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The epidemiology of Anguina agrostis was investigated in field plots of Colonial bentgrass (cv. Highland), Agrostis tenuis, near Corvallis, Oregon. Each October from 1990-92, nylon mesh pouches, each containing 10 galls, were buried in the field or placed on the soil surface in microplots. Pouches were collected monthly or bimonthly between December and June and nematodes per gall counted. Nematode egression from galls began in late March and was completed by mid-May, corresponding to the period of floral initiation in bentgrass. In 1991 and 1992, 0.09-m² plots were inoculated with 0, 1, 5, 15, 50, 120, or 200 galls/plot. The disease severity (number of galls) and disease incidence (% seed heads with galls) increased linearly at inoculum densities below 50 galls/ plot. At higher inoculum densities, disease increase approached an asymptote. In 1991, plots were established to determine the characteristics of disease spread. Disease foci were established by placing 0, 5, 50, or 500 galls along 30-cm sections of row in the fall. In July 1992, seed heads were harvested at 30 and 60 cm from each focus within and across plant rows. Most infestations were found within 30 cm of foci at all inoculum levels. At high inoculum densities, the distribution of galls was aggregated with the majority of galls located on less than 10% of the seed heads. These disease spread and incidence data suggest populations of A. agrostis increase slowly in bentgrass in Oregon.  相似文献   

The presence of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) on the cuticular surface of the seed gall nematodes Anguina agrostis and Anguina tritici was demonstrated, and the nature of its binding was examined. Crude extracts from the cuticles of A. tritici agglutinated human red blood cells, and only N-acetylglucosamine (GlucNAc) inhibited the agglutination. Distribution of the lectin was visualized by treating live infective juveniles (J2) with rabbit anti-WGA antibody and staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. The lectin bound to the outer cuticular surface of the whole body wall. Pretreatment with GlucNAc oligomers did not reduce the fluorescence created by the anti-WGA-WGA binding, indicating at least a partial nonspeciflc adhesion of the WGA to the nematode surface. Proteolytic enzyme pretreatments diminished the fluorescence, whereas lipase and periodate pretreatments increased the fluorescence. Adult females and males were labeled only on the head and tail, whereas eggs were not labeled at all. It was concluded that the WGA on the J2 cuticle originates from the host.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1989 and 1990 to examine the population fluctuation patterns of Tylenchorhynchus nudus, Criconemella curvata, and Helicotylenchus cornurus in mixed bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens on two golf courses near Chicago, Illinois, to determine if fluctuation patterns could be extrapolated to unsampled greens. Fenamiphos-treated and untreated plots were established on seven putting greens on two golf courses. Greens were sampled intensively five times during the growing season, and statistical comparisons of population levels per gram of root were made among dates for each green. Population levels per gram of root changed significantly on all greens in both years for each of the three nematode populations. Within a putting green in either year, population fluctuation patterns in fenamiphos-treated and untreated plots were similar. Population fluctuation patterns were different between years, however. Within a year, population fluctuation patterns among greens showed similarities indicating that carefully monitoring a few locations may allow extrapolation of population fluctuation data to other locations within that year.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of several lectin binding sites on the outer surfaces of eggs, preparasitic second-stage juveniles (J2), parasitic second-stage juveniles (PJ2), females, and males of two tylenchid nematodes, Anguina tritici and Meloidogyne incognita race 3, were compared. In both species, a greater variety of lectins bound to the eggs than to other life stages; lectin binding to eggs was also more intense than it was to other life stages. Species-specific differences also occurred. More lectins bound to the amphids or amphidial secretions of M. incognita J2 than to the amphids or amphidial secretions of A. tritici J2. Lectins also bound to the amphids or amphidial secretions of adult male and female A. tritici, but binding to the cuticle occurred only at the head and tail and was not consistent in all specimens. Canavalia ensiformis and Ulex europaeus lectins bound specifically to the outer cuticle of M. incognita. Several other lectins bound nonspecifically. Oxidation of the cuticle with periodate under mild conditions, as well as pretreatment of the nematodes with lipase, markedly increased the binding of lectins to the cuticle of A. tritici J2 but not, in most cases, to M. incognita J2 or eggs of either species.  相似文献   

A molecular analysis of eight described species of seed gall nematode, along with six undescribed isolates from different hosts, has revealed a strong association between nucleotide sequence polymorphism and host status. Each anguinid nematode associated with a unique host produced a unique PCR-RFLP pattern for the ITS1 region. Anguina species that had been synonymized in the past, Anguina agrostis, A. funesta, and A. wevelli (Afrina wevelli), were readily discriminated. Two undescribed species from northern New South Wales and southeastern South Australia, reported to be vectors of Rathyaibacter toxicus in the disease called ''''floodplain staggers,'''' were differentiated by a single restriction enzyme, and both could be separated easily from A. funesta, the vector of R. toxicus in annual ryegrass toxicity. Other species differentiated in this study include A. agropyronifloris, A. graminis, A. microlaenae, A. pacificae, and undescribed species from host species Dactylis glomerata, Agrostis avenacea, Polypogon monospeliensis, Stipa sp., Astrebla pectinata, and Holcus lanatus. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1 region suggests that considerable anguinid genetic diversification has accompanied specialization on different host species.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in growth chambers to examine main factor and interaction effects of Tylenchorhynchus nudus and Magnaporthe poae on creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass at 24, 28, and 30 C. A 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was employed with presence and absence of T. nudus and M. poae as factors with each temperature run separately for 14 or 18 days. Tylenchorhynchus nudus decreased bentgrass and annual bluegrass root length at all three temperatures. Magnaporthe poae had no effect on bentgrass root length at 24 C, increased root length at 28 C, and suppressed root growth at 30 C. Magnaporthe poae had no effect on annual bluegrass root length at 24 and 28 C but suppressed root growth at 30 C. A significant interaction between M. poae and T. nudus occurred only on bentgrass at 28 C and 30 C; at these two temperatures, M. poae did not act independently of T. nudus.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculating peanut, Arachis hypogaea cv. Sellie, with Ditylenchus destructor at timed intervals after planting and with different initial nematode population densities (Pi) was tested in greenhouse experiments. Final nematode population densities (Pf) in hulls and seeds were greater (Pf < 0.001) in plants inoculated at or before 9 weeks after planting. Pod disease symptoms correlated positively with the Pf in the pods. The seedgrade of peanuts inoculated at or before 9 weeks after planting was reduced, whereas grade of peanuts from plants inoculated at 15 weeks or later was not reduced. Peanut plants inoculated 12 weeks after planting with a Pi of 10-100 had a lower Pf (P < 0.05) than plants with a Pi of 250 to 8,000. Seed of plants with a Pi of 250 or less could be marketed as choice edible seed, whereas those with a Pi of 500 or more were of reduced seedgrade. These results suggest that as few as 500 nematodes per plant at 12 weeks after planting can build up to injurious levels before harvest. A nematicide should therefore be active for longer than 12 weeks after planting to sufficiently suppress the population.  相似文献   

Seven populations of Heterodera trifolii from Arkansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Australia plus 3 or 4 single-cyst isolates (SCI) from each population were tested for reproduction on seven species of plants to compare the host preferences among and within populations. Common lespedeza, Kummerowia striata cv. Kobe, was a good host for all populations and isolates. Therefore, a plant was considered to be a host if the number of females produced on it was 10% or more of the number on Kobe. All seven populations reproduced on Trifolium repens and T. pratense. None reproduced on Beta vulgaris or Glycine max. One single-cyst isolate from the Australian population produced a few females on T. pratense. The Australian population maintained on carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus, produced females on carnation but not on curly dock, Rumex crispus. However, its subpopulation maintained on T. repens produced females on R. crispus but not on carnation. Four of the other six populations produced females on R. crispus, and four produced females on carnation. Differences in host range were observed among seven of the mother populations and their SCI, and among isolates within each population. Five host range patterns were found in populations and SCI of H. trifolii. Significant quantitative differences occurred among populations in the numbers of females on most hosts, between isolates and their original populations, and among isolates from the same population. SCI selected from white clover produced fewer females on a series of test hosts and had host ranges the same as or narrower than those of the original populations. However, SCI selected from Kobe lespedeza had more females on some hosts and had host ranges the same as or wider than those of the original populations. The host ranges of all populations and SCI of H. trifolii were different from those of populations and SCI of race 3 of H. glycines and H. lespedezae.  相似文献   

Trifolium repens (white clover) stolons were inoculated with Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem nematode), and the development of resulting infestations was monitored. Nematodes initially remained confined to superficial locations, concentrating in petiole axils near inoculation points. They were able to migrate slowly from the inidal inoculation points and infest adjacent axils, especially in regions near the stolon tip. As time progressed, in some axils, nematodes migrated through the stolon epidermis and colonized slowly expanding subepidermal pockets of host tissue (ca. 0.2-mm length of stolon/day). In these loci nematodes established exponentially increasing populations, but the rates of locus expansion remained constant, indicating that locus expansion was limited by unidentified host-dependent factors. As a result of increasing population pressure within subepidermal loci, J4 entered a "diapause" state and the rate of egg production by adults declined, thereby reducing rate of population growth to more sustainable levels. Typically, these populations peaked at ca. 10,000 individuals in ca. 160 days occupying 3-cm lengths of stolon. Thereafter, heavily infested regions of stolons started to die, leading to the formation of longitudinal splits in their epidermis. In other axils, nematodes did not migrate into the stolons but remained confined to axils. Some of these populations increased a hundred-fold in 95 days, with population growth ending when petioles started to die. Host plant stolon morphology was affected only when subepidermal stolon populations developed high population levels (>100 nematodes) within close proximity (<2 cm) to active terminal meristems. This occurred either when axillary buds became active on previously infested nodes or when nematodes established endoparasitic populations at locations near the stolon tip during winter and spring, when the rate of stolon extension was limited by low light intensity. Affected stolon tips could "escape" from the influence of such infestations when light intensity and temperature increased. Nematode activity was limited by low temperature rather than light intensity. Global warming is likely to lead to greater damage to infested plants during the winter and early spring because the predicted milder winter temperatures will enhance nematode activity but not necessarily promote stolon growth.  相似文献   

Punctodera punctata completed its life cycle on Poa annua (annual bluegrass), P. pratensis (Merion Kentucky bluegrass), Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass), and Festuca rubra rubra (spreading fescue). Minimum time for completion of a life cycle from second-stage juvenile to mature brown cyst was 40 days at 22-28 C. Inoculation by single juveniles indicated that reproduction was most likely by amphimixis. Infestation levels of 50 or 500 juveniles/250 cm³ soil did not affect top dry weight, root dry weight, or total dry weight of Poa annua.  相似文献   

Relationships between nematode density and yield and between final and preplant population levels were examined in small maize plots on sandy soils in north-central Florida. Plant-parasitic nematodes present in the community included Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Criconemella sphaerocephala, Meloidogyne incognita, Paratrichodorus minor, Pratylenchus brachyurus, and a Xiphinema sp. Plant growth--including stand count, grain yield, stalk weight, and size of young plants--often was inversely correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with densities of B. longicaudatus and occasionally with P. brachyurus, but not with densities of other species or with a range of soil variables. More severe losses in grain yields from B. longicaudatus occurred in 1987 than in 1988, although mean preplant nematode densities in February were similar in both years (4.4 vs. 3.9/100 cm³ soil). Final population densities of most nematode species were linearly related (P ≤ 0.05) to densities measured at planting or earlier. These relationships were stronger (higher r²) with the ectoparasites B. longicaudatus and C. sphaerocephala than with the endoparasites M. incognita and P. brachyurus. No significant correlations were found between population densities of different nematode species.  相似文献   

The relationships between densities of all members of a plant-parasitic nematode community and yield of ''Davis'' soybean and between final and preplant population levels were examined in small plots on sandy soils in north-central Florida. Plant-parasitic nematodes present in the community included Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Criconemella sphaerocephala, Meloidogyne incognita, Paratrichodorus minor, Pratylenchus brachyurus, and Xiphinema sp. Plant growth, including stand count, soybean yield (kg/ha), and size of young plants, was occasionally inversely correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with densities of B. longicaudatus or P. brachyurus, but not with densities of other species or with a range of soil variables. The nature of this relationship varied with season, with more severe stand losses noted during 1987 than in 1988. Final population densities (Pf) of most nematode species showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) linear relationships to densities measured at planting or earlier (Pi). These relationships were stronger (higher r²) with the ectoparasite B. longicaudatus than with the endoparasites M. incognita and P. brachyurus. Criconemella sphaerocephala declined under soybean cultivation, reaching levels near zero after two seasons. A quadratic model showed an improvement (P ≤ 0.05) over the linear model in describing the relationship between Pf and Pi measured at planting for B. longicaudatus, and gave a better indication of the leveling off of Pf at high values of Pi.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus and Xiphinema species have been associated with decline and mortality of brambles (Rubus species) in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. These nematodes cause direct feeding damage and (or) transmit viruses that result in poor fruit quality and plant decline. A nematode management program has been developed by the author to minimize chemical use and nematode-induced damage while optimizing fruit production. Nematode management is an integral part of a total plant health care program in which foliar and soil pests, plant stresses, and fertility are managed.  相似文献   

The population development of Ditylenchus destructor in the roots, pegs, hulls, and seeds of eight peanut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes was studied in the greenhouse. Although all genotypes tested were good hosts for D. destructor, differences in host suitability were observed. Invasion of the plant parts by Ditylenchus destructor proceeded more slowly in genotypes with long growth periods. During the second half of the growth period of these genotypes, D. destructor populations emigrated from the hulls and seeds into the soil but reinfected the pods after a few weeks. The genotypes with the longest growth periods supported the highest number of nematodes when each genotype was harvested at its usual harvest time. The long-season genotypes supported low numbers of nematodes when harvested before crop maturity.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne konaensis n. sp. is described from coffee from Kona on the island of Hawaii. The perineal pattern of the female is variable in morphology, the medial lips of the female are divided into distinct lip pairs, and the excretory pore is 2-3 stylet lengths from the base of the stylet. Mean stylet length is 16.0 μm, and the knobs gradually merge with the shaft. The knobs are indented anteriorly and rounded posteriorly and the dorsal esophageal gland orifice (DEGO) is long, 3.5-7 μm. The morphology of the stylet of the male is the most useful diagnostic character, with 6-12 large projections protruding from the shaft. One medial lip may be divided into distinct lip pairs. A large intestinal caecum often extends nearly to the level of the DEGO. Mean juvenile length is 502 μm, mean stylet length is 13.4 μm, and mean tail length is 58 μm. The tail may be distinctly curved ventrally and the phasmids are located in the ventral incisure about one anal body width posterior to the anus.  相似文献   

The interaction between Meloidogyne incognita and Criconemella xenoplax on nematode reproduction and growth of Lovell peach was studied in field microlots and the greenhouse. Meloidogyne incognita suppressed reproduction of C. xenoplax in both field and greenhouse experiments. Tree growth, as measured by trunk diameter, was reduced (P ≤ 0.05) in the presence of M. incognita as compared with C. xenoplax of the uninoculated control trees 26 months following inoculation. A similar response regarding dry root weight was also detected in greenhouse-grown seedlings after 5 months. The presence of C. xenoplax did not affect Lovell tree growth. A synergistic effect causing a reduction (P ≤ 0.05) in tree growth was recorded 26 and 38 months following inoculation. The presence of M. incognita increased levels of malonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid content in leaves of trees grown in field microplots 19 months after inoculaoon. Meloidogyne incognita appears to be a more dominant parasite than C. xenoplax on Lovell peach.  相似文献   

Tests of eight Dutch Meloidogyne chitwoodi isolates to the differential set for host races 1 and 2 in M. chitwoodi provided no evidence for the existence of host race 2 in the Netherlands. The data showed deviations from expected reactions on the differential hosts, which raised doubts of the usefulness of the host race classification in M. chitwoodi. The term ''''pathotype'''' is proposed for groups of isolates of one Meloidogyne sp. that exhibit the same level of pathogenicity on genotypes of one host species. We recommend that the pathotype classification be applied in pathogen-host relationships when several genotypes of a Meloidogyne sp. are tested on several genotypes of one host species. Three pathotypes of M. chitwoodi were identified on Solanum bulbocastanum, suggesting at least two different genetic factors for virulence and resistance in the pathogen and the host species, respectively. The occurrence of several virulence factors in M. chitwoodi will complicate the successful application of resistance factors from S. bulbocastanum for developing resistant potato cultivars.  相似文献   

Root knot (Meloidogyne spp.) and cyst (Heterodera and Globodera spp.) nematodes infect all important crop species, and the annual economic loss due to these pathogens exceeds $90 billion. We screened the worldwide accession collection with the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria and M. hapla, soybean cyst nematode (SCN-Heterodera glycines), sugar beet cyst nematode (SBCN-Heterodera schachtii) and clover cyst nematode (CLCN-Heterodera trifolii), revealing resistant and susceptible accessions. In the over 100 accessions evaluated, we observed a range of responses to the root-knot nematode species, and a non-host response was observed for SCN and SBCN infection. However, variation was observed with respect to infection by CLCN. While many cultivars including Jemalong A17 were resistant to H. trifolii, cultivar Paraggio was highly susceptible. Identification of M. truncatula as a host for root-knot nematodes and H. trifolii and the differential host response to both RKN and CLCN provide the opportunity to genetically and molecularly characterize genes involved in plant-nematode interaction. Accession DZA045, obtained from an Algerian population, was resistant to all three root-knot nematode species and was used for further studies. The mechanism of resistance in DZA045 appears different from Mi-mediated root-knot nematode resistance in tomato. Temporal analysis of nematode infection showed that there is no difference in nematode penetration between the resistant and susceptible accessions, and no hypersensitive response was observed in the resistant accession even several days after infection. However, less than 5% of the nematode population completed the life cycle as females in the resistant accession. The remainder emigrated from the roots, developed as males, or died inside the roots as undeveloped larvae. Genetic analyses carried out by crossing DZA045 with a susceptible French accession, F83005, suggest that one gene controls resistance in DZA045.  相似文献   

Aldicarb, ethoprop, and fenamiphos were evaluated for their efficacy in controlling various species of root-knot nematodes on flue-cured tobacco and for their residual activity, as determined through periodic sampling and bioassays of soil taken from field plots. Field experiments were conducted at five locations over 2 years with flue-cured tobacco. Soil in plots treated with nematicides were formed into high, wide beds before transplanting with ''Coker 371-Gold'' or ''K 326'' tobacco. Residual control of Meloidogyne spp. was greatest (P ≤ 0.05) with fenamiphos (in some cases up to 10 weeks, as measured in tomato bioassays of infested soil and root fragments). Suppression of nematode reproduction by ethoprop was short-lived, and numbers of second-stage juveniles + eggs and numbers of galls in bioassays sometimes surpassed those of untreated plots within 4 weeks after treatment. Aldicarb gave intermediate control over time as compared to the other compounds. Although nematicidal efficacy of all compounds varied with site and season, fenamiphos and aldicarb generally produced the highest yields.  相似文献   

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