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The composition of benthos in a series of 29 lake and peat pool sites is examined especially in relation to a successional gradient. The results indicate a sharp distinction between the fauna of peat pools and lakes. Chironomus, Psectrocladius, Monopsectrocladius, and Zalutschia are characteristic of bog lakes at the latter stages of their evolution and peat pools. Procladius and Tanytarsus dominate in most lakes. Between weakly acidic and strongly acidic lakes a sharp boundary exists for many other components of the benthos. Chaoborus occurs in strongly acidic lakes. Amphipoda, and Ephemeroptera are limited to weakly acidic or circum-neutral waters.A comparison of the results of this investigation with a parallel paleoecological study is made.  相似文献   

A comparison of the present chironomid fauna of four shallow, humic lakes with the subfossils of surficial sediments is made. The chemistry and benthos of the lakes investigated varied greatly. Results indicate a reasonable correlation between biocenoses and thanatocenoses, but a marked under-representation ofProcladius is apparent. It is suggested that, at least in shallow, humic lakes,Procladius be excluded in attempts to reconstruct chironomid communities from subfossils.  相似文献   

The surface sediment diatom analysis of 28 Algoma lakes (pH 4.40–8.13) indicates that even though each lake has a widely different aquatic environment and characteristic diatom assemblage, a definite relationship exists between the lake water pH and their diatom assemblages. In the acidic lakes acidobiontic and acidophilous diatom species predominate whereas in circumneutral and alkaline lakes circumneutral and alkaliphilous diatoms were most common. Cluster analysis of the pH indicator diatom assemblages grouped the study lakes into three distinct cluster groups. These groups also closely corresponded to lake water pH. On the basis of published ecological information as well as their presence in our study lakes, the pH indicator status of a number of diatom taxa have been discussed. A detailed listing of the diatom taxa identified and their pH indicator status is provided in order to facilitate their use in future diatom-inferred pH studies.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages are described from surface sediments in thirteen salt lakes located in the southern Bolivian Altiplano. Factor analysis of correspondences and cluster analysis are used to classify the diatom assemblages. New methods are proposed to establish the qualitative and quantitative relationships between diatom floras and ecological parameters. Diatom assemblages are linked more to the ionic elements than to the salinity, pH, depth, temperature or elevation. Environmental variables are divided into three modalities which allow considerations of many different variables not under the same units.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological techniques were employed to document the limnological histories of the aurora trout lakes, located in the Sudbury region of Ontario. Two of these lakes are of special interest to fisheries managers, as they represent the only known native habitats of a rare strain of brook trout: the aurora trout. These lakes were limed as part of restoration efforts. Stratigraphic changes in diatom and chrysophyte assemblages from dated lake sediment cores indicate that all the lakes have been impacted by anthropogenic acidification, although the timing and the magnitude of acidification were different amongst the lakes. For example, Whirligig Lake was likely the most naturally acidic lake in the past, but it had further acidified since about 1960. This lake was limed in 1989 and then again in 1993. In Whitepine Lake, acidification started 1940; however, in the most recent sediments (1992), some recovery in lakewater acidity has occurred. In Little Whitepine Lake (a reference lake), acidification started earlier (1920) and the lakewater pH continued to decline until about 1990. This lake was limed in 1989. The chrysophyte paleoindicators suggest a recent recovery in this lake. The successful re-introduction of aurora trout in Whirligig and Whitepine lakes is undoubtedly related to the improved water quality through liming but, based on our paleolimnological indicators, the lakes' limnological characteristics (e.g. pH and metal concentrations) are still different from those present before atmospheric deposition of strong acids from the Sudbury smelters.  相似文献   

A synthesis of over 200 diatom‐based paleolimnological records from nonacidified/nonenriched lakes reveals remarkably similar taxon‐specific shifts across the Northern Hemisphere since the 19th century. Our data indicate that these diatom shifts occurred in conjunction with changes in freshwater habitat structure and quality, which, in turn, we link to hemispheric warming trends. Significant increases in the relative abundances of planktonic Cyclotella taxa (P<0.01) were concurrent with sharp declines in both heavily silicified Aulacoseira taxa (P<0.01) and benthic Fragilaria taxa (P<0.01). We demonstrate that this trend is not limited to Arctic and alpine environments, but that lakes at temperate latitudes are now showing similar ecological changes. As expected, the onset of biological responses to warming occurred significantly earlier (P<0.05) in climatically sensitive Arctic regions (median age=ad 1870) compared with temperate regions (median age=ad 1970). In a detailed paleolimnological case study, we report strong relationships (P<0.005) between sedimentary diatom data from Whitefish Bay, Lake of the Woods (Ontario, Canada), and long‐term changes in air temperature and ice‐out records. Other potential environmental factors, such as atmospheric nitrogen deposition, could not explain our observations. These data provide clear evidence that unparalleled warming over the last few decades resulted in substantial increases in the length of the ice‐free period that, similar to 19th century changes in high‐latitude lakes, likely triggered a reorganization of diatom community composition. We show that many nonacidified, nutrient‐poor, freshwater ecosystems throughout the Northern Hemisphere have crossed important climatically induced ecological thresholds. These findings are worrisome, as the ecological changes that we report at both mid‐ and high‐latitude sites have occurred with increases in mean annual air temperature that are less than half of what is projected for these regions over the next half century.  相似文献   

Diatom studies carried out in Central and Eastern Poland have shown a diversified composition and considerable changes of relative frequency of dominant diatoms in profiles of lake sediments of the Mazovian and Ferdynandovian interglacials. Cyclotella spp. are dominant in a large part of the sediment profiles at Adamówka, awki-7 and Wola Grzymalina-59 and, at Krpiec and Podlodów, Stephanodiscus is also common while at Biaa Podlaska and Falcice, Aulacoseira is most abundant. Cyclotella comta var. lichvinensis and C. vorticosa are the typical diatoms in the Mazovian Interglacial. In the sediments representing the Ferdynandovian Interglacial, the characteristic diatoms are Cyclotella cf. reczickiae and the Stephanodiscus rotula/niagarae complex.  相似文献   

Twenty lakes in the Matamek and nearby watersheds were sampled in the summer of 1983 for water chemistry and surficial sediments. Thirty-two physical and chemical variables, including pH, alkalinity, cations and metal concentrations were measured on samples from the epilimnion and hypolimnion of each lake. In three lakes, two to four replicate cores were collected to estimate spatial variability of the sediment flora.All lakes were acidic (pH 4.59 to 5.80), highly colored and poorly buffered. Aluminum and magnesium concentrations reached 494 and 70 µg l-1, respectively. The pH of the lakes appears to be declining, as indicated by a comparison of our results with those from a survey done in 1970. An empirical chemical model based on the alkalinity/sulfate ratio and the regression of pH on calcium also indicated that these lakes may be undergoing acidification.Analyses of the diatom flora of the surficial sediments showed strong dominance of 6 species that cooccurred with a large number of rare species (in all, 229 taxa were found). Variability among samples within a lake was as high as among lakes. Calculation of Nygaard's alpha index for each sample and the regression of its log-transformed value on surface pH yielded a relationship that was significantly from other published models. The regression model was applied to a down-core analysis of the diatom flora of the sediments of two lakes. Although the large confidence intervals on pH values predicted by the model obscured any evidence of pH change with sediment depth, there was a significant increase of acidophilous and a decrease of circumneutral species over time, suggesting that a change in the flora, possibly correlated with pH, is taking place.In making comparisons among lakes, the surficial-sediment flora did not provide clear evidence of a relationship with the pH of surface water. Indices computed from the surficial-sediment flora are apparently insensitive to differences in pH over a narrow range, particularly when the lakes being compared are similar chemically. Nygaard's alpha index is shown to be unduly sensitive to outliers. The currently accepted assumption of a progressive linear change in communities may be inadequate for the quantification of acidification processes. Other models, derived from catastrophe theory, may prove more fruitful.  相似文献   

The pH history of lakes can be inferred from diatom remains in dated sediment cores. To derive transfer functions for pH inference in acidic lakes, we counted diatoms in surface-sediment from 31 soft-water lakes in n. New England (NE) and 36 in Norway (N), covering pH 4.4–7.1. Cluster analysis of each data set indicates that pH 6 is an upper limit for a group of similar diatom assemblages. For each set, we developed multiple linear regressions to relate three versions of the diatom data to pH of surface-waters: (1) relative frequencies of selected diatom taxa, (2) the first principal component (1 PC) of these frequencies, and (3) the frequencies of Hustedt pH groups. Also, simple linear regressions were developed for two versions: (1) Index B and (2) Index Alpha, both based on pH groups. Regressions were run separately for lakes with pH 6; these are most relevant for pH inference in acidic lakes. The best regressions (N: taxa & 1 PC taxa) have r2 0.69–0.91 and Se 0.24–0.31 pH units, the worst (NE: log alpha) have r2 0.27–0.57 and Se 0.51. In all cases, errors for NE are greater than N, partly due to greater diversity of NE lakes. Regressions based on pH groups (directly & by indices) have smaller r2 and larger Se than those based on taxa and 1 taxa. The Index Alpha is least useful because its requirement for alkaline diatom units is unsatisfied at many acidic lakes. Regressions based on taxa may give erratic pH inferences due to sensitivity to unusual frequencies of individual taxa; this effect is reduced by using 1 PC taxa. Four regressions based on pH 6 lakes were used for inferring pH in a 210Pb dated core from Nedre Målmesvatn, N (now pH 4.6). There is good agreement among three of the four (not for the regression based directly on taxa) that there has been a decrease of ca. 0.6 pH units starting in the late 1800's.  相似文献   

Old (ca 1920) and recent (1978) diatom assemblages from sixteen pristine moorland pools are compared by analysis of pH-spectra, diversity (Hill's index), (dis)similarity (number of species in common, Dyer dissimilarity) and principal component analysis. The pH-spectra of clear water pools indicate that the formerly wide range of pH (4–6) is very narrow now (3.7–4.6). No significant change of pH (ca 4.5) is observed in brown water moorland pools. Diversity significantly declines in clear water pools and has a tendency to rise in brown water pools. The number of species in common does not change. The Dyer dissimilarity significantly decreases in clear water lakes, no change is found in brown water lakes. The first principal component (PC 1) explains 61% of total variance between samples and is nearly completely determined byEunotia exigua. PC 1 has a strong positive correlation with both the absolute and relative sulfate concentration and other factors related to acidification (Ca2+, Al3+, Mg2+, electrical conductivity). PC1 has a negative correlation with factors characterizing humic acid waters (K MnO4-consumption, Fe, (Na+ + K+)/ (Ca2++Mg2+) etc.). Old samples have low scores on PC 1. Recent samples from clear waters have high scores on PC 1. The original variation, caused by regional factors, is replaced by a sulfate controled variation. The factors which are responsible for the recent differences in sulfate concentrations between pools are discussed (sulfate reduction, accumulation by dry deposition in adjacent pine forests and drought). Some observations contribute to the opinion that acidification may be considered as eutrophication and not as oligotrophication.  相似文献   

To document and analyze the ecosystem response to acidification and possible concurrent heavy metal enrichment process, a detailed paleoecological study was conducted in Lake 817, a small, and sensitive, second order lake, in insular Newfoundland. The inferred pH history of the lake was recreated using the region-specific equation relating fossil diatom taxa to pH. The profile demonstrated a fairly stable pH history over the bottom 22 cm of the sediment core with an appreciable pH decline in the upper 5 cm. The decrease of inferred pH began in the 1930's (ca. 1931 to 1944) and the lowest inferred pH value (5.3) was observed in the surface stratum. The decreasing pH trend (0.4 unit; 5.7 to 5.3) between ca. 1931 and 1985 correlated well with changes in sediment chemistry. Major elements (P, Mg, Ca, Na, and K) showed significant decrease in deposition primarily in the upper 3 cm level (ca. 1944). The profiles of selected metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Hg, As, and Ni) indicated that the deposition of these elements increased noticeably, primarily in the upper 3 cm level. The enrichment of Pb began earlier, about 50 years ago (1931 to 1944). The stratigraphy of fossil pigments (chlorophyll derivatives and total carotenoids) demonstrated a general trend of increasing accumulation upwards in the core while the only significant decrease in pigments was observed in the recent strata (ca. between 1957 to 1985). The most dramatic decrease of primary production occurred during ca. 1957 to 1974 period and this phenomenon was associated with increased levels of heavy metals. It seems that primary production in oligotrophic, acidifying lakes in Newfoundland is controlled more by nutrients loading and the possible toxicological effects of heavy metals, than directly by water acidity.  相似文献   

Ollikainen  Minna  Simola  Heikki  Niinioja  Riitta 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):405-413
Sedimentary diatom assemblages in two large oligotrophic clear-water lakes were analysed, to assess their present ecological state and possible eutrophication due to diffuse nutrient loading. The lakes Pyhäjärvi and Puruvesi (Finnish lake district) are proportionally large for their catchment areas which accounts for their long retention times (ca 7 and 11 yr) and oligohumic character. Pyhäjärvi was studied by pairwise comparison of surface sediment diatom assemblages collected in 1985 and 1990 at 12 sites from different parts of the lake. In Puruvesi, the stratigraphy of diatoms was analysed in two short cores from 8 m and 32 m depths.The diatom assemblages of the two lakes are rather similar, and quite distinct from the assemblages of the mesohumic large lakes of the area. Cyclotella kuetzingiana is the most common planktonic dia- tom, but Aulacoseira ambigua abounds in Pyhäjärvi at sites with local sources of eutrophication. A diverse assemblage of benthic forms, especially Fragilaria and Achnanthes spp. characterizes the shallow bottoms in both lakes.There was little change within the short-core diatom profiles of Puruvesi, but the floral composition of the 8-m and 32-m sites differed markedly. The 8-m site, with 60–70% of benthic forms, represents illuminated bottom, on which much of the buried algae have lived in situ, while the deeper site is true profundal, dominated by sedimented planktonic algae.In Pyhäjärvi there was a slight increase in the benthic diatoms from 1985 to 1990, coinciding with increased phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations as well as Secchi depth lowering. We interprete this observation as a very early step of eutrophication, of which first the sessile algal communities of the illuminated bottom areas have benefited.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from nine lakes in southern Norway (N) and six in northern New England (NE) were dated by 137Cs, 210Pb and in NE also by pollen, and were analyzed geochemically and for diatoms. Cores from two N and three NE lakes were analyzed for cladocerans. 137Cs dating is unreliable in these lakes, probably due to mobility of Cs in the sediment. In Holmvatn sediment, an up-core increase in Fe, starting ca. 1900, correlates with geochemical indications of decreasing mechanical erosion of soils. Diatoms indicate a lake acidification starting in the 1920's. We propose that soil Fe was mobilized and runoff acidified by acidic precipitation and/or by soil acidification resulting from vegetational succession following reduced grazing. Even minor land use changes or disturbances in lake watersheds introduce ambiguity to the sedimentary evidence relating to atmospheric influences. Diatom counts from surface sediments in 36 N and 31 NE lakes were regressed against contemporary water pH to obtain coefficients for computing past pH from subsurface counts. Computed decreases of 0.3–0.8 pH units start between I890 and I930 in N lakes already acidic (pH 5.0–5.5) before the decrease. These and lesser decreases in other lakes start decades to over a century after the first sedimentary indications of atmospheric heavy metal pollution. It is proposed that the acidification of precipitation accompanied the metal pollution. The delays in lake acidification may be due to buffering by the lakes and watersheds. The magnitude of acidification and heavy metal loading of the lakes parallels air pollution gradients. Shift in cladoceran remains are contemporary with acidification, preceding elimination of fishes.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the paleoproductivity of meromictic Crawford Lake, near Toronto, are inferred from a study of its sedimentary pigments, and diatoms. Several stages of lake development are observed over the 35 cm-deep sediment core removed from the center of Crawford Lake. Evidence of changes in lake productivity during the last 300 years was reflected by significant stratigraphic sediment pigment changes which were associated with European settlement in the Crawford Lake watershed and recent alterations associated with the area's operation by the Conservation Authority (1969 — present). One of the most important factors correlated with paleoproductivity was land clearance (mainly logging of white oak and pine). Deforestation during the last century is correlated with an increase in the amount of algal pigments deposited in the lake's sediments during the 1800's. During the last 10 years a striking increase in the accumulation of chlorophyll derivatives was observed. This is correlated with a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to the lake.Stratigraphic changes in the ratio of cyanobacterial to phototrophic bacterial pigment accumulation are used to infer changes which occurred during the shift from mesotrophy to eutrophy in Crawford Lake.  相似文献   

In 1994 the atmospheric deposition on three moorland pools in The Netherlands was only one third of its value in 1980. The effects of this reduction on these moorland pool ecosystems were examined by regular sampling of surface water chemistry and diatoms between 1979 and 1994. Moreover, diatom samples taken at irregular intervals between 1916 and 1978 were studied. In the pools Gerritsfles and Achterste Goorven, the median sulphate concentrations in 1994 were only one third of recorded values in 1980. Peak concentrations of sulphate were found after extremely dry summers. In the pool Kliplo, with an initially low concentration of sulphate, there was 16% increase of the concentration over the same period. Ammonium increased significantly in Kliplo and showed large variations in the other pools. Redundancy analysis showed that sulphate was the most important variable for the distribution of diatoms. As a consequence, the abundance of the acidification indicatorEunotia exigua in 1994 was only 25% of its value in 1980 in Achterste Goorven and 14% in Gerritsfles. Peaks ofE. exigua were found after drought periods. In Kliplo no clear change was observed. In 1994 the diatom assemblages of Achterste Goorven were much more similar to those of 1916–1925 than they were in 1980. In Gerritsfles a new situation, without historical analogue, developed. Overall, the large reduction of SOx-deposition had very positive consequences for the diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

This review summarises the existing literature and outlines the theoretical basis for using standard methods for sampling diatoms from rivers to sample littoral diatoms and other phytobenthos from standing waters. The European Union's Water Framework Directive has created a statutory obligation for EU Member States to monitor macrophytes and phytobenthos in lakes. Although there has been a considerable amount of work using phytobenthos (especially diatoms) to monitor river water quality in Europe, there are fewer studies on the use of phytobenthos for monitoring in lakes. European standard methods for sampling diatoms from rivers should be suitable, with only minor modifications, for sampling littoral diatoms from lakes and other standing water bodies. These recommendations should be applicable to all temperate regions.  相似文献   

A study on the succession of some phytoplankton populations in the very eutrophic Lake Varese over the past 80–100 years, was based on thin-layer chromatography of four group-specific carotenoids (echinenone, lutein, myxoxanthophyll and oscillaxanthin). The development of diatoms was traced by microscope counts of their frustules. In addition, the carotenoid okenone, peculiar to some Chromatium species, was identified and related to lake trophic conditions (the Chromatium species are obligate anaerobic bacteria, and use H2S).  相似文献   

Stratigraphic changes in diatoms and chrysophytes from three manipulated Sudbury lakes were explored in an attempt to examine the influence of fertilization and/or neutralization on algal microfossil assemblages. Both diatom- and chrysophyte-inferred pH profiles indicate that the pH of Labelle Lake has remained fairly stable in the past. The study of Labelle and Middle lakes indicates that the addition of nutrients to acidic and non-acidic oligotrophic lakes did not directly influence diatom and chrysophyte species composition, perhaps because pH remained stable. The diatom and chrysophyte assemblages of Middle Lake only changed when the pH was raised. In Mountaintop Lake the recent shift in chrysophyte species composition and the resulting inferred pH decline is most likely related to a decline in mid-summer epilimnetic pH. Reliable paleolimnological inferences are difficult in lakes such as these because it is difficult to track limnological conditions in the absence of modern analogues.  相似文献   

Biogenic silica (BSi), total phosphorus (TP), and biologically available phosphorus (AVP) were measured in short cores from Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. Peaks in BSi concentration and peaks in BSi:TP or BSi:AVP ratios provided stratigraphic signals of water column silica (Si) depletion as a response of increased diatom production to P enrichment and decreased diatom production resulting from silica depletion. By contrast the stratigraphic record of P accumulation provided very weak signals of the historical nutrient enrichment in the water column. These results indicate that system P recycling has a higher rate constant than Si recycling and, as a consequence, that relatively small levels of P enrichment can increase diatom production and sedimentation eventually causing Si depletion and Si-limited diatom production in the water mass.  相似文献   

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