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Travertine deposition occurs in streams worldwide but its effects on stream communities are poorly understood. I sampled benthic macroinvertebrates, periphyton, and reach-scale environmental variables in coastal streams in Big Sur, central California, USA, to determine the specific effects of travertine that occurred at some sites as well as to provide a broader assessment of community–habitat relationships. Total density and biomass of macroinvertebrates varied 6- and 9-fold across sites, respectively, and chlorophyll a concentrations varied 10-fold, but invertebrate and periphyton abundances were not correlated. Baetis tricaudatus (Ephemeroptera), Simuliidae (Diptera), and Chironomidae (Diptera) dominated macroinvertebrate communities across all sites, although differences in the relative abundances of these and other taxa produced moderate variation in community structure among sites (Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients of 47–84). Variation in community structure was related to a number of habitat features, notably travertine but also including variables reflecting channel morphology, flow, substrate size, and riparian tree type. Median density and biomass of macroinvertebrates were more than twice as high at sites without travertine than sites with travertine. Taxa richness also was higher at sites without travertine, and community structure differed moderately between sites with and without travertine, although there were no particular assemblages associated with either group. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis of similarities in community structure appeared to separate sites with either travertine or high fines from sites without those conditions. These results demonstrate that travertine can have strong effects on stream communities, and additional studies are needed to identify the full range of effects on ecosystems and to evaluate the potential consequences of travertine for conservation efforts such as biomonitoring programs and threatened species management. Handling editor: R. Bailey  相似文献   



Accurate estimates of HIV incidence are crucial for prioritizing, targeting, and evaluating HIV prevention efforts. Using the methodology the CDC used to estimate national HIV incidence, we estimated HIV incidence in Los Angeles County (LAC), San Francisco (SF), and California’s remaining counties.


We estimated new HIV infections in 2006–2009 among adults and adolescents in LAC, SF and the remaining California counties using the Serologic Testing Algorithm for Recent Seroconversion (STARHS). STARHS methodology uses the BED HIV-1 capture enzyme immunoassay to determine recent HIV infections by testing remnant serum from persons newly diagnosed with HIV. A population-based incidence estimate is calculated using HIV testing data from newly diagnosed cases and imputing for persons unaware of their HIV infection.


For years 2007–2009, respectively, we estimated new infections in LAC to be 2426 (95% CI 1871–2982), 1669 (CI 1309–2029) and 1898 (CI 1452–2344) (p<0.01); in SF for 2006–2009, 492 (CI 327–657), 490 (CI 335–646), 458 (CI 342–574) and 367 (CI 261–473) (p = 0.14); and in the remaining California counties in 2008–2009, 2526 (CI 1688–3364) and 2993 (CI 2141–3846) respectively. HIV infection rates among men who have sex with men (MSM) in LAC were 100 times higher than other risk populations; the SF MSM rate was 3 to 18 times higher than other demographic groups. In LAC, incidence rates among African-Americans were twice those of whites and Latinos; persons 40 years or older had lower rates of infection than younger persons.


We report the first HIV incidence estimates for California, highlighting geographic disparities in HIV incidence and confirming national findings that MSM and African-Americans are disproportionately impacted by HIV. HIV incidence estimates can and should be used to target prevention efforts towards populations at highest risk of acquiring new HIV infections, focusing on geographic, racial and risk group disparities.  相似文献   

The Australian psyllid Boreioglycaspis melaleucae is a biological control agent of Melaleuca quinquenervia in Florida (USA) but was observed attacking M. quinquenervia trees in southern California (USA). Genotyping revealed the California population matched three of eight Australian haplotypes and all three Florida haplotypes. It remains unclear if the California psyllid population arrived directly from Australia or via Florida.  相似文献   

Historians of science have attributed the emergence of ecology as a discipline in the late nineteenth century to the synthesis of Humboldtian botanical geography and Darwinian evolution. In this essay, I begin to explore another, largely neglected but very important dimension of this history. Using Sergei Vinogradskii’s career and scientific research trajectory as a point of entry, I illustrate the manner in which microbiologists, chemists, botanists, and plant physiologists inscribed the concept of a “cycle of life” into their investigations. Their research transformed a longstanding notion into the fundamental approaches and concepts that underlay the new ecological disciplines that emerged in the 1920s. Pasteur thus joins Humboldt as a foundational figure in ecological thinking, and the broader picture that emerges of the history of ecology explains some otherwise puzzling features of that discipline – such as its fusion of experimental and natural historical methodologies. Vinogradskii’s personal “cycle of life” is also interesting as an example of the interplay between Russian and Western European scientific networks and intellectual traditions. Trained in Russia to investigate nature as a super-organism comprised of circulating energy, matter, and life; over the course of five decades – in contact with scientists and scientific discourses in France, Germany, and Switzerland – he developed a series of research methods that translated the concept of a “cycle of life” into an ecologically conceived soil science and microbiology in the 1920s and 1930s. These methods, bolstered by his authority as a founding father of microbiology, captured the attention of an international network of scientists. Vinogradskii’s conceptualization of the “cycle of life” as chemosynthesis, autotrophy, and global nutrient cycles attracted the attention of ecosystem ecologists; and his methods appealed to practitioners at agricultural experiment stations and microbiological institutes in the United States, Western Europe, and the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

The dynamics of metazooplankton populations were studied over 3 years at the saline (43 g l–1) Salton Sea, California's largest lake. Total abundance was highest in summer following late winter/early spring phytoplankton blooms. At this time, metazooplankton consisted mostly of the copepod, Apocyclops dengizicus, and the rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis. In August or September, severe crashes in the metazooplankton populations occurred each year in mid-lake due to strong wind events which increased mixing and caused low oxygen and high sulfide concentrations throughout the water column. Larvae of the polychaete worm, Neanthes succinea and the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite were present mostly in late winter and spring. Their scarcity in summer is due in part to persistent anoxic bottom conditions that decrease adult populations and in part to predation by tilapia, an omnivorous fish that has become abundant in the lake since the 1960s. Two Synchaeta species, rotifers not previously reported from the Sea, were abundant in winter and spring and predation on these may have permitted the copepod to persist at low levels through the winter. There were two major changes in metazooplankton dynamics since 1954–1956 in addition to the appearance of the two synchaetid rotifers in the fauna. First, there are now much lower densities of barnacle and polychaete larvae in the fall, probably due to the invasion of the zooplanktivorous fish, tilapia. Second the precipitous crashes now seen in metazooplankton densities, especially the copepod, in late summer-early fall did not occur in the 1950s possibly because fall overturn events did not result in such high sulfide levels.  相似文献   

Despite the emphasis on inbreeding avoidance and competition for mates in explaining primate dispersal, little is known about how dispersal and mating interconnect in humans. I examine the link between dispersal and marriage using life history data from Oakham, MA (1750–1850). I find that dispersal status, timing, and destination were linked to marital status, timing, and spouse's place of origin. Men, unmarried individuals, and individuals with spouses from Oakham were less likely to disperse than their counterparts. Individuals with spouses from Oakham also married earlier than others. For women, dispersal and marriage often coincided, and women were more likely to disperse to their spouses' town of origin than were men. Although dispersal coincided with marriage in at least two-thirds of dispersal events, the majority of cases were inconsistent with both inbreeding avoidance and mating competition explanations. Where one of these explanations was still plausible, dispersal seemed more likely linked to competition for mates than to inbreeding, with resource availability also likely shaping dispersal, and male control of resources contributing to sex biases in dispersal.  相似文献   

Water use, its impacts and management, have become a focus of attention in the past decade in the context of climate change and increasing consumption (in particular of food and agricultural products) due to a growing global population. Many efforts have been made to include water-related issues in life cycle assessment (LCA) in various ways, from the long-standing eutrophication, acidification, and ecotoxicity methods, to the more recent water consumption aspects. Four years on from the first discussion forum on water in LCA (35th Swiss Discussion Forum on LCA, Zürich, 5 June 2008), numerous developments have occurred, resulting in a rich palette of approaches. Significant challenges still remain, related to the complexity of water systems and ecosystems, and certain impacts are still not considered. New challenges have emerged, such as how to fit these “pieces” together to form a coherent and comprehensive approach for assessing the impacts of water use (both degradative and consumptive). Practice has started to apply certain water consumption-related approaches and an early feedback between practitioners and developers is essential to ensure a harmonious further development. The 50th Swiss Discussion Forum on Life Cycle Assessment (DF-50) gave a brief overview of the current status of water use in LCA, and then focused on the following topics in three main sessions: (1) a selection of recent research developments in the field of impact assessment modeling; (2) identification of new and remaining challenges where future effort could be concentrated, with a focus on spatial and temporal resolution; (3) and experiences and learnings from application in practice. Furthermore, several short presentations addressed the issues of inventory requirements and comparison of impact assessment approaches. The DF-50 was concluded with a discussion workshop, focusing on four issues: which degree of regionalization is desirable, how to address data gaps in inventories, the comparability of different impact assessment approaches, and the pros and cons of including positive impacts (benefits). Numerous recent developments in life cycle impact assessment have tackled impact pathways, spatial and temporal resolutions, and uncertainties. They have lead to an increase of the completeness of impact assessment, but also of its complexity. Although developments have also occurred in inventories, the gap between impact assessment and inventory is challenging, which in turn limits the applicability of the methods. Regionalization is confirmed as an essential aspect in water footprinting; however, its implementation requires concerted effort by impact assessment developers and software developers. Therefore, even though immense progress has been made, it may be time to think of putting the pieces together in order to simplify the applicability of these tools: enabling the support of improvements in companies and policy is the ultimate goal of LCA. The recordings and presentations of the DF-50 are available for download from www.lcaforum.ch.  相似文献   



The paper provides a late report from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)/Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Life Cycle Initiative workshop “Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)—where we are, trends, and next steps;” it embeds this report into recent development with regard to the envisaged development of global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators and related methodologies.


The document is the output of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative’s workshop on “Life Cycle Impact Assessment—where we are, trends, and next steps.” The presentations and discussions held during the workshop reviewed the first two phases of the Life Cycle Initiative and provided an overview of current LCIA activities being conducted by the Initiative, governments and academia, as well as corporate approaches. The outcomes of the workshop are reflected in light of the implementation of the strategy for Phase 3 of the Life Cycle Initiative.


The range of views provided during the workshop indicated different user needs, with regards to, amongst other things, the required complexity of the LCIA methodology, associated costs, and the selection of LCIA categories depending on environmental priorities. The workshop’s results signified a number of potential focus areas for Phase 3 of the Initiative, including capacity building efforts concerning LCIA in developing countries and emerging economies, the preparation of training materials on LCIA, the production of global guidance on LCIA, and the potential development of a broader sustainability indicators framework.


These suggestions have been taken into account in the strategy for Phase 3 of the Life Cycle Initiative in two flagship projects, one on global capability development on life cycle approaches and the other on global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators. In the context of the latter project, first activities are being organized and planned. Moreover, UNEP has included the recommendations in its Rio + 20 Voluntary Commitments: UNEP and SETAC through the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative commit to facilitate improved access to good quality life cycle data and databases as well as expanded use of key environmental indicators that allows the measurement and monitoring of progress towards the environmental sustainability of selected product chains.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the long-term sustainability of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss populations subjected to a range of fishing mortality (F) in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, USA, while providing for bull trout Salvelinus confluentus and kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka recovery. In order to achieve our objective, we developed a density-dependent stochastic predator–prey simulation model for the three major predators (lake trout, rainbow trout, and bull trout) on kokanee in Lake Pend Oreille. As F increased from 0.0 to 1.0, lake trout numbers in 2015 declined 90% for gillnetting, 76% for angling, and 48% for trap netting. At fishing mortality rates observed in Lake Pend Oreille during 2006, all methods combined and angling alone suppressed the lake trout population, but not gillnetting or trap netting alone. As F increased from 0.0 to 0.3, rainbow trout numbers in 2015 declined by 38%. Abundance of adult bull trout increased by 5.8% per year during 1996–2006, after implementation of no-kill regulations, which met the Federal Recovery Plan criterion of a stable or increasing trend in abundance. By 2010, total consumption of kokanee by lake trout, rainbow trout, and bull trout would increase by 20% if fishing mortality on lake trout and rainbow trout declined by 30% from 1996 levels, and would decrease by 14% if fishing mortality on lake trout and rainbow trout increased by 30% from 1996 levels. At rates of fishing mortality exerted on lake trout and rainbow trout in 2006, the likelihood of kokanee collapse was 65% within the next decade. Therefore, fishing mortality would need to be at least 6% higher on both lake trout and rainbow trout to reduce the likelihood of kokanee collapse to 50%. We conclude that kokanee biomass is presently out of balance with predation in Lake Pend Oreille, because kokanee production cannot compensate for all predation loss. Our findings suggest that a combination of unusually high kokanee production and unusually low predation are likely needed for kokanee to survive the next decade in Lake Pend Oreille.  相似文献   

A conference on Life in the Universe, organized by the Council of Europe, and held in Paris, November 19 to 21, 1979, brought together more than 100 scientists from different fields. The aim of this conference was to promote scientific cooperation in Europe, in conjunction with other countries, in fields related to the problem of Life in the Universe. Our knowledge concerning this problem was reviewed in three different sessions. The first session was devoted to the question of planetary evolution; the second session was devoted to the question of the origin and evolution of life, and the third session was devoted to the problem of evolution of intelligence and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The Drake formula was the keynote of the conference. Each session tried to estimate some of the parameters of this formula, in order to examine the question: how many extraterrestrial civilizations with a level of technology at least equal to ours may be present in the universe? Even if no definite answer is given to this question, this meeting pointed out the need for more research.  相似文献   

Yellowstone National Park has been an important location for paleoecologic studies that focus on the use of charcoal data to reconstruct past fire activity and on the role of climate variations in shaping past vegetation and fire regimes. One hypothesis, which has been explored in other parts of the western U.S., is the idea that present-day summer-dry and summer-wet precipitation regimes were intensified during the early Holocene as a result of greater-than-present summer insolation and its effect on atmospheric circulation patterns. In Yellowstone, this hypothesis was previously examined at two sites, one in summer-wet and one in summer-dry precipitation regions. The records showed variation in both fire and vegetation history that supported the hypothesis. We present a fire and vegetation history from Blacktail Pond, located in Pseudotsuga parkland in the transitional region. The Blacktail Pond data indicate the following ecological history: prior to 12,000 cal yr BP, the site supported tundra vegetation and fire episodes were infrequent. Between 12,000 and 11,000 cal yr BP, PiceaPinus parkland was established and fire activity increased; these changes are consistent with increasing temperature, as a result of rising summer insolation. From 11,000 to 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of a closed forest of Pinus and some Picea is attributed to high levels of winter moisture, but high fire activity indicates that summers were drier than at present. After 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of forest and steppe vegetation in combination with high fire activity suggest that middle-Holocene conditions were warm and dry. The decrease in Picea and Betula in the last 4000 cal yr indicates continued drying in the late Holocene, although fire-episode frequency was relatively high until 2000 cal yr BP. The pollen data at Blacktail Pond and other low-elevation sites in the northern Rocky Mountains suggest a widespread vegetation response in summer-wet regions to effectively wetter conditions in the early Holocene and decreased moisture in the middle and late Holocene. In contrast, the more-variable fire history among the three sites implies either that (1) summer moisture stress and fire conditions are related to year-round moisture balance and not well predicted by the hypothesis, (2) the transitional area between summer-wet and summer-dry precipitation regimes experienced complicated shifts in effective moisture through time, and/or (3) fire-episode data have a limited source area that makes it difficult to separate local influences from regional climate changes in understanding long-term variations in fire-episode frequency.  相似文献   



Data on mortality among homeless people are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to describe mortality patterns within a cohort of homeless adults in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and to assess excess mortality as compared to the general population in that city.


Based on 10-year follow-up of homeless adults aged ≥ 20 years who visited services for homeless people in Rotterdam in 2001, and on vital statistics, we assessed the association of mortality with age, sex and type of service used (e.g. only day care, convalescence care, other) within the homeless cohort, and also compared mortality between the homeless and general population using Poisson regression. Life tables and decomposition methods were used to examine differences in life expectancy.


During follow-up, of the 2096 adult homeless 265 died. Among the homeless, at age 30 years no significant sex differences were found in overall mortality rates and life expectancy. Compared with the general Rotterdam population, mortality rates were 3.5 times higher in the homeless cohort. Excess mortality was larger in women (rate ratio [RR] RR 5.56, 95% CI 3.95–7.82) as compared to men (RR 3.31, 95% CI 2.91–3.77), and decreased with age (RR 7.67, 95% CI 6.87–8.56 for the age group 20–44 and RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.41–1.88 for the age group 60+ years). Life expectancy at age 30 years was 11.0 (95% CI 9.1–12.9) and 15.9 (95% CI 10.3–21.5) years lower for homeless men and women compared to men and women in the general population respectively.


Homeless adults face excessive losses in life expectancy, with greatest disadvantages among homeless women and the younger age groups.  相似文献   

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