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Spawning time and male mating tactics of parrotfishes (family Scaridae) were investigated on a fringing coral reef at Iriomote Island, Okinawa. Spawning was observed in 14 species, and more frequently in more abundant species such as Chlorurus sordidus, Scarus rivulatus and Chlorurus bowersi. At the reef-edge spawning site, C. bowersi spawned at high tide, C. sordidus spawned both at high tide and in the early morning, whereas Calotomus carolinus and most of the Scarus species such as S. rivulatus spawned only in the early morning, mostly 0630–0830 h. Spawning only in the early morning irrespective of tide phase and moon age has seldom been reported from the scarid species of other localities. It is suggested that spawning in the early morning would be adaptive in species such as S. rivulatus, which migrated considerable distances (ca. 500 m) to the inshore feeding sites, in order to minimize feeding losses due to migration. For male mating tactics, pair spawning by territorial TP (terminal phase) males occurred in all 14 species, and streaking and group spawning by nonterritorial small IP (initial phase) males were seen more frequently in more abundant species. Moreover, group spawning by nonterritorial TP males, which were larger than the IP males but smaller than the territorial TP males, frequently occurred in S. rivulatus. Such mating tactics of TP males have not been reported from Scaridae.  相似文献   

Spawning site fidelity has long been documented for anadromous salmonids, and more recently in estuarine and marine fish. The level of fidelity has implications for population dynamics, conservation, and management. This study extended a previous examination of spawning ground fidelity for common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. We used seines to sample 28 km of Gulf of Mexico beaches, spawning grounds for snook, during spawning season (May through September) from 2007 through 2010. Of 3,304 snook tagged, 171 unique fish were recaptured a total of 186 times and, of those, 166 fish (97.08%) (181 recaptures = 97.31%) were recaptured on the same island where they were tagged. One hundred seven of the recaptures occurred in the same year they were tagged, and 79 occurred one or more years after they were tagged, indicating fidelity was expressed within and across years. Distance between tag and recapture locations within and among years demonstrated fidelity at a spatial scale much smaller than barrier island (mean distance between tag and recapture =1.59 ± 0.12 km; island lengths 6.8, 8.9 and 12.4 km). Furthermore, mapping of capture locations revealed clumped distribution of snook on spawning grounds, further suggesting snook propensity for specific locations. Fish size had no effect on fidelity. We conclude that common snook show a high level of spawning site fidelity in southwest Florida, which may result in spawning group segregation, may influence the response of snook to disturbances, and may have implications for adult-to-nursery ontogenetic connections.  相似文献   

Spawning sites and spawning migration paths of tagged females of the protogynous wrasse,Halichoeres marginatus, were studied on the shallow reefs at Kuchierabu-jima Island, Japan. Males set up mating territories above prominent rocks on the offshore reef slope in the late afternoon, and pair-spawned with females, which had migrated there from their home ranges located in inshore areas. Small females migrated to the spawning sites near their home ranges, whereas large females migrated to various spawning sites located within a wide area, including downcurrent sites. Spawning at the downcurrent sites favors transport of eggs offshore, thereby increasing the female’s fitness. The spawning sites where an individual had spawned as a female were subsequently used for mating after it had changed sex. It is suggested that the wide migration of females to various spawning sites, enables the storing up of information on those sites, which later helps in the acquisition of mating territories after changing sex.  相似文献   

Passive acoustic telemetry and conventional tag/re-sight techniques were used to study daily movement patterns of adult yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens, over a period of months. Range testing and visual observations revealed the limitations of using small acoustic transmitters to monitor movements of small coral reef fish in a topographically complex and noisy coral reef environment. Visual observations of conventionally tagged and albino fish suggest individuals return each day to forage over the same few hundred m2 of shallow, turf algae dominated boulder and reef flat habitat for periods of at least weeks to months. Acoustic telemetry data suggest lower frequency of repeated use of daytime foraging, nighttime refuge and sunset spawning sites. However, integration of observation and acoustic telemetry data revealed that many fish were not detected while they were within the empirically tested range of the receivers. These observations indicate that data from passive acoustic telemetry can underestimate the frequency and duration of repeated use of specific areas. Yellow tang adults made daily crepuscular migrations of up to 600 m between foraging and spawning or sheltering sites at consistent times relative to sunset and sunrise. While there was high individual variability in migration distance, almost all individuals moved in the same direction (from south to north) at sunset. This study provided valuable information for evaluating ongoing fishery management efforts using marine protected areas in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was employed to resolve seasonal and daily movement patterns of adult red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in the northern Indian River Lagoon system, Florida. From May 2006 to September 2008, 44 tagged fish were tracked within an array of 34 autonomous receivers with individuals detected for up to 654 days. Most red drum exhibited strong site fidelity from winter through early summer with movement rates increasing significantly during fall spawning months. While some fish migrated to the nearest ocean inlet at this time, the majority remained within the lagoon year-round suggesting that true estuarine reproduction, a behavior uncommon or poorly documented elsewhere is the dominant life history strategy locally. Diel movement patterns were also pronounced and indicated changing depth preferences over a 24 h period. Despite a harvest prohibition on large red drum, long-term estuarine residency coupled with high angling pressure (41% recapture rate in 50 months) suggest that post-release angling mortality and sub-lethal effects to growth and reproduction may strongly influence the strength of adult size classes.  相似文献   

Synopsis The status of knowledge of spawning among the five shallow waterChaetodon species in the western Atlantic is reviewed. Spawning has been observed for three species in Puerto Rico, St. Croix and the Bahamas, with possible courtship in a fourth.Chaetodon aculeatus spawned near the time of sunset over objects on the reef as single female/male pairs or as two females and one male, with pair spawning in rapid succession. Spawning occurred during much of the lunar month from February to April and it is uncertain whether any lunar periodicity to spawning exists. Male-male aggression was noted. Spawning sites (coral heads) were alternated daily and it is likely that females spawn only once every two days. A single female produced as many as 2090 eggs in a single spawning.Chaetodon capistratus spawned during much of the lunar month from February to April. It spawned about 5 min afterC. aculeatus, occasionally using the same sites, and alternated sites daily. A female produced as many as 3710 eggs in one spawning.Chaetodon striatus spawned from February to April but it is unknown if it has any lunar spawning cycle. No predation attempts by piscivores on spawning adults were seen. Predation byMelichthys niger on eggs ofC. striatus occurred. No egg predation was observed forC. aculeatus andC. capistratus. With an assumed four month reproductive season, alternate day spawning and observed egg production values,C. aculeatus andC. capistratus produce respectively about 100 000 and 200 000 eggs per large female per year. The reproductive strategy of smaller species may be to produce moderate numbers of eggs per day over a spawning season of at least a few months while larger species may produce more eggs per day for a shorter period.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate home range areas and distance of movement away from a squaretail coralgrouper (Plectropomus areolatus) spawning aggregation site located within a small-scale 1.5 km2 Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Fifteen P. areolatus were acoustically tagged and re-located within a ca. 50 km2 search area over a 4-month period that included reproductive and non-reproductive months. All relocated fish were found in areas of moderate to high coral cover either on the fore reef or inside the lagoon in home ranges of 0.048 ± 0.018 km2 (μ ± S.E.). Variability in home range area (0.004–0.12 km2) and distance of movement from aggregation sites following spawning (0.02–23.0 km; 5.3 ± 3.6 km, μ ± S.E.) was observed, but did not appear to be sex specific. Five of the six relocated individuals were found within 0.02–6.1 km of the aggregation. This evidence and that from recent tag-recapture studies of epinephelids suggest that a substantial proportion of individual P. areolatus spawning populations reside within close proximity to their respective aggregation sites. Reproductive populations could be protected by MPAs of moderate scale (10 s of km2) that include aggregation sites, migratory corridors and adjacent home range habitats.  相似文献   

The occurrence of natal homing in marine fish remains a fundamental question in fish ecology as its unequivocal demonstration requires tracking of individuals from fertilization to reproduction. Here, we provide evidence of long‐distance natal homing (>1000 km) over more than 60 years in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), through genetic analysis of archived samples from marked and recaptured individuals. Using a high differentiation single‐nucleotide polymorphism assay, we demonstrate that the vast majority of cod tagged in West Greenland and recaptured on Icelandic spawning grounds belonged to the Iceland offshore population, strongly supporting a hypothesis of homing. The high degree of natal fidelity observed provides the evolutionary settings for development of locally adapted populations in marine fish and emphasize the need to consider portfolio effects in marine fisheries management strategies.  相似文献   

A total of 12 adult European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax were tagged with pop‐off satellite archival tags (PSAT) in Irish coastal waters and in offshore waters in the north‐east Celtic Sea between 2015 and 2016. Archived data were successfully recovered from five of the 12 tags deployed, three from fish released in inshore Irish waters and two from fish released offshore in the eastern Celtic Sea. All three fish tagged in inshore waters were found to undertake migrations into the open ocean coinciding with the spawning period. These fish also exhibited fidelity to inshore sites post‐migration, returning to the same general location (within c. 73 km, which is roughly the predicted mean accuracy of the method) of their original release site. Although the number of tracks obtained here was limited, some degree of aggregation between inshore and offshore tagged fish in the eastern Celtic Sea was noted during the expected spawning period suggesting PSATs can provide new information on specific spawning locations of European sea bass.  相似文献   

This study compared the spatial and temporal patterns of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, movement and migration from annual spawning aggregations on St Thomas (STT) and St Croix (STX), United States Virgin Islands. Around STT E. guttatus migrated 6–33 km from a functional spawning migration area of 500 km2 and around STX E. guttatus migrated 5–18 km from an area of 90 km2. Similarities between sites were found in regards to timing of movement, temporal and spatial changes in sex ratios, annual and lunar predictability and were synchronized with environmental cues. E. guttatus spawning aggregations in the Virgin Islands occur between the winter solstice (i.e., after December 20) and about February 20 of any year and show a distinctive peak 20–40 days after the winter solstice. Spawning typically occurred during periods of declining seawater temperature and slacking currents within a temperature range of 26–27.5°C and current speed of 2.5–3.5 cm s−1. Males arrived early to spawning sites and stayed longer than females. These gender-based behavioral patterns are important to E. guttatus reproductive dynamics and must be factored into future studies and the design of fisheries regulations to ensure sustainability of spawning aggregation sites. The predictability of E. guttatus spawning aggregations relative to the winter solstice will be extremely beneficial for defining the temporal and spatial aspects of area closures. The consistency and synchrony of movement and migration will improve both the efficiency of planning research and monitoring programs and directing enforcement activities during critical time periods. Applying this knowledge strategically will maximize the limited resources available for research and enforcement and lead to greater protection of spawning aggregations.  相似文献   

Annual reproductive surveys monitored nesting location, reproductive success and the age and size of individually tagged male smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu that reproduced in Millers Lake, a 45 ha widening of the Mississippi River, Ontario, and in a 1·5 km pool and riffle section of the river directly upstream. The vast majority of males displayed fidelity to either the river or the lake as reproductive habitat throughout their lifetimes. Nearly, half of the males that reproduced in successive years exhibited strong nest‐site fidelity by nesting within 20 m of their previous year’s nest site. In most years, when compared to those in the lake, reproductive males in the river differed significantly in reproductive characteristics including age and size at maturation and nesting success rates. A 3 year telemetry project identified two distinct habitat use patterns: lake‐resident fish remained in the lake throughout the year and potamodromous individuals migrated from the lake to upriver spawning habitat in the spring and then returned to the lake prior to the onset of winter. Integration of habitat use and reproductive data suggests that there are significant differences in the life‐history strategies of fish that reproduce in the river v. the lake.  相似文献   

Fall migration of Red‐headed Woodpeckers (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) can be erratic, with departure rates, directions, and distances varying among populations and individuals. We report fall migration departure dates, rates, and routes, and the size of fall home ranges of 62 radio‐tagged Red‐headed Woodpeckers in western South Carolina. Rates of fall migration differed among years; all radio‐tagged woodpeckers migrated in 2005 (15 of 15), none (0 of 23) migrated in 2006, and 54.2% (13 of 24) migrated in 2007. Of 28 woodpeckers that left their breeding territories, we relocated eight either en route or on their fall home ranges. These woodpeckers migrated short distances (4.3–22.2 km) south along the floodplain forest of a large creek. The variable migration patterns we observed indicate that Red‐headed Woodpeckers may best be described as facultative migrants. We determined the home range sizes of 13 woodpeckers in both seasons, regardless of whether they migrated, and fall home ranges were smaller (mean = 1.12 ha) than summer home ranges (mean = 3.23 ha). Fall‐winter movements of Red‐headed Woodpeckers were concentrated on mast‐producing oak (Quercus spp.) trees, which may have restricted home range sizes. The partial migration we observed in 2007 suggests that factors other than mast crop variability may also influence migration patterns because woodpeckers that year responded to the same annual mast crop in different ways, with some migrating and some remaining on breeding season home ranges during the fall.  相似文献   

For migratory species, the success of population reintroduction or reinforcement through captive‐bred released individuals depends on survivors undertaking appropriate migrations. We assess whether captive‐bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii from a breeding programme established with locally sourced individuals and released into suitable habitat during spring or summer undertake similar migrations to those of wild birds. Using satellite telemetry, we compare the migrations of 29 captive‐bred juveniles, 10 wild juveniles and 39 wild adults (including three birds first tracked as juveniles), examining migratory propensity (proportion migrating), timing, direction, stopover duration and frequency, efficiency (route deviation), and wintering and breeding season locations. Captive‐bred birds initiated autumn migration an average of 20.6 (±4.6 se) days later and wintered 470.8 km (±76.4) closer to the breeding grounds, mainly in Turkmenistan, northern Iran and Afghanistan, than wild birds, which migrated 1217.8 km (±76.4), predominantly wintering in southern Iran and Pakistan (juveniles and adults were similar). Wintering locations of four surviving captive‐bred birds were similar in subsequent years (median distance to first wintering site = 70.8 km, range 6.56–221.6 km), suggesting that individual captive‐bred birds (but not necessarily their progeny) remain faithful to their first wintering latitude. The migratory performance of captive‐bred birds was otherwise similar to that of wild juveniles. Although the long‐term fitness consequences for captive‐bred birds establishing wintering sites at the northern edge of those occupied by wild birds remain to be quantified, it is clear that the pattern of wild migrations established by long‐term selection is not replicated. If the shorter migration distance of young captive‐bred birds has a physiological rather than a genetic basis, then their progeny may still exhibit wild‐type migration. However, as there is a considerable genetic component to migration, captive breeding management must respect migratory population structure as well as natal and release‐site fidelity.  相似文献   

The post spawning behaviour of sea trout Salmo trutta was studied over a 2 year period in the river and estuary of the River Fowey, south‐west England. Forty‐five sea trout kelts were trapped immediately after spawning in December and intraperitoneally tagged with miniature acoustic transmitters. The subsequent emigration into coastal waters was monitored using acoustic receivers deployed throughout the river catchment. The levels of gill Na+K+ATPase activity in sea trout kelts sampled at the same time as the tagged fish were within the range of 2·5 to 4·5 μmol Pi per mg protein per h indicating that the post‐spawning fish were not physiologically adapted to salt water. The tagged kelts were resident in fresh water between 4 and 70 days before entering the estuary. Sixty two per cent of the tagged kelts subsequently migrated successfully into coastal waters, with a higher success rate for male fish (75%) than females (58%). There was a significant size related difference in the run‐timing of the kelts with the larger fish moving more quickly into coastal waters after spawning than smaller fish. Seaward migration within fresh water was predominantly nocturnal and generally occurred in conjunction with increasing river discharge and rising water temperature. Migration through the estuary continued to be predominantly nocturnal and occurred during an ebbing tide. Residency within the estuary varied amongst individuals although it was invariably short, with most fish moving out into coastal waters within one to two tidal cycles. Five tagged kelts returned from the coastal zone and re‐entered fresh water during April and June. Marine residence time varied between 89 and 145 days (mean 118 days) and the minimum estimated marine survival was c. 18%. One of these sea trout was subsequently recaptured after successfully spawning in the vicinity where it had been previously tagged demonstrating a degree of spawning site fidelity.  相似文献   

The anadromous sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) stop feeding during spawning migration; following the migration effort, the energy reserves of their tissues are expected to be mobilised and depleted. The present work aimed at testing if mobilisation of nutrients occurred in sea lampreys during the 2011 spawning run in the Minho River. Professional fishermen at three sampling sites captured the individuals used: two at the beginning of the freshwater spawning migration (one at the river mouth and one upstream the estuary) and one near the spawning grounds (35 km upstream the estuary limit). The total lipids (Folch extraction), protein (nitrogen conversion), energy content (direct calorimetry) and fatty acids (GC/EI‐MS‐SIM) were determined in the carcass (n = 19) and female liver (n = 8) and gonads (n = 8). The results indicated that a reduction of carcass dry matter during migration was mainly caused by a lipid decrease (51.0 ± 2.46% downstream and 38.0 ± 2.92% upstream, LSmean ± SE). In females, a decrease in the measured amounts of liver lipids was also observed (4.28 ± 2.637 g downstream and 0.64 ± 2.206 g upstream, LSmean ± SE) and the monounsaturated fatty acids consistently composed the larger fraction of lipids in all tissues (ranging between 42.9 ± 4.20% and 54.9 ± 3.43% of total fatty acids, LSMean ± SE). The results suggest a dynamic nutrient mobilisation and the major importance of liver fatty acids (such as 14:1n‐5 and 16:1n‐7) as possible energy sources for embryonic development or combustion during spawning migration. The P. marinus individuals captured at the intermediate sampling site (approximately 35 km upstream river mouth) in the middle of the season seemed as ready to spawn as the upstream sea lampreys.  相似文献   

Information on site fidelity and ranging patterns of wild animals is critical to understand how they use their environment and guide conservation and management strategies. Delphinids show a wide variety of site fidelity and ranging patterns. Between September 2013 and October 2015, we used boat‐based surveys, photographic identification, biopsy sampling, clustering analysis, and geographic information systems to determine the site‐fidelity patterns and representative ranges of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops cf. australis) inhabiting the inner area of Coffin Bay, a highly productive inverse estuary located within Thorny Passage Marine Park, South Australia. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) of individuals’ site‐fidelity index and sighting rates indicated that the majority of dolphins within the inner area of Coffin Bay are “regular residents” (n = 125), followed by “occasional residents” (n = 28), and “occasional visitors” (n = 26). The low standard distance deviation indicated that resident dolphins remained close to their main center of use (range = 0.7–4.7 km, X ± SD = 2.3 ± 0.9 km). Representative ranges of resident dolphins were small (range = 3.9–33.5 km2, X ± SD = 15.2 ± 6.8 km2), with no significant differences between males and females (Kruskal–Wallis, χ2 = 0.426, = .808). The representative range of 56% of the resident dolphins was restricted to a particular bay within the study area. The strong site fidelity and restricted ranging patterns among individuals could be linked to the high population density of this species in the inner area of Coffin Bay, coupled with differences in social structure and feeding habits. Our results emphasize the importance of productive habitats as a major factor driving site fidelity and restricted movement patterns in highly mobile marine mammals and the high conservation value of the inner area of Coffin Bay for southern Australian bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although within‐year site fidelity to specific wintering sites allows shorebirds to use prior knowledge of resources and microhabitats, such fidelity may also make populations more vulnerable to extirpation in the event of increased predation pressure, habitat loss, or disturbance. In the eastern Atlantic, Purple Sandpipers (Calidris maritima) have been found to be highly faithful to specific sites in wintering areas. However, little is known about the use of wintering areas by these sandpipers along the coast of Maine. We quantified movements of 60 radio‐marked Purple Sandpipers in a bay near the mainland and on an offshore cluster of islands along the mid‐coast of Maine during two winters (2005–2006 and 2006–2007). Birds marked in early‐ and mid‐December remained until spring migration, with no evidence of onward migration. Mean maximum distances moved did not differ significantly between either males (8.6 ± 1.0 [SE] km; N= 30) and females (7.4 ± 0.8 km; N= 30) or juveniles (9.9 ± 1.6 km; N= 9) and adults (7.8 ± 1.1 km; N= 26). We also detected no monthly (January–May) differences in maximum distances moved. Sixty percent of marked individuals moved ≤5 km between the two most distant relocations and no birds moved >25 km during the 2‐ to 4‐month tracking period. We attribute the high site fidelity primarily to the plentiful prey base in the study area. During a 2‐d period with severe cold, feeding areas at locations protected from wave action became encased in ice and birds at these locations moved up to 10 km offshore to sites with less ice. Species with strong site fidelity, like wintering Purple Sandpipers, may be at higher risk in the event of large‐scale changes in their food base, increased predation pressure, habitat loss, or disturbance. However, the short‐distance movements made when intertidal feeding areas became encased in ice suggest that Purple Sandpipers could potentially move greater distances in response to changing conditions in their wintering areas.  相似文献   

The brown-marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, is a long-lived, late-maturing protogynous species listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN. In Pohnpei, Micronesia, reproductively active brown-marbled grouper were tagged with acoustic and spaghetti-type tags at a multi-species fish spawning aggregation (FSA) site to establish patterns of movement, residency and seasonality. Telemetry confirmed the use of common reproductive migratory corridors and significant sex-specific variations in residency at the FSA. Combined underwater visual census and telemetry data verified a 3-month peak aggregation period, with aggregations forming and persisting over ca. 12 days prior to full moon between January and May. FSA formation coincided with seasonally low and relatively stable seawater temperatures. Some males frequented the FSA site during each aggregation month over two consecutive years. Conversely, most females were present at the FSA during only a single aggregation period, with the month of visitation consistent among years. Nearly two-thirds of tagged fish were relocated or recaptured within 11 km of the aggregation site, with a maximum detected distance of 26 km and a minimum estimated catchment area of 100–175 km2. Findings highlight the need for a combined approach to management that prohibits the capture and sale of reproductive adults and protects both spawning sites and common reproductive migratory corridors during aggregation periods.  相似文献   

This study used acoustic telemetry and a multistate Cormack–Jolly–Seber model to determine the seasonal movement patterns of blue sucker Cycleptus elongatus from 2015 to 2017. Several hypotheses were ranked using AICc, and it was determined that the movement patterns of blue suckers in a mainstem reach below a hydropower dam (i.e., tailwater) differed from those of blue suckers tagged in the major tributaries (perennial with stream order >3). This study estimated a low probability (≤0.13) blue suckers would leave the tailwater reach at any time during the study. Conversely, blue suckers tagged in the major tributaries had a high probability (≥0.88) of leaving after the spawning season (February–May). Blue suckers tagged in the major tributaries displayed a high probability (0.83) of returning to the tributaries in the spawning season of 2016 when discharges were high. Blue suckers also had a higher probability of fidelity to the tributary where they were tagged (0.65) rather than straying to different tributaries (0.18). The majority of tagged blue suckers that strayed selected the only undammed tributary in the study area. In 2017, spring discharges were low, and the probability of blue suckers returning to any major tributary was low (0.19), with little difference in the probability of displaying site fidelity (0.10) vs. straying (0.09).  相似文献   

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