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The possibility of muscle activation of passive arm during its cyclic movements, imposed by active movements of contralateral arm or by experimenter was studied, as well as the influence of lower extremities cyclic movements onto arm muscles activity. In addition to that the activity of legs muscles was estimated in dependence on motor task condition for arms. Ten healthy supine subjects carried out opposite movements of arms with and without stepping-like movements of both legs. The experiment included three conditions for arm movements: 1) the active movements of both arms; 2) the active movements of one arm, when other entirely passive arm participated in the movement by force; 3) passive arm movement caused by experimenter. In the condition 2) additional load on active arm was applied (30 N and 60 N). In all three conditions the experiment was carried out with arms movements only or together with legs movements. The capability of passive moving arm muscles activation depended on increasing afferent inflow from muscles of contralateral arm was demonstrated. Emerging electrical activity was modulated in the arms movements cycle and depended on the degree of active arm loading. During combined active movements of arms and legs the reduction of activity in the flexor muscles of shoulder and forearm was observed. Concomitant arms movements increased the magnitude ofelectromiographic bursts during passive stepping-like movements in the most of recorded muscles, and the same increasing was only observed in biceps femoris and tibialis anterior muscles during active legs movement. The increasing of loading of one arm caused essential augmentation of EMG-activity in the majority of recording legs muscles. The data obtained are the additional proof of existence of functionally significant neuronal interaction both between arms and between upper and lower extremities, which is evidently depend on the intraspinal neuronal connections.  相似文献   

Coordinated arm and leg movements imply neural interactions between the rhythmic generators of the upper and lower extremities. In ten healthy subjects in the lying position, activity of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities was recorded during separate and joint cyclic movements of the arms and legs with different phase relationships between the movements of the limbs and under various conditions of the motor task. Antiphase active arm movements were characterized by higher muscle activity than during the inphase mode. The muscle activity during passive arm movements imposed by the experimentalist was significantly lower than muscle activity during passive arm movements imposed by the other arm. When loading one arm, the muscle activity in the other, passively moving, arm increased independently from the synergy of arm movements. During a motor task implementing joint antiphase movements of both upper and lower extremities, compared to a motor task implementing their joint in-phase movements, we observed a significant increase in activity in the biceps brahii muscle, the tibialis anterior muscle, and the biceps femoris muscle. Loading of arms in these motor tasks has been accompanied by increased activity in some leg muscles. An increase in the frequency of rhythmic movements resulted in a significant growth of the muscle activity of the arms and legs during their cooperative movements with a greater rate of rise in the flexor muscle activity of the arms and legs during joint antiphase movements. Thus, both the spatial organization of movements and the type of afferent influences are significant factors of interlimb interactions, which, in turn, determine the type of neural interconnections that are involved in movement regulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the electromyographic (EMG) activity of muscles in curl-up exercises depending on the position of the upper and lower extremities. From the perspective of biomechanics, different positions of the extremities result in shifting the center of gravity and changing muscular loads in abdominal strength exercises. The subjects of the research were 3 healthy students (body mass 53-56 kg and height 163-165 cm) with no history of low back pain or abdominal surgery. Subjects completed 18 trials for each of the 9 exercises (static curl-up with 3 positions of the upper and 3 position of the lower extremities). The same experiment with the same subjects was conducted on the next day. The EMG activity of rectus abdominis (RA), erector spinae (ES), and quadriceps femoris-long head (rectus femoris [RF]) was examined during the exercises. The surface electrical activity was recorded for the right and left sides of each muscle. The raw data for each muscle were rectified and integrated. The statistical analysis showed that changing the position of upper extremities in the examined exercises affects the EMG activity of RA and ES but does not significantly affect the EMG activity of RF. Additionally, it was found that curl-up exercises with the upper extremities extended behind the head and the lower extremities flexed at 90° in the hip and knee joints involve RA with the greatest intensity, whereas curl-up exercises with the upper extremities extended along the trunk and the lower extremities flexed at 90° in the hip and knee joints involve RA with the lowest intensity.  相似文献   

The common pattern of muscle activation and specifics of interlimb neuronal connections during the performance of rhythmic separate and simultaneous arm and leg movements in the lying position in healthy subjects, which reflected functionally significant interlimb neuronal interactions, were shown. The study was designed to investigate these mutual influences of the upper and lower limbs during the performance of similar motor tasks by stroke patients. Sixteen poststroke patients with different degrees of hemiparesis performed active and passive arm movements simultaneously with stepping leg movements or without them while lying supine. It was demonstrated that the patients had a disordered common pattern of distribution of muscle activity when they performed voluntary cyclic movements with both arms. Passive movements of both paretic and nonparetic arms led to different degrees of activation of their muscles, depending on the degree of paresis: in patients with mild paresis, muscle activation was similar to that in healthy subjects; in patients with severe paresis, it was insignificant. The loading of the nonparetic arm resulted in an increase in the activity in the paretic arm shoulder flexor muscles in patients with mild paresis (which was typical of healthy subjects), while loading did not influence significantly patients with severe paresis. The combination of cyclic arm movements and stepping leg movements in diagonal synergy decreased the activity in the proximal muscles of both arms, irrespective of the degree of paresis, as it was observed in healthy subjects. Simultaneous arm and leg movements did not change the muscle activity in nonparetic legs in either groups of patients, but the activity in the paretic leg muscles even decreased. The results obtained revealed important features of poststroke motor disturbances, which caused changes in interlimb interactions and largely depended on the degree of paresis. The data could be useful for developing new methods for the performance of rehabilitative procedures in poststroke patients.  相似文献   

Previously, in healthy subjects the common pattern of muscle activation and specifics of interlimb neuron connections during performance of rhythmic separate and simultaneous movements of arms and legs in the lying position, which reflect functional meaningful of interlimb interactions, were shown. The aim of this research was to investigate such mutual influences of upper and lower limbs during the execution of similar motor tasks by patients with stroke. In sixteen poststroke patients with different stage of hemiparesis arms movements together with or without legs movements were performed, while lying supine. It was demonstrated that the common pattern of muscle activity distribution under the execution of voluntary cyclic movements by both arms was disordered. Passive rhythmic movements of each arm caused the phased EMG activity in shoulder muscles in patients with mild hemiparesis, but no activation was observed in patients with severe paresis. The loading of nonparetic arm resulted in an increasing of activity in shoulder flexor muscles of paretic arm in patients with weak paresis (which was typical for healthy subjects), while it not exerted essential influences in patients with severe paresis. Under connecting the cyclic movements of arms with stepping movements of legs in diagonal synergy the activity in proximal muscles of both arms was decreased irrespective of the paresis degree, as it was seeing in healthy subjects. Simultaneous arms and legs movements did not change the muscle activity in non-paretic leg in both groups of patients, but in some muscles of paretic leg the activity even decreased. The results obtained revealed important features of poststroke motor disturbances, which caused the changes of interlimb interaction and in great degree depended on the level of paresis. The data of investigation can be of a great importance for developing the new methods for rehabilitative procedure in patients with stroke.  相似文献   

Thirty-two master athletes (shot put, discus, and hammer throw) were divided into 4 groups according to their age (T40 [40 years of age], 50 [50 years of age], 60 [60 years of age], and 75 [75 years of age]). Twenty-eight age-matched men served as controls (C40 [40 years of age], 50 [50 years of age], 60 [60 years of age], and 75 [75 years of age]). The subjects were tested for maximal isometric strength of the lower and upper extremities. Power was measured by performing jump squats and bench press in the Smith machine with the load of 60% of 1 repetition maximum. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from 6 different muscles. The muscle thickness of vastus lateralis and intermedius (VL+VI) and triceps brachii (TB) was measured by ultrasound. Maximal strength differed (p < 0.05- 0.001) in all testing actions between T40 and T60 and T40 and T75 as well as between T and C groups. Both VL+VI and TB thickness in T40 was greater (p < 0.05-0.01) than in T60 and T75 and in T was larger than in C groups. Average force during the first 500 milliseconds (ms) was higher (p < 0.05-0.001) in T40 compared to T50, T60, and T75 in bilateral leg extension, biceps curl, and especially in unilateral knee flexion. T40 produced higher power than the other groups (p < 0.05-0.001). The relative agonist EMG activation (VL) in leg extension during the first 100 ms compared to maximum activation was lower (p < 0.05) in T50, T60, and T75, but not in T40. The present data indicate that maximal strength and muscle thickness as well as explosive strength and power characteristics decline with aging also in master athletes who carry out strength training and throwing exercises actively over several decades. Nevertheless, in master athletes, maximal strength and muscle mass as well as explosive force production of the upper and lower extremities seem to be at remarkably higher levels than those recorded for age-matched control men.  相似文献   

When continuation of exercise calls for a "will," the cerebral metabolic ratio of O2 to (glucose + lactate) decreases, with the largest reduction (30-50%) at exhaustion. Because a larger effort is required to exercise with the arms than with the legs, we tested the hypothesis that the reduction in the cerebral metabolic ratio would become more pronounced during arm cranking than during leg exercise. The cerebral arterial-venous differences for blood-gas variables, glucose, and lactate were evaluated in two groups of eight subjects during exhaustive arm cranking and leg exercise. During leg exercise, exhaustion was elicited after 25 +/- 6 (SE) min, and the cerebral metabolic ratio was reduced from 5.6 +/- 0.2 to 3.5 +/- 0.2 after 10 min and to 3.3 +/- 0.3 at exhaustion (P < 0.05). Arm cranking lasted for 35 +/- 4 min and likewise decreased the cerebral metabolic ratio after 10 min (from 6.7 +/- 0.4 to 5.0 +/- 0.3), but the nadir at exhaustion was only 4.7 +/- 0.4, i.e., higher than during leg exercise (P < 0.05). The results demonstrate that exercise decreases the cerebral metabolic ratio when a conscious effort is required, irrespective of the muscle groups engaged. However, the comparatively small reduction in the cerebral metabolic ratio during arm cranking suggests that it is influenced by the exercise paradigm.  相似文献   

The effect of varying the body surface area being cooled by a liquid microclimate system was evaluated during exercise heat-stress conditions. Six male subjects performed a total of six exercise (O2 uptake = 1.2 l/min) tests in a hot environment (ambient temperature = 38 degrees C, relative humidity = 30%) while dressed in clothing having low moisture permeability and high insulation. Each subject completed two upper body exercise (U; arm crank) tests: 1) with only the torso surface (T) cooled; and 2) with the surfaces of both the torso and upper arms (TA) cooled [coolant temperature at the inlet (Ti) was 20 degrees C for all upper body tests]. Each subject also completed four lower body exercise (L; walking) tests: 1) with only the T cooled (Ti = 20 degrees C); 2) with only the T cooled (Ti = 26 degrees C); 3) with torso, upper arm, and thigh surface (TAT) cooled (Ti = 20 degrees C); and 4) with TAT cooled (Ti = 26 degrees C). During U exercise, TA cooling had no effects compared with cooling only T. During L exercise, sweat rates, heart rates, and rectal temperature (Tre) changes were less with TAT cooling compared with cooling only the T. Altering Ti had no effect on Tre changes, but higher heart rates were observed with 26 than with 20 degrees C. These data indicate that cooling arms during upper body exercise provides no thermoregulatory advantage, although cooling the thigh surfaces during lower body exercise does provide an advantage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify multijoint lower extremity kinematic and kinetic synergies in weightlifting and compare these synergies between joints and across different external loads. Subjects completed sets of the clean exercise at loads equal to 65, 75, and 85% of their estimated 1-RM. Functional data analysis was used to extract principal component functions (PCF's) for hip, knee, and ankle joint angles and moments of force during the pull phase of the clean at all loads. The PCF scores were then compared between joints and across loads to determine how much of each PCF was present at each joint and how it differed across loads. The analyses extracted two kinematic and four kinetic PCF's. The statistical comparisons indicated that all kinematic and two of the four kinetic PCF's did not differ across load, but scaled according to joint function. The PCF's captured a set of joint- and load-specific synergies that quantified biomechanical function of the lower extremity during Olympic weightlifting and revealed important technical characteristics that should be considered in sports training and future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize responses in oxygen uptake ( V·O2), heart rate (HR), perceived exertion (OMNI scale) and integrated electromyogram (iEMG) readings during incremental Nordic walking (NW) and level walking (LW) on a treadmill. Ten healthy adults (four men, six women), who regularly engaged in physical activity in their daily lives, were enrolled in the study. All subjects were familiar with NW. Each subject began walking at 60 m/min for 3 minutes, with incremental increases of 10 m/min every 2 minutes up to 120 m/min V·O2 , V·E and HR were measured every 30 seconds, and the OMNI scale was used during the final 15 seconds of each exercise. EMG readings were recorded from the triceps brachii, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior muscles. V·O2 was significantly higher during NW than during LW, with the exception of the speed of 70 m/min (P < 0.01). V·E and HR were higher during NW than LW at all walking speeds (P < 0.05 to 0.001). OMNI scale of the upper extremities was significantly higher during NW than during LW at all speeds (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the iEMG reading for the VL was lower during NW than during LW at all walking speeds, while the iEMG reading for the BF and GA muscles were significantly lower during NW than LW at some speeds. These data suggest that the use of poles in NW attenuates muscle activity in the lower extremities during the stance and push-off phases, and decreases that of the lower extremities and increase energy expenditure of the upper body and respiratory system at certain walking speeds.  相似文献   

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