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In the mouse, gametes with gross chromosome duplications and deficiencies can complement each other to give viable zygotes (with some notable exceptions involving particular chromosomes). These complementation-type offspring can be recognised in intercrosses between translocation heterozygotes in which one parent is homozygous for a recessive genetic marker not carried by the other. This system has beeN used by Lyon and colleagues (1976) to study non-disjunction in heterozygotes for tobacco mouse and laboratory-derived Robertsonian translocations. Although non-disjunction is frequent in the former group, still higher frequencies are needed for a workable test system in which wild type mice are treated and mated to a tester stock generating many aneuploid gametes. Possible approaches include (1) use of semidominant markers, (2) marking both arms, (3) combining two or three independent Robertsonians in the tester stock, (4) use of compounds of Robertsonians wih monobrachial homology, since these give very high frequencies of non-disjunction, (5) generation of a compound of three Robertsonians with tribrachial homology, which should produce aneuploid gametes only. This last seems the most promising approach, if the compound proves fertile, and would be analogous to the isochromosome system of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is one of the most important insect-vectored diseases in Brazil. The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was evaluated against nymphs and adults of Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma infestans, and T. sordida. Pathogenicity tests at saturated humidity demonstrated high susceptibility to fungal infection. The shortest estimates of 50% lethal time (LT50) for P. megistus varied from 4.6 (isolate E9) to 4.8 days (genetically modified strain 157p). For T. infestans, the shortest LT50 was 6.3 (E9) and 7.3 days (157p). For T. sordida, the shortest LT50 was 8.0 days (157p). The lethal concentration sufficient to kill 50% of T. infestans (LC50) was 1.9 × 107 conidia/ml for strain 157p. In three chicken coops that were sprayed with M. anisopliae, nymphs especially were well controlled, with a great population reduction of 38.5% after 17 days. Therefore M. anisopliae performed well, controlling Triatominae in both laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, remote sensing technologies and geographical information systems have moved from the research arena into the hands of vector control specialists. This review explains remote sensing approaches and spatial information technologies used for investigations of arthropod pests and vectors of diseases affecting humans and livestock. Relevant applications are summarized with examples of studies on African horse sickness vector Culicoides midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), malaria vector Anopheles and arbovirus vector culicine mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), leishmaniasis vector Phlebotomus sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae), trypanosomiasis vector tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae), loaiasis vector Chrysops (Diptera: Tabanidae), Lyme disease vector Ixodes and other ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). Methods and their uses are tabulated and discussed with recommendations for efficiency, caution and progress in this burgeoning field.  相似文献   

During the last few years physiological genomics has been the most rapidly developing area of physiology. Given the current ease of obtaining information about nucleotide sequences found in genomes and the vast amount of readily available clones, one of the most pertinent tasks is to find out about the roles of the individual genes and their families under normal and pathological conditions. Viral gene delivery into the brain is a powerful tool, which can be used to address a wide range of questions posed by physiological genomics including central nervous mechanisms regulating the cardio-vascular system. In this paper, we will give a short overview of current data obtained in this field using viral vectors and then look critically at the technology of viral gene transfer.  相似文献   

Abstract A set of vectors containing a mutated gfp gene was constructed for use with Gram-negative bacteria other than Escherichia coli . These constructs were: pTn 3gfp for making random promoter probe gfp insertions into cloned DNA in E. coli for subsequent introduction into host strains; pUTmini-Tn 5gfp for making random promoter probe gfp insertions directly into host strains; p519 gfp and p519 ngfp , broad host range mob + plasmids containing gfp from a lac and an npt 2 promoter, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Arthropod-borne diseases (ABDs) in cats and dogs have a major impact on animal health and welfare and, in many cases, also on human health. Many ABDs are expected to increase in prevalence as a result of changing social habits, habitat modifications, introductions of exotic vectors and climate change. Control has, historically, focused on the use of insecticides and chemotherapy. We review alternative, emerging approaches to ABDs that currently offer promise, particularly modelling and molecular techniques and the development of novel vaccines that target molecules produced by arthropods during the bloodmeal. We argue that there is an urgent need to establish effective surveillance systems for most ABDs across various countries in order to facilitate a detailed risk analysis, which should include evaluation of potential spread to new areas and the possible introduction of new exotic species or disease agents. This will require clear and exhaustive knowledge on the distribution of ABDs in different areas, understanding of the diagnostic limitations pertaining to ABDs and standardization of techniques among reference laboratories in different countries. Continuous monitoring of insecticide resistance and the development of management strategies to minimize its onset are also essential. Ultimately, it is probable that approaches which attempt to reduce vector abundance or treat hosts with chemotherapy alone are unlikely to be effective in the long term. More suitable approaches may include greater use of a range of mutually compatible options in integrated management programmes.  相似文献   

Control of the Riverine (Palpalis) group of tsetse flies is normally achieved with stationary artificial devices such as traps or insecticide-treated targets. The efficiency of biconical traps (the standard control device), 1×1 m black targets and small 25×25 cm targets with flanking nets was compared using electrocuting sampling methods. The work was done on Glossina tachinoides and G. palpalis gambiensis (Burkina Faso), G. fuscipes quanzensis (Democratic Republic of Congo), G. f. martinii (Tanzania) and G. f. fuscipes (Kenya). The killing effectiveness (measured as the catch per m(2) of cloth) for small targets plus flanking nets is 5.5-15X greater than for 1 m(2) targets and 8.6-37.5X greater than for biconical traps. This has important implications for the costs of control of the Riverine group of tsetse vectors of sleeping sickness.  相似文献   

The dynamic model developed in our previous publications [1,2] was used to calculate the flux control coefficients of oxidation, phosphorylation and proton leak fluxes for isolated mitochondria and for three modes of work of intact cells (hepatocytes). The results obtained were compared with experimental data, especially those measured in the frame of the 'top-down approach' of the metabolic control theory. A good agreement for mitochondria and for intact cells was found. The control of the oxygen consumption flux is shared between the ATP utilization (main controlling factor), substrate dehydrogenation, proton leak and, in some conditions, the ATP/ADP carrier. The phosphorylation subsystem seemed to be controlled mainly by itself, while the proton leak was influenced by all three subsystems. It was also shown that the large relative change in the enzyme activity during inhibitor titration of mitochondria or cells could lead to the overestimation of some flux control coefficient values in experimental measurements. An influence of some hormones (glucagon, vasopressin, adrenaline and others) on the mitochondrial respiration was also simulated. Our results suggest that these hormones stimulate the substrate dehydrogenation as well as the phosphorylation system (ATP usage and, possibly, the ATP/ADP carrier).  相似文献   

在自然界存在两种登革热传播模式:人-伊蚊-人循环,蚊媒是埃及伊蚊与白纹伊蚊。猴-伊蚊-猴循环,蚊媒是白纹伊蚊与白雪伊蚊群。我国学者首先于1975年从无输入性病例的我国西南边疆山林地区的白纹伊蚊体内分离到登革热病毒4型,白纹伊蚊承担两种传播模式的中介。本研究介绍了埃及伊蚊与白纹伊蚊的生态习性与全球及在中国的分布。认为在我国厦门地区迄今为止还未曾发现过埃及伊蚊的存在,也简介了沃尔巴克体新技术防控蚊媒研究的进展。  相似文献   

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