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Supravital staining by thiazins of segments of small intestine and mesentery of young dogs was studied with reference to specificity for nervous tissue. Attempts to secure a purer form of methylene blue by alumina adsorption and alcohol elution of the commercial, medicinal dye yielded a product which appeared to be structurally different from the original dye. The treated dye had absorption maxima from 620 to 655 mμ in contrast with 665 for the untreated. Small nerve bundles were stained by the treated dye after 2 to 4 hours of immersion, but staining was always incomplete. Staining by untreated methylene blue was compared with that by the leucobase, thionol, methylene green, toluidine blue, new methylene blue and the azures. It was concluded that the specificity for nerve fibers resides mainly in the =N(CH3)2Cl radical, although some specificity appears to be effected by the methyl groups on the trivalent nitrogen, since azure A (dimethyl) and azure C (mono-methyl) stained weakly, but thionin did not. Methylene green showed some specificity but stained weakly. The leucobase was less active than the reoxidized dye obtained from it.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the staining properties of eight dyes of the thionin group. The dyes studied are as follows: tetra-ethyl thionin, asymmetrical di-ethyl thionin, tetra-methyl thionin (methylene blue), tri-methyl thionin (azure B), asymmetrical di-methyl thionin (azure A), symmetrical di-methyl thionin, mono-methyl thionin (azure C), and unsubstituted thionin. The staining properties were tested on sections of paraffin embedded material following five different methods of fixation. No counterstain was employed. It was shown that there was a general correlation between the extent of ethylation or methylation of the dyes and their staining properties. As one passes from tetra-ethyl thionin down the series to thionin itself, there is a progressive decrease in the amount of green showing in the preparations, and an increase in the amount of red present, also an increase in the metachromatic effects, and in the intensity of nuclear staining. There seems, also, to be a similar relation between staining qualities on the one hand and the color and solubility of the dye base on the other.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the staining properties of eight dyes of the thionin group. The dyes studied are as follows: tetra-ethyl thionin, asymmetrical di-ethyl thionin, tetra-methyl thionin (methylene blue), tri-methyl thionin (azure B), asymmetrical di-methyl thionin (azure A), symmetrical di-methyl thionin, mono-methyl thionin (azure C), and unsubstituted thionin. The staining properties were tested on sections of paraffin embedded material following five different methods of fixation. No counterstain was employed. It was shown that there was a general correlation between the extent of ethylation or methylation of the dyes and their staining properties. As one passes from tetra-ethyl thionin down the series to thionin itself, there is a progressive decrease in the amount of green showing in the preparations, and an increase in the amount of red present, also an increase in the metachromatic effects, and in the intensity of nuclear staining. There seems, also, to be a similar relation between staining qualities on the one hand and the color and solubility of the dye base on the other.  相似文献   

The absorption spectra of eosinates of thiazin dyes in water exhibit absorption maxima at the same spectral locations as do the individual component dyes in aqueous solution.

Commercial samples of Wright's stain showing thiazin absorption maxima between 620 and 660 mμ generally give satisfactory blood stains. Nuclear staining is redder and cytoplasm grayer blue in 620-640 range, and consequently staining of malaria parasites is less satisfactory in that range. The best malaria stains show their thiazin absorption maxima usually between 650 and 660 mμ.

Successive batches of Wright's stain made by the same manufacturer, as well as experimental laboratory lots, may show wide variations in their thiazin absorption maxima and in their staining characteristics.  相似文献   

The effect of buffer solutions of varying reaction upon staining fixed sections with thionin, azures A, B, and C, and methylene blue has been studied. The buffer solutions were employed in one of three different ways: for pre-treatment of the sections, for post-treatment, or as solvents for the dyes. Regardless of the method of employing the buffer solutions it was found that the intensity of staining increased with increasing pH-values (a fact which is generally known to be true in the case of basic dyes). It is not certain whether this effect is due to varying the H-ion concentration or to altering the salt content of the solution, or to both. It was also noticed that there was one point where the staining intensify increased most rapidly. This point was either between pH 5 and pH 6 or between pH 6 and pH 7, its position varying with the method of fixation and of applying the buffer solutions. It was further observed that between pH 5 and pH 7 there were always more pronounced metachromatic effects than with either more acid or more alkaline buffer solutions.  相似文献   

白豆杉(pseudotaxus chienii)为我国特有植物,属于红豆杉科(Taxaceae)白豆杉属(pseudotaxus)。本文对白豆杉树皮的化学成分以及就该种植物中是否含有紫杉醇(Taxol)进行分析研究。 并从石油醚提取物中已鉴定出2个化合物,为铁杉树脂醇(Tsugalactone)和1.1.3一三苯基丙烷 (1.1.3-triphenylpropane)。  相似文献   

The effect of buffer solutions of varying reaction upon staining fixed sections with thionin, azures A, B, and C, and methylene blue has been studied. The buffer solutions were employed in one of three different ways: for pre-treatment of the sections, for post-treatment, or as solvents for the dyes. Regardless of the method of employing the buffer solutions it was found that the intensity of staining increased with increasing pH-values (a fact which is generally known to be true in the case of basic dyes). It is not certain whether this effect is due to varying the H-ion concentration or to altering the salt content of the solution, or to both. It was also noticed that there was one point where the staining intensify increased most rapidly. This point was either between pH 5 and pH 6 or between pH 6 and pH 7, its position varying with the method of fixation and of applying the buffer solutions. It was further observed that between pH 5 and pH 7 there were always more pronounced metachromatic effects than with either more acid or more alkaline buffer solutions.  相似文献   

采用粗纤维法、凯氏定氮法、斐林试剂法、索氏浸提法、干灰化法和重量法等多种化学分析方法对云南翠雀花的化学成分进行了分析.结果显示,云南翠雀花含有丰富的维生素、矿质元素以及异亮氨酸、蛋氨酸、赖氨酸等17种氨基酸,其中粗纤维、VB2和蛋氨酸含量尤为丰富,分别为32.83%、3.26 mg·g-1、3.27 mg· g-1.  相似文献   

利用水提醇沉提取东北红豆杉多糖TP,经超滤得到超滤外液TP-1和内液TP-2。TP-2进行部分酸水解和凝胶柱层析分离纯化,得到TP-2-1a。通过对理化性质、分子量、单糖组成和甲基化测定结果分析,确定其分子量分布在7.0 kDa左右,糖组成由Rha、Man、Gal、Glu、GalA和GlcA构成,摩尔比为:16.9∶1.0∶15.5∶1.3∶9.9∶2.5,中性糖以Gal的1→3、1→4连接为主,在1→3连接的O-6位上有分支;Rha以1→2连接为主,在O-4位上有分支;Man以1→4、1→6连接为主;Glu以1→3、1→4连接为主;非还原末端主要是Gal及少量的Man、Glu和Rha。酸性糖以1→4连接GalA为主,无分支。该多糖为首次从东北红豆杉中分离得到。  相似文献   

By high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS), maytansine, maytanprine and maytanbutine, three anticancer maytansinoids were successfully isolated and identified from ten species of plants belonging to Celastraceae. These plants are: Maytenus graciliramula, M. austroyunnanensis, M. orbiculata, M. hookeri Loes var. longiradiata, M. inflata, M. berberoides, M. esquirolii, M. variabilis, M. royleana and M. senegalensis. This result shows that the plant resources containing maytansinoids in China are rather aboundant.  相似文献   

Further confirmation of 2-methyl-γ-pyrone structure in rubrofusarin through a color reaction with alkaline dinitrobenzene and through preparations of the styryl compound and isoxazole derivative is presented. Evidences which favor the linear naphthopyrone structure for rubrofusarin are also given.  相似文献   

The phenomena of metachromasy are paralleled by analogous color changes which may be observed with aqueous solutions of dyes. It appears very probable that both types of phenomena arise from tautomerism in the structure of the dyes concerned. No adequate explanation of the behavior of dyes in these particulars has been proposed hitherto.

A hypothesis is advanced which accounts for these phenomena in a satisfactory manner. It is held that the majority of dyes of aminated constitution are capable of undergoing a tautomerism which involves merely a redistribution of affinities within the dye molecule, resulting in a transition between structure of ammonium salt type and that of addition product type.  相似文献   

Alkaline degradation of rubrofusarin and nor-rubrofusarin were studied; nor-rubrofusarin readily underwent hydrolysis to give a tetrahydroxynaphthalenc, acetone, and acetic acid; whereas, rubrofusarin, after prolonged time of hydrolysis, yielded a β-methoxytrihydroxynaphthalene instead of the naphthol. Physical and chemical studies revealed that the naphthol is 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene and it has been confirmed by the synthesis from chromotropic acid (disodium salt). Thus, evidently, rubrofusarin has a naphthalene nucleus to which a methoxyl group is attached at β-position. The formation, on the hydrolysis, of acetone and acetic acid, along with the naphthol, indicates the presence of 2-methyl-γ-pyrone structure in rubrofusarin.  相似文献   

The phenomena of metachromasy are paralleled by analogous color changes which may be observed with aqueous solutions of dyes. It appears very probable that both types of phenomena arise from tautomerism in the structure of the dyes concerned. No adequate explanation of the behavior of dyes in these particulars has been proposed hitherto.

A hypothesis is advanced which accounts for these phenomena in a satisfactory manner. It is held that the majority of dyes of aminated constitution are capable of undergoing a tautomerism which involves merely a redistribution of affinities within the dye molecule, resulting in a transition between structure of ammonium salt type and that of addition product type.  相似文献   

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