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Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and rRNA slot blot hybridization with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to investigate the phylogenetic composition of a marine Arctic sediment (Svalbard). FISH resulted in the detection of a large fraction of microbes living in the top 5 cm of the sediment. Up to 65.4% ± 7.5% of total DAPI (4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole) cell counts hybridized to the bacterial probe EUB338, and up to 4.9% ± 1.5% hybridized to the archaeal probe ARCH915. Besides δ-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria (up to 16% 52) members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster were the most abundant group detected in this sediment, accounting for up to 12.8% of total DAPI cell counts and up to 6.1% of prokaryotic rRNA. Furthermore, members of the order Planctomycetales accounted for up to 3.9% of total cell counts. In accordance with previous studies, these findings support the hypothesis that these bacterial groups are not simply settling with organic matter from the pelagic zone but are indigenous to the anoxic zones of marine sediments. Members of the γ-proteobacteria also constituted a significant fraction in this sediment (6.1% ± 2.5% of total cell counts, 14.4% ± 3.6% of prokaryotic rRNA). A new probe (GAM660) specific for sequences affiliated with free-living or endosymbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was developed. A significant number of cells was detected by this probe (2.1% ± 0.7% of total DAPI cell counts, 13.2% ± 4.6% of prokaryotic rRNA), showing no clear zonation along the vertical profile. Gram-positive bacteria and the β-proteobacteria were near the detection limit in all sediments.  相似文献   

Degradation of marine organic matter under anoxic conditions involves microbial communities working in concert to remineralize complex substrates to CO 2 . In order to investigate the coupling between the initial and terminal steps of this sequence in permanently cold sediments, rates of extracellular enzymatic hydrolysis and sulfate reduction were measured in parallel cores collected from 5 fjords on the west and northwest coast of Svalbard, in the high Arctic. Inventories of total dissolved carbohydrates were also measured in order to evaluate their potential role in carbon turnover. Polysaccharide hydrolysis rates exhibited substrate-related and, to a lesser extent, depth-related differences (p < 0.0001); laminarin hydrolysis was consistently most rapid at nearly all depths and sites, and fucoidan hydrolysis was least rapid. Although there was a high degree of variability in parallel cores, sulfate reduction rates also exhibited statistically significant depth-and station-related differences. A comparison with data from previous investigations in Svalbard sediments suggests that this variability is linked to substrate availability rather than to organism distribution. Total dissolved carbohydrate concentrations were comparable to those measured in more temperate sediments, and likely comprise a considerable fraction of porewater dissolved organic carbon. A comparison of dissolved carbohydrate inventories with hydrolysis and sulfate reduction rates suggests that the turnover of carbon through the dissolved pool occurs quite rapidly, on the order of a few days to weeks. The transformation of particulate to dissolved organic matter must also be sufficiently rapid to maintain the measured rates of terminal remineralization.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in cores obtained from methane hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments (down to more than 300 m below the seafloor) in the forearc basin of the Nankai Trough near Japan were characterized with cultivation-dependent and -independent techniques. Acridine orange direct count data indicated that cell numbers generally decreased with sediment depth. Lipid biomarker analyses indicated the presence of viable biomass at concentrations greater than previously reported for terrestrial subsurface environments at similar depths. Archaeal lipids were more abundant than bacterial lipids. Methane was produced from both acetate and hydrogen in enrichments inoculated with sediment from all depths evaluated, at both 10 and 35°C. Characterization of 16S rRNA genes amplified from the sediments indicated that archaeal clones could be discretely grouped within the Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota domains. The bacterial clones exhibited greater overall diversity than the archaeal clones, with sequences related to the Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and green nonsulfur groups. The majority of the bacterial clones were either members of a novel lineage or most closely related to uncultured clones. The results of these analyses suggest that the microbial community in this environment is distinct from those in previously characterized methane hydrate-bearing sediments.  相似文献   


Recent molecular analyses show that microbial communities of deep marine sediments harbor members of distinct, uncultured bacterial and archaeal lineages, in addition to Gram-positive bacteria and Proteobacteria that are detected by cultivation surveys. Several of these subsurface lineages show cosmopolitan occurrence patterns; they can be found in cold marine sediments and also in hydrothermal habitats, suggesting a continuous deep subsurface and hydrothermal biosphere with shared microbiota. The physiologies and activities of these uncultured subsurface lineages remain to be explored by innovative combinations of genomic and biogeochemical approaches.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in the sediment and associated with the dominant type of standing dead plant were collected from the high marsh zones of 10 sites along the eastern coast of the United States from Maine to Florida. Microbial community composition was examined using T-RFLP, and bacterial and fungal abundance was determined microscopically. Within the sediment, community composition was strongly correlated with latitude, indicating that biogeographical factors are important determinants of sediment community composition, whereas abundance was positively and strongly correlated with sediment organic matter content. A strong biogeographical effect was observed for both bacterial and fungal abundance on standing dead plants, but there was no clear relationship between community composition and latitude. Microbial community composition was more similar among plants of the same type (i.e., related plant species) suggesting that plant type (i.e., substrate quality) is primarily responsible for the determining community composition on standing dead plants.  相似文献   

The Northern Baffin Bay between Greenland and Canada is a remote Arctic area restricted in primary production by seasonal ice cover, with presumably low sedimentation rates, carbon content and microbial activities in its sediments. Our aim was to study the so far unknown subseafloor geochemistry and microbial populations driving seafloor ecosystems. Shelf sediments had the highest organic carbon content, numbers of Bacteria and Archaea, and microcosms inoculated from Shelf sediments showed highest sulfate reduction and methane production rates. Sediments in the central deep area and on the southern slope contained less organic carbon and overall lower microbial numbers. Similar 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of Archaea and Bacteria were found for the majority of the sites investigated. Sulfate in pore water correlated with dsrA copy numbers of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes and differed between sites. No methane was found as free gas in the sediments, and mcrA copy numbers of methanogenic Archaea were low. Methanogenic and sulfate-reducing cultures were enriched on a variety of substrates including hydrocarbons. In summary, the Greenlandic shelf sediments contain vital microbial communities adapted to their specific environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial community composition (cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae abundance and diversity, bacterial abundance, and soil respiration) was studied in subglacial and periglacial habitats on five glaciers near Ny-Alesund, Svalbard (79 degrees N). Soil microbial communities from nonvegetated sites (subglacial, recently deglaciated, and cryoconite sediments) and sites with plant cover (deglaciated some hundreds of years ago) were analyzed. Physicochemical analyses (pH, texture, water content, organic matter, total C and N content) were also performed on the samples. In total, 57 taxa of 23 genera of cyanobacteriaand algae were identified. Algae from the class Chlorophyceae (25 species) and cyanobacteria (23 species) were richest in biodiversity. The numbers of identified species in single habitat types were 23 in subglacial, 39 inbarren, 22 in cryoconite, and 24 in vegetated soils. The highest cyanobacterial and algal biovolume and cell numbers, respectively, were present in cryoconite (13x10(4) microm3 mg-1 soil and 508 cells per mg of soil), followed by barren (5.7x10(4) and 188), vegetated (2.6x10(4) and 120), and subglacial (0.1x10(4) and 5) soils. Cyanobacteria prevailed in all soil samples. Algae (mainly green algae) were present only as accessory organisms. The density of bacteria showed a slightly different trend to that of the cyanobacterial and algal assemblages. The highest number of bacteria was present in vegetated (mean: 13,722x10(8) cells per mg of soil dry wt.), followed by cryoconite (3802x10(8)), barren (654x10(8)), and subglacial (78x10(8)) soils. Response of cyanobacteria and algae to physical parameters showed that soil texture and water content are important for biomass development. In addition, it is shown that nitrogen and water content are the main factors affecting bacterial abundance and overall soil respiration. Redundancy analysis (RDA) with forward selection was used to create a model explaining variability in cyanobacterial, algal, and bacterial abundance. Cryoconites accounted for most of the variation in cyanobacteria and algae biovolume, followed by barren soils. Oscillatoriales, desmids, and green coccoid algae preferred cryoconites, whereas Nostocales and Chroococcales occurred mostly in barren soils. From the data obtained, it is evident that of the studied habitats cryoconite sediments are the most suitable ones for the development of microbial assemblages. Although subglacial sediments do not provide as good conditions as cryoconites, they support the survival of microbial communities. Both mentioned habitats are potential sources for the microbial recolonization of freshly deglaciated soil after the glacier retreat.  相似文献   

Most marine bacteria produce exopolysaccharides (EPS), and bacterial EPS represent an important source of dissolved organic carbon in marine ecosystems. It was proposed that bacterial EPS rich in uronic acid is resistant to mineralization by microbes and thus has a long residence time in global oceans. To confirm this hypothesis, bacterial EPS rich in galacturonic acid was isolated from Alteromonas sp. JL2810. The EPS was used to amend natural seawater to investigate the bioavailability of this EPS by native populations, in the presence and absence of ammonium and phosphate amendment. The data indicated that the bacterial EPS could not be completely consumed during the cultivation period and that the bioavailability of EPS was not only determined by its intrinsic properties, but was also determined by other factors such as the availability of inorganic nutrients. During the experiment, the humic-like component of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) was freshly produced. Bacterial community structure analysis indicated that the class Flavobacteria of the phylum Bacteroidetes was the major contributor for the utilization of EPS. This report is the first to indicate that Flavobacteria are a major contributor to bacterial EPS degradation. The fraction of EPS that could not be completely utilized and the FDOM (e.g., humic acid-like substances) produced de novo may be refractory and may contribute to the carbon storage in the oceans.  相似文献   

Microbiology - Psychroactive enrichment cultures reducing anthraquinone 2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) and soluble complexes of ferric iron at 5–20°C were isolated from the samples of Lake...  相似文献   


Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) of PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes was used to investigate microbial communities in the sediments of Ria Formosa, Portugal. Five replicates of surface sand sediments were collected at an artificial inlet to the sea, between June 2001 and July 2002. Restriction enzymes Msp1 and Hha1 provided 57 different terminal fragments (T-RFs). The sediments were essentially dominated by the same ribotypes throughout the year, with seasonal shifts attributed to minor ribotypes. Principal component analysis of the T-RFs profile revealed no consistent pattern of temporal variation and no consistent grouping of replicate sediment samples. The results suggest that the small-scale spatial variability outweighs the seasonal variability. Phylogenetic affiliations suggested that the dominant bacteria were representatives of the α-Proteobacteria group.  相似文献   

The microbial population of geothermally heated sediments in a shallow bay of Vulcano Island (Italy) was characterized with respect to metabolic activities and the putatively catalyzing hyperthermophiles. Site-specific anoxic culturing media, most of which were amended with combinations of electron donors (glucose or carboxylic acids) and acceptors (sulfate), were used for selective enrichment of metabolically defined subpopulations. The mostly archaeal chemoautotrophs produced formate at rates of 3.25 and 0.46 fmol cell−1 day−1 with and without sulfate, respectively. The glucose fermenting heterotrophs produced acetate (18 fmol cell−1 day−1) and lactate (2.6 fmol cell−1 day−1) and were identified as predominantly Thermus sp. and coccoid archaea. These archaeal cells also metabolized lactate (5.6 fmol cell−1 day−1), but neither formate nor acetate. The heterotrophic culture enriched on formate/acetate/propionate/sulfate utilized mainly formate (27 fmol cell−1 day−1) and lactate (89–195 fmol cell−1 day−1), and consumed sulfate (38–68 fmol cell−1 day−1). These formate or lactate consuming sulfate reducers were dominated by Archaeoglobales (7% in situ) and unidentified Archaea. The in situ benthic community comprised 15% Crenarchaeota, a significant group only in the autotrophic cultures, and 3% Thermus sp., the putatively predominant group involved in fermentative metabolism. The role of Thermoccales (4% in situ) remained undisclosed in our experiments. This first comprehensive data set established plausible links between several groups of hyperthermophiles in shallow marine hydrothermal systems, their metabolic function within the benthic microbial community, and biogeochemical turnover rates.  相似文献   

Abstract The role of grazing by marine sediment flagellates, ciliates, and meiobenthic animals in controlling production of their bacterial and diatom prey was investigated. Several novel or modified techniques were used to enumerate prey (bacteria and diatoms), measure bacterial production, quantify proto- and micrometazoan predators, and evaluate rates of bacterivory and herbivory. The results indicated that, in a temperate, marine intertidal flat composed of fine sand, colorless nanoflagellates, ciliates, and nematodes were the most important bacterivores. Together, these organisms were responsible for removing up to 53% of bacterial production, by grazing. The observed rates of bacterivory were high enough to hypothesize that periods of grazing control of bacterial production might occur regularly in similar habitats. Colorless microflagellates, ciliates, and nematodes had high rates of diatom consumption. The combined small diatom consumption rate was equivalent to 132% of diatom standing stock per day. Trophic interactions between diatoms and micro- and meiobenthos might be a factor limiting growth of small (around 10 μm) diatoms. In coarse sands of an open beach, all micrograzers except pigmented nanoflagellates were rare, whereas bacterial and diatom assemblages were rather abundant and active. In this type of sediment, the micrograzers were able to consume only a marginal percentage of bacterial production (<1%) and diatom standing stock (3.8%), thus playing a minor role in controlling the dynamics of their prey. Received: 11 June 1996; Accepted: 13 August 1996  相似文献   

The Pacific Estuarine Ecosystem Indicators Research Consortium seeks to develop bioindicators of toxicant-induced stress and bioavailability for wetland biota. Within this framework, the effects of environmental and pollutant variables on microbial communities were studied at different spatial scales over a 2-year period. Six salt marshes along the California coastline were characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis. Additionally, 27 metals, six currently used pesticides, total polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlordanes, nonachlors, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene were analyzed. Sampling was performed over large (between salt marshes), medium (stations within a marsh), and small (different channel depths) spatial scales. Regression and ordination analysis suggested that the spatial variation in microbial communities exceeded the variation attributable to pollutants. PLFA analysis and TRFLP canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) explained 74 and 43% of the variation, respectively, and both methods attributed 34% of the variation to tidal cycles, marsh, year, and latitude. After accounting for spatial variation using partial CCA, we found that metals had a greater effect on microbial community composition than organic pollutants had. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents were positively correlated with PLFA biomass, whereas total metal concentrations were positively correlated with biomass and diversity. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were negatively correlated with branched PLFAs and positively correlated with methyl- and cyclo-substituted PLFAs. The strong relationships observed between pollutant concentrations and some of the microbial indicators indicated the potential for using microbial community analyses in assessments of the ecosystem health of salt marshes.  相似文献   

A microcosm enrichment approach was employed to isolate bacteria which are representative of long-term biphenyl-adapted microbial communities. Growth of microorganisms was stimulated by incubating soil and sediment samples from polluted and nonpolluted sites with biphenyl crystals. After 6 months, stable population densities between 8 × 109 and 2 × 1011 CFU/ml were established in the microcosms, and a large percentage of the organisms were able to grow on biphenyl-containing minimal medium plates. A total of 177 biphenyl-degrading strains were subsequently isolated and characterized by their ability to grow on biphenyl in liquid culture and to accumulate a yellow meta cleavage product when they were sprayed with dihydroxybiphenyl. Isolates were identified by using a polyphasic approach, including fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis, 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell proteins, and genomic fingerprinting based on sequence variability in the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer region. In all of the microcosms, isolates identified as Rhodococcus opacus dominated the cultivable microbial community, comprising a cluster of 137 isolates with very similar FAME profiles (Euclidean distances, <10) and identical 16S rRNA gene sequences. The R. opacus isolates from the different microcosms studied could not be distinguished from each other by any of the fingerprint methods used. In addition, three other FAME clusters were found in one or two of the microcosms analyzed; these clusters could be assigned to Alcaligenes sp., Terrabacter sp., and Bacillus thuringiensis on the basis of their FAME profiles and/or comparisons of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of representatives. Thus, the microcosm enrichments were strongly dominated by gram-positive bacteria, especially the species R. opacus, independent of the pollution history of the original sample. R. opacus, therefore, is a promising candidate for development of effective long-term inocula for polychlorinated biphenyl bioremediation.  相似文献   

The community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of a marine Arctic sediment (Smeerenburgfjorden, Svalbard) was characterized by both fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and rRNA slot blot hybridization by using group- and genus-specific 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. The SRB community was dominated by members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus group. This group accounted for up to 73% of the SRB detected and up to 70% of the SRB rRNA detected. The predominance was shown to be a common feature for different stations along the coast of Svalbard. In a top-to-bottom approach we aimed to further resolve the composition of this large group of SRB by using probes for cultivated genera. While this approach failed, directed cloning of probe-targeted genes encoding 16S rRNA was successful and resulted in sequences which were all affiliated with the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus group. A group of clone sequences (group SVAL1) most closely related to Desulfosarcina variabilis (91.2% sequence similarity) was dominant and was shown to be most abundant in situ, accounting for up to 54.8% of the total SRB detected. A comparison of the two methods used for quantification showed that FISH and rRNA slot blot hybridization gave comparable results. Furthermore, a combination of the two methods allowed us to calculate specific cellular rRNA contents with respect to localization in the sediment profile. The rRNA contents of Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus cells were highest in the first 5 mm of the sediment (0.9 and 1.4 fg, respectively) and decreased steeply with depth, indicating that maximal metabolic activity occurred close to the surface. Based on SRB cell numbers, cellular sulfate reduction rates were calculated. The rates were highest in the surface layer (0.14 fmol cell−1 day−1), decreased by a factor of 3 within the first 2 cm, and were relatively constant in deeper layers.  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene (rrs) clone libraries were constructed from two snow samples (May 11, 2007 and June 7, 2007) and two meltwater samples collected during the spring of 2007 in Svalbard, Norway (79°N). The libraries covered 19 different microbial classes, including Betaproteobacteria (21.3%), Sphingobacteria (16.4%), Flavobacteria (9.0%), Acidobacteria (7.7%) and Alphaproteobacteria (6.5%). Significant differences were detected between the two sets of sample libraries. First, the meltwater libraries had the highest community richness (Chao1: 103.2 and 152.2) and Shannon biodiversity indices (between 3.38 and 3.59), when compared with the snow libraries (Chao1: 14.8 and 59.7; Shannon index: 1.93 and 3.01). Second, ∫-LIBSHUFF analyses determined that the bacterial communities in the snow libraries were significantly different from those of the meltwater libraries. Despite these differences, our data also support the theory that a common core group of microbial populations exist within a variety of cryohabitats.  相似文献   

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