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The broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contains two oppositely oriented priming signals, ssiA and ssiB, for DNA synthesis dependent on the origin of vegetative DNA replication (oriV). If either ssiA or ssiB was deleted or inverted, the RSF1010 miniplasmids containing engineered oriVs were maintained at low copy numbers, replicated abnormally as dimers, and accumulated specific single strands in the Escherichia coli strain supplying the three RSF1010-encoded RepA, RepB', and RepC proteins. Interestingly, an additional intracellular supply of the Sog primase (the sog gene product of plasmid CoIIb-P9) reversed the replication deficiency of these miniplasmids with respect to all three aspects described above. These were also true for the RSF1010 miniplasmids in which either ssiA or ssiB was replaced by the primosome assembly site (PAS) or by the G4-type ssi signal (G site). Furthermore, comparative analysis of the functional contribution of the two oppositely oriented ssi signals to the DNA replication of RSF1010 showed that, irrespective of their types, ssi signals conducting the initiation of DNA chain elongation away from the iterons were functionally more important than ones in the inverted orientation. We consider that this functional difference reflects the inherent properties of the initiation mechanism of RSF1010 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary A 500 bp DNA fragment located in the vicinity of the origin of replication of plasmid RSF1010 was cloned into the plasmid vector pBR322 and shown to exhibit incompatibility against parental RSF1010. The rightmost region of this fragment contains three perfect 20 pb direct repeats and a fourth half-repeat of 11 bp, as shown by DNA sequencing. Delection of the four repeats from the cloned fragment resulted in complete loss of incompatibility whereas partial deletion of the repeated sequence resulted in a concurrent decrease in the expression of incompatibility. We conclude that the incompatibility determinant of RSF1010 is defined by the four repeats and also that the incompatibility expressed is not very strong, since the presence of about 1.5 times as many copies of the repeated sequence as are normally in a cell does not cause a total switch off of RSF1010 replication, but only a 40% reduction in the rate of replication.Abbreviations kb kilobase pairs - bp base pairs - Kmr, Tcr resistance to kanamycin and tetracycline, respectively  相似文献   

Broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contains in the oriV region two DNA initiation signals, ssiA(RSF1010) and ssiB(RSF1010), which are essential for plasmid replication. Each of ssiA and ssiB could be substituted functionally by either of the two G4-type (DnaG-dependent) priming signals, the oric of bacteriophage G4 and an ssi signal from plasmid pSY343 (an R1 plasmid derivative). Functions of the chimeric oriVs of RSF1010 thus constructed were dependent on the RSF1010-specific replication proteins, RepA, RepB' and RepC. When both of ssiA and ssiB were replaced by the G4-type ssi signals, functions of the chimeric oriVs were no longer dependent on RepB' (RSF1010-specific DNA primase). The replication activities of the chimeric oriVs of RSF1010 were not influenced markedly by the type of heterologous priming signals they contained. It is conceivable that DNA replication of RSF1010 does not need the priming mechanism for lagging strand synthesis and proceeds by the strand displacement mechanism.  相似文献   

孙熙年 《微生物学报》1990,30(6):422-427
采用Tn5插入诱变、限制性核酸内切酶作图以及DNA转化等方法,对广泛寄主范围型质粒SF 1010的衍生体-pKT 2 40进行研究。证实质粒的寄主围决定于它在遗传背景不同的寄主中复制并保存自身的能力,而repA,rcpB和repC基因为该质拉复制所必需。  相似文献   

The replication origin of the broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contains 3.5 copies of a 20mer iteron sequence that bind specifically to the plasmid-encoded initiator, RepC. Here we demonstrated that even a single iteron was bent upon binding of RepC. Moreover, the bending angle seems to become larger along with the increment of the number of iterons. In a mutational analysis of the iteron sequence, we isolated seven kinds of base-substitution mutants of iterons, and estimated the replication activity of these mutants in vivo. We found that each of the subsections in the 20mer iteron sequence made a distinct contribution to the initiation of RSF1010 DNA replication. With the binding assay of RepC and mutated iterons in vitro, we found that the formation of a productive RepC-iteron complex was required for the initiation of plasmid DNA replication.  相似文献   

The broad-host-range vectors pSUP104, pSUP106, pSUP204, pSUP304, and pSUP404 are based on conventional Escherichia coli vectors (such as pBR325 and pACYC184) which have been modified to include the mobilization and broad-host-range replication functions of the IncQ plasmid RSF1010. These vector plasmids now can be maintained in a wide range of bacterial genera including Rhizobium, Agrobacterium, and Pseudomonas. They are efficiently mobilized by RP4 and thus are of particular interest for bacteria refractory to transformation. They offer the selection markers and cloning sites characteristic of the basic E. coli vectors. Therefore, they can be applied and adapted to a variety of cloning strategies. However, the cloning of very large fragments (e.g., in cosmid hybrids of pSUP106) was found to affect the stability of the recombinant molecules in a Rec+ background. This instability was not observed with smaller inserts of about 5 kilobases.  相似文献   

The TrfA proteins, encoded by the broad host range plasmid RK2, are required for replication of this plasmid in a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. Two TrfA proteins, 33 and 44 kDa in molecular mass (designated TrfA-33 and TrfA-44, respectively), are expressed from the trfA gene of RK2 through the use of two alternative in-frame start codons within the same open reading frame. The two proteins have been purified from Escherichia coli to near homogeneity as a mixture of wild-type TrfA-44/33, as TrfA-33 alone and as a functional variant form of TrfA-44, designated TrfA-44(98L), which contains a leucine in place of the TrfA-33 methionine start codon. Cross-linking experiments demonstrated that TrfA-33 can multimerize in solution. By using gel mobility shift and DNase I footprinting techniques the binding properties of TrfA-33, TrfA-44(98L), and TrfA-44/33 to the origin of replication of plasmid RK2 were analyzed. All three protein preparations were able to bind very specifically to the cluster of five direct repeats (iterons) contained in the minimal origin of replication. Each protein preparation produced a ladder of TrfA/minimal oriV complexes of decreasing electrophoretic mobility. The DNase I protection pattern on the five iterons was identical for all three protein preparations and extended from the beginning of the first iteron to 5 base pairs upstream of the fifth iteron. Studies on the affinity of the proteins for DNA fragments containing one, two, or all five iterons of the origin revealed a strong preference of TrfA protein for DNA containing at least two iterons. To study the stability of TrfA.DNA complexes, association and dissociation rates of TrfA-33 and DNA fragments with one, two, or five iterons were measured. This analysis showed that unlike complexes involving two or five iterons the TrfA/one iteron complexes were highly unstable, suggesting some form of cooperativity between proteins or iterons in the formation of stable complexes and/or the requirement of specific sequences bordering the iterons at the RK2 origin of replication for the stabilization of TrfA/DNA complexes.  相似文献   

Unwinding of double-stranded DNA into single-stranded intermediates required for various fundamental life processes is catalyzed by helicases, a family of mono-, di- or hexameric motor proteins fueled by nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis. The three-dimensional crystal structure of the hexameric helicase RepA encoded by plasmid RSF1010 has been determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.4 A resolution. The hexamer shows an annular structure with 6-fold rotational symmetry and a approximately 17 A wide central hole, suggesting that single-stranded DNA may be threaded during unwinding. Homologs of all five conserved sequence motifs of the DnaB-like helicase family are found in RepA, and the topography of the monomer resembles RecA and the helicase domain of the bacteriophage T7 gp4 protein. In a modeled complex, ATP molecules are located at the subunit interfaces and clearly define adenine-binding and ATPase catalytic sites formed by amino acid residues located on adjacent monomers; most remarkable is the "arginine finger" Arg207 contributing to the active site in the adjacent monomer. This arrangement of active-site residues suggests cooperativity between monomers in ATP hydrolysis and helicase activity of RepA. The mechanism of DNA unwinding remains elusive, as RepA is 6-fold symmetric, contrasting the recently published asymmetric structure of the bacteriophage T7 gp4 helicase domain.  相似文献   

Streptomycin- and sulfonamide-resistant Erwinia amylovora CA3R from California contained an 8.7-kb plasmid, pEa8.7, with a sulII-strA-strB resistance region; furthermore, PCR, sequencing, hybridization, and restriction analyses showed that pEa8.7 was closely related or identical to broad-host-range plasmid RSF1010. Although RSF1010 has been found in a variety of bacteria, this is the first report of its presence in plant pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Y Honda  H Sakai  T Komano 《Gene》1988,68(2):221-228
Two single-strand initiation signals (ssi) are found in the oriV region of broad-host-range plasmid RSF1010, using a plaque assay system with a mutant M13 phage which lacks the greater part of the complementary DNA strand origin (oric). These two signals, designated ssiA and ssiB, have RSF1010-specific properties, because they require one or more RSF1010-specific factors provided in trans. The functional activity of ssiA is higher than that of ssiB. The two signals are located on separate DNA strands, so that the DNA chain elongations initiated from them in the opposite directions may pass each other. It is conceivable that these signals, ssiA and ssiB, direct DNA priming functions at the initiation stage in vegetative DNA replication of RSF1010.  相似文献   

The broad host range plasmid RK2 has previously been found to contain three separate regions of the genome involved in replication and maintenance in Escherichia coli (C. M. Thomas, R. Meyer, D. R. Helinski, 1980, J. Bacteriol.141, 213–222). They include the origin of replication (oriRK2) and the trfA region which encodes a trans-acting function required for replication. The third region (trfB), although not essential for replication, supplies a function involved in the maintenance of plasmid RK2. Using the maxicell system of labeling plasmid-specific proteins, we have identified all of the proteins encoded by two miniplasmid derivatives of RK2 which contain only the regions oriRK2, trfA, and trfB. To determine which region specifies each protein, RK2/mini-ColE1 hybrid plasmids were used which contain various restriction fragments of the mini-RK2 replicon. The trfA region appears to encode three proteins designated A1 (39,000 MW), A2 (31,000 MW), and A3 (14,000 MW). Analysis of proteins synthesized by plasmids containing deleted forms of the trfA region indicates that the A2 protein is the essential trfA-encoded replication protein of plasmid RK2. The proteins A1 and A3 may be the products specified by the genes tra3 (involved in transmissibility) and kilB1 (involved in host-cell viability) which also map in the trfA region. The trfB region specifies two proteins designated B1 (36,000 MW) and B2 (30,000 MW). These may be the products of the two kil-override (kor) genes located in the trfB region which have been implicated in plasmid maintenance.  相似文献   

Summary A DNA sequence cosisting of 617 base pairs (bp) from the region of the origin of replication of the broad-host range plasmid RK2 has been determined. Included within this sequence is a 393 bp HpaII restriction fragment that provides a functional origin or replication when other essential RK2 specified functions are provided in trans. Also contained in this sequence is a region, distinguished functionally from the replication origin, which is involved in the expression of inc 2 incompatibility, i.e., the ability of derivatives of RK2 to eliminate a resident RK2 plasmid. The 617 bp sequence includes eight 17 base pair direct repeats with 5 located within the region required for a functional replication origin and 3 within the region involved in inc 2 incompatibility. In addition, a 40 bp region rich in A-T followed by a 60 bp stretch having a high G+C content is present. Deletion evidence indicates that the A-T rich and possibly the G+C regions are required for a functional replication origin. Based on the evidence contained in this and the preceding paper (Thomas et al. 1980 b) a model will be presented for the involvement of these specific sequences in the initiation of RK2 DNA replication, plasmid maintenance and plasmid incompatibility.  相似文献   

We have used purified RSF1010 mobilization proteins to reproduce in vitro a strand-specific nicking at the plasmid origin of transfer, oriT. In the presence of Mg2+, the proteins MobA (78-kDa form of RSF1010 DNA primase), MobB, and MobC and supercoiled or linear duplex oriT DNA form large amounts of a cleavage complex, which is characterized by its sensitivity to protein-denaturant treatment. Upon addition of SDS to such a complex, a single strand break is generated in the DNA, and MobA is found linked to the 5' nick terminus, presumably covalently. The double-strand nicking activity of MobA requires, in addition to Mg2+, the presence of MobC and is stimulated by the presence of MobB. The nick site has been shown by DNA sequencing to lie at the position cleaved in vivo during transfer, between nucleotides 3138/3139 in the r strand of RSF1010. We have found that MobA will also cleave DNA at sites other than oriT if the DNA is present in single-stranded form. Breakage in this case occurs in the absence of denaturing conditions, and after prolonged incubation, reclosure can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Replicating DNA molecules of the nonconjugative R plasmid RSF1010 (Smr Sur) were cleaved with the EcoRI restriction endonuclease and examined with the electron microscope. Results of this analysis indicated that replication is initiated from an origin located at about 19% of total genome size from one of the EcoRI ends. Replication proceeded either unidirectionally or bidirectionally with equal frequency. Results of the analysis of replicative intermediates of RSF1010 containing the Apr-transposable sequence (Tn) are also presented.  相似文献   

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