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Leachiella pacifica, gen. et sp. nov., a marine alloparasitic red alga is described from Washington and California. Several species of Polysiphonia and Pterosiphonia are hosts for this parasite. The thallus is a white, multiaxial, unbranched pustule with rhizoidal filaments that ramify between host cells, forming numerous secondary pit connections with host cells. All reproductive structures develop from outer cortical cells. Tetrasporocytes, situated on stalk cells, undergo simultaneous, tetrahedral cleavage to form tetraspores. Spermatia are formed continuously by oblique cleavages of the elongate spermatial generating cells. This results in spermatial clusters consisting of 4–8 spermatia in an alternate arrangement. Carposporophyte development is procarpial. The carpogonium is part of a six-celled branch including a sterile cell that is formed by the basal cell. The carpogonial branch is attached laterally to an obovate supporting cell that also forms an auxiliary cell, presumably formed prior to fertilization. After fertilization the carpogonium temporarily fuses with the auxiliary cell apparently to transfer the diploid nucleus and initiate further fusion with the subtending supporting cell to form an incipient fusion cell. The auxiliary cell portion of this fusion cell divides to form gonimoblast initials that continue to divide, forming gonimoblast filaments whose terminal cells differentiate into carpospores. The remainder of the fusion cell enlarges by continual fusion with adjacent vegetative cells. The resultant carposporophyte consists of a basal, multinucleate fusion cell supporting a hemispherical cluster of gonimoblast filaments with terminally borne carpospores. Vegetatively, Leachiella resembles several other parasitic red algae but it is clearly separated by the procarp, carposporophyte development and structure, and tetrasporocyte cleavage.  相似文献   

Solieria chordalis (C. Agardh) J. Agardh and S. tenera (J. Agardh) Wynne et Taylor exhibit multiaxial growth from a cluster of four to eight obconical apical cells. A single periaxial cell is cut off from each axial cell and successive periaxial cells are rotated 120° in a zig-zag pattern along each axial filament. Periaxial cells produce branched, laterally diverging filaments which form the cortex. The medulla is composed of axial cells, elongate cells of lateral filaments, stretched interconnecting cells, and secondary rhizoids. The two species are nonprocarpic. Carpogonial branches are 3-celled, inwardly directed, with a reflexed trichogyne. The auxiliary cell together with associated darkly-staining inner cortical cells form an association, the auxiliary cell complex, that is recognizable prior to diploidization. A single, unbranched, non-septate connecting filament issues from the fertilized carpogonium and fuses with the inner, lateral side of an auxiliary cell. Production of an involucre from surrounding vegetative cells is stimulated and a gonimoblast initial is cut off toward the interior of the thallus which divides to form a compact cluster of gonimoblast cells. A fusion cell is produced through fusion of inner gonimoblast cells with the auxiliary cell that, in turn, fuses progressively with cells of the lateral file bearing the auxiliary cell. Mature cystocarps have terminal carposporangia cut off from gonimoblast cells at the periphery of the fusion cell and are surrounded by an involucre with a distinct ostiole. Tetrasporangia are cut off laterally from surface cortical cells which then cut off one or two additional derivatives toward the outside. A lectotype is designated for Solieria chordalis, but the lectotypification of S. tenera is questioned. We conclude that Solieria is closely related to Rhabdonia and place the Rhabdoniaceae in synonomy with the Solieriaceae.  相似文献   

The Chondrymeniaceae Rodríguez-Prieto, G. Sartoni, S.-M. Lin & Hommersand, fam. nov., is proposed for Chondrymenia lobata. Analyses of rbcL sequences place the new family in a large gigartinalean assemblage that comprises the Cystocloniaceae–Solieriaceae complex. Plants are decumbent and growth takes place by division of multiple apical cells at the margin of the blade. Thalli consist of an outer cortex of subspherical to elongate cortical cells arranged in anticlinal rows, a subcortex of cells cross-linked by lateral arms, and a large central medulla composed of primary medullary filaments intermixed with numerous rhizoidal filaments. Male stages are reported in monoecious individuals. Inactive carpogonial branches consist of a two-celled filament that is directed inwards from the supporting cell. Functional carpogonial branches are oriented outwardly, with the carpogonia and trichogynes pointed towards the thallus surface. After presumed fertilization, the carpogonium fuses with the hypogynous cell and transfers the zygote nucleus. The hypogynous cell, in turn, fuses with the supporting cell which contains many haploid nuclei. The resulting fusion cell functions as an auxiliary cell that cuts off a single gonimoblast initial, which produces the gonimoblast filaments. Gametophytic cells close to the auxiliary cell unite with it to form a placental fusion network of variable size and outline, and a placental fusion cell. Proximal gonimoblast cells fuse with the placental fusion cell, while the distal cells differentiate into branched chains of subspherical carposporangia. The superficial similarity of the outwardly developed osteolate cystocarp is responsible for Kylin's (1956) placement of Chondrymenia in his family Sarcodiaceae; however, the manner in which the placenta is formed is more like that seen in the Cystocloniaceae–Solieriaceae complex.  相似文献   

Gracilaria verrucosa is a very common marine red alga of Greekcoasts. The diploid carposporophyte which develops attachedto the female gametophyte of Gracilaria is described. The immaturecystocarps are very small while the mature ones are globose,ostiolate and are borne profusely all over the surface of thethallus. The earliest observed fusion cell is small and fusesprogressively with adjacent vegetative cells to form a largemultinucleate cell. From this fusion cell gonimoblast initialsoriginate, dividing further and giving rise to a large numberof gonimoblast cells. The resultant carposporophyte consistsof a basal-central, multinucleate cell surrounded by a conicalor hemispherical mass of gonimoblast cells. Chains or clustersof successively maturing carpospores are borne from the terminalgonimoblast cells. The liberation of mature carpospores takesplace through the ostiole of the cystocarp. The liberated carposporeslack cell walls and are naked in a mucilage mass. Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss, Gigartinales, Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta, carposporophyte, development  相似文献   

The marine red algal family Liagoraceae sensu lato is shown to be polyphyletic based on analyses of a combined rbcL and psaA data set and the pattern of carposporophyte development. Fifteen of eighteen genera analyzed formed a monophyletic lineage that included the genus Liagora. Nemalion did not cluster with Liagoraceae sensu stricto, and Nemaliaceae is reinstated, characterized morphologically by the formation of the primary gonimolobes by longitudinal divisions of the gonimoblast initial. Yamadaella and Liagoropsis, previously placed in the Dermonemataceae, are shown to be independent lineages and are recognized as two new families Yamadaellaceae and Liagoropsidaceae. Yamadaellaceae is characterized by two gonimoblast initials cut off bilaterally from the fertilized carpogonium and diffusely spreading gonimoblast filaments. Liagoropsidaceae is characterized by at least three gonimoblast initials cut off by longitudinal septa from the fertilized carpogonium. In contrast, Liagoraceae sensu stricto is characterized by a single gonimoblast initial cut off transversely or diagonally from the fertilized carpogonium. Reproductive features, such as diffuse gonimoblasts and unfused carpogonial branches following postfertilization, appear to have evolved on more than one occasion in the Nemaliales and are therefore not taxonomically diagnostic at the family level, although they may be useful in recognizing genera.  相似文献   

Our morphological and molecular studies indicate that species from the southern hemisphere previously placed in Delesseria belong in Paraglossum and that Paraglossum and Apoglossum comprise a separate tribe, the Apoglosseae, S.-W. Lin, Fredericq & Hommersand, trib. nov., within the family Delesseriaceae. From a vegetative perspective the Apoglosseae is readily recognized because some or all fourth-order cell rows are formed on the inner sides of third-order cell rows. All fourth-order cell rows grow adaxially in Apoglossum, whereas both adaxial and abaxial cell rows are present in Paraglossum. Periaxial cells do not divide in Apoglossum, whereas they divide transversely in Paraglossum in the same way as in Delesseria. Major branches are formed mainly from the margins of midribs in the Apoglosseae. The procarp consists of a straight carpogonial branch and two sterile cells, with the second formed on the same side as the first. The carpogonium cuts off two connecting cells in tandem from its apical end, the terminal cell being nonfunctional and the subterminal cell typically fusing with the auxiliary cell. Gonimoblast filaments radiate in all directions from the gonimoblast initials and produce carposporangia terminally in branched chains, with pit connections between the inner gonimoblast cells broadening and enlarging. The auxiliary cell, supporting cell, and sterile cells unite into a fusion cell, which remains small in Apoglossum but incorporates the branched inner gonimoblast filaments and cells in the floor of the cystocarp in Paraglossum. Elongated inner cortical cells seen in mature cystocarps in the Delesserieae are absent in the Apoglosseae. Phylogenetic studies based on rbcL (RuBisCO large subunit gene) sequence analyses strongly support the recognition of the Apoglosseae within the subfamily Delesserioideae of the Delesseriaceae, in agreement with our previous observations based primarily on analyses of large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU).  相似文献   

The mode of division of vegetative cells, formation of spermatangial parent cells, initiation of the carpogonial branch apparatus, and formation of tetrasporangial initials are homologous developmental processes that are documented for the first time in the type species of the economically important family Gracilariaceae, Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss from the British Isles. G. verrucosa is characterized by a supporting cell of intercalary origin that bears a 2-celled carpogonial branch flanked by two sterile branches, direct fusion of cells of sterile branches onto the carpogonium, formation of an extensive carpogonial fusion cell through the incorporation of additional gametophytic cells prior to gonimoblast initiation, gonimoblast initials produced from fusion cell lobes, schizogenous development of the cytocarp cavity, inner gonimoblast cells producing tubular nutritive cells that fuse with cells of the pericarp or floor of the cystocarp, absence of cytologically modified tissue in the floor of the cystocarp, and carposporangial initials produced in clusters or irregular chains. Spermatangial parent cells are generated in flaments from intercalary cortical cells that line an intercellular space forming a ‘pit’ or ‘conceptacle’. Tetrasporangial initials are transformed from terminal cells derived through division of an outer cortical cell. Tetrasporangia are cruciately divided. The Gracilariaceae is removed from Gigartinales and transferred to the new order Gracilariales. Their closest living relatives appear to be agarophytes belonging to the Gelidiales and Ahnfeltiales.  相似文献   

The Myriogramme group of Kylin contains two distinct clusters of genera that merit recognition at the tribal level. We previously established the tribe Myriogrammeae, and in this paper we erect the Schizoserideae based on a study of the type species of Schizoseris, S. laciniata (=S. condensata), from the southern hemisphere. The Schizoserideae is characterized by 1) marginal and diffuse intercalary meristems; 2) nuclei initially arranged in a plate in the median plane in meristematic and mature cells; 3) chloroplasts one to few, lobed or dissected; 4) microscopic veins absent; 5) procarps scattered, formed singly on either side of the blade with cover cells absent and consisting of a one- to two-celled lateral sterile group, a one- to two-celled basal sterile group, and a four-celled carpogonial branch in which the trichogyne passes beneath the lateral sterile group and emerges anterior to it; 6) auxiliary cell diploidized by a connecting cell cut off posteriolaterally from the fertilized carpogonium; 7) gonimoblast initial cut off laterally from one side of the auxiliary cell and giving rise to unilaterally branched gonimoblast filaments bearing carposporangia in branched chains; 8) gonimoblast fusion cell highly branched, candelabra-like, incorporating all but the basalmost cells of the carposporangial chains and radiating through the central cells in the floor of the cystocarp; 9) spermatangial and tetrasporangial sori formed from surface cells in both monostromatic and polystromatic portions on both sides of the blade; and 10) tetrasporangia formed primarily from cortical rather than from central cells. The Schizoserideae presently includes Schizoseris Kylin, Neuroglossum Kützing, Abroteia J. Agardh, and Polycoryne Skottsberg in Kylin and Skottsberg.  相似文献   

The only member of the red algal family Solieriaceae known from New Zealand is the endemic Sarcodiotheca colensoi (Hook. & Harv.) Kylin. This study shows that it differs in several respects from the type S. furcata (Setch. & Gard.) Kylin; thus a new genus Placentophora is created for the New Zealand alga. Although P. colensoi nov. comb. is retained in the Solieriaceae on the basis of vegetative, spermatangial, tetrasporangial, carpogonial-branch and early gonimoblast features, it differs from typical members of that family in its pattern of later carposporophyte development. After a single gonimoblast initial is cut off from the auxiliary cell towards the center of the thallus, further gonimoblasts develop from the initial as ramifying, radiating filaments. These filaments enter an extensive “nutritive-cell” region surrounding the auxiliary cell, form, numerous connections to the “nutritive” cells, and incorporate most of them into a central placenta of interconnected, and variously-fused vegetative and gonimoblast cells. Carpo-sporangia then form in short chains around the periphery of the placenta. The cystocarp lacks both a central fusion cell and a sterile-celled investment, or “Faserhülle.” The distinctive carposporophyte of Placentophora is compared to patterns of gonimoblast development, known in other members of the Solieriaceae.  相似文献   

Examination of the reproductive morphology of the adelphoparasitic red alga Gardneriella tuberifera Kylin reveals that this monotypic genus is correctly placed in the family Solieriaceae (Gigartinales), to which its host Agardhiella gaudichaudii (Montagne) Silva et Papenfuss also belongs. Gardneriella is multiaxial, nonprocarpic and has an inwardly directed, three-celled carpogonial branch. The large, reniform uninucleate auxiliary cell is distinct prior to and after fertilization. It is diploidized by an unbranched, multicellular connecting filament which lacks pit connections. One or two connecting filaments arise from each fertilized carpogonium. From the diploidized auxiliary cell, the gonimoblast initial is cut off obliquely toward the interior of the thallus. The cells of the gonimoblast fuse with adjacent unpigmented vegetative cells of Gardneriella and pigmented cells of the host. These cells become incorporated into the developing cystocarp and, from those of Gardneriella, additional short chains of gonimoblast cells arise. The mature cystocarp is placentate, radiately lobed, and lacks a surrounding involucre. Carposporangia are borne in short chains and the unpigmented carpospores are released upon the dissolution of outer vegetative cells. No ostiole is present. Gardneriella appears to be most closely related to the placentate solieriacean genera Agardhiella, Sarcodiotheca, and Meristiella and therefore this genus should be placed in the tribe recently erected for these taxa, the Agardhielleae.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of post-fertilization development in Nienburgia andersoniana (J. Ag.) Kyl. is described. Above the auxiliary cell there is a group of four sterile cells. The presence of abundant storage products (starch granules, lipid bodies and protein crystals) in these cells indicates that the sterile cells function as nutrient suppliers to the young auxiliary and gonimoblast cells of the carposporophyte during its early steps of development. Following fertilization and transfer of the diploid nucleus to the auxiliary cell, the trichogyne disappears and large multinucleate gonimoblast initials are produced. These subsequently produce generative gonimoblast cells which cleave successively to form young carpospores. Those of the gonimoblast cells which will not differentiate into carpospores are transformed into cells producing mucilage. Both kinds of gonimoblast cells contain plastids, starch granules, cytoplasmic concentric membrane bodies and small vesicles. Dark-staining spherical masses occurring in the cytoplasm of the auxiliary and gonimoblast cells may represent degenerating haploid nuclei. Septal plugs interconnecting the auxiliary cell and gonimoblast cells increase considerably in size during carposporophyte development. The fusion cell at the late stage of carposporophyte development appears degenerative. Young carpospores have plastids and mitochondria, and concentric membrane bodies that will form mucilage sacs. Medium-aged carpospores have fully developed plastids, starch granules and fibrous vacuoles. Mature carpospores possess, in addition, cored vesicles. The inner pericarp cells contribute large amounts of mucilage to the cytostocarpic cavity and eventually are consumed. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 289–299.  相似文献   

The Myriogramme group of Kylin was found to contain two distinct clusters of genera that merit recognition at the tribal level. In this paper, we establish the tribe Myriogrammae based on a study of the type species of Myriogramme, M. livida, from the Southern Hemisphere. The Myriogrammae is characterized by 1) marginal and diffuse intercalary meristems; 2) nuclei arranged in a ring bordering the side walls of vegetative cells; 3) microscopic veins absent; 4) procarps scattered, formed opposite one another on both sides of the blade posterior to one or more vegetative pericentral cells (cover cells) and consisting of a carpogonial branch, a one-/to two-celled lateral sterile group and a one-celled basal sterile group; 5) auxiliary cell diploidized by a connecting cell cut off posteriolaterally from the fertilized carpogonium; 6) gonimoblast initial cut off distally from the auxiliary cell, generating one distal and one to two lateral gonimoblast filaments that branch in the plane of the expanding cystocarp cavity and later fuse to from an extensive, branched fusion cell; 7) spermatangial and tatrasporangial sori formed inside the margin on both sides of the blade by resumption of meristematic activity; and 8) tetrasporangia produced primarily from the central cells. The Myriogrammae currently includes Myriogramme Kylin , Gonimocolax Kylin , Haraldiophyllum A. Zinova , Hideophyllum A. Zinova, and a possible undescribed genus from Pacific North and South America. Genera are separated based primarily on features of gonimoblast and carposporangial development .  相似文献   

DIXON  PETER S. 《Annals of botany》1958,22(3):353-368
The apical structure and the development of the thalli of allthe British species of Gelidium and Pterocladia have been investigated;the development of G. pulchellum is described in detail. Eachaxis is terminated by one or more apical cells, which by theirsegmentation form the tissues of the thallus. An axial filamentis distinct for a short distance behind each apical cell, butsecondary pit-connexions develop rapidly so that in sectionthe mature axis has the appearance of a multi-axial structure. Lateral branches of the frond develop by the segmentation ofthe lateral branch apical cells, which are formed by the transformationof superficial cortical cells, either in the meristematic ormature parts of the axes. The extreme variability of externalappearance is due principally to the indeterminate origin ofall lateral branches. The thallus in the British species of Gelidium and Pterocladiaconsists of erect fronds borne on creeping axes. The relativeproportions of the frond and creeping axes in various speciesand their survival through adverse conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the carposporophyte and carposporogenesis is described for the red alga Scinaia articulata Setch. After fertilization, the trichogyne disappears, and the pericarp develops to form a thick protective tissue that surrounds the carposporophyte. The hypogynous cell cuts off both one-celled and two-celled sterile branches. Patches of chromatin are frequently observed in evaginations of the nuclear envelope, which appear to produce vesicles in the cytoplasm of the cell of the sterile branch. Large gonimoblast lobes extend from the carpogonium and cleave to form gonimoblast initials. Subsequently, a fusion cell is formed from fusions of the carpogonium, the hypogynous cell and the basal cell of the carpogonial branch. The mature carposporophyte comprises the fusion cell that is connected to the sterile branch cells, gonimoblast cells and carpospores and is surrounded by extensive mucilage. Young carpospores possess a large nucleus and proplastids with a peripheral thylakoid, but they have few dictyosomes and starch granules and are indistinguishable from gonimoblast cells. Subsequently, dictyosomes are formed, which produce vesicles with an electron-dense granule, which indicates an initiation of wall deposition. Thylakoid formation coincides with incipient starch granule deposition. The nuclear envelope produces fibrous vacuoles and concentric membrane bodies. Carpospores are interconnected by pit connections with two cap layers. Dictyosome activity increases, resulting in the production of vesicles, which either continue to deposit wall material or coalesce to form fibrous vacuoles. The final stage of carposporogenesis is characterized by the massive production of cored vesicles from curved dictyosomes. Mature carpospores are uninucleate and contain fully developed chloroplasts, numerous cored vesicles, numerous starch granules and fibrous vacuoles. The mature carpospore is surrounded by a wall layer and a separating layer, but a carposporangial wall is lacking.  相似文献   

The vegetative organization and reproductive development of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson, Acleto et Foldvik [including Gracilaria sjoestedtii Kylin] were investigated. Our observations on spermatangial development and post-fertilization features establish that Gracilariopsis Dawson is distinct at the generic level from Gracilaria Greville, and ice propose the resurrection of Gracilariopsis Dawson as a result. Spermatangial parent cells of Gracilariopsis are superficial, initiated in pairs or groups of three by concavo-convex longitudinal and transverse divisions. Each spermatangial parent cell cuts off a single, colorless spermatangium distally by a transverse division. The female reproductive apparatus consists of a supporting cell that bears a two-celled carpogonial branch flanked by two sterile branches, as in Gracilaria. Likewise, up to six sterile cells fuse with the carpogonium after fertilization to produce a primary fusion cell that generates the gonimoblasts; however, a secondary fusion cell is absent. Inner gonimoblast cells unite with cytologically modified cells of the inner pericarp by means of secondary pit-connections. Tubular nutritive cells are absent. The gonimoblast consists of a central sterile tissue interconnected throughout by secondary pit-connections surmounted by a fertile layer composed of carposporangia aligned in straight chains. The distribution of Gracilariopsis is extended to Western Europe.  相似文献   

Two members of the family Nemastomataceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) are described from subtidal habitats in Ghana. Nemastoma confusum sp. nov. is a plant of irregularly lobed, thick gelatinous blades with subacute marginal projections and surface proliferations. It is composed of a lax medulla and submoniliform cortical filaments with prominent intercalary gland cells. Carposporophytes are one to three spherical lobes of carposporangia borne on gonimoblast initials arising directly from auxiliary cells contacted by connecting filaments. A rudimentary involucre is formed around the gonimoblast by elongating vegetative cortical cells borne on the auxiliary cell. The genus Predaea is recorded for the first time from Africa, and P. feldmannii Boerg. is described in morphological detail together with some observations on its ecology in Ghana. Distinctive features of connecting filament formation, nutritive cell production and gonimoblast initiation and development are illustrated and compared to other species of the genus. A second species, P. masonii (Setch. & Gardn.) De Toni fil., is represented by a single specimen in the collections and appears to be distinct from P. feldmannii on cortical and gland cell features.  相似文献   

The red alga Cubiculosporum koronicarpis gen. et sp. nov. is described from material collected during 1968 in the Philippines. The species differs substantially in regard to its carposporophyte development from other red algae in the order Gigartinales, and a new family is created based on its unique combination of reproductive features. A single, short, connecting filament is formed between the fertilized carpogonium and a nearby auxiliary cell. The latter produces several ramifying gonimoblast filaments towards the interior of the thallus. No fusion cell is formed and the gonimoblast filaments grow inward among the cells of the central axis, form secondary connections to them, and give rise to outwardly directed carposporangial filaments that develop within peripheral chambers formed between elongating inner cortical cells. The alga is a low, clump-forming species of well-washed intertidal reef platforms at the one Philippine locality where it has been found. There it contributed a uniform but very minor amount to the wet weight of the standing crops that were studied during two separate seasons of the year.  相似文献   

Culture and morphological studies showed that Galaxaura oblongata (Ellis et Solander) Lamouroux has a triphasic life history with conspicuous gametophytes and small filamentous tetrasporophytes. Development of male and female reproductive structures is very similar and both begin with the enlargement of a terminal cell of a filament branch occupying a normal vegetative position within the apical pit of a thallus branch. In male thalli this modified branch forms a conceptacle in which spermatangia are produced. In female thalli, this modified branch forms a three-celled carpogonial branch consisting of a carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell. Filament branches from the basal cell form a pericarp and the gonimoblast develops directly from the carpogonium. Carposporangia are produced in conceptacles which resemble the male conceptacles. About the time the first carposporangia are produced, the carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell form a large fusion cell. Released carpospores germinate in a unipolar or bipolar manner and form small filamentous thalli. Under short day conditions, cruciate tetrasporangia are produced in small clusters. Tetraspores germinate similarly to carpospores and also form small filamentous thalli. Under low nutrient conditions, small cylindrical thalli develop on the filaments and these appear similar to gametophytes collected in nature.  相似文献   

Norris , R. E. (U. Minnesota, Minneapolis.) The structure and reproduction of Glaphyrymenia pustulosa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(3): 262–268. Illus. 1961.—Specimens of Glaphyrymenia pustulosa, a red alga from Australia that has seldom been found, were collected recently. The specimens were examined particularly with respect to development of the vegetative tissues and the formation of the female reproductive apparatus and gonimoblast. The vegetative structure is primitive in the Kallymeniaceae and structural characteristics are present that are similar to the Cryptonemiaceae and Dumontiaceae. The female reproductive system has a monocarpogonial carpogonial branch apparatus and an auxiliary cell that is borne on a separate system that does not have a carpogonial branch. After fertilization, stages in the development of the gonimoblast are similar to those of Kallymenia and Pugelia.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of carposporophyte development is described for the red alga Gloiosiphonia verticillaris Farl. The auxiliary cell produces gonimoblast initials, which divide to produce two types of gonimoblast cells—the nondividing vacuolate cells and terminal generative gonimoblast cells. The generative gonimoblast cells form clusters of carpospore initials, which eventually differentiate into carpospores. After gonimoblast filaments are formed, the auxiliary cell undergoes autolysis, causing degeneration of septal plugs between the auxiliary cell and adjacent cells, thus forming a fusion cell. Since this cell lacks starch and appears degenerate throughout carposporophyte development, a nutritive function cannot be ascribed to the fusion cell. Carpospore differentiation is simple and proceeds through three developmental stages. Young carpospores structurally resemble gonimoblast cells, because they contain undeveloped plastids, large quantities of floridean starch, and are surrounded by extensive mucilage instead of a distinct wall. In addition, dictyosomes form and begin to produce vesicles with fibrous contents representing carpospore wall material. During the intermediate stage, dictyosomes continue to produce vesicles that contribute additional carpospore wall material, thereby compressing the mucilage and creating a darker-staining layer outside the carpospore wall. Plastids form internal thylakoids by invaginations of the inner membrane of the peripheral thylakoid. The endoplasmic reticulum forms large granular vacuoles that appear to be degraded during subsequent stages of development. Mature carpospores form cored vesicles. They also contain mature chloroplasts, large amounts of floridean starch, and occasionally granular vacuoles. During this stage, interconnecting carpospore-carpospore and carpospore-gonimoblast cell septal plugs begin to undergo degeneration. This process may be mediated by tubular structures.  相似文献   

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