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Phase equilibria in binary mixtures of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The paramagnetic resonance spectra of two spin-labels, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperadinyl-1-oxy and a head-group spin-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-N-ethanolamine), have been used to study solid-liquid and liquid-liquid phase separations in binary mixtures of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. A quantitative analysis of these resonance spectra supports the view that at temperatures below theta m, the chain-melting temperature of the phospholipid, and at cholesterol mole fractions Xc less than 0.2, these mixtures consist of two phases, a solid phase of essentially pure dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and a fluid phase having a mole fraction of cholesterol equal to 0.2. The spin-label data also provide evidence for fluid-fluid immiscibility in the bilayer membrane at temperatures above the chain melting transition temperature of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy is used to study the rippled texture in pure dimyristoyl and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes and in mixtures of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. Evidence is presented that the apparent phase transition properties of multilamellar liposomes may be dependent on the manner in which liposomes are prepared. Under certain conditions the ripple structures as visualized by freeze-fracture electron microscopy for the pure phosphatidylcholines are observed to be temperature dependent in the vicinity of the pretransition. Thus the transition can sometimes appear to be a gradual transition rather than a sharp, first-order phase transition. In mixtures of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, the ripple repeat distance is found to increase as the cholesterol concentration is increased between 0 and 20 mol%. Above 20 mol%, no rippling is observed. A simple theory is presented for the dependence of ripple repeat spacing on cholesterol concentration in the range 0–20 mol%. This theory accounts for the otherwise inexplicable abrupt increase in the lateral diffusion coefficients of fluorescent lipids in binary mixtures of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol when the cholesterol concentration is increased above 20 mol%.  相似文献   

We previously reported that 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) forms an interdigitated gel phase in the presence of 1-palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (16:0LPC) at concentrations below 30 mol%. In the present investigation, fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the effect of cholesterol on the phase behavior of 16:0LPC/DPPC binary mixtures. At 25 degrees C, 30 mol% 16:0LPC significantly decreases the DPH fluorescence intensity during the transition of DPPC from the L(beta') phase to the L(betaI) phase. However, the addition of cholesterol to 16:0LPC/DPPC mixtures results in a substantial increase in fluorescence intensity. The changes in DPH fluorescence intensity reflect the probe's redistribution from an orientation parallel to the acyl chain to the center of the bilayer, suggesting a bilayer structure transition from interdigitation to noninterdigitation. The normal repeat period of small angle X-ray diffraction patterns can be restored and a reflection appears at 0.42 nm with a broad shoulder around 0.41 nm in wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns when 10 mol% cholesterol is incorporated into 30 mol% 16:0LPC/DPPC vesicles, indicating that the mixtures are in the gel phase (L(beta')). Moreover, DSC results demonstrate that 10 mol% cholesterol is sufficient to significantly decrease the main enthalpy, cooperativity and lipid chain melting of 30 mol% 16:0LPC/DPPC binary mixtures, which are L(betaI), indicating that the transition of the interdigitated phase is more sensitive to cholesterol than that of the noninterdigitated phase. Our data imply that the interdigitated gel phase induced by 16:0LPC is prevented in the presence of 10 mol% cholesterol, but unlike ethanol, an increasing concentration of 16:0LPC is not able to restore the interdigitation structure of the lipid mixtures.  相似文献   

The structural phases in various mixtures of soybean phosphatidylethanolamine and egg phosphatidylcholine were studied by X-ray diffraction, freeze fracture electron microscopy, and 31P NMR. An intermediate state between bilayer and hexagonal structures was found at a composition of 10–25 mol% of phosphatidylcholine. The intermediate state consists of closely packed multilayers, together with arrays of lipidic intramembranous particles. The arrays of lipidic intramembranous particles, possibly membrane invaginations, give rise to an anisotropic 31P NMR spectrum commonly accredited to a hexagonal structure. A phase diagram of this mixed system is proposed. The compositional range at which the intermediate state exists coincides with the range of maximal mitochondrial ATPase activity when these lipids are used in reconstitution experiments.  相似文献   

The dynamics of lipid hydrocarbon chains in phosphatidylcholine (dimyristoyl- or dipalmitoyl-) and cholesterol/dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine membranes were investigated by nanosecond time-resolved fluorescence depolarization measurements on a lipophilic fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene embedded in the membranes. In the pure lipid membranes, both the range (amplitude) and the rate of the wobbling motion of the probe increased sigmoidally with temperature reflecting the thermotropic phase transition of the lipid. The rise in the rate slightly preceded the increase in the range, suggesting that the fluctuation of lipid chains is activated to a high level before the ordered array of chains melt into the liquid-crystalline phase. Above the transition temperature, incorporation of cholesterol resulted in a dramatic decrease in the range of wobbling motion while the rate remained high. Below the transition, on the other hand, cholesterol had little effect on the range, whereas the rate was greatly increased. These effects of cholesterol are remarkably similar to the effects of cytochrome oxidase on lipid chain dynamics (Kinosita, K., Jr., Kawato, S., Ikegami, A., Yoshida, S. and Orii, Y. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 647, 7–17).  相似文献   

Recently, DHSM, a minor constituent in naturally occurring SMs, was indicated to form a raft-like ordered phase more effectively than a naturally occurring form of SM because DHSM has greater potential to induce the intermolecular hydrogen bond. In order to examine the influence of the DHSM-induced hydrogen bond on the phase segregation, the thermal phase behavior of stearoyl-DHSM/DOPC binary bilayers was examined using calorimetry and fluorescence observation and compared with that of SSM/DOPC binary bilayers. Results revealed that the DHSM/DOPC bilayers undergo phase segregation between two Lα phases within a limited compositional range. On the other hand, apparent phase separation was not observed above main transition temperature in SSM/DOPC mixtures. Our monolayer measurements showed that the lipid packing of DHSM is less perturbed than that of SSM by the addition of small amount of DOPC, indicating a stronger hydrogen bond between DHSM molecules. Therefore, in DHSM/DOPC binary bilayers, DHSM molecules may locally accumulate to form a DHSM-rich domain due to a DHSM-induced hydrogen bond. On the other hand, excess accumulation of DHSM should be prevented because the difference in the curvature between DHSM and DOPC assemblies causes elastic constraint at the domain boundary between the DHSM-rich and DOPC-rich domains. Competition between the energetic advantages provided by formation of the hydrogen bond and the energetic disadvantage conferred by elastic constraints likely results in Lα/Lα phase separation within a limited compositional range.  相似文献   

Measurements of hydration and water self diffusion in lamellar phases of the ternary system: phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol/water have been made using pulse NMR relaxation methods. Systems containing phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol in a 1 : 1 mol ratio with varying water contents are studied at 20.5°C. The results indicate that 12 water molecules corresponds to complete hydration of the phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol unit, and in the region of this hydration a 4-fold decrease in water diffusion occurs. The nature of the bound water and its relationship to phase stability and overall water mobility in the system are discussed. It is concluded that at the stoichiometric composition the diffusion decreases due to the relative immobility of the bound water. The implications in terms of permeability regulation in the aqueous channels by water content and hydration are cited.  相似文献   

We use fluorescence microscopy to directly observe liquid phases in giant unilamellar vesicles. We find that a long list of ternary mixtures of high melting temperature (saturated) lipids, low melting temperature (usually unsaturated) lipids, and cholesterol produce liquid domains. For one model mixture in particular, DPPC/DOPC/Chol, we have mapped phase boundaries for the full ternary system. For this mixture we observe two coexisting liquid phases over a wide range of lipid composition and temperature, with one phase rich in the unsaturated lipid and the other rich in the saturated lipid and cholesterol. We find a simple relationship between chain melting temperature and miscibility transition temperature that holds for both phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin lipids. We experimentally cross miscibility boundaries both by changing temperature and by the depletion of cholesterol with beta-cyclodextrin. Liquid domains in vesicles exhibit interesting behavior: they collide and coalesce, can finger into stripes, and can bulge out of the vesicle. To date, we have not observed macroscopic separation of liquid phases in only binary lipid mixtures.  相似文献   

The interactions of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) with various phosphatidylcholines (PCs) was studied in model membranes by differential scanning calorimetry. THC present in PC bilayers above a certain concentration complexed stoichiometrically with phospholipids containing both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. When the bilayer PCs were sufficiently dissimilar for phase separation to occur, THC preferentially associated with the lower melting point lipid. The presence of cholesterol below 20 mol% in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers enhanced THC X PC complex formation. Above 20 mol% cholesterol, there was no indication of THC X dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine complex formation. This is in agreement with a phase rearrangement occurring in PC bilayers at concentrations of cholesterol of approximately 20 mol%. These studies suggest several possible mechanisms for the modulation of membrane activities by hydrophobic drugs such as THC.  相似文献   

Prolonged sonication (3 h) of equimolar amounts of lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) and cholesterol (chol) produces small unilamellar vesicles. Phosphorus-31 NMR (32.20 MHz) of the vesicles gave rise to a single peak (40.5 ppm) which was split upon addition of lanthanide ions. An additional, more intense signal appeared downfield near 51.0 ppm due to 2.4 mM Pr3+, upfield near 34.3 ppm due to 5 mM Yb3+. The more intense signals responsive to paramagnetic ions were assigned to lysoPC located in the outer vesicle leaflet; the signal not shifted by the ions was assigned to inside lysoPC. Based on peak intensities, an outside-to-inside lysoPC ratio (Ro/i) of 6.5-6.6 was determined. Essentially the same Ro/i values (6.6-6.8) were obtained when Pr3+ was present only in the vesicle interior or when Pr3+ was on the inside and Pr3+ and Yb3+ were on the outside. Ion leakage did not occur. Our data demonstrate that lysoPC/chol (1:1) vesicles are drastically asymmetric and that lysoPC shows a distinct preference for the outer bilayer leaflet.  相似文献   

The behavior of cholesterol is different in mixtures with phosphatidylcholine as compared with phosphatidylserine. In (13)C cross polarization/magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, resonance peaks of the vinylic carbons of cholesterol are a doublet in samples containing 0.3 or 0.5 mol fraction cholesterol with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylserine (POPS) or in cholesterol monohydrate crystals, but a singlet with mixtures of cholesterol and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC). At these molar fractions of cholesterol with POPS, resonances of the C-18 of cholesterol appear at the same chemical shifts as in pure cholesterol monohydrate crystals. These resonances do not appear in samples of POPS with 0.2 mol fraction cholesterol or with POPC up to 0.5 mol fraction cholesterol. In addition, there is another resonance from the cholesterol C18 that appears in all of the mixtures of phospholipid and cholesterol but not in pure cholesterol monohydrate crystals. Using direct polarization, the fraction of cholesterol present as crystallites in POPS with 0.5 mol fraction cholesterol is found to be 80%, whereas with the same mol fraction of cholesterol and POPC none of the cholesterol is crystalline. After many hours of incubation, cholesterol monohydrate crystals in POPS undergo a change that results in an increase in the intensity of certain resonances of cholesterol monohydrate in (13)C cross polarization/magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, indicating a rigidification of the C and D rings of cholesterol but not other regions of the molecule.  相似文献   

Mammalian sera contain enzymes that catalyze the hydrolytic degradation of peptidoglycans and molecules of related structure and are relevant for the metabolism of peptidoglycans. We now report on a novel L,(L/D)-aminopeptidase found in human and mammalian sera. The enzyme hydrolyses the pentapeptide L-Ala-D-iso-Gln-meso-DAP(omegaNH(2))-D-Ala-D-Ala yielding the free L-alanine and the respective tetrapeptide (K(M) 18 mM). L,(L/D)-aminopeptidase from guinea pig serum was highly purified in four chromatographic steps, up to 700-fold. Molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated by HPLC to be approximately 175,000. The configuration of alanine obtained by hydrolysis of the pentapeptide was determined by oxidation with L-amino acid oxidase. The amino acids sequence in the respective tetrapeptide was deduced from the results of mass spectrometry. The novel L,(L/D)-aminopeptidase also hydrolyzed alanine-4-nitroanilide (K(M)=0.6 mM) and several peptides comprising L-amino acids. Peptides containing D-amino acid at the amino end and L-Asp-L-Asp were not the substrates for this enzyme. The purified enzyme also exhibited enkephalin degrading activity, hydrolyzing enkephalins comprising L,L- and L,D-peptide bonds. The enzyme was inhibited strongly by metal chelating agents, bestatin and amastatin.  相似文献   

Physiologically relevant molecular species of plasmenylcholine and phosphatidylcholine were synthesized and their molecular dynamics and interactions with cholesterol were compared by determination of salient proton spin-lattice relaxation times and apparent activation energies for 1H-NMR observable motion. The molecular dynamics of PA PhosCho (1-hexadecanoyl-2-eicosatetra-5',8',11',14'-enoyl-sn-glycero-3-pho sphocholine) in multiple regions of the bilayer. Furthermore, the fluidity gradient of PA PhosCho was larger than that of PA PlasCho as ascertained by 1H spin-lattice relaxation time measurements. Introduction of cholesterol into each bilayer resulted in disparate effects on the dynamics of each subclass including: (1) increased motional freedom in the polar head group of PA PlasCho without substantial alterations in the dynamics of the polar head group of PA PhosCho; and (2) increased immobilization of the membrane interior in PA PlasCho in comparison to PA PhosCho. Analysis of Arrhenius plots of T1 relaxation times demonstrated that the apparent activation energies for vinyl and bisallylic methylene proton NMR observable motion in PA PhosCho were greater than that in PA PlasCho. Thus, comparisons of spin-lattice relaxation times and apparent activation energies demonstrate that vesicles comprised of PA PlasCho and PA PhosCho possess differential molecular dynamics and distinct interactions with cholesterol. Collectively, these results underscore the significance of the conjoint presence of the vinyl ether linkage and arachidonic acid as an important determinant of membrane dynamics in specialized mammalian membranes.  相似文献   

This paper is part in a series of papers, investigating the influence of carbohydrate headgroups on the mesogenic properties of glycolipids. While previous papers focussed on the synthesis and mesogenic properties of the pure compounds, we will discuss here our results obtained with binary mixtures. Mixtures of compounds, one forming a lamellar phase and the other one a columnar phase in their pure state, displayed always an induced cubic phase. The stability of this induced cubic phase depends significantly on the structure of the carbohydrate headgroup of both components. Thus it was possible to derive structure–property relationships by comparison of the phase diagrams that have been obtained, if the carbohydrate headgroup of one component was changed systematically. We observed an interesting effect of galactose headgroups which might be of great biological importance. Furthermore, the observed kind of kinetic of the SA→cub transition might also be of great biological relevance.  相似文献   

The distribution of ganglioside in supported lipid bilayers has been studied by atomic force microscopy. Hybrid dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) and (2:1 DPPC/cholesterol)/DPPE bilayers were prepared using the Langmuir Blodgett technique. Egg PC and DPPC bilayers were prepared by vesicle fusion. Addition of ganglioside GM1 to each of the lipid bilayers resulted in the formation of heterogeneous surfaces that had numerous small raised domains (30--200 nm in diameter). Incubation of these bilayers with cholera toxin B subunit resulted in the detection of small protein aggregates, indicating specific binding of the protein to the GM1-rich microdomains. Similar results were obtained for DPPC, DPPC/cholesterol, and egg PC, demonstrating that the overall bilayer morphology was not dependent on the method of bilayer preparation or the fluidity of the lipid mixture. However, bilayers produced by vesicle fusion provided evidence for asymmetrically distributed GM1 domains that probably reflect the presence of ganglioside in both inner and outer monolayers of the initial vesicle. The results are discussed in relation to recent inconsistencies in the estimation of sizes of lipid rafts in model and natural membranes. It is hypothesized that small ganglioside-rich microdomains may exist within larger ordered domains in both natural and model membranes.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(16):3146-3161
Cholesterol plays a unique role in the regulation of membrane organization and dynamics by modulating the membrane phase transition at the nanoscale. Unfortunately, due to their small sizes and dynamic nature, the effects of cholesterol-mediated membrane nanodomains on membrane dynamics remain elusive. Here, using ultrahigh-speed single-molecule tracking with advanced optical microscope techniques, we investigate the diffusive motion of single phospholipids in the live cell plasma membrane at the nanoscale and its dependency on the cholesterol concentration. We find that both saturated and unsaturated phospholipids undergo anomalous subdiffusion on the length scale of 10–100 nm. The diffusion characteristics exhibit considerable variations in space and in time, indicating that the nanoscopic lipid diffusion is highly heterogeneous. Importantly, through the statistical analysis, apparent dual-mobility subdiffusion is observed from the mixed diffusion behaviors. The measured subdiffusion agrees well with the hop diffusion model that represents a diffuser moving in a compartmentalized membrane created by the cytoskeleton meshwork. Cholesterol depletion diminishes the lipid mobility with an apparently smaller compartment size and a stronger confinement strength. Similar results are measured with temperature reduction, suggesting that the more heterogeneous and restricted diffusion is connected to the nanoscopic membrane phase transition. Our conclusion supports the model that cholesterol depletion induces the formation of gel-phase, solid-like membrane nanodomains. These nanodomains undergo restricted diffusion and act as diffusion obstacles to the membrane molecules that are excluded from the nanodomains. This work provides the experimental evidence that the nanoscopic lipid diffusion in the cell plasma membrane is heterogeneous and sensitive to the cholesterol concentration and temperature, shedding new light on the regulation mechanisms of nanoscopic membrane dynamics.  相似文献   

Lethal (1) discs-large-1 [l(1)dlg-1] is a non-epithelial overgrowth or neoplastic mutant of Drosophila, which results in tumor-like imaginal discs and enlarged larvae that never pupariate. In an ultrastructural analysis we found that the wing discs develop convoluted monolayers of epithelial cells characterized by well-defined apical-basal polarity and that these layered cells secrete large amounts of basement membrane material. Immuno-EM indicates that Drosophila laminin and collagen are components of this matrix. Late in development clusters or 'rosettes' of separated cells lacking cell-cell junctions and apical-basal polarity form. In in vitro culture experiments l(1)dlg-1 wing discs did not respond to a pulse of exogenous ecdysone by secreting cuticle or losing basement membrane as normal discs do. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that cell-cell interaction and communication is required for termination of disc cell proliferation, which must occur prior to a cellular response to ecdysone.  相似文献   

To elucidate the interaction among the molecules which constitute intercellular lipids of stratum corneum, the phase diagrams in the binary mixtures of N-octadecanoyl-phytosphingosine (CER)/stearic acid (SA) and CER/cholesterol (CHOL) were studied by differential scanning calorimetry and by small- and wide-angle X-ray diffraction. These phase diagrams are mostly expressed by a eutectic type one. However, from their detailed analyses, it was revealed that in the phase diagram of CER/SA a new solid structure is formed just above the eutectic temperature. The lamellar spacing of the new structure is nearly equal to the length given by the sum of the two molecules of CER and/or SA, that is, in the lipid bilayer the hydrocarbon chains of CER and SA lie almost perpendicular to the lipid bilayer surface and the two kinds of molecules distribute homogeneously. On the other hand, in the binary mixture of CER/CHOL, CHOL molecules are apt to be isolated from the mixture. In a ternary mixture composed of equimolar lipids of CER, CHOL and SA, it was found that a pseudo-hexagonal structure takes place even in the solid state. This fact indicates that the three components are miscible and the hydrocarbon chains lie perpendicular to the lipid bilayer surface. We can draw the conclusion that the multi-component mixtures containing ceramide are apt to form the lamellar structure where even in the solid state the hydrocarbon chains lie perpendicular to the lipid bilayer surface and the components with hydrocarbon chains distribute homogeneously.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been employed to study the effects of cholesterol on the phase transition of C(18):C(10) phosphatidylcholine (C(18):C(10)PC). C(18):C(10)PC is an asymmetric mixed-chain phosphatidylcholine known to form mixed-interdigitated structures below the transition temperature and form partially interdigitated lipid bilayers above the transition. Three types of samples were used. The treated sample is the lipid dispersion that had undergone three freeze-thaw cycles and stored at 4 degrees C for more than 48 h. The untreated sample was made by vortexing the dry lipid in 50 mM KCl, without the above-mentioned pretreatment. The cold-treated sample was prepared by incubating the treated sample at -20 degrees C for 15 d. There is no apparent difference in the DSC curves between the treated and cold-treated samples. The data derived from the treated samples seem to be more reproducible. The DSC curves between the cholesterol/C(18):C(10)PC and cholesterol/symmetric diacylphosphatidylcholine mixtures are different in three aspects: overall appearance, the cholesterol dependence of delta H, and the effect of cholesterol on the maximal transition temperature Tm, the onset temperature To, and the completion temperature Tc. for both the treated and untreated samples, the total enthalpy change delta H of the phase transition of C(18):C(10)PC decreases with increasing cholesterol content, approaching zero at approximately 25 mol%. This level is lower than the total enthalpy changes reported previously for the cholesterol/symmetric diacylphosphatidylcholine mixtures. Both the heating and cooling thermograms show that Tm, To, and Tc decrease with increasing cholesterol content. The decreasing rates of these temperatures with cholesterol are in the neighborhood of -0.24 degree per mol% of cholesterol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A combination of two cationic lipid derivatives having the same headgroup but tails of different chain lengths has been shown to have considerably different transfection activity than do the separate molecules. Such findings point to the importance of investigating the hydrophobic portions of cationic amphiphiles. Hence, we have synthesized a variety of cationic phosphatidylcholines with unusual hydrophobic moieties and have evaluated their transfection activity and that of their mixtures with the original molecule of this class, dioleoyl-O-ethylphosphatidylcholine (EDOPC). Four distinct relationships between transfection activity and composition of the mixture (plotted as percent of the new compound added to EDOPC) were found, namely: with a maximum or minimum; with a proportional change; or with essentially no change. Relevant physical properties of the lipoplexes were also examined; specifically, membrane fusion (by fluorescence resonance energy transfer between cationic and anionic lipids) and DNA unbinding (measured as accessibility of DNA to ethidium bromide by electrophoresis and by fluorescence resonance energy transfer between DNA and cationic lipid), both after the addition of negatively charged membrane lipids. Fusibility increased with increasing content of second cationic lipid, regardless of the transfection pattern. However, the extent of DNA unbinding after addition of negatively charged membrane lipids did correlate with extent of transfection. The phase behavior of cationic lipids per se as well as that of their mixtures with membrane lipids revealed structural differences that may account for and support the hypothesis that a membrane lipid-triggered, lamellar-->nonlamellar phase transition that facilitates DNA release is critical to efficient transfection by cationic lipids.  相似文献   

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