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Alpha-sarcoglycan (Sgca) is a transmembrane glycoprotein of the dystrophin complex located at skeletal and cardiac muscle sarcolemma. Defects in the alpha-sarcoglycan gene (Sgca) cause the severe human-type 2D limb girdle muscular dystrophy. Because Sgca-null mice develop progressive muscular dystrophy similar to human disorder they are a valuable animal model for investigating the physiopathology of the disorder. In this study, biochemical and functional properties of fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and slow-twitch soleus muscles of the Sgca-null mice were analyzed. EDL muscle of Sgca-null mice showed twitch and tetanic kinetics comparable with those of wild-type controls. In contrast, soleus muscle showed reduction of twitch half-relaxation time, prolongation of tetanic half-relaxation time, and increase of maximal rate of rise of tetanus. EDL muscle of Sgca-null mice demonstrated a marked reduction of specific twitch and tetanic tensions and a higher resistance to fatigue compared with controls, changes that were not evident in dystrophic soleus. Contrary to EDL fibers, soleus muscle fibers of Sgca-null mice distinctively showed right shift of the pCa-tension (pCa is the negative log of Ca2+ concentration) relationships and reduced sensitivity to caffeine of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Both EDL and soleus muscles showed striking changes in myosin heavy-chain (MHC) isoform composition, whereas EDL showed a larger number of hybrid fibers than soleus. In contrast to the EDL, soleus muscle of Sgca-null mice contained a higher number of regenerating fibers and thus higher levels of embryonic MHC. In conclusion, this study revealed profound distinctive biochemical and physiological modifications in fast- and slow-twitch muscles resulting from alpha-sarcoglycan deficiency.  相似文献   

The myosin isozyme distribution in the left ventricle and in the interventricular septum of rabbits was studied after 3, 7, 11, 14 and 21 days of L-thyroxine (500 micrograms/kg/day) administration. Histochemical procedures were employed to identify V1 and V3 by their Ca2+ ATPase activity and their proportions were quantified through polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the left ventricle, the subepicardium was the first to show the shift from V3 to V1, followed by the subendocardium. The intermediate region became heterogeneous by 11 days and remained so until 21 days. The right subendocardial and the intermediate regions of the interventricular septum were heterogeneous in the normal rabbit and hyperthyroidism resulted in a shift from V3 to V1 in both the right and left subendocardial regions of the septum. Like the left ventricle, the intermediate region of the interventricular septum remained heterogeneous. Localized accumulations of collagen were seen in all regions of the left ventricle and interventricular septum. From these results we conclude that in thyrotoxic myocardial hypertrophy the isozymic shift from V3 to V1 is progressive, region-specific and is directly correlated with the period of hyperthyroidism in the first 2 weeks. Prolonged hyperthyroidism results in localized accumulation of collagen which does not exhibit any regional specificity.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that exercise training may significantly increase the expression of the cardiac myosin isozyme V1 in the diabetic heart, a change associated with improved cardiac functional capacity. To test this hypothesis, cardiac myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activity and myosin isozyme profiles were determined in trained and sedentary male hyperinsulinemic obese Zucker (OZT, OZS) and obese Wistar (OWT, OWS) rats. Lean sedentary (LZS, LWS) animals served as age-matched controls. Myofibrillar ATPase activity and the relative quantity of the high-ATPase isozyme V1 was significantly lower in both strains of sedentary obese rats than in the respective lean sedentary controls (P less than 0.05). Both 5 (OZT) and 10 wk (OWT) of moderate treadmill training increased these markers of cardiac myosin biochemistry in the obese animals (P less than 0.05). Thus, endurance exercise training remodels the cardiac isomyosin profile of hyperinsulinemic rats and, in doing so, may enhance cardiac contractility and functional capacity. Such changes may reflect an improvement in glucose availability and utilization in these hearts.  相似文献   

The super-relaxed (SRX) state of myosin was only recently reported in striated muscle. It is characterised by a sub-population of myosin heads with a highly inhibited rate of ATP turnover. Myosin heads in the SRX state are bound to each other along the thick filament core producing a highly ordered arrangement. Upon activation, these heads project into the interfilament space where they can bind to the actin filaments. Thus far, the population and lifetimes of myosin heads in the SRX state have been characterised in rabbit cardiac, and fast and slow skeletal muscle, as well as in the skeletal muscle of the tarantula. These studies suggest that the role of SRX in cardiac and skeletal muscle regulation is tailored to their specific functions. In skeletal muscle, the SRX modulates the resting metabolic rate. Cardiac SRX represents a “reserve” of inactive myosin heads that may protect the heart during times of stress, e.g. hypoxia and ischaemia. These heads may also be called up when there is a sustained demand for increased power. The SRX in cardiac muscle provides a potential target for novel therapies.  相似文献   

The effects of aging and exercise on isoforms of cardiac myosin and Ca2+-activated actomyosin adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activity were examined in Fischer 344 rats. Rats were divided into running (R) and age-matched sedentary (S) groups. The groups initiated their exercise program at either 3, 4, or 18 mo of age. Rats were killed at 10, 12, 24, or 27 mo of age. ATPase activity decreased 25% in the S group and 28% in the R group from 12 to 27 mo of age. The myosin isozyme patterns shifted in both S and R groups from a predominantly V1 isozyme form (63.8%) at 10 mo of age to a more equal distribution of isozyme forms at 24 mo (V1, V2, and V3 comprising 40.0, 27.8, and 31.9%, respectively). Age-related shifts in myosin composition occurred despite chronic endurance training at an intensity of approximately 75% maximum O2 consumption. Improvement of cardiac performance through training during aging is not accompanied by attenuating shifts in myosin isozyme composition.  相似文献   

Partial sequence analysis of bovine cardiac myosin LC-2 indicates that it is closely related to LC-2, the “DTNB light chain” of skeletal muscle myosin. The results suggest that myosins from a variety of sources have related light chains of two distinct types, although the sizes and properties of the light chains can vary substantially.  相似文献   

Two different subfragment-1 preparations were obtained from either skeletal or cardiac myosin. They were identical in the heavy chain and light chain compositions but different in the pH dependence of the Ca-ATPase activity and in the relationship with "reactive lysine residues" (RLR).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) expression in cardiac and skeletal muscle. The only classic MLCK detected in cardiac tissue, purified cardiac myocytes, and in a cardiac myocyte cell line (AT1) was identical to the 130-kDa smooth muscle MLCK (smMLCK). A complex pattern of MLCK expression was observed during differentiation of skeletal muscle in which the 220-kDa-long or "nonmuscle" form of MLCK is expressed in undifferentiated myoblasts. Subsequently, during myoblast differentiation, expression of the 220-kDa MLCK declines and expression of this form is replaced by the 130-kDa smMLCK and a skeletal muscle-specific isoform, skMLCK in adult skeletal muscle. These results demonstrate that the skMLCK is the only tissue-specific MLCK, being expressed in adult skeletal muscle but not in cardiac, smooth, or nonmuscle tissues. In contrast, the 130-kDa smMLCK is ubiquitous in all adult tissues, including skeletal and cardiac muscle, demonstrating that, although the 130-kDa smMLCK is expressed at highest levels in smooth muscle tissues, it is not a smooth muscle-specific protein.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2023,122(1):54-62
The development of small molecule myosin modulators has seen an increased effort in recent years due to their possible use in the treatment of cardiac and skeletal myopathies. Omecamtiv mecarbil (OM) is the first-in-class cardiac myotrope and the first to enter clinical trials. Its selectivity toward slow/beta-cardiac myosin lies at the heart of its function; however, little is known about the underlying reasons for selectivity to this isoform as opposed to other closely related ones such as fast-type skeletal myosins. In this work, we compared the structure and dynamics of the OM binding site in cardiac and in fasttype IIa skeletal myosin to identify possible reasons for OM selectivity. We found that the different shape, size, and composition of the binding pocket in skeletal myosin directly affects the binding mode and related affinity of OM, which is potentially a result of weaker interactions and less optimal molecular recognition. Moreover, we identified a side pocket adjacent to the OM binding site that shows increased accessibility in skeletal myosin compared with the cardiac isoform. These findings could pave the way to the development of skeletal-selective compounds that can target this region of the protein and potentially be used to treat congenital myopathies where muscle weakness is related to myosin loss of function.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of dystonia musculorum (dt) mutation, characterized by spinocerebellar fibers degeneration, on cardiac and skeletal muscles: one respiratory (diaphragm, Dia), three masticatory (anterior temporalis, AT; masseter superficialis, MS; and anterior digastric, AD), one hindlimb (soleus, S), tongue (T), and one cardiac (ventricle, V). Body and muscle weight, muscle protein content, and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms relative expression were then compared in dt mutant mice and in normal mice, according to sex. Male body and muscle weight was always greater than that of females, but there was no specific muscle difference in females. dt mutant mice showed a reduced whole body growth but no specific muscle atrophy, as well as a global decrease in muscle protein content that made muscles more fragile. dt mutation induced a global reduction of muscle protein concentration, whereas a general influence of sex could not be disclosed. Concerning MHC relative composition, all the muscles were fast-twitch: Dia, AT, MS, AD, S, and T expressed predominantly the fast type 2 MHC isoforms, whereas V contained only MHC alpha, also a fast MHC. Female muscles were slower than male muscles, except for S, which was faster. However, classification of muscles in terms of shortening velocity was very different in normal males and females. In other respects, dt mutant muscles were slower and consequently more fatigue resistant than normal, except for S, which became faster and less fatigue resistant. dt mutation exhibits then a specific effect on this continually active postural muscle. In the other muscles, global increased fatigue resistance could constitute an adaptive response to work requirements modifications linked to the muscle damage. It should be noted that a developmental MHC (neonatal) was present in female dt AD. Innervation, which influences muscle structure, is altered in dt mutant and could be another causal factor of the fast-to-slow MHC switches. It appears that dystonin, the dt gene product, is very important in maintaining the structural integrity of both cardiac and skeletal muscle and in its absence, the muscle becomes more fragile and is damaged by modified activity.  相似文献   

The effect of innervation on the transition of tropomyosin, troponin T, and myosin isozyme during chicken breast muscle development was examined by denervating the muscle at various ages after hatching. The types of proteins were characterized by 2-D electrophoresis for tropomyosin, immunoblotting for troponin T and pyro-phosphate acrylamide gel electrophoresis for myosin isozymes. As judged by the types of these three proteins, when neonatal muscle was denervated, the protein isoform transition from the neonatal to adult state was interrupted, whereas the denervation of mature muscle caused the reappearance of the neonatal forms of proteins. The present results indicate that differentiation from the neonatal state to the adult state and the maintenance of the adult state are controlled by some factors related to nerves.  相似文献   

Summary— In this study, using a modified electrophoretic technique, we have defined in the mouse the myosin heavy-chain composition of both newborn and adult skeletal and cardiac muscles. Using this high resolution technique it was possible to detect modifications in the myosin heavy-chain expression in both cardiac and skeletal muscles of desmin knock-out mice.  相似文献   

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