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Intranasal drug delivery has attracted significant attention because of the opportunity to deliver systemic drugs directly to the blood stream. However, the mucociliary clearance poses a challenge in gaining high efficacy of intranasal drug delivery because cilia continuously carry the mucus blanket towards the laryngeal region. To better understand mucus flow behaviour on the human nasal cavity wall, we present computational model development, and evaluation of mucus motion on a realistic nasal cavity model reconstructed from CT-scans. The model development involved two approaches based on the actual nasal cavity geometry namely: (i) unwrapped-surface model in 2D domain and (ii) 3D-shell model. Conservation equations of fluid motion were applied to the domains, where a mucus production source term was used to initiate the mucus motion. The analysis included mucus flow patterns, virtual saccharin tests and quantitative velocity magnitude analysis, which demonstrated that the 3D-shell model results provided better agreement with experimental data. The unwrapped-surface model also suffered from mesh-deformations during the unwrapping stage and this led to higher mucus velocity compared to experimental data. Therefore, the 3D-shell model was recommended for future mucus flow simulations. As a first step towards mucus motion modelling this study provides important information that accurately simulates a mucus velocity field on a human nasal cavity wall, for assessment of toxicology and efficacy of intranasal drug delivery.  相似文献   

The rigid, fluid filled, echinoid test presents problems of internal volume control when the vital functions of the animal involve the introduction of material, from outside the test, into the internal fluid systems. The volume of food in the guts of echinoids can be shown to vary considerably in the short term, to an extent which demands considerable capabilities for internal volume compensation. This is achieved by adjusting the quantity of fluid held within the gut so that, although the volume of food may vary widely, the total volume of the gut remains constant within narrow limits. The volume of gut fluid varies inversely with the quantity of food, and ingestion of food through the mouth is compensated by ejection of an equal volume of fluid from the anus. Defaecation is compensated by intake of fluid into the gut. On starvation, the gut becomes completely fluid filled and free from food.
The food of regular urchins is habitually compacted into regularly sized subpherical pellets covered with a tough mucus coating. The formation of coated pellets takes place in the buccal cavity and pharynx. The pellets remain discrete throughout their passage along the gut. The mucus coating resists digestion and remains intact even after defaecation. The functional morphology of the buccal cavity and pharynx is described in detail.
It is suggested that the functional significance of the pellets is associated with the gut fluid, volume compensation mechanism, which requires free flow of fluid throughout the length of the gut. It is also suggested that the siphon may be implicated in volume control, where fine adjustment of gut volume can be achieved by balancing ejection of fluid from the anus with intake of water through the mouth, but that the water intake is by the siphonal route, thus avoiding the necessity of flushing and diluting the enzyme rich digestive stomach region.  相似文献   

Factors which influence the establishment of tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides corti in mice following inoculation per os were examined. Only a proportion of the tetrathyridia penetrate the gut wall and gain access to the peritoneal cavity and liver, and most of these penetrate through the wall of the small intestine. It appears that tetrathyridia must attach to the intestinal mucosa and commence penetration immediately or they pass into the large intestine and are voided. Establishment was not influenced by strain, sex or age of host. However, the temperature at which tetrathyridia were maintained before inoculation influence their ability to penetrate the intestinal wall. Additionally it appears that tetrathyridia have to undergo a morphological change before or during, this penetration phase.  相似文献   

The U-shaped alimentary tract of Cephalodiscus is of exclusively epithelial structure; on the basis of fine structural criteria the entire tract can be divided into two large subdivisions: an anterior one with mouth, mouth cavity, pharynx and oesophagus, and a posterior one with stomach and intestine. The anterior subdivision is built up of a relatively uniform, innervated, pseudostratified, ciliated epithelium with mucus cells which are concentrated in the initial parts of the mouth cavity. Cilia and mucus presumably constitute a mechanism transporting food particles into the stomach. In the area of the gill slits specific vacuolated cells occur which may lend rigidity to the walls of the slits. The gastric epithelium consists of prismatic cells characterized by, among others, large inclusion bodies, which may represent digestive vacuoles, small dense rod-shaped granules and an elaborate system of microridges, at the base of which abundant endocytotic vesicles occur. The dorsal gastric pouch contains cells rich in rough ER and secretory granules, probably containing digestive enzymes. Thus morphological evidence points both to intra- and extracellular digestion. The intestinal epithelium resembles that of the stomach, however, it is lower, its organelles are fewer and it bears, beside cilia, mainly microridges, which towards its distal end become sparse. Both in the gastric and intestinal epithelium small granulated cells have been found, which presumably represent endocrine cells.  相似文献   

为了解银鲳(Pampus argenteus)消化道结构特点与其功能及食性的相关性, 采用解剖、石蜡切片、AB-PAS染色及酶活性检测技术对银鲳消化道的形态、组织结构、黏液细胞分布及消化酶活性进行研究。结果显示, 银鲳的消化道由口咽腔(舌)、食道侧囊、食道、胃及肠构成, 胃肠交界处有很多幽门盲囊。食道侧囊呈椭球形, 食道粗短, 胃呈U型, 肠有多个盘曲, 肠指数为2.03。舌上皮内有少量味蕾及较多黏液细胞。食道侧囊、食道、胃及肠均由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层及浆膜组成。食道侧囊内皱襞较发达, 被覆复层扁平上皮, 内含较多黏液细胞, 且以Ⅳ型为主, 皱襞顶端及侧面有内含角质刺的次级突起; 黏膜下层及肌层中有固定皱襞的骨质脚根; 侧囊内胃蛋白酶活性较高。食道内皱襞较高, 被覆复层扁平上皮, 内含较多黏液细胞, 且以Ⅳ型为主。胃内皱襞发达, 被覆单层柱状上皮, 未见黏液细胞分布; 胃腺发达, 胃内蛋白酶活性较高。肠道内褶襞多, 高度呈先下降后上升趋势, 黏液细胞密度前、中肠较高, 后肠较低, 且均以Ⅰ型为主; 肠道内胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶及碱性磷酸酶活性较高。幽门盲囊组织结构与肠相似。银鲳的消化道结构特点、黏液细胞分布及消化酶活性与其功能及偏肉食的杂食性相适应。  相似文献   

A functional mucus layer is a key requirement for gastrointestinal health as it serves as a barrier against bacterial invasion and subsequent inflammation. Recent findings suggest that mucus composition may pose an important selection pressure on the gut microbiota and that altered mucus thickness or properties such as glycosylation lead to intestinal inflammation dependent on bacteria. Here we used TM-IEC C1galt -/- mice, which carry an inducible deficiency of core 1-derived O-glycans in intestinal epithelial cells, to investigate the effects of mucus glycosylation on susceptibility to intestinal inflammation, gut microbial ecology and host physiology. We found that TM-IEC C1galt -/- mice did not develop spontaneous colitis, but they were more susceptible to dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis. Furthermore, loss of core 1-derived O-glycans induced inverse shifts in the abundance of the phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. We also found that mucus glycosylation impacts intestinal architecture as TM-IEC C1galt-/- mice had an elongated gastrointestinal tract with deeper ileal crypts, a small increase in the number of proliferative epithelial cells and thicker circular muscle layers in both the ileum and colon. Alterations in the length of the gastrointestinal tract were partly dependent on the microbiota. Thus, the mucus layer plays a role in the regulation of gut microbiota composition, balancing intestinal inflammation, and affects gut architecture.  相似文献   

Galeodea echinophora fed on Echinocardium cordatum in an aquarium. Every few days, each G. echinophora emerged from the sand and foraged for 1–3 h. On detecting an Echinocardium , the Galeodea stopped locomotion and attacked the buried prey from the surface of the sand. The proboscis was extended down to the prey and a small area of test was cleared of spines. A disc was cut out of the softened test, leaving a hole of about 2 mm in diameter. All flesh except the gut was removed from the prey, the entire procedure taking 50–180 min.
One Galeodea echinophora laid 120 egg capsules on the side of the aquarium. These were kept at 13oC and hatched after 112–159 days. Within the capsule, veligers fed on the yolk cells of abortive embryos. Juveniles hatched at the crawling stage, and at first secreted strings of mucus acting as drogues, but after 1 day the juveniles crawled over the substratum. They readily attached themselves to adult Echinocardium cordatum , apparently feeding on the epithelium between the spines or tube feet. Dissection revealed entry of the acinar glands into the proboscis gland ducts, a widening of these ducts as they empty into the buccal cavity and a dorsal fold in the anterior oesophagus. Radular teeth and jaws of Galeodea differ little among species; a taxonomic review of the genus is needed.  相似文献   

The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) is one of the most primitive and unique freshwater fishes of North America. It is adapted as a plankton filter-feeder. The wide mouth and greatly expansible pharyngeal cavity allows it to process a large quantity of water. Numerous setiform gillrakers, which operate against the flattened surfaces of the gill arches and opercula, are capable of filtering out small food particles. The abundance of taste buds and mucus secreting cells in the buccal cavity and pharynx probably aids in selecting and entangling the food. The first segment of the stomach is provided with peculiar, large longitudinal rods of fat which may help in selecting food from water by causing occlusion of the small lumen when the striated fibers of the muscularis contract. Teeth, unnecessary for microphagous fishes, are absent in adults. The digestive tube is one of the most complex present in fishes. It has two distinct divisions of the stomach and four distinct divisions of the intestine besides possessing a large caecum. Ciliated epithelial cells occur in many parts of the gut and may be an aid in moving or processing the small items of food. Besides the presence of cilia, other primitive features of the digestive tract include the lack of distinction between the esophagus and stomach, the presence of a spiral valve, and the presence of some of the diffuse pancreatic tissue within the wall of the gut. The numerous Peyer's patches in the wall of much of the intestine may be an immunological response to the heavy parasitic infestation.  相似文献   

Vertebrate head segmentation has attracted the attention of comparative and evolutionary morphologists for centuries, given its importance for understanding the developmental body plan of vertebrates and its evolutionary origin. In particular, the segmentation of the mesoderm is central to the problem. The shark embryo has provided a canonical morphological scheme of the head, with its epithelialized coelomic cavities (head cavities), which have often been regarded as head somites. To understand the evolutionary significance of the head cavities, the embryonic development of the mesoderm was investigated at the morphological and histological levels in the shark, Scyliorhinus torazame. Unlike somites and some enterocoelic mesodermal components in other vertebrates, the head cavities in S. torazame appeared as irregular cyst(s) in the originally unsegmented mesenchymal head mesoderm, and not via segmentation of an undivided coelom. The mandibular cavity appeared first in the paraxial part of the mandibular mesoderm, followed by the hyoid cavity, and the premandibular cavity was the last to form. The prechordal plate was recognized as a rhomboid roof of the preoral gut, continuous with the rostral notochord, and was divided anteroposteriorly into two parts by the growth of the hypothalamic primordium. Of those, the posterior part was likely to differentiate into the premandibular cavity, and the anterior part disappeared later. The head cavities and somites in the trunk exhibited significant differences, in terms of histological appearance and timing of differentiation. The mandibular cavity developed a rostral process secondarily; its homology to the anterior cavity reported in some elasmobranch embryos is discussed.  相似文献   

The bacterial community inhabiting the mucus layer and surface of whiting was examined to determine whether the bacteria present are a reflection of the surrounding water or an indigenous bacterial flora is present. The outer mucus, mouth mucus and gut of four whiting harvested from a site in the Irish Sea and the surrounding water were examined by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (tRFLP) analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and clone library construction. The water community was the most diverse, with only a small number of shared water-mucus phylotypes present. The bacterial flora associated with the outer mucus layer were more diverse than that of the mouth mucus and gut. All three mucus layers were characterized by the presence of a dominant phylotype, identified as clone wom-1, highly similar to Photobacterium iliopiscarium. In addition to other Photobacterium phylotypes, members of the CFB and Clostridia groups were also detected. Subsequently, whiting from 11 different sites along the east and south coast of Ireland were compared by tRFLP analysis. Strikingly, the mucus layer of whiting at all sites was characterized by the presence and dominance of a TRF corresponding to the clone wom-1 which was virtually absent from the water column.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) represents the largest interface between the human organism and the external environment. In the lumen and upper part of the mucus layer, this organ hosts an enormous number of microorganisms whose composition affects the functions of the epithelial barrier and the gut immune system. Consequentially, the microorganisms in the GIT influence the health status of the organism. Probiotics are living microorganisms which, in specific conditions, confer a health benefit to the host. Among others, probiotics have immunomodulatory properties that usually act directly by (a) increasing the activity of macrophages or natural killer cells, (b) modulating the secretion of immunoglobulins or cytokines, or indirectly by (c) enhancing the gut epithelial barrier, (d) altering the mucus secretion, and (e) competitive exclusion of other (pathogenic) bacteria. This review focuses on specific bacteria strains with indirect immunomodulatory properties. Particularly, we describe here the mechanisms through which specific probiotics enhance the gut epithelial barrier and modulate mucus production. Moreover, we describe the antimicrobial properties of specific bacteria strains. Recent data suggest that multiple pathologies are associated with an unbalanced gut microflora (dysbiosis). Although the cause-effect relationship between pathology and gut microflora is not yet well established, consumption of specific probiotics may represent a powerful tool to re-establish gut homeostasis and promote gut health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of mannan oligosaccharides derived from the outer cell wall of a select strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Bio-Mos, Alltech Inc, USA) on mucus production, selected mucus immune parameters activity, gut morphology and in vivo and ex vivo gut bacterial translocation for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Specimens were fed 4 g kg?1 dietary MOS level of inclusion in a commercial sea bass diet for eight weeks. At the end of this period, anterior gut mucosal folds height, width and folds surface area were increased by MOS supplementation (P < 0.05, n = 240). Posterior gut presented shorter folds (P < 0.05, n = 240) but wider that those fed control diet (P < 0.05, n = 240) resulting in increased total surface area (P < 0.05, n = 240). For rectum, feeding MOS reduced fold length (P < 0.05, n = 240). Gut morphological analyses showed an enhancement in the number of cells secreting acid mucins by area unit, higher density of eosinophilic granulocytes (ECGs) in the mucosa for fish fed MOS together with an improvement in gut mucus lysozyme activity which could be related to the reduced in vivo and ex vivo gut bacterial translocation found. No differences were found for the skin mucus immune parameters evaluated.  相似文献   

In recent years much progress has been made in the understanding of the genes and mechanisms involved in specification of the cells of the endoderm, which give rise to the epithelium of the gut and respiratory system. However, little is known about the way in which the gut becomes patterned along its anterior-posterior axis, that is, how boundaries are established between the different epithelia of the gut tube. Here we show that the expression patterns of five genes divide the Xenopus tadpole gut epithelium into at least four regions along this axis in the undifferentiated, 3-day-old gut (stage 41), and that these divisions are maintained until at least 7 days, when cell differentiation is well under way. In addition, the restricted expression patterns of these genes clearly mark the anterior and posterior boundaries of the intestine. Xsox2 is expressed in the anterior gut, spanning the oesophagus and stomach but terminating at the stomach/intestine boundary. Xcad1 and Xcad2, two caudal-type homeobox genes, are expressed in a region with an anterior limit at this boundary and a posterior limit between the colon and proctodeum, therefore covering the whole of the small and large intestines. Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (IFABP) is expressed only in the anterior small intestine, and the even-skipped homeobox gene Xhox3 is expressed in the most posterior part of the gut, the proctodeum.  相似文献   

This study developed and applied an approach to calculate the proportion of fish gut content composed of mucus secreted by the oropharyngeal cavity and gut. The amount of nitrogen in the contents of the foregut (oesophagus and gizzard) and the epibranchial organs of suspension‐feeding American gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum was significantly higher than the nitrogen in the homogeneous food source. Using data collected from suspension‐feeding experiments and the nitrogen content of D. cepedianum mucus, a series of equations illustrated that mucus constituted c. 10% of D. cepedianum foregut content and 12% of epibranchial organ content by dry mass. Future quantification of fish feeding selectivity and absorption efficiency can use this approach to take into account the contribution of fish mucus to the nutrients in the gut contents. This study supports the conclusion that suspension‐feeding D. cepedianum in a heterogeneous environment selectively ingest nutrient‐rich particles, even when gut nutrient content is adjusted to take into account the contribution of mucus.  相似文献   

In 1970, Drs. Said and Mutt isolated a novel peptide from porcine intestinal extracts with powerful vasoactive properties, and named it vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Since then, the biological actions of VIP in the gut as well as its signal transduction pathways have been extensively studied. A variety of in vitro and in vivo studies have indicated that VIP, expressed in intrinsic non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) neurons, is a potent regulator of gastrointestinal (GI) motility, water absorption and ion flux, mucus secretion and immune homeostasis. These VIP actions are believed to be mediated mainly by interactions with highly expressed VPAC(1) receptors and the production of nitric oxide (NO). Furthermore, VIP has been implicated in numerous physiopathological conditions affecting the human gut, including pancreatic endocrine tumors secreting VIP (VIPomas), insulin-dependent diabetes, Hirschsprung's disease, and inflammatory bowel syndromes such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. To further understand the physiological roles of VIP on the GI tract, we have begun to analyze the anatomical and physiological phenotype of C57BL/6 mice lacking the VIP gene. Herein, we demonstrate that the overall intestinal morphology and light microscopic structure is significantly altered in VIP(-/-) mice. Macroscopically there is an overall increase in weight, and decrease in length of the bowel compared to wild type (WT) controls. Microscopically, the phenotype was characterized by thickening of smooth muscle layers, increased villi length, and higher abundance of goblet cells. Alcian blue staining indicated that the latter cells were deficient in mucus secretion in VIP(-/-) mice. The differences became more pronounced from the duodenum to the distal jejunum or ileum of the small bowel but, became much less apparent or absent in the colon with the exception of mucus secretion defects. Further examination of the small intestine revealed larger axonal trunks and unusual unstained patches in myenteric plexus. Physiologically, the VIP(-/-) mice showed an impairment in intestinal transit. Moreover, unlike WT C57BL/6 mice, a significant percentage of VIP(-/-) mice died in the first postnatal year with overt stenosis of the gut.  相似文献   

We performed an extensive analysis of endodermal development and gut tube morphogenesis in the medaka embryo by histology and in situ hybridization. The markers used in these analyses included sox17, sox32, foxA2, gata-4, -5, -6 and shh. sox17, sox32, foxA2, and gata-5 and -6 are expressed in the early endoderm to the onset of gut tube formation. Sections of medaka embryos hybridized with foxA2, a pan-endodermal marker during gut morphogenesis, demonstrated that gut tube formation is initiated in the anterior portion and that the anterior and mid/posterior gut undergo distinct morphogenetic processes. Tube formation in the anterior endoderm that is fated to the pharynx and esophagus is much delayed and appears to be independent of gut morphogenesis. The overall aspects of medaka gut development are similar to those of zebrafish, except that zebrafish tube formation initiates at both the anterior and posterior portions. Our results therefore describe both molecular and morphological aspects of medaka digestive system development that will be necessary for the characterization of medaka mutants.  相似文献   

T2Rs (bitter taste-sensing type 2 receptors) are expressed in the oral cavity to prevent ingestion of dietary toxins through taste avoidance. They are also expressed in other cell types, including gut enteroendocrine cells, where their physiological role is enigmatic. Previously, we proposed that T2R-dependent CCK (cholecystokinin) secretion from enteroendocrine cells limits absorption of dietary toxins, but an active mechanism was lacking. In the present study we show that T2R signalling activates ABCB1 (ATP-binding cassette B1) in intestinal cells through a CCK signalling mechanism. PTC (phenylthiocarbamide), an agonist for the T2R38 bitter receptor, increased ABCB1 expression in both intestinal cells and mouse intestine. PTC induction of ABCB1 was decreased by either T2R38 siRNA (small interfering RNA) or treatment with YM022, a gastrin receptor antagonist. Thus gut ABCB1 is regulated through signalling by CCK/gastrin released in response to PTC stimulation of T2R38 on enteroendocrine cells. We also show that PTC increases the efflux activity of ABCB1, suggesting that T2R signalling limits the absorption of bitter tasting/toxic substances through modulation of gut efflux membrane transporters.  相似文献   

Gut content analysis and a new feeding group classification of termites   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Gut content analysis of termites was undertaken using microscopical techniques. The 46 study species covered the entire range of taxonomic and feeding forms within the Order. 2. Inter‐specific gut contents data were analysed using principal components analysis, placing species along a clear humification gradient based on variations in the amount of silica and plant tissue fragments in the gut. 3. Redundancy analysis was used to find morphological correlates of the observed variation in gut contents. A total of 22 morphological characters (out of 45 candidate characters) were correlated significantly with the gut contents. 4. Three of the 22 significantly correlated characters unambiguously defined feeding groups, which were designated groups I to IV in increasing order of humification of the feeding substrate. Group I contains lower termite dead wood and grass‐feeders; group II contains Termitidae with a range of feeding habits including dead wood, grass, leaf litter, and micro‐epiphytes; group III contains Termitidae feeding in the organic rich upper layers of the soil; group IV contains the true soil‐feeders (again all Termitidae), ingesting apparently mineral soil. These groupings were generally supported statistically in a canonical covariance analysis, although group II apparently represents termite species with a rather wide range of feeding habits. 5. Using existing hypotheses of termite phylogenetic relationships, it seems probable that group I feeders are phylogenetically basal, and that the other groupings have arisen independently on a number of occasions. Soil‐feeding (i.e. group III and group IV feeding) may have evolved due to the co‐option of faecal material as a fungal substrate by Macrotermitinae‐like ancestral forms. As a consequence, these forms would have been constrained to build nest structures from soil and would therefore have passed at least some soil through their guts.  相似文献   

Industrial production of antibiotics, biopharmaceuticals and enzymes is typically carried out via a batch or fed-batch fermentation process. These processes go through various phases based on sequential substrate uptake, growth and product formation, which require monitoring due to the potential batch-to-batch variability. The phase shifts can be identified directly by measuring the concentrations of substrates and products or by morphological examinations under microscope. However, such measurements are cumbersome to obtain. We present a method to identify phase transitions in batch fermentation using readily available online measurements. Our approach is based on Dynamic Principal Component Analysis (DPCA), a multivariate statistical approach that can model the dynamics of non-stationary processes. Phase-transitions in fermentation produce distinct patterns in the DPCA scores, which can be identified as singular points. We illustrate the application of the method to detect transitions such as the onset of exponential growth phase, substrate exhaustion and substrate switching for rifamycin B fermentation batches. Further, we analyze the loading vectors of DPCA model to illustrate the mechanism by which the statistical model accounts for process dynamics. The approach can be readily applied to other industrially important processes and may have implications in online monitoring of fermentation batches in a production facility.  相似文献   

报道了中国唇形科龙头草属一新分布种——高野山龙头草.该种的主要特点:植株矮小,高10~20cm,茎细弱,不具匍匐茎;花萼筒状,具15脉,花冠二唇形,下唇中裂片舌状,具有紫红色斑块,顶端2浅裂,侧裂片长圆形,长为中裂片的1/3;子房4裂,被毛.凭证标本保存于浙江农林大学标本馆(ZJFC).  相似文献   

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