also exist in the human brain. The possible reasons why these areas were adapted for language use in the human brain are discussed. The results throw new light on the prelinguistic precursor circuitry of Broca's region and help understand functional interactions between Broca's ventrolateral frontal region and posterior parietal and temporal association areas.  相似文献   

The present study investigated implicit and explicit recognition processes of rapidly perceptually learned objects by means of steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP). Participants were initially exposed to object pictures within an incidental learning task (living/non-living categorization). Subsequently, degraded versions of some of these learned pictures were presented together with degraded versions of unlearned pictures and participants had to judge, whether they recognized an object or not. During this test phase, stimuli were presented at 15 Hz eliciting an SSVEP at the same frequency. Source localizations of SSVEP effects revealed for implicit and explicit processes overlapping activations in orbito-frontal and temporal regions. Correlates of explicit object recognition were additionally found in the superior parietal lobe. These findings are discussed to reflect facilitation of object-specific processing areas within the temporal lobe by an orbito-frontal top-down signal as proposed by bi-directional accounts of object recognition.  相似文献   

Brain activation during volitional control of breathing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to demonstrate the brain activation during volitional control of breathing in nine healthy human subjects. This type of breathing was induced by acoustic stimuli dictating the respiratory frequency. During the period of dictated breathing not only the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, but also the parietal lobes were bilaterally activated. The frontal lobe was activated bilaterally in all subjects, with frequent activation of Brodmann areas 4 and 6. In the parietal lobe, activation could mostly be demonstrated in gyrus postcentralis and the same was true for area 22 in the temporal lobe.  相似文献   

Abstract: Oxidative stress may contribute to neuronal loss in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The present study compares the levels of oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA bases from seven different brain areas of AD and matched control tissues by using a range of techniques. No differences in levels of lipid peroxidation were found in any of the brain regions by using two different assay systems. Overall, there was a trend for protein carbonyl levels to be increased in AD in frontal, occipital, parietal, and temporal lobe, middle temporal gyrus, and hippocampus, but a significant difference was found only in the parietal lobe. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to measure products of damage to all four DNA bases. Increased levels of some (8-hydroxyadenine, 8-hydroxyguanine, thymine glycol, Fapy-guanine, 5-hydroxyuracil, and Fapy-adenine), but not all, oxidized DNA bases were observed in parietal, temporal, occipital, and frontal lobe, superior temporal gyrus, and hippocampus. The baseline level of oxidative DNA damage in the temporal lobe was higher than in other brain regions in both control and AD brain. The finding of increased oxidative damage to protein and DNA strengthens the possibility that oxidative damage may play a role in the pathogenesis of AD in at least some key brain regions.  相似文献   

Stereopsis, the perception of depth from small differences between the images in the two eyes, provides a rich model for investigating the cortical construction of surfaces and space. Although disparity-tuned cells have been found in a large number of areas in macaque visual cortex, stereoscopic processing in these areas has never been systematically compared using the same stimuli and analysis methods. In order to examine the global architecture of stereoscopic processing in primate visual cortex, we studied fMRI activity in alert, fixating human and macaque subjects. In macaques, we found strongest activation to near/far compared to zero disparity in areas V3, V3A, and CIPS. In humans, we found strongest activation to the same stimuli in areas V3A, V7, the V4d topolog (V4d-topo), and a caudal parietal disparity region (CPDR). Thus, in both primate species a small cluster of areas at the parieto-occipital junction appears to be specialized for stereopsis.  相似文献   

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