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The Pampas is a natural flat region that covers 750 000 km2 in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. The driest part of the Argentinean Pampas is occupied by thorny forests dominated by Fabaceae species, mainly by caldén (Prosopis caldenia Burkart). The caldén's area was affected by large human immigration processes that started in the 18th century up to the last century. Semiarid climate in caldén's area has made water a critical source for the development of biotic communities and human settlements. Native people dug wells, lined by wooden poles, commonly named jagüeles, in order to have access to drinkable groundwater. Such poles, preserved in the subsoil, were submitted to wood anatomical and dendrochronological analysis, and 18 were collected from three archeological sites. Because the poles were undated, they were compared with two master chronologies of P. caldenia that belong to the area. Anatomical studies determined that the poles belonged to P. caldenia and Prosopis flexuosa. Poles of one of the sampling sites had their last tree rings between 1799 and 1838, which coincided with indigenous occupation period. On the contrary, the samples from the other two sites were placed chronologically between 1885 and 1918, which coincided with the first creole and European occupation. These results show the use of native people's traditional building strategies by other cultural groups such as the creole and European settlers since the strategies were useful in the semiarid environments.  相似文献   

Forests in the Mediterranean basin frequently experience fires due to both anthropogenic and natural causes. There are concerns that the fire season will prolong in the Mediterranean basin, the fire frequency will increase with ongoing climate change, moreover, the fire regimes will shift from surface fires to local crown fires. Here, we aim to improve our understanding of the fire regime components of black pine forests in Turkey by 1) reconstructing a high-resolution fire chronology based on tree rings, 2) revealing the seasonality of fires, 3) investigating the relationship between fire and climate, and 4) comparing our reconstruction results with documentary data from forest management units. We collected 62 fire-scarred trees from three sites in Kütahya and developed a 368 year-long (1652–2019) composite fire chronology using dendrochronological methods. We found that at two sites major fire years coincided with dry years. Two major fire years (1853 and 1879) were common to all sites and two additional fire years (1822 and 1894) were found at two sites. Our results show a sharp decline in fire frequency after the beginning of the 20th century at all sites that can be attributed to increased fire suppression efforts and forest management activities in the 20th century. Our results suggest that the spread of fires has been actively suppressed since the first forest protection law in Turkey. Yet, tree-ring based and documentary data corroboration shows that seasonality did not change over the past +350 years.  相似文献   

The lack of knowledge about species with well-delimited annual rings has hampered the development of dendrochronological records in the subtropical Chaco region of South America. In this contribution, we present the first tree-ring chronology of Schinopsis lorentzii (Anacardiaceae), a dominant species in the semi-arid Chaco. Cross sections were collected near Las Lajitas, Salta, Argentina, and processed following the methods commonly used in dendrochronology. Annual growth variations between radii from a single individual and between radii from different trees were highly correlated. To determine the climatic parameters that control radial growth, we compared annual tree-ring variations against regional temperature and precipitation records. Correlation functions indicate that tree growth is highly influenced by spring–summer rainfall variations, which represent more than 80% of the total annual precipitation. The chronology, which covers the interval from 1829 to 2004, provides a context for the unprecedented increase in precipitation since the mid-1970s in the region. The climatic-sensitivity of S. lorentzii provides a unique opportunity to reconstruct precipitation variations during past centuries in the extensive semiarid regions of subtropical South America.  相似文献   

Spring Mill was an important pioneer village in Lawrence County, Indiana during the 19th century, with its three-story gristmill serving much of the region. Due to the historical and regional importance of Spring Mill to pioneers, the state of Indiana recreated the original village in the 1930s. While most wooden structures were recreated using donated logs from historic structures around the state, three original nearby structures were relocated to the park. The history of Spring Mill is well documented, but less is known about the three original structures, which are the oldest wooden structures in the village. We used dendroarchaeological methods to determine the construction history of the three original pioneer structures. We found the cutting dates of logs from two of the structures (Granny White and Sheeks Houses) confirmed colloquial construction dates, while the Todd House was believed to be constructed fifteen years earlier than the cutting dates suggested. We also found the preferred wood for pioneer homes was L. tulipifera, as most of the logs used in the original construction of the homes were from this species. Using dendroarchaeological methods provided a means to determine the construction history of pioneer cabins in southern Indiana and our findings suggest that these methods can be used throughout the Midwest where reference chronologies are available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The grasslands of southeastern South America (SESA), comprising one of the most extensive grassland ecosystems in the Neotropics, have been negatively impacted by the development of the livestock industry, arable agriculture, and forestry. SESA grasslands have a rich avifauna that includes 22 globally threatened and near‐threatened species, and many other species have suffered local population extinctions and range reductions. In addition to habitat loss and fragmentation, grassland birds in SESA are threatened by improper use of agrochemicals, unfavorable fire management regimes, pollution, and illegal capture and hunting. Studies to date have provided information about the distribution of grassland birds, the threats populations face, and the habitat requirements of some threatened species, but more information is needed concerning dispersal and migration patterns, genetics, and factors that influence habitat use and species survival in both natural and agricultural landscapes. There are few public protected areas in the region (1% of original grasslands), and many populations of threatened grassland birds are found on private lands. Therefore, efforts to preserve grassland habitat must reconcile the interests of land owners and conservationists. Current conservation efforts include establishment of public and private reserves, promotion of agricultural activities that reconcile production with biodiversity conservation, development of multilateral conservation projects across countries, and elaboration of action plans. Measures that result in significant losses to private land owners should include economic compensation, and use of economic incentives to promote agriculture and forestry in native grassland areas should be discouraged, especially in priority areas for grassland birds. Although more studies are needed, some actions, particularly habitat protection and improved management of public and private lands, should be taken immediately to improve the conservation status of grassland birds in SESA.  相似文献   

Semiarid environments throughout the world have lost a major part of their woody vegetation and biodiversity due to the effects of wood cutting, cattle grazing and subsistence agriculture. The resulting state is typically used for cattle production, but the productivity of these systems is often very low, and erosion of the unprotected soil is a common problem. Such dry‐land degradation is of great international concern, not only because the resulting state is hardly productive but also because it paves the way to desertification. The natural distribution of the genus Prosopis includes arid and semiarid zones of the Americas, Africa and Asia, but the majority of the Prosopis species are, however, native to the Americas. In order to assess a likely gradient in the response of tree species to precipitation, temperature and their connection to El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) events, two Prosopis species were chosen along a latitudinal gradient in Latin America, from northern Peru to central Chile: Prosopis pallida from a semi‐arid land in northern and southern Peru and P. chilensis from a semiarid land in central Chile. Growth rings of each species were crossdated at each sampling site using classical dendrochronological techniques. Chronologies were related with instrumental climatic records in each site, as well as with SOI and N34 series. Cross‐correlation, spectral and wavelet analysis techniques were used to assess the relation of growth with precipitation and temperature. Despite the long distance among sites, the two Prosopis species presented similar responses. Thus, the two species' growth is positively correlated to precipitation, while with temperature it is not. In northern Peru, precipitation and growth of P. pallida present a similar cyclic pattern, with a period of around 3 years. On the other hand, P. pallida in southern Peru, and P. chilensis also present this cyclic pattern, but also another one with lower frequency, coinciding with the pattern of precipitation. Both cycles are within the range of the ENSO band.  相似文献   

The annual growth and wood characteristics of tree species at southern Mediterranean countries, and its relationship with climate variables are recently two important topics for the researchers in this region. Although Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori is a key species in Africa due to its medicinal and economic values (e.g. as fuel, food and water purifier), little is known about its annual growth or its response to climate variables. In this study, we analyze its dendrochronological potential, macroscopic and microscopic wood structure, and correlation with climate. Wood discs were collected from two desert sites in Egypt: Saint Catherine (SC) and Hurghada (HG). Wood discs and micro-slides were prepared, and the distinctness and pattern of rings, vessels, and ray structure were examined microscopically. The ring boundaries of M. peregrina were distinct and marked by thick-walled and flattened fibers. For the HG site, the resulting ring-width chronology spans 16 years, from 2001 to 2016. A significant positive relationship was found between tree growth at HG and precipitation prior to the vegetation period (January-March). April temperature of the year prior to growth had a significant positive relationship with M. peregrina growth. In contrast, April and May-August temperatures of the current growing season had a significant negative relationship with tree growth. We could not develop a chronology for M. peregrina at SC site due to the presence of growth anomalies in the collected wood discs from the site. Consequently, we did not get a clear picture on the climate- annual growth relationship for M. peregrina trees at this site. At SC, M. peregrina trees respond to stressful environmental conditions by adjusting their anatomical structure to produce a high number of small vessels. Moreover, there was spatial variability in the architecture of ray parenchyma that reflected the degree of stress in both sites. The results of this study improve our understanding of the growth-climate relationship in sub-tropical trees and the potential role of ray parenchyma in stressed environments.  相似文献   

Non-indigenous plants exhibit different attributes that make them aggressive competitors with indigenous plants and serious threats to biodiversity.Senecio madagascariensis (fireweed, Asteraceae), a native from southern Africa, is a strong competitor in agricultural activities and has toxic alkaloids that may result in high cattle mortality. In Brazil, this weed was collected for the first time in 1995 and has since spread quickly throughout the Pampas region. To better understand the invasion of the fireweed in South America, we used a genetic characterization with internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and microsatellite markers. Based on the ITS data, the southern Brazil populations of S. madagascariensis shared genetic homology with samples taken from the Hawaiian Islands and South Africa. Microsatellite analysis showed the genetic diversity split in two clusters, perhaps intimating the independent introduction of each species into South America. Although fireweed was introduced recently in southern Brazil, the considerable levels of genetic diversity, gene flow, and inbreeding may indicate success in the species establishment in this environment.  相似文献   

A thorough review concerning palm uses in tropical rainforests of north-western South America was carried out to understand patterns of palm use throughout ecoregions (Amazonia, Andes, Chocó), countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia), and among the different human groups (indigenous, mestizos, afroamericans, colonos) that occur there. A total of 194 useful palm species, 2,395 different uses and 6,141 use-reports were recorded from 255 references. The Amazon had the highest palm use, whereas fewer, but similar uses were recorded for the Andes and Chocó. Ecuador was the most intensively studied country. Most palms were used for human food, utensils and tools, construction, and cultural purposes. Indigenous people knew more palm uses than mestizos, afroamericans and colonos. The use of palms was not random and the main uses were the same throughout the studied ecoregions and countries. Palms satisfy basic subsistence needs and have great importance in traditional cultures of rural indigenous and peasant populations in our study area. Arecaceae is probably the most important plant family in the Neotropics, in relation to use diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the patterns of evolutionary relationships between human populations from the later Late Holocene (1,500–100 years BP) of southern South America on the basis of dental morphometric data. We tested the hypotheses that the variation observed in this region would be explained by the existence of populations with different phylogenetic origin or differential action of gene flow and genetic drift. In this study, we analyzed permanent teeth from 17 samples of male and female adult individuals from throughout southern South America. We measured mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters at the base of the crown, along the cement–enamel junction. The results of multiple regression analysis and a mantel correlogram indicate the existence of spatial structure in dental shape variation, as the D2 Mahalanobis distance between samples increases with increasing geographical distance between them. In addition, the correlation test results show a trend toward reduction of the internal variation of samples with increasing latitude. The detected pattern of dental variation agrees with the one expected as an outcome of founder serial effects related to an expansion of range during the initial occupation of southern South America. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The review article presents some of the history of how paleoparasitology started in Brazil, making highlight the great responsible Dr. Luiz Fernando Ferreira and Dr. Adauto Araújo, the trajectory of paleoparasitology in Brazil since 1978 and its performance in science to the present day. In sequence, it is made a presentation of parasitological findings on human remains found in archaeological sites in South America, highlighting Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru, where major discoveries have occurred. Many of the parasites found in archaeological material and mentioned in this review went out of Africa with the peopling of Europe and from there they dispersed around the world, where climatic conditions allow the transmission. However, humans have acquired other parasites of animals, since humans invaded new habitats or creating new habits adopting new technologies, thus expanding its range of influence on the environment. Thus, this review article is finalized with information that explain the importance of these findings in the interaction between parasites, human host, and ambient.  相似文献   

Manfrin MH  Sene FM 《Genetica》2006,126(1-2):57-75
The Drosophila buzzatii cluster is composed of seven cactophilic species and their known geographical distribution encompasses the open vegetation diagonal, which includes the morphoclimatic Domains of the Caatinga, Chaco and Cerrado, which are situated between the Amazon and the Atlantic forests. Besides these areas, these cactophilic species are also found in a narrow strip along the Atlantic coast from northeastern Brazil to the southern tip of the country. The hypothesis of vicariant events, defining the core areas of each species, is proposed to explain the historical diversification for the cluster. The intraspecific analysis for the cluster shows a population structure with gene flow restricted by distance, range expansion with secondary contact resulting in introgression and simpatry, especially in the limits of the species distribution, polytypic populations and assortative mating in inter population experiments. There is a variation related to these events that depends on the species and geographic origin of the population analyzed. These events are, hypothetically, described as the results of expansion and retraction of the population ranges, as a consequence of their association with cacti, which theoretically follow the expansion and retraction of dry areas during the paleoclimatic oscillations in South America, as that promoted by the glacial cycles of the Quaternary. The Drosophila buzzatii cluster is divided into two groups. The first one is composed of D. buzzatii, a species that has a broad geographic distribution and no significant differentiation between its populations. The second is the Drosophila serido sibling set, which encompasses the others species and is characterized by a significant potential for differentiation.  相似文献   

Abstract. A transition matrix model was used to explore the dynamics, rate and potential extent of changes in landscape vegetation patterns on a southern Texas Prosopis savanna. Transitions between seven vegetation classes were determined for the periods 1941–1960 and 1960–1983 on aerial photographs of three sites. During these periods, the sites were heavily grazed by cattle and were fire-free. Vegetation states assessed in grids of 20 m x 20 m cells superimposed on photographs ranged from grass-dominated to woody plant-dominated. The 1941–1960 period (denoted DRY) was characterized by prolonged drought, whereas annual rainfall during the 1960–1983 period (denoted WET) was typically normal to above-normal. The 1941 landscape consisted of herbaceous zones (6% of cells), woodland (50% of cells) and savanna parkland (44% of cells with grass/woody plant mixtures). The woodland state was the most stable, with probabilities of no change being 0.970 and 0.873 in WET and DRY periods, respectively. The herbaceous state was least stable, with corresponding values of 0.074 and 0.353. Past and future landscape structure was modelled by randomly selecting DRY or WET transitions at 20 year time steps. The model was run under a series of rainfall scenarios where the probability of selecting the WET transition matrix (P[WET]) ranged from 0 (DRY always chosen) to 1 (WET always chosen). Historical records indicate P[WET] has approximated 0.3 to 0.4 in the region. The rate of succession to states of greater woody cover increased as P[WET] increased. Forward simulations based on P[WET] > 0.2 suggest the present landscape is unstable and will develop into a closed-canopy woodland within the next 180 years, assuming the processes operating between 1941 and 1983 continue (e.g. grazing by cattle and lack of fire). Reverse simulations concur with historical observations and projections derived from woody plant growth rates in other studies and suggest that 200 to 300 yr BP these landscapes contained a substantially greater proportion of cells dominated by grassland or grassland with scattered woody plants (43 to 74%) than was present in 1983 (19%). Based upon elapsed time between predicted past and future steady states, succession from open savanna to closed-canopy woodland may occur in ca. 400 to 500 yr for P(WET) ≥ 0.33. Arresting or reversing the projected trend may require changes in climate and/or changes in livestock grazing and land management practices. The approaches employed in this study illustrate how time series maps, aerial photographs and satellite imagery can be analyzed and used to interpret, project and reconstruct local and regional changes in ecosystem structure. Difficulties and limitations associated with the use of Markov chains to model succession are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 53,552 nonmalformed liveborn infants was ascertained by the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations between 1967 and 1996. The mean consanguinity rate was 0.96%, with significantly higher values in Brazil and Venezuela, and lower in Argentina. Low paternal education and occupation levels were positively associated with consanguinity. First-cousin matings represented almost half of all consanguineous couples. The consanguinity was mainly of more closely related types in Brazil, while in Venezuela more remote types predominated. This could reflect differences in migration patterns and rates between these two countries.  相似文献   

While climatic extremes are predicted to increase with global warming, we know little about the effect of climatic variability on biome distribution. Here, we show that rainy El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events can enhance tree recruitment in the arid and semiarid ecosystems of north‐central Chile and northwest Peru. Tree‐ring studies in natural populations revealed that rainy El Niño episodes have triggered forest regeneration in Peru. Field experiments indicate that tree seedling recruitment in Chile is much less successful than in Peru due mostly to larger mortality caused by herbivores. The dramatic impact of herbivores in Chile was derived from the combined result of slower plant growth and the presence of exotic herbivores (European rabbits and hares). The interplay of herbivory and climatic effects we demonstrated implies that rainy ENSO events may represent ‘windows of opportunity’ for forest recovery if herbivore pressure is minimized at the right moment.  相似文献   

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