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The influence of fatty acid on the interconversion of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH) between its active (dephospho-) and inactive (phospho-) forms and on the intramitochondrial ATPADP, NADHNAD+ and acetyl-CoACoASH ratios was studied in isolated rat liver mitochondria. Conditions were found in which the PDH activity was inversely correlated only with the NADHNAD+ ratio. Under other conditions the PDH activity was inversely correlated solely with the acetyl-CoACoASH ratio. These experiments suggest that the activity of the regulatory enzymes involved in the inactivation and reactivation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex may be controlled by both the intramitochondrial NADHNAD+ and acetyl-CoACoASH ratios.  相似文献   

1. Various methods to measure the rate of accumulation of [3-14C]pyruvate in the sucrose-impermeable space of isolated rat liver mitochondria are tested and compared with respect to their ability to distinguish between carrier-linked pyruvate transport and non-carrier-linked processes (adsorption and diffusion). 2. Evidence is presented that the cinnamic acid derivatives commonly used as specific inhibitors of the pyruvate carrier (i) do not completely abolish all carrier-mediated pyruvate transport; (ii) inhibit pyruvate adsorption, and (iii) at higher concentrations lead to a removal of previously accumulated pyruvate from the mitochondria. It is concluded that procedures which avoid the use of transport inhibitors allow more reliable estimates of carrier-linked pyruvate transport. 3. It is proposed to measure pyruvate adsorption as the accumulation of pyruvate in the presence of an uncoupler. Using this procedure, it could be shown that, with 1 mM pyruvate, adsorption represents only a small part of the total pyruvate accumulation, the main part being carrier-linked transport driven by the pH gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

The rate of pyruvate oxidation by isolated rabbit heart mitochondria was inhibited by fatty acylcarnitine derivatives. The extent of inhibition by pyruvate oxidation in State 3 was greatest with palmitylcarnitine and only a minimal inhibition was observed with acetylcarnitine, while octanoylcarnitine or octanoate caused an intermediate extent of inhibition. Analyses of the intramitochondrial ATPADP and NADHNAD+ ratios under the different conditions of incubation indicated that it is unlikely that changes in either or both of these parameters were the primary negative effectors of the rate of pyruvate oxidation. A positive correlation between the decrease in the rate of pyruvate oxidation and the decrease in the level of free CoASH in the mitochondria was observed. Extraction and assay of the pyruvate dehydrogenase from rabbit heart mitochondria during the time course of the fatty acid-mediated inhibition of pyruvate oxidation indicated that pyruvate dehydrogenase was strongly inactivated when palmitylcarnitine was the fatty acid, while incubation with octanoate and acetylcarnitine resulted in less extensive inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase. Measurement of the effects of NADH, NAD+, acetyl-CoA, and CoASH on the inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase extracted from rabbit heart mitochondria indicated that NADH and acetyl-CoA activated the pyruvate dehydrogenasee kinase while CoASH strongly inhibited the kinase and NAD+ was without effect. In addition, palmityl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA had little, if any, effect on the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase activity. It was observed that palmityl-CoA but not octanoyl-CoA strongly inhibited the activity of the extracted pyruvate dehydrogenase. Hence, it is concluded that (a) decreased mitochondrial CoASH levels, which essentially remove a potent inhibitor of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, (b) possibly a diminished free CoASH supply, which may be utilized as a substrate for the active complex, and (c) direct inhibitory effects of palmityl-CoA on the active form of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex combine to make palmitylcarnitine a much more potent inhibitor of mitochondrial pyruvate oxidation than shorter chain length acylcarnitine derivatives.  相似文献   

R. Berger  F.A. Hommes 《BBA》1973,314(1):1-7
The effect of ATP on the velocity of oxygen uptake during the oxidation of pyruvate plus malate, in the presence of oligomycin, 2,4-dinitrophenol and fluorocitrate, was studied in mitochondria, isolated from the livers of adult and fetal rats.It was found that the addition of ATP caused an inhibition in the rate of oxygen uptake of 21 ± 6% in mitochondria from adult rat liver and 49 ± 8% in mitochondria from fetal rat liver. Measurements of the velocity of oxygen uptake during the oxidation of pyruvate plus malate and of palmitoylcarnitine in adult rat liver mitochondria in the presence of ATP showed that the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase was lower than the activity of citrate synthase.In fetal mitochondria, addition of ATP resulted in an increase in the CoASH/acetyl-CoA ratio, indicating that pyruvate dehydrogenase was rate limiting here as well.It is concluded that ATP inhibited pyruvate oxidation by phosphorylation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, rather than by inhibiting citrate synthase under these conditions.  相似文献   

1. Dose-dependent effects of adrenaline on PDHa activity were investigated with both incubated rat epidiymal fat-pads and isolated adipocytes. 2. Adrenaline (10nM- 5 micrometer) decreased PDHa activity in fat-pads incubated with 5 mM-[U-14C]glucose + insulin (20 munits/ml). Changes in [U-14C]glucose incorporation into fatty acids in these tissues correlated only loosely with changes in PDHa activity. There was a good inverse relationship between adrenaline-induced changes in PDHa activity and increases in lipolysis (glycerol release). 3. Adrenaline (10nM - 0.5 micrometer) decreased PDHa activity in fat-pads incubated with 5 mM-[U-14C]pyruvate + insulin (20 munits/ml), whereas 1 micrometer- and 5 micrometer-adrenaline slightly increased PDHa activity. All concentrations of adrenaline tested decreased [U-14C]pyruvate incorporation into fatty acids. Between 10nM- and 0.5 micrometer-adrenaline percentage decreases in PDHa activity paralleled decreases in faty acid synthesis. 4. Effects of adrenaline on PDHa activity and fatty acid synthesis in fat-pads incubated with 5mM-[U-14C]pyruvate + insulin (20 munits/ml) could not be mimicked by addition of albumin-bound palmitate. 5. The response of PDHa activity to adrenaline (0.1 nM - 1 micrometer) in isolated adipocytes differed with the carbohydrate substrate used in the incubations. With 5 mM-glucose + insulin (20 munits/ml), PDHa activity was significantly increased by 10 nM-adrenaline, but not by 1 micrometer-adrenaline, the response to adrenaline being biphasic. There was some correlation between PDHa activity and accumulation of non-esterified fatty acids. With 5 mM-glucose alone adrenaline (0.1 nM - 1 micrometer) had no effect on PDHa activity even though lipolysis was increased by adrenaline (0.1 micrometer - 1 micrometer). With 5mM-fructose in the presence and absence of insulin, lipolytic doses of adrenaline decreased PDHa activity. No tested concentrations of adrenaline increased PDHa with this substrate. 6. In the presence of 5 mM-fructose, palmitate was significantly more effective than adrenaline with respect to the maximum decrease in PDHa activity that could be elicited. 4. The relationship of changes in PDHa activity to changes in lipogenesis and the likelihood of adrenaline-induced changes in PDHa activity being secondary to changes in non-esterified fatty acid metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

The positional and fatty acid specificity of phosphatidic acid biosynthesis in rat liver mitochondria and microsomal fractions was studied by using acylcarnitines, CoA and an excess of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (EC as the source of acyl-CoA. In the mitochondria, the preference for palmitic acid at the 1-position is increased at high acyl-CoA concentrations, whereas it is decreased in the microsomal fraction. There was no change in the fatty acid specificity at the 2-position with different acyl-CoA concentrations in any of the factions. The preference in mitochondria for linoleic acid at the 2-position is strongly increased at high concentrations of lysophosphatidic acid.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria isolated in sucrose-N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane-sulphonic acid (TES) incorporated [(3)H]UTP into RNA for 1h. Incorporation was inhibited 50% by 1mug of actinomycin D/ml, 1mug of acriflavine/ml and 0.5mug of ethidium bromide/ml but was insensitive to rifampicin, rifamycin SV, streptovarcin and deoxyribonuclease. After the first 10min of incubation, the synthesis was insensitive to ribonuclease. RNA synthesis by mitochondria isolated in sucrose-EDTA was insensitive to actinomycin D and sensitive to ribonuclease during the first 10min of the incubation but thereafter the sensitivities were the same as for mitochondria isolated in sucrose-TES. In a hypo-osmotic medium the relative extent of incorporation of the four ribonucleoside triphosphates into RNA was CTP>UTP=ATP>GTP. In an iso-osmotic medium the incorporation of CTP and GTP decreased. All four nucleotides were incorporated into RNA in a DNA-dependent process, as indicated by the inhibition by actinomycin D. In addition, CTP and ATP were incorporated into the CCA end of mitochondrial tRNA. ATP was also incorporated into an unidentified acid-insoluble compound, which hydrolysed in alkali to a product that was not ATP, ADP or 5'- or 2(3')-AMP. Atractyloside inhibited the incorporation of ATP into RNA with 50% inhibition at 2-3nmol/mg of protein. The [(3)H]UTP-labelled RNA had peaks of 16S and 13S characteristic of mitochondrial rRNA. In addition a peak at 20-21S was observed as well as heterogeneous RNA sedimenting throughout the gradient. The synthesis of all these species was inhibited by actinomycin D, indicating that rat liver mitochondrial DNA codes for mitochondrial rRNA as well as other as yet unidentified species.  相似文献   

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