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Shigella is an important human pathogen. It is generally agreed that Shigella and Escherichia coli constitute a single species; the only exception is Shigella boydii type 13, which is more distantly related to E. coli and other Shigella forms and seems to represent another species. This gives S. boydii type 13 an important status in evolution. O antigen is the polysaccharide part of the lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and plays an important role in pathogenicity. The chemical structure and genetic organization of the S. boydii type 13 O antigen were investigated. The O polysaccharide was found to be acid labile owing to the presence of a glycosyl phosphate linkage in the main chain. The structure of the linear pentasaccharide phosphate repeating unit (O unit) was established by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, including two-dimensional COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, and H-detected 1H, 13C and 1H, 31P HMQC experiments, along with chemical methods. The O antigen gene cluster of S. boydii type 13 was located and sequenced. Genes for synthesis of UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-L-glucose and genes that encode putative sugar transferases, O unit flippase, and O antigen polymerase were identified. Seven genes were found to be specific to S. boydii type 13. The S. boydii type 13 O antigen gene cluster has higher levels of sequence similarity with Vibrio cholerae gene clusters and may be evolutionarily related to these gene clusters.  相似文献   

Shigella is a well-known human pathogen causing dysentery and their typing is solely based on the O antigens. We investigated the chemical structure and gene cluster of Shigella boydii type 16 O antigen. As judged by sugar and methylation analyses along with NMR spectroscopy data, the O antigen has an O-acetylated branched pentasaccharide repeating O unit, which consists of two D-mannose residues (D-Man), one residue each of d-glucuronic acid (D-GlcA), N-acetylglucosamine (D-GlcNAc) and D-galactose (D-Gal), and the structure of the O unit was established. The O antigen gene cluster of S. boydii type 16 was identified and shown to contain putative genes for the synthesis of GDP-D-Man, genes encoding sugar transferases, O unit flippase (Wzx) and O antigen polymerase (Wzy) as expected. The function of the wzy gene was characterized by mutation test. Genes specific to S. boydii type 16 O antigen gene cluster were identified by screening 186 Escherichia coli and Shigella type strains, and can be used to develop PCR assays for detection of type 16 strains.  相似文献   

Shigella strains are human pathogens and normally identified based on their O antigens. The chemical structure and gene cluster of Shigella boydii type 17 O antigen were studied. As judged by sugar and methylation analyses along with NMR spectroscopy data, the O antigen of S. boydii type 17 has a linear trisaccharide O unit, which consists of two residues of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and a 4-O-[(R)-1-carboxyethyl]-d-glucose (glucolactilic acid). The O antigen gene cluster of S. boydii type 17 was sequenced and genes encoding UDP-N-acetylglucosamine C4 epimerase for GalNAc synthesis, O unit flippase, O antigen polymerase, and glycosyltransferases were putatively identified based on sequence similarities and the presence of conserved motifs. Two genes, whose functions could not be clearly indicated by homology search, were confirmed to be involved in the synthesis of glucolactilic acid by mutation and structural verification of the O antigens from the mutants. To our knowledge, this is the first time that genes involved in the synthesis of glucolactilic acid have been reported. Two genes specific to S. boydii type 17 were also identified.  相似文献   

Bacteria Shigella, the cause of shigellosis, evolved from the intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli. Based on structurally diverse O-specific polysaccharide chains of the lipopolysaccharides (LPSs; O-antigens), three from four Shigella species are subdivided into multiple serotypes. The central oligosaccharide of the LPS called core is usually conserved within genus but five core types called R1-R4 and K-12 have been recognized in E. coli. Structural data on the Shigella core are limited to S. sonnei, S. flexneri and one S. dysenteriae strain, which all share E. coli core types. In this work, we elucidated the core structure in 14 reference strains of S. dysenteriae and S. boydii. Core oligosaccharides were obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of the LPSs and studied using sugar analysis, high-resolution mass spectrometry and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The R1, R3 and R4 E. coli core types were identified in 8, 3 and 2 Shigella strains, respectively. A novel core variant found in S. boydii type 16 differs from the R3 core in the lack of GlcNAc and the presence of a D-glycero-D-manno-heptose disaccharide extension. In addition, the structure of an oligosaccharide consisting of the core and one O-antigen repeat was determined in S. dysenteriae type 8. A clear correlation of the core type was observed with genetic grouping of Shigella strains but not with their traditional division to four species. This finding supports a notion on the existing Shigella species as invalid taxa and a suggestion of multiple independent origins of Shigella from E. coli clones.  相似文献   

Alanine racemase genes (alr) from Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella boydii, Shigella flexneri, and Shigella sonnei were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli JM109. All genes encoded a polypeptide of 359 amino acids, and showed more than 99% sequence identities with each other. In particular, the S. dysenteriae alr was identical with the S. flexneri alr. Differences in the amino acid sequences between the four Shigella enzymes were only two residues: Gly138 in S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri (Glu138 in the other) and Ile225 in S. sonnei (Thr225 in the other). The S. boydii enzyme was identical with the E. coli K12 alr enzyme. Each Shigella alr enzyme purified to homogeneity has an apparent molecular mass about 43,000 by SDS-gel electrophoresis, and about 46,000 by gel filtration. However, all enzymes showed an apparent molecular mass about 60,000 by gel filtration in the presence of a substrate, 0.1 M l-alanine. These results suggest that the Shigella alr enzymes having an ordinary monomeric structure interact with other monomer in the presence of the substrate. The enzymes were almost identical in the enzymological properties, and showed lower catalytic activities (about 210 units/mg) than those of homodimeric alanine racemases reported.  相似文献   

This review covers the O antigens of the 46 serotypes of Shigella, but those of most Shigella flexneri are variants of one basic structure, leaving 34 Shigella distinct O antigens to review, together with their gene clusters. Several of the structures and gene clusters are reported for the first time and this is the first such group for which structures and DNA sequences have been determined for all O antigens. Shigella strains are in effect Escherichia coli with a specific mode of pathogenicity, and 18 of the 34 O antigens are also found in traditional E. coli. Three are very similar to E. coli O antigens and 13 are unique to Shigella strains. The O antigen of Shigella sonnei is quite atypical for E. coli and is thought to have transferred from Plesiomonas. The other 12 O antigens unique to Shigella strains have structures that are typical of E. coli, but there are considerably more anomalies in their gene clusters, probably reflecting recent modification of the structures. Having the complete set of structures and genes opens the way for experimental studies on the role of this diversity in pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The O antigen is an essential component of the lipopolysaccharides on the surface of Gram-negative bacteria and its variation provides a major basis for serotyping schemes. The Escherichia coli O-antigen form O180 was first designated in 2004, and O180 strains were found to contain virulence factors and cause diarrhea. Different O-antigen forms are almost entirely due to genetic variations in the O-antigen gene clusters. In this study, the chemical structure and gene cluster of E. coli O180 O antigen were investigated. A tetrasaccharide repeating unit with the following structure: →4)-β-d-ManpNAc3NAcA-(1?→?2)-α-l-Rhap(I)-(1?→?3)-β-l-Rhap(II)-(1?→?4)-α-d-GlcpNAc-(1→was identified in the E. coli O180 O antigen, including the residue d-ManpNAc3NAcA (2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-d-mannopyranuronic acid) that had not been hitherto identified in E. coli. Genes in the O-antigen gene cluster were assigned functions based on their similarities with those from available databases, and five genes involved in the synthesis of UDP-d-ManpNAc3NAcA (the nucleotide-activated form of d-ManpNAc3NAcA) were identified. The gnaA gene, encoding the enzyme involved in the initial step of the UDP-d-ManpNAc3NAcA biosynthetic pathway, was cloned and the enzyme product was expressed, purified and assayed for its activity. GnaA was characterized using capillary electrophoresis and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and identified as a UDP-GlcNAc 6-dehydrogenase. The kinetic and physicochemical parameters of GnaA also were determined.  相似文献   

The coagglutination test was used to identify Shigella boydii and Shigella dysenteriae. A trial was carried out with 13 native rabbit antisera to S. boydii and 10 antisera to S. dysenteriae, as well as with coagglutinating reagents prepared from these antisera. The use of coagglutinating reagents was shown to ensure the complete specificity of the results, to prevent the adsorption of diagnostic antisera and to decrease their consumption 50 times. The importance of the coagglutination test for the identification of shigellae is discussed.  相似文献   

Two strains which belong to the same serotype of Shigella were isolated from the bloody-pus stool of two patients (in 1986) and is reported in this paper. The results were identical both showing agglutination in low titer with serotype 8 of S. dysenteriae and serotype 4 of S. boydii when the two strains were checked well with all kinds of diagnostic antisera and vice versa, ie the antisera produced by the two strains were also checked well with sera prepared with the representative strains of all Shigella spp. No cross agglutination with O6, O7, and O150 of E. coli were found. Consequently, It appears to be a new serotype of Shigella. These two strains possess the ability of causing keratitis in guinea-pigs as well as invading epithelial cells, the DNA of both strains in agarose-electrophoresis showed a large plasmid, indicating that they are virulent strains possessing invasive ability. It was concluded that these two strains belonged to Shigella boydii as they fermented mannitol and non-related antigenically with Shigella flexneri. Since serotype 1-18 of S. boydii have been reported recently, we propose that this new serotype should be serotype 19 of Shigella boydii.  相似文献   

Twenty six new O (O51-O76) and 24 new H (H18-H41) antigens forPlesiomonas shigelloides serotyping scheme were defined. The O antigens 54 and 57 were closely related to those ofShigella boydii 2 and 9, respectively, in an a, b-a, c type of relationship.  相似文献   

The influence of antibiotic exposure in the early postnatal period on the development of intestinal microbiota was monitored in 26 infants including five antibiotic-treated (AT) subjects orally administered a broad-spectrum antibiotic for the first 4 days of life and three caesarean-delivered (CD) subjects whose mothers were intravenously injected by the similar type of antibiotics in the same period. The faecal bacterial composition was analysed daily for the first 5 days and monthly for the first 2 months. Terminal restriction fragment length polymor-phisms in the AT subjects showed less diversity with the attenuation of the colonization of some bacterial groups, especially in Bifidobacterium and unusual colonization of Enterococcus in the first week than the control antibiotic-free infants (AF, n =18). Quantitative real-time PCR showed overgrowth of enterococci (day 3, P =0.01; day 5, P =0.003; month 1, P =0.01) and arrested growth of Bifidobacterium (day 3, P =0.03) in the AT group. Furthermore, after 1 month, the Enterobacteriaceae population was markedly higher in the AT group than in the AF group (month 1, P =0.02; month 2, P =0.02). CD infants sustained similar, although relatively weaker, alteration in the developing microbiota. These results indicate that antibiotic exposure at the beginning of life greatly influences the development of neonatal intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

Shigella is an important human pathogen and is closely related to Escherichia coli. O-antigen is the most variable part of the lipopolysaccharide on the cell surface of Gram-negative bacteria and plays an important role in pathogenicity. The O-antigen gene cluster of S. boydii O1 was sequenced. The putative genes encoding enzymes for rhamnose synthesis, transferases, O-unit flippase, and O-unit polymerase were identified on the basis of homology. The O-antigen gene clusters of S. boydii O1 and E. coli O149, which share the same O-antigen form, were found to have the same genes and organization by adjacent gene PCR assay. Two genes specific for S. boydii O1 and E. coli O149 were identified by PCR screening against E. coli- and Shigella-type strains of the 186 known O-antigen forms and 39 E. coli clinical isolates. A PCR sensitivity of 103 to 104 CFU/mL overnight culture of S. boydii O1 and E. coli O149 was obtained. S. boydii O1 and E. coli O149 were differentiated by PCR using lacZ- and cadA-based primers.  相似文献   

A specific acidic polysaccharide has been isolated from the Shigella boydii type 14 antigenic lipopolysaccharide after mild hydrolysis followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-50. The polysaccharide consists of the D-glucuronic acid, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose and D-galactose residues in the ratio 1:1:3. From the results of methylation analysis and partial acid hydrolysis, the structure of the repeating unit of the specific polysaccharide was deduced as follows: (-6DGalp alpha 1-4DGlcAp beta 1-6DGalp beta 1-4DGalp beta 1-4DGlcNAcp beta 1-)n. The 13C NMR spectra of native and carboxyl-reduced polysaccharides, as well as of oligosaccharides produced by partial acid hydrolysis fully confirmed the proposed structure. The approach was suggested to determine the type of substitution of uronic acid moieties in polysaccharide chain by use of chromato-mass-spectrometry of acetylated methyl esters of partially methylated aldonic acids. Serological characteristics of Sh. boydii LPS type 14 and its modified derivatives are discussed.  相似文献   

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