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Members of host species in pathogen-host coevolutionary races may be selected to choose mates who possess features of physical appearance associated with pathogen resistance. Human data from 29 cultures indicate that people in geographical areas carrying relatively greater prevalences of pathogens value a mate's physical attractiveness more than people in areas with relatively little pathogen incidence. The relationship between pathogen prevalence and the value people place on physical attractiveness remained strong even after potential confounds such as distance from the equator, geographical region, and average income were statistically controlled for. Discussion focuses on potential limitations of the data, alternative explanations for the findings, and the nature of adaptions to the problems posed by pathogen prevalence.  相似文献   

Roberts SC  Little AC 《Genetica》2008,132(3):309-321
The past decade has witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the biological basis of human mate choice. Here we review recent studies that demonstrate preferences for traits which might reveal genetic quality to prospective mates, with potential but still largely unknown influence on offspring fitness. These include studies assessing visual, olfactory and auditory preferences for potential good-gene indicator traits, such as dominance or bilateral symmetry. Individual differences in these robust preferences mainly arise through within and between individual variation in condition and reproductive status. Another set of studies have revealed preferences for traits indicating complementary genes, focussing on discrimination of dissimilarity at genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). As in animal studies, we are only just beginning to understand how preferences for specific traits vary and inter-relate, how consideration of good and compatible genes can lead to substantial variability in individual mate choice decisions and how preferences expressed in one sensory modality may reflect those in another. Humans may be an ideal model species in which to explore these interesting complexities.  相似文献   

Good genes,complementary genes and human mate preferences   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Roberts SC  Little AC 《Genetica》2008,134(1):31-43
The past decade has witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the biological basis of human mate choice. Here we review recent studies that demonstrate preferences for traits which might reveal genetic quality to prospective mates, with potential but still largely unknown influence on offspring fitness. These include studies assessing visual, olfactory and auditory preferences for potential good-gene indicator traits, such as dominance or bilateral symmetry. Individual differences in these robust preferences mainly arise through within and between individual variation in condition and reproductive status. Another set of studies have revealed preferences for traits indicating complementary genes, focussing on discrimination of dissimilarity at genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). As in animal studies, we are only just beginning to understand how preferences for specific traits vary and inter-relate, how consideration of good and compatible genes can lead to substantial variability in individual mate choice decisions and how preferences expressed in one sensory modality may reflect those in another. Humans may be an ideal model species in which to explore these interesting complexities.  相似文献   

The general linear structural equation model is applied to problems in human genetics where there may be more than one measured phenotype per individual. A modeling convention, termed conditional associations, is developed to extend the general linear model so that it can handle the unique problems in human genetic models that arise from the pairing up of individuals or families under assortment between mates and the assortative placement of adoptees. Formulas are presented to generate expected covariance matrices for assortment or assortative placement on many variables simultaneously. It is demonstrated that all linear models in human genetics can be reduced in form to two fundamental equations. An algorithm is presented that will allow the application of these two equations to linear modeling in human genetics.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed considerable theoretical and empirical investigation of how male sexual ornaments evolve. This strong male-biased perspective has resulted in the relative neglect of variation in female mate preferences and its consequences for ornament evolution. As sexual selection is a co-evolutionary process between males and females, ignoring variation in females overlooks a key aspect of this process. Here, we review the empirical evidence that female mate preferences, like male ornaments, are condition dependent. We show accumulating support for the hypothesis that high quality females show the strongest mate preference. Nonetheless, this is still an infant field, and we highlight areas in need of more research, both theoretical and empirical. We also examine some of the wider implications of condition-dependent mating decisions and their effect on the strength of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Existing models of mate choice assume that individuals haveperfect knowledge of their own ability to attract a mate andcan adjust their preferences accordingly. However, real animalswill typically be uncertain of their own attractiveness. A potentiallyuseful source of information on this is the feedback from previousencounters with potential mates. Here, we develop a dynamicmodel of mutual mate choice in which both males and femalesare initially ignorant of their own attractiveness. Individualssequentially sample potential mates and retain some informationabout the outcome of these encounters (e.g., the number of timesthey are accepted or rejected). We use a simplified processof mutation and selection to evolve an adaptive strategy formate choice under these conditions. The stable strategy we findis the one in which individuals are sensitive to this previousexperience, adjusting their mate preferences according to theinterest received from members of the opposite sex. In general,experiences of rejection tend to reduce choosiness, whereasexperiences of acceptance tend to increase it. Sensitivity toprevious experiences allows individuals to exercise a prudentmate-choice strategy in which their preferences are graduallytuned to their prospects on the mating market. This flexibilityis based on simple rules and does not require sophisticatedcognitive abilities. Our basic predictions can be tested insystems where both males and females are choosy, and it is possibleto manipulate the level of interest shown by potential mates.  相似文献   

Celery (Apium graveolens L. var Dulce) is a high value crop affected at different growth stages by a variety of nutrient disorders. Each nutrient concentration can be corrected for its dependence on concentrations of other nutrients by recognizing plant composition as a closed system whose components add up to one. New variables z i are computed as logratioed values of individual nutrients, where each nutrient concentration is corrected for the geometric mean of all nutrient concentrations. The z i are used together with principal component analysis (PCA) to relate celery composition to yield, deficiency symptoms and quality parameters. A survey of commercial celery fields suggested that (1) celery growth is most often limited by P and N deficiencies associated with Fe toxicity; (2) K uptake is most likely to become limiting when the crop reaches 15 cm in height; (3) blackheart incidence can be traced to low levels of K and Mg in external petioles, and (4) cracked stem incidence is related to low B when the crop is 30 cm in height.  相似文献   

This study examined systemic testosterone concentrations in rams that were classified according to their sexual behavior and partner preference as either female-oriented (FOR), male-oriented (MOR), or asexual (NOR). For this purpose, we measured testosterone concentrations under three separate conditions: in conscious rams during the nonbreeding season (June) and breeding season (November), and in anesthetized rams during the breeding season. Basal testosterone concentrations in conscious rams were not different among the three groups (P > 0.05) in either season. However, when rams were anesthetized, mean systemic concentrations of testosterone in FORs (mean +/- SEM, 13.9 +/- 7.4 ng/ml serum) were greater (P < 0.05) than in NORs (0.9 +/- 0.1 ng/ml), but not in MORs (2.2 +/- 6.2 ng/ml), whereas testosterone concentrations were not different between MORs and NORs (P > 0.05). Concentrations of testosterone in the spermatic vein of FORs (127 +/- 66 ng/ml) were greater (P < 0.05) than in MORs (41 +/- 10 ng/ml) and NORs (19 +/- 7 ng/ml). Serum LH concentrations were not different. Cortisol was higher (P < 0.05) in anesthetized MORs (25.1 +/- 4.2 ng/ml) and NORs (27.2 +/- 4.4 ng/ml) than in FORs (10.9 +/- 1.8 ng/ml). These results demonstrate that circulating testosterone concentrations are related to sexual behavior only when rams are bled under anesthesia. Thus, differences in basal androgen concentrations in adulthood cannot be responsible for expression of male-oriented preferences or low libido in sheep. Instead, functional differences must exist between the brains of rams that differ in sexual preference expression.  相似文献   

According to theory, directional female choice for male sexual ornaments is expected to erode underlying genetic variation. Considerable attention, in this regard, has been given to understanding the ubiquity of heritable genetic variation in both female choice and male sexual traits. One intriguing possibility emerging from this work is that persistent genetic variation could be maintained, over time, by variation in female mate preferences. Here, we report the results of a four-year study showing significant year-to-year fluctuations in mate preferences in a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Although the average size of mature fish varied across years, we were unable to find direct evidence linking this variation to differences in female preferences among years. Our results, nevertheless, underscore the importance of temporal fluctuations in female mate preferences, as these can have important consequences for understanding variation in sexual traits and the intensity of sexual selection.  相似文献   

We review the evidence for genetic variation in female and male mate preferences. Genetic differences between species and partially isolated races show that preferences can evolve and were genetically variable in the past. Within populations there is good evidence of genetic variation, both of discrete genetic effects (8 cases) and quantitative genetic effects (17 cases), from a diverse range of taxa. We also review evidence for the presence of genetic covariance between mate preferences and sexual traits in the other sex. The 11 studies go a long way to validating the theoretical prediction of positive genetic covariance. The few negative results are best explained by a lack of appropriate experimental design. One unresolved question is whether genetic covariance is due to linkage disequilibrium between unlinked genes or physical linkage. Some evidence points to linkage disequilibrium but this is not yet conclusive.  相似文献   

The impact of two predictor variables (estimated knee extensor fast-twitch fiber percentage, body mass) on performance measures (vertical jump power output, leg press peak angular velocity) were examined. Subjects (25 men, 27 women) performed 5 workouts involving 2 vertical jump, leg press, and 50-repetition isokinetic tests (to estimate knee extensor fast-twitch fiber percentage). Multivariate regression determined the following significant (p < 0.05) vertical jump equations: predicted male power output = -59.3464 + 1.566 (estimated knee extensor fast-twitch muscle fiber percent) + 15.7884 (body mass), predicted female power output = 36.1574 + 3.4248 (estimated knee extensor fast-twitch muscle fiber percent) + 9.8633 (body mass). Leg press peak angular velocity equations were insignificant by gender; thus, pooled data yielded the following: predicted leg press peak angular velocity = 18.6187 + 0.235 (estimated knee extensor fast-twitch muscle fiber percent) + 0.3801 (body mass). Body mass explained more variance for each performance measure.  相似文献   

In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, femalessolicit or accept copulations from males other than their partner.Females may gain direct benefits from extrapair males, suchas greater access to resources, or indirect genetic benefitsthat will influence the future success of their offspring. However,one group of birds appears to be the exception to this generalrule; in the wildfowl (Anseriformes), all extrapair copulationsappear to be resisted by females. It has been suggested thatresistance behavior may be a strategy to allow females a greaterchoice of mates, either at the precopulatory level (to promotechoice of copulation partner) and/or the postcopulatory level(to promote multiple mating to increase their choice of sperm).This paper examines the function of female resistance behaviorin one of the dabbling ducks, the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).Observations on a marked population of wild mallard and experimentswith captive birds found that although females showed a strongpreference for particular males that are the first to molt intotheir breeding plumage, male attractiveness did not influencefemale responses to pair or extrapair copulation attempts. Femaleresistance decreased the likelihood that copulation attemptswould end in successful insemination. The findings did not supportthe hypothesis that females resist copulations to promote femalechoice and the reasons why waterfowl may benefit from avoidingall extrapair copulations are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 460 low-income women completed a mate preference questionnaire and surveys that assessed family background, life history, conscientiousness, sexual motives, self-ratings (e.g., looks), and current circumstances (e.g., income). A cluster analysis revealed two groups of women: women who reported a strong preference for looks and money in a short-term mate and commitment in a long-term mate, and women who reported smaller differences across mating context. Group differences were found in reported educational levels, family background, sexual development, number of children, and motives for having sex. Implications for understanding individual differences in women’s mate-preference trade-offs are discussed.  相似文献   

Experience of sexual signals can alter mate preferences and influence the course of sexual selection. Here, we examine the patterns of experience-mediated plasticity in mate preferences that can arise in response to variation in the composition of mates in the environment. We use these patterns to test hypotheses about potential sources of selection favouring experience-mediated plasticity. We manipulated signal experience of female Enchenopa treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) in a vibrational playback experiment with the following treatments: silence; two types of non-preferred signals; preferred signals; and a mixture of preferred and non-preferred signals. This experiment revealed plasticity in mate preference selectivity, with greatest selectivity in the mixed signal treatment, followed by the preferred signal treatment. We found no plasticity in peak preference. These results suggest that females have been selected to adjust preference selectivity according to the variability of potential mates in their social environment, as well as to the presence/absence of preferred mates. We discuss how experience-mediated plasticity in mate preferences can influence the strength of selection on male signals and can result in evolutionary dynamics between variation in preferences and signals that either promote the maintenance of variation or facilitate rapid trait fixation.  相似文献   

Patterns of phenotypic variation arise in part from plasticity owing to social interactions, and these patterns contribute, in turn, to the form of selection that shapes the variation we observe in natural populations. This proximate–ultimate dynamic brings genetic variation in social environments to the forefront of evolutionary theory. However, the extent of this variation remains largely unknown. Here, we use a member of the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) to assess how mate preferences are influenced by genetic variation in the social environment. We used full-sibling split-families as ‘treatment’ social environments, and reared focal females alongside each treatment family, describing the mate preferences of the focal females. With this method, we detected substantial genetic variation in social influence on mate preferences. The mate preferences of focal females varied according to the treatment families along with which they grew up. We discuss the evolutionary implications of the presence of such genetic variation in social influence on mate preferences, including potential contributions to the maintenance of genetic variation, the promotion of divergence, and the adaptive evolution of social effects on fitness-related traits.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis provides an effective context for the examination of some significant aspects of biodiversity and conservation. The framework is a multidimensional space that integrates sample sites, taxa and environments. This approach enables terms such as representativeness, complementarity and irreplaceability to be integrated within an intuitive and practical framework for reserve design. Cluster analysis is proposed to determine what is there by defining a set of complementary clusters. These clusters are sampled in a representative manner; from the core outward. The degree of irreplaceability of a site is defined as the multivariate distance of each potential reserve site to its nearest neighbour.  相似文献   

Eleven cranial measurements on 14 archeological populations from the American Southwest support the archeologically derived reconstruction of Towa population movements. The supposed (linguistic) relationship between Pecos and the Towa speaking villages is questioned.  相似文献   

Bursts of rapid repeated speciation called adaptive radiations have generated much of Earth's biodiversity and fascinated biologists since Darwin, but we still do not know why some lineages radiate and others do not. Understanding what causes assortative mating to evolve rapidly and repeatedly in the same lineage is key to understanding adaptive radiation. Many species that have undergone adaptive radiations exhibit mate preference learning, where individuals acquire mate preferences by observing the phenotypes of other members of their populations. Mate preference learning can be biased if individuals also learn phenotypes to avoid in mates, and shift their preferences away from these avoided phenotypes. We used individual‐based computational simulations to study whether biased and unbiased mate preference learning promotes ecological speciation and adaptive radiation. We found that ecological speciation can be rapid and repeated when mate preferences are biased, but is inhibited when mate preferences are learned without bias. Our results suggest that biased mate preference learning may play an important role in generating animal biodiversity through adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

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