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A 42 kDa DNA-binding protein is associated with DNA polymerase-alpha-primase in pea (Pisum sativum). In a previous publication it was shown that the protein has strong preference for ds-ss junctions in DNA, including the cohesive termini generated by restriction endonucleases. In this paper it is shown that when the DNA-binding protein is added back to polymerase-primase, the protein stimulates the activity of the polymerase. The stimulation is particularly marked when M13 DNA, primed with a single sequencing primer or primed with oligoribonucleotides by the polymerase's associated primase activity, is used as a template. The stimulation of polymerase activity is not caused by an increase in processivity. These data lead to the suggestion that the 42 kDa DNA-binding protein is a primer-recognition protein.  相似文献   

Purified preparations of herpes simplex virus type 2 DNA polymerase made by many different laboratories always contain at least two polypeptides. The major one, of about 150,000 molecular weight, has been associated with the polymerase activity. The second protein, of about 54,000 molecular weight, which we previously designated ICSP 34, 35, has now been purified. The purified protein has been used to prepare antisera (both polyclonal rabbit serum and monoclonal antibodies). These reagents have been used to characterize the protein, to demonstrate its quite distinct map location from that of the DNA polymerase on the herpes simplex virus genome, and to demonstrate the close association between the two polypeptides.  相似文献   

Micrococcal nuclease digestion of chromatin from ungerminated and 48 h-germinated pea embryos yields DNA fragments which are multiples of basic units of 194–195 base pairs. Extensive digestion produces a core particle of 145 base pairs. Deoxyribonuclease I gives rise to fragments which are multiples of 10 bases upon analysis on denaturing gels. These values are comparable with those found for other plant materials. These results indicate that gross changes in nucleosomal organization do not accompany the onset of germination.  相似文献   

A DNA-binding factor able to bind to a double-stranded DNA containing no free ends (SV40 DNA I) has been reproducibly detected in highly purified (to 30,000 units/mg) regenrating rat liver DNA polymerase-α. This factor could not be separated from the catalytic unit by any of the separation procedures so far used (ion-exchange chromatographies, gel filtration, sucrose gradients and DNA affinity chromatographies). Dissociation of the DNA binding unit from the catalytic unit may be observed after formation of a nucleoprotein complex between DNA polymerase-α and SV40 DNA I.  相似文献   

Electrostatic deformation of DNA by a DNA-binding protein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Complementary electrostatic interactions between negatively charged B-DNA and a positively charged array on the lambda Cro repressor protein are shown to substantially contribute to the formation energy of sequence-specific and nonspecific Cro-DNA complexes. The electrostatic interactions favor Cro binding to a bent form of DNA, a geometry which optimizes hydrogen-bonding contacts between Cro and exposed base pair groups in the DNA major groove.  相似文献   

The adenovirus single-stranded DNA-binding protein (DBP) is an essential factor in viral DNA replication. Three temperature-sensitive (ts) adenoviruses (Ad2+ND1ts23, Ad2ts111A, and Ad5ts125) are known to have single amino acid substitutions in their DBPs that result in defective DNA replication at the nonpermissive temperature. To elucidate the mechanism(s) involved in the ts phenotype, we purified the three mutant DBPs and studied their DNA-binding properties and their ability to support DNA replication in an in vitro system. The results confirm that the three ts DBPs were incapable of supporting DNA replication at the nonpermissive temperature (40 degrees C). The defect was found at both the initiation and elongation steps of DNA replication. The 2-fold stimulation of pTP.dCMP formation by the DBP was lost by prior heating of the ts DBPs. The pronounced effect of the DBP on the early elongation process was severely diminished, but not abolished, by prior heating to 40 degrees C. The functional change at 40 degrees C was irreversible, as the ts DBPs preincubated at 40 degrees C were no longer active when assayed at 30 degrees C. Upon heating to 40 degrees C, all three ts DBPs lost their ability to bind to oligonucleotides, although they still retained some binding activity for large single-stranded DNAs such as M13 DNA. Thus, the inability of these three ts DBPs to support DNA replication is attributable to their altered DNA-binding properties.  相似文献   

An unusual biparental mode of plastid inheritance was found in pea, in a cross associated with nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibility manifested as deficiency of chlorophyll pigmentation. Plastid DNA marker trnK and mitochondrial DNA marker cox1 were analyzed in F1 progeny that received cytoplasm from an accession of a wild subspecies Pisum sativum ssp. elatius. Plants with sectors of green tissue on leaves and seed cotyledons with green patches on an otherwise chlorotic background were found to carry paternally inherited plastid DNA, suggesting that photosynthetic function was affected by nuclear-cytoplasmic conflict and required proliferation of paternally inherited plastids for normal performance. The paternally inherited plastid DNA marker was also observed in the roots. The presence of the paternal marker in cotyledons, roots and leaves was independent of each other. Inheritance of the mitochondrial DNA marker cox1 appeared to be of the maternal type.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of desiccation on a photosynthetic system, light harvesting and light-induced electron transport processes were examined in pea cotyledons at various moisture levels, using in vivo fluorescence excitation spectra and fluorescence induction kinetics. Water sorption isotherms yielded thermodynamic data that suggested very strong water binding between 4 to 11% water, intermediate sorption between water contents of 13 to 22%, and very weak binding at moisture contents between 24 to 32%. The fluorescence properties of the tissue changed with the moisture contents, and these changes correlated generally with the three regions of water binding. Peak fluorescence and fluorescence yield remained at low levels when water content was limited to the tightly bound regions, below 12%. Several new peaks appeared in the chlorophyll a excitation spectrum and both peak fluorescence and fluorescence yield increased at intermediate water-binding levels (12-22%). At moisture contents where water is weakly bound (>24%), peak fluorescence and fluorescence yield were maximum and the fluorescence excitation spectrum was unchanging with further increases in water content.

The state of water is an important component in the energy transfer and electron transport system. At hydration levels where water is most tightly bound, energy transfer from pigments is limited and electron transport is blocked. At intermediate water binding levels, energy transfer and electron transport increase and, in the region of weak water binding, energy transfer and electron transport are maximized.


Novel DNA-binding properties of the RNA-binding protein TIAR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mondol T  Batabyal S  Mazumder A  Roy S  Pal SK 《FEBS letters》2012,586(3):258-262
λ-Repressor-operator sites interaction, particularly O(R)1 and O(R)2, is a key component of the λ-genetic switch. FRET from the dansyl bound to the C-terminal domain of the protein, to the intercalated EtBr in the operator DNA indicates that the structure of the protein is more compact in the O(R)2 complex than in the O(R)1 complex. Fluorescence anisotropy reveals enhanced flexibility of the C-terminal domain of the repressor at fast timescales after complex formation with O(R)1. In contrast, O(R)2 bound repressor shows no significant enhancement of protein dynamics at these timescales. These differences are shown to be important for correct protein-protein interactions. Altered protein dynamics upon specific DNA sequence recognition may play important roles in assembly of regulatory proteins at the correct positions.  相似文献   

Pea DNA helicase 45 (PDH45) is an ATP-dependent DNA unwinding enzyme, with intrinsic DNA-dependent ATPase activity [Plant J. 24 (2000) 219]. We have determined the effect of various DNA-binding agents, such as daunorubicin, ethidium bromide, ellipticine, cisplatin, nogalamycin, actinomycin C1, and camptothecin on the DNA unwinding and ATPase activities of the plant nuclear DNA helicase PDH45. The results show that all the agents except actinomycin C1, and camptothecin inhibited the helicase (apparent K(i) values ranging from 1.5 to 7.0 microM) and ATPase (apparent K(i) values ranging from 2.5 to 11.9 microM) activities. This is the first study to show the effect of various DNA-binding agents on the plant nuclear helicase and also first to demonstrate inhibition of any helicase by cisplatin. Another striking finding that the actinomycin C1 and ellipticine act differentially on PDH45 as compared to pea chloroplast helicase suggests that the mechanism of DNA unwinding could be different in nucleus and chloroplast. These results suggest that the intercalation of the inhibitors into duplex DNA generates a complex that impedes translocation of PDH45, resulting in both the inhibitions of unwinding activity and ATP hydrolysis. This study would be useful to obtain a better understanding of the mechanism of plant nuclear DNA helicase unwinding and the mechanism by which these agents can disturb genome integrity.  相似文献   

A protein which has affinity for single-stranded DNA but not for double-stranded DNA has been isolated from HeLa cells by DNA-cellulose chromatography. This protein having a molecular weight of 34,000 was accounted for approximately 3% of total soluble proteins. Its binding specificity to DNA and nucleotide homopolymers has been investigated by Sephadex G-200 column chromatography. Specific binding to single-stranded DNA has been confirmed also by this method and furthermore strong binding to poly U has been found.  相似文献   

We show that DNA replication activity in extracts of human HeLa cells decreases following UV irradiation. Alterations in replication activity in vitro parallel the UV-induced block in cell cycle progression of these cells in culture. UV irradiation also induces specific changes in the pattern of phosphorylation of the 34 kDa subunit of a DNA replication protein, human single-stranded DNA-binding protein (hSSB). The appearance of a hyperphosphorylated form of hSSB correlates with reduced in vitro DNA replication activity in extracts of UV-irradiated cells. Replication activity can be restored to these extracts in vitro by addition of purified hSSB. These results suggest that UV-induced DNA synthesis arrest may be mediated in part through phosphorylation-related alterations in the activity of hSSB, an essential component of the DNA replication apparatus.  相似文献   

Claspin is an essential protein for the ATR-dependent activation of the DNA replication checkpoint response in Xenopus and human cells. Here we describe the purification and characterization of human Claspin. The protein has a ring-like structure and binds with high affinity to branched DNA molecules. These findings suggest that Claspin may be a component of the replication ensemble and plays a role in the replication checkpoint by directly associating with replication forks and with the various branched DNA structures likely to form at stalled replication forks because of DNA damage.  相似文献   

This review deals with analysis of mechanisms involved in coordination of DNA replication and repair by SSB proteins; characteristics of eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and archaeal SSB proteins are considered, which made it possible to distinguish general mechanisms specific for functioning of proteins from organisms of different life domains. Mechanisms of SSB protein interactions with DNA during metabolism of the latter are studied; structural organization of the SSB protein complexes with DNA, as well as structural and functional peculiarities of different SSB proteins are analyzed.  相似文献   

Four MAR-binding proteins of 60, 65, 70 and 72 kDa have been detected by South-Western blotting and isolated from pea nuclear matrices. Two cDNAs encoding the 60 and 65 kDa proteins (MARBP-1 and MARBP-2) were isolated from a pea leaf cDNA library by screening with a PCR product obtained using degenerate primers based on an amino acid sequence from the 60 kDa protein. The proteins of 560 and 550 amino acids are 86% identical and contain several KKD/E repeats near the C-terminus. Escherichia coli-expressed MARBP-1 specifically binds A/T-rich MAR DNA. The interaction of MARBP-1/MARBP-2 with MAR DNA involves novel DNA-binding motifs. The MARBP-1 and MARBP-2 genes are expressed in a range of pea tissues and are encoded by genes at different loci. MARBP-1 and MARBP-2 are homologous to yeast nucleolar proteins Nop56p and Nop58p, which are involved in ribosome biogenesis, and to similar highly conserved proteins in other eukaryotes and in archaebacteria. MARBP-1 and MARBP-2 may have multifunctional roles in chromatin organisation and ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Control of single-strand DNA synthesis in coliphage f1 was studied with the use of mutants which are temperature sensitive in gene 2, a gene essential for phage DNA replication. Cells were infected at a restrictive temperature with such a mutant, and the DNA synthesized after a shift to permissive temperature was examined. When cells were held at 42 °C for ten or more minutes after infection, only single-stranded DNA was synthesized immediately after the shift to permissive temperature. This indicated that the accumulation of a pool of double-stranded, replicative form DNA molecules is not an absolute requirement for the synthesis of single-stranded DNA, although replicative form DNA accumulation precedes single-strand synthesis in cells infected with wild-type phage. Cells infected at restrictive temperature with the mutant phage do not replicate the infecting DNA, but do accumulate a substantial amount of gene 5 protein, a DNA-binding protein essential for single-strand synthesis. It is proposed that this accumulated gene 5 protein, by binding to the limited number of replicating DNA molecules formed following the shift to the permissive temperature, acts to prevent the synthesis of double-stranded replicative form DNA, thus causing the predominant appearance of single strands. This explanation implies an intermediate common to both single and double-stranded DNA synthesis. The kinetics of gene 5 protein synthesis indicates that it is the ratio of the gene 5 protein to replicating DNA molecules which determines whether an intermediate will synthesize double or single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Chromatin remodelers are ATP-dependent machines that dynamically alter the chromatin packaging of eukaryotic genomes by assembling, sliding, and displacing nucleosomes. The Chd1 chromatin remodeler possesses a C-terminal DNA-binding domain that is required for efficient nucleosome sliding and believed to be essential for sensing the length of DNA flanking the nucleosome core. The structure of the Chd1 DNA-binding domain was recently shown to consist of a SANT and SLIDE domain, analogous to the DNA-binding domain of the ISWI family, yet the details of how Chd1 recognized DNA were not known. Here we present the crystal structure of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chd1 DNA-binding domain in complex with a DNA duplex. The bound DNA duplex is straight, consistent with the preference exhibited by the Chd1 DNA-binding domain for extranucleosomal DNA. Comparison of this structure with the recently solved ISW1a DNA-binding domain bound to DNA reveals that DNA lays across each protein at a distinct angle, yet contacts similar surfaces on the SANT and SLIDE domains. In contrast to the minor groove binding seen for Isw1 and predicted for Chd1, the SLIDE domain of the Chd1 DNA-binding domain contacts the DNA major groove. The majority of direct contacts with the phosphate backbone occur only on one DNA strand, suggesting that Chd1 may not strongly discriminate between major and minor grooves.  相似文献   

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