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The carbon and electron flow pathways and the bacterial populations responsible for the transformation of H2-CO2, formate, methanol, methylamine, acetate, ethanol, and lactate were examined in eutrophic sediments collected during summer stratification and fall turnover. The rate of methane formation averaged 1,130 μmol of CH4 per liter of sediment per day during late-summer stratification versus 433 μmol of CH4 per liter of sediment per day during the early portion of fall turnover, whereas the rate of sulfate reduction was 280 μmol of sulfate per liter of sediment per day versus 1,840 μmol of sulfate per liter of sediment per day during the same time periods, respectively. The sulfate-reducing population remained constant while the methanogenic population decreased by one to two orders of magnitude during turnover. The acetate concentration increased from 32 to 81 μmol per liter of sediment while the acetate transformation rate constant decreased from 3.22 to 0.70 per h, respectively, during stratification versus turnover. Acetate accounted for nearly 100% of total sedimentary methanogenesis during turnover versus 70% during stratification. The fraction of 14CO2 produced from all 14C-labeled substrates examined was 10 to 40% higher during fall turnover than during stratification. The addition of sulfate, thiosulfate, or sulfur to stratified sediments mimicked fall turnover in that more CO2 and CH4 were produced. The addition of Desulfovibrio vulgaris to sulfate-amended sediments greatly enhanced the amount of CO2 produced from either [14C]methanol or [2-14C]acetate, suggesting that H2 consumption by sulfate reducers can alter methanol or acetate transformation by sedimentary methanogens. These data imply that turnover dynamically altered carbon transformation in eutrophic sediments such that sulfate reduction dominated over methanogenesis principally as a consequence of altering hydrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Based on work in marine sediments it can be hypothesized that (i) overall OM mineralization depends on the enzymatic capacity and is largely independent from the energy yield, (ii) similar oxic and anoxic rates are expected for fresh OM, while oxic rates should be faster for old OM that is partially degraded or adsorbed to particles, and (iii) that the thermodynamic energy yield does not regulate mineralization, but primarily determines the energy fraction allocated to bacterial production (BP). We addressed these hypotheses by simultaneous measurements of mineralization rates (MR) and BP in sediments from a eutrophic lake, along with MR measurements in sediments of a dystrophic lake. Anoxic MR were 44 and 78% of oxic MR in the eutrophic and dystrophic lake, respectively, which was always higher than expected given the theoretical energy yields. The BP:MR ratio was 0.94 and 0.24 in the oxic and anoxic treatments, respectively, in accordance with the expected energy yields. Thus, the results support all three hypotheses above. We also critically discuss BP measurements in sediments and suggest that bacterial growth efficiency values from simultaneous MR and BP measurements can be used to evaluate the reliability of BP estimates.  相似文献   

Anaerobic San Francisco Bay salt marsh sediments rapidly metabolized [14C]dimethylselenide (DMSe) to 14CH4 and 14CO2. Addition of selective inhibitors (2-bromoethanesulfonic acid or molybdate) to these sediments indicated that both methanogenic and sulfate-respiring bacteria could degrade DMSe to gaseous products. However, sediments taken from the selenium-contaminated Kesterson Wildlife Refuge produced only 14CO2 from [14C]DMSe, implying that methanogens were not important in the Kesterson samples. A pure culture of a dimethylsulfide (DMS)-grown methylotrophic methanogen converted [14C]DMSe to 14CH4 and 14CO2. However, the organism could not grow on DMSe. Addition of DMS to either sediments or the pure culture retarded the metabolism of DMSe. This effect appeared to be caused by competitive inhibition, thereby indicating a common enzyme system for DMS and DMSe metabolism. DMSe appears to be degraded as part of the DMS pool present in anoxic environments. These results suggest that methylotrophic methanogens may demethylate methylated forms of other metals and metalloids found in nature.  相似文献   

The origin of organic matter in recent anoxic sediments of the alpine Lake Bled (NW Slovenia) was determined by analyzing the carbon isotope composition of lipid biomarkers, i.e. alkanes, alcohols, sterols and fatty acids, busing compound specific, carbon isotope analysis. The results indicate that, although biomarker analysis indicated mostly plankton and terrestrial sources for lipids, an important part of sedimentary lipids, especially sterols, are autochthonous, of anaerobic microbial (methanotrophic) origin. Marked differences were observed in δ13C values of lipid biomarkers in settling particles collected 2 m above the bottom, and in δ13C values determined in surface sediment. These results indicate that even some compounds found in both particulate organic matter and sediments are the same in terms of chemical structures, their sources can be different and thus, isotopic composition should be used as a complementary tool for source identification.  相似文献   

Abstract Lakes receive organic carbon from a diversity of sources which vary in their contribution to planktonic microbial food webs. We conducted a mesocosm study to test the effects of three different detrital carbon sources (algae, aquatic macrophytes, terrestrial leaves) on several measures of microbial metabolism in a small meso-eutrophic lake (DOC ≈ 5 mg/L). Small DOC additions (ΔC < 1 mg/L) affected bacterial numbers, growth, and pathways of carbon acquisition. Macrophyte and leaf detritus significantly increased TDP and color, but bacterial densities initially (+12 h) were unaffected. After 168 h, densities in systems amended with terrestrial detritus were 60% less than in controls, while production rates in mesocosms with macrophyte detritus were 4-fold greater. Detritus treatments resulted in greater per-cell production rates either through stable cell numbers and greater growth rates (macrophyte-C) or lower densities with stable production rates (terrestrial-C). After only 12 h, rates of leucine aminopeptidase (LAPase) activity were 2.5× greater in macrophyte-C systems than in controls, but LAPase and β-N-acetylglucosamindase activities in systems amended with terrestrial-C were only 50% of rates in controls. After 168 h, β-xylosidase rates were significantly greater in communities with terrestrial and phytoplankton detritus. Microbial utilization of >20% of 102 carbon sources tested were affected by at least one detritus addition. Macrophyte-C had positive (6% of substrates) and negative (14%) effects on substrate use; terrestrial detritus had mainly positive effects. An ordination based on carbon-use profiles (+12 h) revealed a cluster of macrophyte-amended communities with greater use of psicose, lactulose, and succinamic acid; controls and algal-detritus systems were more effective in metabolizing two common sugars and cellobiose. After 168 h, communities receiving terrestrial detritus were most tightly clustered, exhibiting greater use of raffinose, pyroglutamic acid, and sebacic acid. Results suggest that pelagic bacterial communities respond to changes in organic carbon source rapidly and by different routes, including shifts in per-cell production rates and variations in degradation of a variety of compounds comprising the DOC pool. Received: 5 June 1998; Accepted: 24 August 1998  相似文献   

The rates, products, and controls of the metabolism of fermentation intermediates in the sediments of a eutrophic lake were examined. 14C-fatty acids were directly injected into sediment subcores for turnover rate measurements. The highest rates of acetate turnover were in surface sediments (0- to 2-cm depth). Methane was the dominant product of acetate metabolism at all depths. Simultaneous measurements of acetate, propionate, and lactate turnover in surface sediments gave turnover rates of 159, 20, and 3 μM/h, respectively. [2-14C]propionate and [U-14C]lactate were metabolized to [14C]acetate, 14CO2, and 14CH4. [14C]formate was completely converted to 14CO2 in less than 1 min. Inhibition of methanogenesis with chloroform resulted in an immediate accumulation of volatile fatty acids and hydrogen. Hydrogen inhibited the metabolism of C3-C5 volatile fatty acids. The rates of fatty acid production were estimated from the rates of fatty acid accumulation in the presence of chloroform or hydrogen. The mean molar rates of production were acetate, 82%; propionate, 13%; butyrates, 2%; and valerates, 3%. A working model for carbon and electron flow is presented which illustrates that fermentation and methanogenesis are the predominate steps in carbon flow and that there is a close interaction between fermentative bacteria, acetogenic hydrogen-producing bacteria, and methanogens.  相似文献   

A significant portion of the sulfide in lake sediments may be derived from sulfur-containing amino acids. Methionine degradation in Lake Mendota (Wisconsin) sediments was studied with gas chromatographic and radiotracer techniques. Temperature optimum and inhibitor studies showed that this process was biological. Methane thiol and dimethyl sulfide were produced in sediments when 1-μmol/ml unlabeled methionine was added. When chloroform (an inhibitor of one-carbon metabolism) was added to the sediments, methane thiol, carbon disulfide, and n-propane thiol were produced, even when no methionine was added. When 35S-labeled methionine was added to the sediments in tracer quantities (1.75 nmol/ml), labeled hydrogen sulfide was produced, and a roughly equal amount of label was incorporated into insoluble material. Methane and carbon dioxide were produced from [methyl-14C]methionine. Evidence is given favoring methane thiol as an intermediate in the formation of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide from the terminal methiol group of methionine. Methionine may be an important source of sulfide in lake sediments.  相似文献   

After spiking anoxic sediment slurries of three acidic oligotrophic lakes with either HgCl2 at 1.0 μg/ml or CH3HgI at 0.1 μg/ml, both mercury methylation and demethylation rates were measured. High mercury methylation potentials were accompanied by high demethylation potentials in the same sediment. These high potentials correlated positively with the concentrations of organic matter and dissolved sulfate in the sediment and with mercury levels in fish. Adjustment of the acidic sediment pH to neutrality failed to influence either the methylation or the demethylation rate of mercury. The opposing methylation and demethylation processes converged to establish similar Hg2+-CH3Hg+ equilibria in all three sediments. Because of their metabolic dominance in anoxic sediments, mercury methylation and demethylation in pure cultures of sulfidogenic, methanogenic, and acetogenic bacteria were also measured. Sulfidogens both methylated and demethylated mercury, but the methanogen tested only catalyzed demethylation and the acetogen neither methylated nor demethylated mercury.  相似文献   

Meromictic Lake Kivu is renowned for its enormous quantity of methane dissolved in the hypolimnion. The methane is primarily of biological origin, and its concentration has been increasing in the past half-century. Insight into the origin of methane production in Lake Kivu has become relevant with the recent commercial extraction of methane from the hypolimnion. This study provides the first culture-independent approach to identifying the archaeal communities present in Lake Kivu sediments at the sediment-water interface. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis suggests considerable heterogeneity in the archaeal community composition at varying sample locations. This diversity reflects changes in the geochemical conditions in the sediment and the overlying water, which are an effect of local groundwater inflows. A more in-depth look at the archaeal community composition by clone library analysis revealed diverse phylogenies of Euryarchaeota and Crenarachaeota. Many of the sequences in the clone libraries belonged to globally distributed archaeal clades such as the rice cluster V and Lake Dagow sediment environmental clusters. Several of the determined clades were previously thought to be rare among freshwater sediment Archaea (e.g., sequences related to the SAGMEG-1 clade). Surprisingly, there was no observed relation of clones to known hydrogentrophic methanogens and less than 2 % of clones were related to acetoclastic methanogens. The local variability, diversity, and novelty of the archaeal community structure in Lake Kivu should be considered when making assumptions on the biogeochemical functioning of its sediments.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Collagenases are important enzymes frequently used for isolation of cells. Accurate estimation of collagenase activity is an important...  相似文献   

Identifying and explaining bottlenecks in organic carbon mineralization and the persistence of organic matter in marine sediments remain challenging. This study aims to illuminate the process of carbon flow between microorganisms involved in the sedimentary microbial food chain in anoxic, organic-rich sediments of the central Namibian upwelling system, using biogeochemical rate measurements and abundances of Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria, and sulfate-reducing bacteria at two sampling stations. Sulfate reduction rates decreased by three orders of magnitude in the top 20 cm at one sampling station (280 nmol cm?3 d?1 – 0.1 nmol cm?3 d?1) and by a factor of 7 at the second station (65 nmol cm?3 d?1 – 9.6 nmol cm?3 d?1). However, rates of enzymatic hydrolysis decreased by less than a factor of three at both sampling stations for the polysaccharides laminarin (23 nmol cm?3 d?1– 8 nmol cm?3 d?1 and 22 nmol cm?3 d?1– 10 nmol cm?3 d?1) and pullulan (11 nmol cm?3 d?1– 4 nmol cm?3 d?1 and 8 nmol cm?3 d?1– 6 nmol cm?3 d?1). Increasing imbalance between carbon turnover by hydrolysis and terminal oxidation with depth, the steep decrease in cell specific activity of sulfate reducing bacteria with depth, low concentrations of volatile fatty acids (less than 15 μM), and persistence of dissolved organic carbon, suggest decreasing bioavailability and substrate limitation with depth.  相似文献   

14C-tracer techniques were used to examine the metabolism of methanol and methylamines and acetogenesis from hydrogen and carbon dioxide in sediments from the profundal and littoral zones of eutrophic Wintergreen Lake, Michigan. Methanogens were primarily responsible for the metabolism of methanol, monomethylamine, and trimethylamine and maintained the pool size of these substrates below 10 μM in both sediment types. Methanol and methylamines were the precursors for less than 5 and 1%, respectively, of the total methane produced. Methanol and methylamines continued to be metabolized to methane when the sulfate concentration in the sediment was increased to 20 mM. Less than 2% of the total acetate production was derived from carbon dioxide reduction. Hydrogen consumption by hydrogen-oxidizing acetogens was 5% or less of the total hydrogen uptake by acetogens and methanogens. These results, in conjunction with previous studies, emphasize that acetate and hydrogen are the major methane precursors and that methanogens are the predominant hydrogen consumers in the sediments of this eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

Microbial Formation of Ethane in Anoxic Estuarine Sediments   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Estuarine sediment slurries produced methane and traces of ethane when incubated under hydrogen. Formation of methane occurred over a broad temperature range with an optimum above 65°C. Ethane formation had a temperature optimum at 40°C. Formation of these two gases was inhibited by air, autoclaving, incubation at 4 and 80°C, and by the methanogenic inhibitor, 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. Ethane production was stimulated by addition of ethylthioethanesulfonic acid, and production from ethylthioethanesulfonic acid was blocked by 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. A highly purified enrichment culture of a methanogenic bacterium obtained from sediments produced traces of ethane from ethylthioethanesulfonic acid. These results indicate that the small quantities of ethane found in anaerobic sediments can be formed by certain methanogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Close to redox boundaries, dark carbon fixation by chemoautotrophic bacteria may be a large contributor to overall carbon fixation. Still, little is known about the relative importance of this process in lake systems, in spite the potentially high chemoautotrophic potential of lake sediments. We compared rates of dark carbon fixation, bacterial production and oxygen consumption in sediments from four Swedish boreal and seven tropical Brazilian lakes. Rates were highly variable and dark carbon fixation amounted up to 80% of the total heterotrophic bacterial production. The results indicate that non-photosynthetic carbon fixation can represent a substantial contribution to bacterial biomass production, especially in sediments with low organic matter content.  相似文献   

Mining-impacted sediments of Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, contain more than 10% metals on a dry weight basis, approximately 80% of which is iron. Since iron (hydr)oxides adsorb toxic, ore-associated elements, such as arsenic, iron (hydr)oxide reduction may in part control the mobility and bioavailability of these elements. Geochemical and microbiological data were collected to examine the ecological role of dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria in this habitat. The concentration of mild-acid-extractable Fe(II) increased with sediment depth up to 50 g kg−1, suggesting that iron reduction has occurred recently. The maximum concentrations of dissolved Fe(II) in interstitial water (41 mg liter−1) occurred 10 to 15 cm beneath the sediment-water interface, suggesting that sulfidogenesis may not be the predominant terminal electron-accepting process in this environment and that dissolved Fe(II) arises from biological reductive dissolution of iron (hydr)oxides. The concentration of sedimentary magnetite (Fe3O4), a common product of bacterial Fe(III) hydroxide reduction, was as much as 15.5 g kg−1. Most-probable-number enrichment cultures revealed that the mean density of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria was 8.3 × 105 cells g (dry weight) of sediment−1. Two new strains of dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria were isolated from surface sediments. Collectively, the results of this study support the hypothesis that dissimilatory reduction of iron has been and continues to be an important biogeochemical process in the environment examined.  相似文献   

The uptake of glucose and the formation of end products from glucose catabolism have been measured for sediments of eutrophic Wintergreen Lake with a combination of tritiated and 14C-labeled tracers. Time course analyses of the loss of [3H]glucose from sediments were used to establish rate constants for glucose uptake at natural substrate concentrations. Turnover times from these analyses were about 1 min for littoral and profundal sediments. No seasonal or site differences were noted in turnover times. Time course analyses of [U-14C]glucose uptake and 14C-labeled end product formation indicated that glucose mass flow could not be calculated from end product formation since the specific activity of added [14C]glucose was significantly diluted by pools of intracellular glucose and glucose metabolites. Mass flow could only be accurately estimated by use of rates of uptake from tracer studies. Intermediate fermentation end products included acetate (71%), propionate (15%), lactate (9%), and only minor amounts of butyrates or valerates. Addition of H2 to sediments resulted in greater production of lactate (28%) and decreased formation of acetate (50%), but did not affect glucose turnover. Depth profiles of glucose uptake indicated that rates of uptake decreased with depth over the 0- to 18-cm interval and that glucose uptake accounted for 30 to 40% of methanogenesis in profundal sediments.  相似文献   

Seasonal Rates of Methane Oxidation in Anoxic Marine Sediments   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Methane concentrations and rates of methane oxidation were measured in intact sediment cores from an inshore marine sediment at Jutland, Denmark. The rates of methane oxidation, determined by the appearance of 14CO2 from injected 14CH4, varied with sediment depth and season. Most methane oxidation was anoxic, but oxygen may have contributed to methane oxidation at the sediment surface. Cumulative rates (0- to 12-cm depth) for methane oxidation at Kysing Fjord were 3.34, 3.48, 8.60, and 17.04 μmol m−2 day−1 for April (4°C), May (13°C), July (17°C), and August (21°C), respectively. If all of the methane was oxidized by sulfate, it would account for only 0.01 to 0.06% of the sulfate reduction. The data indicate that methane was produced, in addition to being oxidized, in the 0- to 18-cm sediment stratum.  相似文献   

Sulfidic, anoxic sediments of the moderately hypersaline Salton Sea contain gradients in salinity and carbon that potentially structure the sedimentary microbial community. We investigated the abundance, community structure, and diversity of Bacteria and Archaea along these gradients to further distinguish the ecologies of these domains outside their established physiological range. Quantitative PCR was used to enumerate 16S rRNA gene abundances of Bacteria, Archaea, and Crenarchaeota. Community structure and diversity were evaluated by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), quantitative analysis of gene (16S rRNA) frequencies of dominant microorganisms, and cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA. Archaea were numerically dominant at all depths and exhibited a lesser response to environmental gradients than that of Bacteria. The relative abundance of Crenarchaeota was low (0.4 to 22%) at all depths but increased with decreased carbon content and increased salinity. Salinity structured the bacterial community but exerted no significant control on archaeal community structure, which was weakly correlated with total carbon. Partial sequencing of archaeal 16S rRNA genes retrieved from three sediment depths revealed diverse communities of Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota, many of which were affiliated with groups previously described from marine sediments. The abundance of these groups across all depths suggests that many putative marine archaeal groups can tolerate elevated salinity (5.0 to 11.8% [wt/vol]) and persist under the anaerobic conditions present in Salton Sea sediments. The differential response of archaeal and bacterial communities to salinity and carbon patterns is consistent with the hypothesis that adaptations to energy stress and availability distinguish the ecologies of these domains.The vast majority of cultured Archaea isolates are characterized as extremophiles, which thrive under environmental extremes of temperature, pH, salinity, and oxygen availability. Unlike Bacteria, these organisms are well defined by select physiologies or catabolic activities. Cultivated halophilic archaea are obligate aerobes, and with a few exceptions (58), most 16S rRNA gene sequences affiliated with this physiological group have been recovered primarily from environments with oxygen present. Thermophilic archaea, many of which utilize hydrogen-based metabolisms, have temperature requirements that preclude their survival and growth in more moderate environments. Other archaeal physiological groups include acidophiles, which thrive in acidic and mostly high-temperature environments, the obligate anaerobic methanogens, which are capable of competing with Bacteria when more energetically favorable electron acceptors are not available (i.e., sulfate), and methane-oxidizing archaea, which require methane for energy production. Recent work on several Crenarchaeota isolates points to nitrification as their primary energy metabolism, but these organisms have been detected in cold, predominantly aerobic environments, such as open ocean waters and soil (47), and in hyperthermophilic environments (24).Several archaeal groups identified using only 16S rRNA genes, for which no current isolates exist, have been detected in anaerobic sediments of the marine subsurface (6), estuaries (42), freshwater (46), and salt lakes (29). While their physiology and catabolism remain a source of speculation, the environmental distribution patterns of these mesophilic, presumably anaerobic, groups seemingly exclude the physiological and catabolic types outlined above. That is, the persistence of diverse archaeal populations in anoxic sediments at moderate temperature and salinity and at circumneutral pH with only trace levels of methane strongly suggests that alternative metabolic or physiological activities must characterize these populations.Saline lakes are ubiquitous and can be found on all continents. Although many saline lakes are labeled “extreme” environments, microbial diversity within their sediments is often equivalent to that reported for studies of freshwater and marine systems (28). Most studies of the microbial ecology within saline lakes have focused on gradients within the water column, with very few studies on patterns within the sediments. Specifically, these studies have examined how changes in water column salinity lead to shifts in microbial productivity and diversity (8). However, particle-associated microbial communities are known to differ fundamentally from water column or free-living populations (1, 18). These observed differences could be explained by the type and strength of environmental gradients that microbial communities in sediments experience, as opposed to those encountered by pelagic communities.Sediments contain strong environmental gradients, such as time (e.g., sediment age at depth), nutrient and carbon availability, and the dominant terminal electron-accepting process (TEAP) resulting from the sequential use of available oxidants by the microbial community (41). These gradients can lead to changes in the dominant microbial groups (i.e., a shift from sulfate reducers to methanogens with depth and age). Many saline lakes are highly productive and shallow and experience large fluctuations in water level due to climatic changes or to changes in inflows due to urban and agricultural activities. Changes in lake level can lead to dramatic shifts in mixing regimens, nutrient cycling, and water chemistry. Historic fluctuations in water column salinity are often recorded within the sediments in the form of evaporite deposits, which may act as additional sources of ionic loading of the water column (62). These sedimentary salinity gradients may modulate the metabolic activity of some microbial groups. For example, Oren (44) proposed bioenergetic constraints as a possible explanation for the reduced activity or absence of some microbial groups within high-salinity environments. Thus, saline lake sediments are excellent natural laboratories in which to study changes and adaptations of microbial communities due to large-scale changes in environmental gradients.The Salton Sea is a large (980 km2), eutrophic, moderately hypersaline (48 to 50 g liter−1), terminal lake located 69 m below sea level in the Salton Basin, CA. Several large lakes have formed in the Salton Basin over geologic history, the most recent of which was Lake Cahuilla ca. 300 years ago (7). The current lake was unintentionally created in 1905-1907, when the Colorado River flooded the Salton Basin for a period of 16 months. Profundal sediments are highly sulfidic, and sulfate reduction is suspected to be the dominant TEAP within these sediments (54). Based on elemental analysis (51) and 137Cs activity (37) of sediment layers, a depth of ∼22 cm marks the point when flooding of the Salton Basin occurred. Sediment above this depth represents the ca. 102 years of historical change within the Salton Sea, including a shift from a water column salinity of 35 g liter−1 to the hypersaline conditions that currently exist. Sediments below this depth consist of low-carbon, gypsum-rich evaporite deposits that were present on the older dry lake bed prior to the formation of the current lake. A previous study reported several strong geochemical gradients within pore water across this relatively small depth range (62).In this work, a suite of cultivation-independent techniques and geochemical analyses was utilized to correlate shifts in abundance, community structure, and diversity of Archaea and Bacteria in Salton Sea sediments with changes in environmental gradients. Large differences in abundance and community structure patterns of Archaea and Bacteria were found along the gradients. In addition, the majority of archaeal sequences retrieved were affiliated with previously described but as yet uncultivated groups identified from various marine sedimentary environments. This indicates that these groups are able to tolerate the higher salinity and anaerobic conditions characteristic of Salton Sea sediments. Fundamental differences between the metabolic capacities and ecologies of Archaea and Bacteria are discussed to explain these patterns.  相似文献   

Phosphine (PH3) was monitored in the Taihu Lake in China by a GC/NPD method, coupled with cryo-trapping enrichment technology. Results showed that PH3 was universally detected in sediments, lake water and atmosphere of the Taihu Lake area. Total phosphorus (TPs) and fractions of different phosphorus species in lake sediments were separately measured as dissolved phosphate (DP), phosphorus bound to aluminum (Al-P), iron (Fe-P) and calcium (Ca-P), occluded phosphorus (OP), and organic phosphorus (Org-P) by sequential chemical extraction. High PH3 levels were correlated with high TPs values in sediments and with eutrophication at different sites. In addition, a positive linear correlation equation was obtained between the concentrations of PH3 in lake sediments and of the phosphorus fractions. The resulting multiple linear regression equation is PH3 = −165 + 63.3 DP + 0.736 Al-P + 2.33 Ca-P + 2.29 Org-P. The flux of PH3 across the sediment–water interface was estimated from sediment core incubation in May and October 2002. The annual average sediment–water flux of PH3 was estimated at ca. 0.0138±0.005 pg dm−2 h−1, the average yearly emission value of PH3 from Taihu Lake sediments to water was calculated to be 28.3±10.2 g year−1, which causes a water PH3 concentration of up to 0.178±0.064 pmol dm−3. The real importance of PH3 could be higher, because PH3 could be consumed in the oxic sediment–water boundary layer and in the water column. Spatial and temporal distributions of total phosphorus (TPw) and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) in the water column of Taihu Lake were measured over the study period. Higher water PH3 has also been found where the TPw content was high. Similarly, high Chl-a was consistent with higher water PH3. Positive relationships between PH3 and TPw (average R2 = 0.47±0.26) and Chl-a (average R2 = 0.23±0.31) were observed in Taihu Lake water.  相似文献   

Concentrations of volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSC) were measured in water and sediment columns of ditches in a minerotrophic peatland in The Netherlands. VOSC, with methanethiol (4 to 40 nM) as the major compound, appeared to be mainly of sediment origin. Both VOSC and hydrogen sulfide concentrations decreased dramatically towards the water surface. High methanethiol and high dimethyl sulfide concentrations in the sediment and just above the sediment surface coincided with high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (correlation factors, r = 0.91 and r = 0.81, respectively). Production and degradation of VOSC were studied in 32 sediment slurries collected from various freshwater systems in The Netherlands. Maximal endogenous methanethiol production rates of the sediments tested (up to 1.44 (mu)mol per liter of sediment slurry (middot) day(sup-1)) were determined after inhibition of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing populations in order to stop VOSC degradation. These experiments showed that the production and degradation of VOSC in sediments are well balanced. Statistical analysis revealed multiple relationships of methanethiol production rates with the combination of methane production rates (indicative of total anaerobic mineralization) and hydrogen sulfide concentrations (r = 0.90) or with the combination of methane production rates and the sulfate/iron ratios in the sediment (r = 0.82). These findings and the observed stimulation of methanethiol formation in sediment slurry incubations in which the hydrogen sulfide concentrations were artificially increased provided strong evidence that the anaerobic methylation of hydrogen sulfide is the main mechanism for VOSC formation in most freshwater systems. Methoxylated aromatic compounds are likely a major source of methyl groups for this methylation of hydrogen sulfide, since they are important degradation products of the abundant biopolymer lignin. Increased sulfate concentrations in several freshwater ecosystems caused by the inflow of water from the river Rhine into these systems result in higher hydrogen sulfide concentrations. As a consequence, higher fluxes of VOSC towards the atmosphere are conceivable.  相似文献   

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