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Synatonemal complexes (SCs) are the intranuclear structures which facilitate reversible lateral synapsis of the homologous chromosomes in the course of meiosis. It is still unclear which DNA nucleotide sequences are responsible for the chromatin attachment to the SC lateral elements. Considering the features of the dispersed repeated sequences (RS) it is worth to assume their participation in the structure functional organization of the meiotic chromosome. Using numerical analysis we have investigated the relationship between RS and the distribution of events of the meiotic recombination in mouse chromosome 1. Using in situ hybridization on spread mouse spermatocytes, we have demonstrated the arrangement of different types of RS relative to SCs. Hybridization signals of B1(Alu), B2, and minisatellite probes were localizating predominantly in the SCs regions. Our results allow us to suggest the model of the meiotic chromosome organization with the RS as the sequences, participating in the attachment of chromatin loops and SCs.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex isolated from the spermatocyte nuclei by exhaustive hydrolysis of the latter by DNase II contains tightly associated DNA sequences (SCAR DNA). Here we studied the compositional properties of a cloned family of SCAR DNA of golden hamster, namely we performed the localization of 27 SCAR DNA clones on compositionally fractionated genomic DNA from golden hamster. We observed that sequences of the SCAR DNA family are mainly localized in the GC-poor isochore families L1 and L2, that showed 63% hybridization signals. This means that 37% of signals is referred to the GC-rich isochores, indicating the presence of SCAR DNA overall the genome, even if each isochore family presents differences in density and sequence type. Moreover, the SCAR DNA sequences containing regions of homology with LINE/SINE repeats were observed in all the isochore families. The compositional localization of SCAR DNA is in agreement with the hypothesis that SC and SCAR DNA participate in the chromatin organization during the meiosis prophase I, which should result in the attachment of chromatin loops to lateral elements of SC along the whole length of the latter.  相似文献   

Zickler D 《Chromosoma》2006,115(3):158-174
This review focuses on various aspects of chromosome homology searching and their relationship to meiotic and vegetative pairing and to the silencing of unpaired copies of genes. Chromosome recognition and pairing is a prominent characteristic of meiosis; however, for some organisms, this association (complete or partial) is also a normal part of nuclear organization. The multiple mechanisms suggested to contribute to homologous pairing are analyzed. Recognition of DNA/DNA homology also plays an important role in detecting DNA segments that are present in inappropriate number of copies before and during meiosis. In this context, the mechanisms of methylation induced premeiotically, repeat-induced point mutation, meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA, and meiotic sex chromosome inactivation will be discussed. Homologue juxtaposition during meiotic prophase can be divided into three mechanistically distinct steps, namely, recognition, presynaptic alignment, and synapsis by the synaptonemal complex (SC). In most organisms, these three steps are distinguished by their dependence on DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The coupling of SC initiation to (and downstream effects of) DSB formation and the exceptions to this dependency are discussed. Finally, this review addresses the specific factors that appear to promote chromosome movement at various stages of meiotic prophase, most particularly at the bouquet stage, and on their significance for homologue pairing and/or achieving a final pachytene configuration.The synaptonemal complex - 50 years  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division that gives rise to genetically distinct gametic cells. Meiosis relies on the tightly controlled formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and their repair via homologous recombination for correct chromosome segregation. Like all forms of DNA damage, meiotic DSBs are potentially harmful and their formation activates an elaborate response to inhibit excessive DNA break formation and ensure successful repair. Previous studies established the protein kinase ATM as a DSB sensor and meiotic regulator in several organisms. Here we show that Arabidopsis ATM acts at multiple steps during DSB formation and processing, as well as crossover (CO) formation and synaptonemal complex (SC) organization, all vital for the successful completion of meiosis. We developed a single-molecule approach to quantify meiotic breaks and determined that ATM is essential to limit the number of meiotic DSBs. Local and genome-wide recombination screens showed that ATM restricts the number of interference-insensitive COs, while super-resolution STED nanoscopy of meiotic chromosomes revealed that the kinase affects chromatin loop size and SC length and width. Our study extends our understanding of how ATM functions during plant meiosis and establishes it as an integral factor of the meiotic program.

Arabidopsis ATM acts at multiple steps during DSB formation and processing, as well as crossover formation and synaptonemal complex organization, all vital for the successful completion of meiosis.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex (SC) is an evolutionarily conserved structure that mediates synapsis of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase I. Previous studies have established that the chromatin of homologous chromosomes is organized in loops that are attached to the lateral elements (LEs) of the SC. The characterization of the genomic sequences associated with LEs of the SC represents an important step toward understanding meiotic chromosome organization and function. To isolate these genomic sequences, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation assays in rat spermatocytes using an antibody against SYCP3, a major structural component of the LEs of the SC. Our results demonstrated the reproducible and exclusive isolation of repeat deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences, in particular long interspersed elements, short interspersed elements, long terminal direct repeats, satellite, and simple repeats. The association of these repeat sequences to the LEs of the SC was confirmed by in situ hybridization of meiotic nuclei shown by both light and electron microscopy. Signals were also detected over the chromatin surrounding SCs and in small loops protruding from the lateral elements into the SC central region. We propose that genomic repeat DNA sequences play a key role in anchoring the chromosome to the protein scaffold of the SC. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic examination of gonads of Drosophila melanogaster with different genotypes, including a metafemale 3X;2A and an intersex XXY;3A have revealed that the formation of synaptonemal complexes is controlled by the genic balance, i.e., the ratio of X chromosomes to autosomes. The Y chromosome is not involved in the genetic control of the formation of precursors of the central element of synaptonemal complexes in males, nor does it disturb their formation in XXY females. Hyperploidy for sections 1-3A and 18A-20 of the X chromosome does not lead to the appearance of synaptonemal complexes in males and does not interfere with their formation in females. Females hyperploid for extensive regions of the X chromosome (sections 1-11A, 11A-20, and 8C-20) are fertile and show apparently normal formation of synaptonemal complexes. Hyperploidy for sections 8C-11A of the X results in a sharp decrease in the viability of females, in abnormal differentiation of ovary cells, and in the lack of synaptonemal complexes. These data suggest a possible important role for the sections 8C-11A in the genic balance controlling the formation of synaptonemal complexes in D. melanogaster. The lack of synaptonemal complexes in hypoploid females may be the result of abnormal cell differentiation in gonads.  相似文献   

Normal synaptonemal complexes have been found in haploid barley meiotic prophase at stages equivalent to pachytene in diploids. Reconstructions of serially sectioned nuclei have shown that up to 60% of the haploid chromosomes may pair in either intra- or interchromosomal associations. The extent and nature of the synaptonemal complex formation suggest that the chromosome pairing is non-homologous. From the virtual absence of chiasmata in metaphase I stages of the haploids it is inferred that crossing over requires a more precise DNA alignment than is provided by synaptonemal complex formation alone.  相似文献   

Interference of colchicine with meiotic chromosome pairing in the wild garlic, Allium ursinum, was studied using a whole-mount spreading technique for synaptonemal complexes. Colchicine was found to cause (i) pairing suppression (arrest of leptotene) and (ii) deficient pairing initiation at zygotene in connection with morphologically anomalous, malfunctioning pairing initiation sites. Both of these phenomena could be responsible for the reduction of chiasma frequency by colchicine previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

White EJ  Cowan C  Cande WZ  Kaback DB 《Genetics》2004,167(1):51-63
During meiotic prophase a synaptonemal complex (SC) forms between each pair of homologous chromosomes and is believed to be involved in regulating recombination. Studies on SCs usually destroy nuclear architecture, making it impossible to examine the relationship of these structures to the rest of the nucleus. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the meiosis-specific Zip1 protein is found throughout the entire length of each SC. To analyze the formation and structure of SCs in living cells, a functional ZIP1::GFP fusion was constructed and introduced into yeast. The ZIP1::GFP fusion produced fluorescent SCs and rescued the spore lethality phenotype of zip1 mutants. Optical sectioning and fluorescence deconvolution light microscopy revealed that, at zygotene, SC assembly was initiated at foci that appeared uniformly distributed throughout the nuclear volume. At early pachytene, the full-length SCs were more likely to be localized to the nuclear periphery while at later stages the SCs appeared to redistribute throughout the nuclear volume. These results suggest that SCs undergo dramatic rearrangements during meiotic prophase and that pachytene can be divided into two morphologically distinct substages: pachytene A, when SCs are perinuclear, and pachytene B, when SCs are uniformly distributed throughout the nucleus. ZIP1::GFP also facilitated the enrichment of fluorescent SC and the identification of meiosis-specific proteins by MALDI-TOF mass spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Simple repeated sequences in human satellite DNA.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In an extensive analysis, using a range of restriction endonucleases, HinfI and TaqI were found to differentiate satellites I, II and III & IV. Satellite I is resistant to digestion by TaqI, but is cleaved by HinfI to yield three major fragments of approximate size 770, 850 and 950bp, associated in a single length of DNA. The 770bp fragment contains recognition sites for a number of other enzymes, whereas the 850 and 950bp fragments are "silent" by restriction enzyme analysis. Satellite II is digested by HinfI into a large number of very small (10-80bp) fragments, many of which also contain TaqI sites. A proportion of the HinfI sites in satellite II have the sequence 5'GA(GC)TC. The HinfI digestion products of satellites III and IV form a complete ladder, stretching from 15bp or less to more than 250bp, with adjacent multimers separated by an increment of 5bp. The ladder fragments do not contain TaqI sites and all HinfI sites have the sequence 5'GA(AT)TC. Three fragments from the HinfI ladder of satellite III have been sequenced, and all consist of a tandemly repeated 5bp sequence, 5'TTCCA, with a non-repeated, G+C rich sequence, 9bp in length, at the 3' end.  相似文献   

Inverted repeated sequences in yeast nuclear DNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The inverted repeated sequences (foldback DNA) of yeast nuclear DNA have been examined by electron microscopy and hydroxyapatite chromatography. Of the inverted repeat structures seen in the electron microscope, 34% were hairpins and 66% had a single stranded loop at the end of a duplex stem. The number average length of the repeat was 0.3 kb and the single stranded loop was 1.6 kb. It is estimated that there are approximately 250 inverted repeats per haploid genome. A statistical analysis of the frequency of molecules containing multiple inverted repeats showed that these sequences are non-randomly distributed. The distribution of inverted repeats was also examined by measuring the fraction of total DNA in the foldback fraction that bound to hydroxyapatite as a function of single strand fragment size. This analysis also indicated that the inverted repeats are clustered. Renaturation kinetic analysis of isolated foldback and inverted repeat stem sequence DNA showed that these sequences are enriched for repetitive DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Satellite DNA isolated from female Elapid snakes contains nucleotide sequences which are quantitatively derived from the W sex-determining chromosome. Certain of these sequences are highly conserved in vertebrates, including mammals, where they are arranged in a sex-specific pattern in Southern blots. Sex reversed mice (Sxr) show a DNA arrangement of these sequences in conformity with their phenotypic sex, suggesting that this DNA is closely connected with the determination of sex. In situ hybridization of the snake sequences with mouse chromosomes reveals a concentration of related DNA at the proximal tip of the mouse Y chromosome. The possible nature and significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Either aphidicolin- or thymidine-synchronized human HL-60 cells were used to study the replication pattern of a family of human repetitive DNA sequences, the EcoRI 340 bp family (αRI-DNA), and of the ladders of fragments generated in total human DNA after digestion with XbaI and HaeIII (alpha satellite sequences). DNAs replicated in early, middle-early, middle-late and late S periods were labelled with BUdR or with [3H]thymidine. The efficiency of the cell synchronization procedure was confirmed by the transition from a high-GC to a high-AT average base composition of the DNA synthesized going from early to late S periods. By hybridizing EcoRI 340 bp repetitive fragments to BUdR-DNAs it was found that this family of sequences is replicated throughout the entire S period. Comparing fluorograph densitometric scans of [3H]DNAs to the scans of ethidium bromide patterns of total HL-60 DNA digested with XbaI and HaeIII, it was observed that DNA synthesized in different S periods is characterized by approximately the same ladder of fragments, while the intensity of each band may vary through the S phase; in particular, the XbaI 2.4 kb fragment becomes undetectable in late S.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and the contribution of ROS to the apoptosis of RAW264.7 cells induced by cationic liposomes. Cationic liposome-induced apoptosis was inhibited by lipoxygenase inhibitors, but not inhibitors of NADPH-oxidase, xanthine oxidase or cyclooxygenase. ROS generation induced by cationic liposomes was also inhibited by the lipoxygenase inhibitor NDGA. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation was observed following liposome treatment, but the apoptosis was not inhibited by the antioxidant alpha-tocopherol. These findings suggested that lipoxygenase is responsible for ROS generation, and ROS but not lipid peroxidation acts as a key mediator in the progress of apoptosis induced by cationic liposomes.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy is characterized by increased cardiomyocyte size, mRNA levels for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), and protein synthesis. Although activation of the phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC) leads to the generation of diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, the involvement of PLC in hypertrophic response remains to be fully understood. The present study was therefore undertaken to examine if the inhibition of PLC activity is associated with a decrease in ANF expression and protein synthesis in cardiomyocytes, due to norepinephrine (NE), a known hypertrophic agent. NE resulted in an increase in ANF gene expression and protein synthesis in adult rat cardiomyocytes, these effects of NE were attenuated by a PLC inhibitor, U73122. The NE-induced increase in ANF gene expression and protein synthesis was also inhibited by an alpha-adrenoceptor blocker, prazosin. Both U73122 and prazosin depressed the NE-induced increase in DAG production in cardiomyocytes. These results indicate that the alpha-adrenoceptor mediated PLC activation may be involved in the process of NE-induced cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

C. B. Gillies 《Chromosoma》1985,92(3):165-175
A spreading technique was used to allow ultrastructural analysis of seventeen zygotene nuclei of rye (Secale cereale). Twenty pachytene nuclei were also examined. Lateral element lengths of the haploid complements decreased from 742 m at the beginning of zygotene to 451 m at the end of zygotene. Variation in pachytene synaptonemal complex lengths was also noted. Zygotene synaptonemal complex formation in rye is characterised by: (1) existence of a bouquet, with telomeric pairing initiation earliest; (2) multiple sites of initiation in each bivalent (maximum of 76 synaptonemal complex segments seen in one nucleus); (3) the potential number of pairing initiation sites may be higher (the average spacing of 4.42 m would allow approximately 160 sites per nucleus); (4) new pairing initiations occur almost until the end of zygotene; (5) initiation of new synaptonemal complexes and extension of existing synaptonemal complexes occur simultaneously. A simple zipping up of a few initiation sites is not the case in rye. Pairing in different bivalents of a nucleus is not completely synchronised, and the NOR in particular is often late to pair. Interlocking of lateral elements and synaptonemal complexes may lead to delayed completion of pairing in portions of bivalents, but interlocks are ultimately resolved. This resolution may involve breakage and rejoining of lateral elements.  相似文献   

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