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We have observed that preincubation of 48 hour-fasted or alloxan diabetic rat liver slices, with no exogenous energy supply, for 3 hours resulted in an increased rate of incorporation of [1-14C] acetate into fatty acids and cholesterol during the following 2 hours. This preincubation effect was enhanced by the presence of glucose (25mM) in or prevented by the addition of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3′,5′ monophosphate (10?4M) to the preincubation medium. Preincubation of normal rat liver slices did not change their rate of incorporation of [1-14C] acetate into fatty acids or cholesterol. The rate of 14CO2 synthesized by normal, fasted or diabetic liver slices was little affected by preincubation. The preincubation effect, i.e. enhanced fatty acid synthesis was also observed in suspensions of hepatocytes from fasted and diabetic rats, preincubated for 2 hours, followed by a 1 hour incubation with either [1-14C] acetate or [3H] H2O as precursor. We conclude from these data that there is concurrent and coordinated short- and long-term regulation of fatty acid biosynthesis in fasted and diabetic rat livers. Further, we suggest that the release of inhibition by preincubation of these tissues provides a useful tool for studying the coordinated control  相似文献   

Cells producing avian sarcoma virus (ASV) contain at least three virus-specific mRNAs, two of which are encoded within the 3' half of the viral genome. Each of these viral RNAs can hybridize with single-stranded DNA(cDNA5') that is complementary to a sequence of 101 nucleotides found at the 5' terminus of the ASV genome, but not within the 3' half of the genome. We proposed previously (Weiss, Varmus and Bishop, 1977) that this nucleotide sequence may be transposed to the 5' termini of viral mRNAs during the genesis of these RNAs. We now substantiate this proposal by reporting the isolation and chemical characterization of the nucleotide sequences complementary to cDNA5' in the genome and mRNAs of the Prague B strain of ASV. We isolated the three identified classes of ASVmRNA (38, 28 and 21S) by molecular hybridization; each class of RNA contained a "capped" oligonucleotide identical to that found at the 5' terminus of the ASV genome. When hybridized with cDNA5', each class of RNA gave rise to RNAase-resistant duplex hybrids that probably encompassed the full extent of cDNA5'. The molar yields of duplex conformed approximately to the number of virus-specific RNA molecules in the initial samples; hence most if not all of the molecules of virus-specific RNA could give rise to the duplexes. The duplexes prepared from the various RNAs all contained the capped oligonucleotide found at the 5' terminus of the viral genome and had identical "fingerprints" when analyzed by two-dimensional fractionation following hydrolysis with RNAase T1. In contrast, RNA representing the 3' half of the ASV genome did not form hybrids with cDNA5'. We conclude that a sequence of more than 100 nucleotides is transposed from the 5' end of the ASV genome to the 5' termini of smaller viral RNAs during the genesis of these RNAs. Transposition of nucleotide sequences during the production of mRNA has now been described for three families of animal viruses and may be a common feature of mRNA biogenesis in eucaryotic cells. The mechanism of transposition, however, and the function of the transposed sequences are not known.  相似文献   

Influence of valproic acid on hepatic carbohydrate and lipid metabolism   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Valproic acid (dipropylacetic acid), an antiepileptic agent known to be hepatotoxic in some patients, caused inhibition of lactate gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, and fatty acid synthesis by isolated hepatocytes. The latter process was the most sensitive to valproic acid, 50% inhibition occurring at ca. 125 microM with cells from meal-fed female rats. The medium-chain acyl-CoA ester fraction was increased whereas coenzyme A (CoA), acetyl-CoA, and the long chain acyl-CoA fractions were decreased by valproic acid. The increase in the medium chain acyl-CoA fraction was found by high-pressure liquid chromatography to be due to the accumulation of valproyl-CoA plus an apparent CoAester metabolite of valproyl-CoA. Salicylate inhibited valproyl-CoA formation and partially protected against valproic acid inhibition of hepatic metabolic processes. Octanoate had a similar protective effect, suggesting that activation of valproic acid in the mitosol is required for its inhibitory effects. It is proposed that either valproyl-CoA itself or the sequestration of CoA causes inhibition of metabolic processes. Valproyl-CoA formation also appears to explain valproic acid inhibition of gluconeogenesis by isolated kidney tubules. No evidence was found for the accumulation of valproyl-CoA in brain tissue, suggesting that the effects of valproic acid in the central nervous system are independent of the formation of this metabolite.  相似文献   

The relation between the unit thread of chromosomes and isolated nucleohistone   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Changes in the physical properties and molecular structure of isolated nucleohistone, induced by binding magnesium or other ions, have been studied. Nucleohistone has a net negative charge. Added magnesium binds tightly to the DNA phosphate groups that are not already complexed with histone. This results in neutralization of the net negative charge, a reduction in intermolecular repulsion, aggregation and compaction of the nucleohistone gel. The “unit thread” of nucleohistone observed in the electron microscope changes diameter from 110 Å to 230 Å on addition of magnesium before drying. However, X-ray diffraction studies fail to detect any changes in regular tertiary structure on adding divalent ions. The methods for dehydration commonly used in specimen preparation for electron microscopy appear to cause a complete loss of regular tertiary structure.We conclude that the DNA in hydrated nucleohistone is supercoiled, that the degree of regular supercoiling is independent of the presence of ions and that both the 110 Å and 230 Å threads observed in the electron microscope probably contain the distorted remnant of a single supercoil.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the effects of chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants on metabolic processes of isolated hepatocytes. Since isolated triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins are contaminated with nonesterified fatty acids, control incubations were conducted with an amount of fatty acid equivalent to the contaminating fatty acids present in the chylomicrons and the remnant preparations, respectively. Chylomicron remnants, produced in vitro by incubation of chylomicrons in postheparin rat plasma, caused marked inhibition of glycolysis, fatty acid synthesis, and cholesterol synthesis, along with marked stimulation of ketogenesis. These effects were traced to the release of nonesterified fatty acids from these remnant particles as a consequence of contamination with lipoprotein lipase, picked up by the particles during the incubation with rat plasma. Fatty acids inhibit glycolysis, cholesterol, and fatty acid synthesis, but enhance ketone body formation by isolated hepatocytes. Chylomicrons and remnants prepared in vivo by the injection of chylomicrons into functionally hepatectomized rats were not contaminated with lipoprotein lipase and did not inhibit glycolysis and cholesterol synthesis nor increase ketone body formation. These lipoprotein particles did, however, cause significant inhibition of fatty acid synthesis, with the chylomicrons being more effective on a protein basis than the remnants produced in vivo. The mechanism responsible for the inhibition of fatty acid synthesis by chylomicrons and remnants prepared in vivo remains to be resolved.  相似文献   

Small intact frog skeletal muscles were exposed to radioactively labeled adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) during incubation in frog Ringer's solution buffered with Tris (RT). The fate of the nucleotide was followed by measuring the products in the incubation media. Paper chromatography was used for the separation and identification of these products; the amounts were measured using liquid scintillation spectrometry. It was found that cAMP was degraded to AMP, which was then converted to IMP and, to some extent, inosine. The degradation of cAMP to AMP was markedly inhibited by theophylline (10 mM) suggesting the presence of cAMP phosphodiesterase activity at the muscle surface. Kinetic studies of enzyme activity in situ revealed two apparent Km values: 0.33 μm and 55 μm. Insulin (0.3 unit/ml) increased the phosphodiesterase activity at concentrations of cAMP ranging from 2 to 17 μm. The possible roles of the surface phosphodiesterase were discussed.  相似文献   

In Drosophila virilis salivary glands the in vitro activities of enzymes involved in the glucosamine pathway were examined during the third larval instar and in the prepupa. While glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC becomes inactive at the time of puparium formation, glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase (EC and glucosamine-6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase (EC show maximal activities in the prepupal gland. The activity of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (EC may also decrease prior to puparium formation. Incubation of larval and prepupal glands in medium containing [3H]glucose + [14C]-uridine or [14C]glucosamine and subsequent separation of intermediates of the glucosamine pathway by chromatographic procedures reveal that the capacity of the glands to incorporate the isotopes into these intermediates decreases significantly at the time of puparium formation. The results suggest that in D. virilis salivary glands the formation of aminosugars is mainly controlled by the activities of the two enzymes glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase.  相似文献   

1H-N.m.r. spectra of glycosaminoglycuronan monomers and dimers in solution in methyl sulphoxide-d6 have been investigated; N-H and O-H resonances were observed and partially assigned. Their temperature-dependence suggests hydrogen-bonding to the solvent, with the notable exception of that of HO-4 Of sodium D-gluctironate, which was consistently downfield and relatively temperature-insensitive. The concentration-dependence ofthis signal indicates that the corresponding hydroxyl group is involved in the formation of a dimer. Signals for N-H and O-H were observed for aqueous solutions, especially at subzero temperatures.  相似文献   

Inactivation of prophage lambda repressor in vivo.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jacob &; Monod (1961) postulated that prophage A induction results from the inactivation of the λ repressor by a cellular inducer. Although it has been shown that the phage A repressor is inactivated by the recA gene product in vitro (Roberts et al., 1978), we wanted to determine the action of the “cellular inducer” in vivo. Our results have led to a new model, which defines the relationship between the “cellular inducer” and the recA gene product.In order to quantitate the action of the cellular inducer on the λ repressor, we made use of bacteria with elevated cellular levels of the λ repressor (hyperimmune lysogens). We determined the kinetics of repressor inactivation promoted by three representative inducing treatments: ultraviolet light irradiation, thymine deprivation and temperature shift-up of tif-1 mutants.The kinetics of repressor decay in wild-type monolysogens indicate that repressor inactivation is a relatively slow cellular process that takes a generation time to reach completion. Incomplete inactivation of the repressor without subsequent prophage development may occur in a cell. We call this phenomenon detected at the biochemical level “subinduction”. In hyperimmune lysogens. subinduction is always the case.A high cellular level of A repressor that prevents prophage λ induction does not prevent induction of a heteroimmune prophage such as 434 or 80. Although the cellular inducer does not seem specific for any inducible prophage, it does not inactivate two prophage repressors present in a cell in a random manner. We have called this finding “preferential repressor inactivation”. Preferential repressor inactivation may be accounted for by considering that the intracellular concentration of a repressor determines its susceptibility to the action of the inducer.In bacteria with varying repressor levels, a fixed amount of repressor molecules is inactivated per unit of time irrespective of the initial repressor concentration. The rate of repressor inactivation depends on the catalytic capacity of the cellular inducer that behaves as a saturated enzyme. In wild-type bacteria the cellular inducer seems to be produced in a limited amount, to have a weak catalytic capacity and a relatively short half-life. The amount of the inducer formed after tif-1 expression is increased in STS bacteria overproducing a tif-1-modified RecA protein. This result is an indication that a modified form of the RecA protein causes repressor inactivation in vivo.From the results obtained we propose a model concerning the formation of the cellular inducer. We postulate that the cellular inducer is formed in a two-step reaction. The is model visualises how the RecA protein can be induced to high cellular concentrations, even though the RecAp protease molecules remain at a low concentration. The latter accounts for the limited proteolytic activity found in vivo.  相似文献   

The activities of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and thymidine kinase (TK) and the rates of DNA synthesis were determined in hepatomas and livers of rats bearing Morris hepatoma 5123-C or 7800 and entrained to a schedule of 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness, with food (60% protein) available only during the first 2 hours of the dark period. ODC activity in hepatoma 5123-C displayed a diurnal oscillation, increasing 2-fold during the feeding period and then rapidly decaying to 20% of the peak level. The livers of rats bearing hepatoma 5123-C exhibited a similar oscillation of ODC activity, with peak values lower than in the hepatomas but higher than in the livers of control (non-tumor bearing) animals. TK activity and the rate of DNA synthesis in hepatoma 5123-C were low during most of the dark period but increased rapidly towards the end of the dark period. DNA synthesis reached a plateau at the dark-light interface and then rapidly declined, but TK activity remained high during the light period. Similar studies on hepatoma 7800 established that ODC activity in this hepatoma did not oscillate but remained at low levels throughout the day. Similarly, host livers of rats bearing hepatoma 7800 did not exhibit the diurnal oscillation of ODC activity characteristic of liver from control rats, but showed a slow increase in activity followed by a plateau and a slow decline to base-line levels. DNA synthesis in hepatoma 7800 was constant throughout the day, whereas TK activity may have increased during the dark period. In the livers of control rats and animals bearing hepatoma 5123-C or 7800, TK activity and rate of DNA synthesis were at low levels at all times studied and appeared not to oscillate.  相似文献   

Consistent with the surface display of IgG1, antigen-primed B cells are sensitive to functional elimination by anti-Ig and C. This depletion of IgG1 responses, assayed in adoptive transfer, is accompanied by increased responses of other isotypes, a phenomenon termed compensation. An analysis of the tertiary response reveals that cells sensitive to functional elimination are precursors to memory cells as well as plaque-forming cells. To investigate control mechanisms governing preferential expression of IgG1, and the compensation active after elimination of IgG1, increased numbers of carrier-primed cells were transferred and antigen dose was increased to adoptive recipients. Doses of carrier-primed cells or antigen were found which allowed maximal expression of both IgG1 and non-IgG1 isotypes. In recipients of anti-Ig and C-treated B cells, increased numbers of carrier-primed cells did not further increase the compensatory expression of non-IgG1 isotypes. A discussion is presented of compensation as a result of limiting inductive signals to B cells.  相似文献   

The addition of KLH to KLH-primed rabbit lymph node cell cultures induced an anamnestic antibody response. The further addition of prostaglandins of the E series, but not PGF1α, enhanced this antibody response manifold. The addition to these cultures of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors together with KLH inhibited antibody production. At the concentration (10?4) required to inhibit antibody synthesis, by a variety of criteria one of these inhibitors, indomethacin, was shown not to exert its effects through cytotoxicity. By contrast, two other inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, Ro-20-5720 and Ro-3-1314, inhibited antibody synthesis because of their cytotoxicity. The inhibition of the antibody response by indomethacin did not occur when PGE1 or PGE2 was added concurrently to these cultures, clearly showing that inhibition was due to a deficiency of prostaglandins. These findings strongly suggest that induction and/or regulation of the in vitro anamnestic antibody response of KLH-primed lymph node cells to 1 and 100 μg KLH requires continued prostaglandin synthesis. Potential mechanisms for the regulation of the antibody response by prostaglandins are discussed.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite to a quantitative study of the inactivation of phage repressors in vivo (Bailone et al., 1979), the cellular concentrations of the bacteriophage λ and 434 repressors have been measured in bacteria with varying repressor levels.Using the DNA-binding assay we have determined the conditions for optimal repressor titration. The sensitivity of the λ repressor assay was increased by adding magnesium ions to the binding mixture; this procedure was without effect on the titration of the 434 repressor. The measures of the cellular repressor concentrations varied with the method of cell disruption.The cellular concentration of λ repressor, about 140 active repressor molecules per monolysogen, was relatively constant under specific cultural conditions. The repressor concentration increased with the number of cI gene copies but not in direct proportion.The 434 repressor concentration, hardly detectable in extracts of lysogens carrying an imm434 prophage, was greatly enhanced in bacteria carrying the newly constructed plasmid pGY101, that encodes the 434 cI gene.The cellular repressor level produced by 434 is lower than that produced by λ: this indicates that the maintenance of the prophage state is ensured by a relatively small number of repressor molecules binding tightly to the operator sites.  相似文献   

An initial study of the charge distributions and torsional potentials for (1→4)-linked disaccharides, and a steric energy-map for (1→4)-linked disaccharides is reported for six acidic glycosaminoglycans. The charge distributions have been computed by the CNDO quantum-mechanical procedure, together with a molecular-decomposition technique. The intrinsic torsional potential has been computed by using CNDO energies and empirical potential-energies. The intrinsic torsional potential is two-dimensional. The general steric-map for a (1→4)-linked disaccharide will be useful for simplifying future conformational analyses of glycosaminoglycans. Wherever possible, comparisons between theory and experiment are presented or cited.  相似文献   

Differential Thermal Analyses and Optical Density measurements show that perdeuteration of the fatty acid residues in phosphatidylcholines causes a 4–5°C decrease in the phase transition temperatures of bilayer dispersions prepared from these deuterated phospholipids. The implications of these findings on the use of deuterated phospholipids in membrane research will be briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Dichloroacetate has effects upon hepatic metabolism which are profoundly different from its effects on heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue metabolism. With hepatocytes prepared from meal-fed rats, dichloroacetate was found to activate pyruvate dehydrogenase, to increase the utilization of lactate and pyruvate without effecting an increase in the net utilization of glucose, to increase the rate of fatty acid synthesis, and to decrease slightly [1-14C]oleate oxidation to 14CO2 without decreasing ketone body formation. With hepatocytes isolated from 48-h-starved rats, dichloroacetate was found to activate pyruvate dehydrogenase, to have no influence on net glucose utilization, to inhibit gluconeogenesis slightly with lactate as substrate, and to stimulate gluconeogenesis significantly with alanine as substrate. The stimulation of fatty acid synthesis by dichloroacetate suggests that the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase can be rate determining for fatty acid synthesis in isolated liver cells. The minor effects of dichloroacetate on gluconeogenesis suggest that the regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase is only of marginal importance in the control of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

Aprocedure is described for the synthesis of radioactive 3-methylthiopropionate, a recently isolated metabolite of mammalian methionine metabolism. The method is a two-step synthesis whereby correspondingly labeled methionine is degraded by ninhydrin to 3-methylthiopropionaldehyde and then specifically oxidized to 3-methylthiopropionate without oxidation of the sulfur atom by the yeast enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase. Radiochemical purity of the isolated product was established by paper, thin-layer, and gas-liquid chromatography. This procedure is economical and readily applicable to the synthesis of other alkylthio fatty acids for the study of S-methylcysteine and ethionine metabolism and probably for the synthesis of radioactive intermediates of branched chain amino acids.  相似文献   

S Yanagi  V R Potter 《Life sciences》1977,20(9):1509-1519
The changes in activity of five enzymes including ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT), thymidine kinase (TK), ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) and serine dehydratase (SDH) in the early stage of the regenerating rat liver have been studied under a controlled feeding and lighting schedule. The first three enzyme activities were stimulated sequentially by partial hepatectomy. The earliest response was observed in ODC activity. A significant increase in this enzyme activity was observed at 2 hrs and the maximal level was at 4 hrs after the operation. TAT began to increase at 4 hrs and the maximal level was at 8 hrs. The TK activity was induced at about 24 hrs and the highest value was at 48 hrs after partial hepatectomy.A significant decrease in OAT activity was observed at 24 hrs after the operation and subsequently. Although a decrease in SDH activity was also observed this decrease did not seem to correlate directly with the regeneration process, since a lowered level of the enzyme activity was also found in the sham operated group.  相似文献   

CDP-Choline:1,2-diglycerolcholinephosphotransferase (EC, cholinephosphotransferase) activities were determined in subcellular fractions prepared from rat embryos, placentas, or yolk sacs obtained on the fourteenth day of gestation. It was found that, in all of the tissues studied, cholinephosphotransferase activity (1) copurified with NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity (EC, (2) was maximal around pH 8.0; (3) was stimulated by MgCl2, exogenous diolein, and cytidine diphosphocholine (CDP-choline); and (4) was highest in homogenates of placentas, lowest in those of embryos, and intermediate in those of yolk sacs. These data substantiate, for the first time, that the early mammalian (rat) embryo, placenta, and yolk sac have the ability to synthesize phospholipids de novo.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase has been studied in adult mouse liver and mouse blastocysts. The enzyme from mouse liver was resolved into three enzyme forms by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. Two of the forms, IA and IB, are insensitive to α-amanitin, have low Mn2+Mg2+ activity ratios, and are optimally active at low ionic strength. Form II is inhibited by α-amanitin, has a higher Mn2+Mg2+ activity ratio, and is most active at high ionic strength. An optimal reaction temperature of 37 ° C was found for all enzyme forms. All of the isolated enzyme forms are inhibited by the exotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis and the inhibition can be partially reversed by increased ATP levels. Forms IA and IB are most active with native template while form II prefers denatured DNA.The blastocyst RNA polymerase activity exhibits similar requirements for divalent metal ions and ionic strength to the purified liver enzymes. The maximum inhibition of blastocyst RNA polymerase obtained with α-amanitin and exotoxin differs from that observed for purified liver enzymes but is similar to the inhibition of liver homogenate. However, the concentrations of inhibitor required for maximum inhibition by α-amanitin and exotoxin is different for the blastocyst and liver homogenate enzymes.  相似文献   

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