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缪仁票 《生物学通报》2005,40(12):35-36
近10年高中生物学概念的教学,对概念的如何引入、形成、巩固和深化有了一定的研究;前概念的剖析和概念图的运用,以及在认知同化学习和建构主义学习等理论指导下的概念教学模式的探讨.已开始受到人们关注;但几乎尚未涉及概念所负载的方法、蕴涵的价值和体现的科学素养。  相似文献   

科学教育聚焦于发展学生对概念的深入理解,理解概念关键在于厘清概念的类别及其关系。从生物学的学科知识结构角度将生物学概念分为核心概念、重要概念、一般概念3类;从生物学概念存在的形态及教学形态分为直接概念、描述型概念、创设型概念等5类,同时分析每种概念的特征,并提出甄别概念从研读课程标准和教材以筛选概念、构建概念图等两大步骤展开。  相似文献   

洪德元 《生物多样性》2016,24(9):979-662
物种概念(species concept)是生物学家们持续关注的中心问题。物种概念决定物种划分, 而物种划分的合理性关系到生物多样性的研究、保护和可持续利用。本文把现有较流行的物种概念分为6类, 并对它们予以述评后指出: 虽然生物学物种概念、遗传学物种概念、进化物种概念、系统发生物种概念等从不同方面认识了物种的客观真实性和物种的本质, 但在实践中都难以操作。绝大多数物种是由分类学家划分的, 但目前所有的分类学物种概念都包含有不同程度的主观因素, 从而造成物种划分的人为性, 对生物多样性研究造成负面影响。因此, 生物多样性事业需要科学、可操作的物种概念。本文在吸收了生物学物种概念、遗传学物种概念、进化物种概念以及系统发生物种概念等的长处, 也分析了它们的不足和问题的基础上提出一个新的物种概念, 即形态-生物学物种概念。最后, 以芍药属(Paeonia)几个物种的处理为例, 说明这一新的物种概念是可操作的, 划分的物种在形态上区别分明, 易于鉴别。更重要的是, 其结果得到基于25或26个单拷贝或寡拷贝核基因DNA序列所作的系统发生分析的强有力支持。各个物种在系统发生树上形成单系和独立的谱系, 表明其间各自形成独立的基因库, 没有基因交换, 它们独立进化, 有各自的生态位和独立的分布区。因此, 利用这一新的物种概念能够达到预期目标。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的生物学概念及其表述方式   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
生物学教学的任务之一是知识的教学,其关键是概念教学。不同的生物学教师对概念的理解不同,而这样的理解又对课堂教学的要求、方式和结果产生影响。依据国内外近年来的研究成果,阐述了什么是生物学概念及如果在教学中准确表述概念。  相似文献   

分析了学生迷思概念的形成原因,介绍了了解学生迷思概念的几个渠道,阐述了在生物学教学中将学生迷思概念向科学概念转变的几个策略,并进行理论上的分析.  相似文献   

概念是在表象基础上产生的,概念和表象都具有概括性特征,但是概念处于高级的水平,它反映事物的一般的、本质的、抽象的特征。所以准确理解概念的内涵和外延,是牢固掌握概念的先决条件。就如何利用观察法进行概念教学谈了自己的一点体会。  相似文献   

袁维新 《生物学通报》2009,44(12):36-39
分析概念重建的内涵及概念重建的教学模式,阐述概念重建教学模式的基本程序,并通过实例记述概念重建教学模式在生物学教学中的运用。  相似文献   

胡玉华 《生物学通报》2011,46(10):33-36
当代科学教育改革的一个核心是要提高学生作为公民的科学素养。提高科学素养不是追求对科学事实和信息量的更多占有,而是要求对核心概念和科学思想的深刻领悟。在生物学新课程教学中重视学生对生物学核心概念的深入理解,而不是支离破碎地记忆一些孤立的事实和对定义的死记硬背,这是生物学新课程教学与传统生物学教学相比最重要的转变。提高核心概念的教学水平,既是提高生物学教学质量的根本保证,也是更好地理解和实践新课程的要求。因此从生物学核心概念的内涵角度论述了什么是生物学核心概念、怎样界定生物学核心概念,并以案例的形式对上述论述进行了分析。  相似文献   

在遗传学概念的教学中运用逻辑方法,用概念定义方式帮助学生对概念内涵的理解,用概念划分的方法明确概念的外延.运用概念的正反例、变式等策略掌握概念本质特征.应用概念关系图构建遗传学概念之间的逻辑关系.  相似文献   

为了探查中学生对遗传学重要概念的理解情况,本研究依据不同年级段所涉及的重要概念,编制了3份适合不同年级段学生作答的概念理解测试卷,选取北京市2所中学的390名中学生作为样本进行调查研究,并对学生理解情况进行进一步的总结,概括出学生的相异概念。在此基础上进一步讨论分析可能的原因,给出教学建议。  相似文献   

The What,Why and How of Primate Taxonomy   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Taxonomy has a well-defined role, which is much more than simply stamp-collecting and pigeon-holing. Species are the units of classification, biogeography and conservation; as such they must be defined as objectively as possible. The biological species concept, still widely used in biology, though predominantly by non-taxonomists and all too often misunderstood, is a process-based concept, which offers no criterion for the classification of allopatric populations beyond inference and hypothesis. The phylogenetic species concept—a pattern-based concept—is as nearly objective as we are likely to get. Amount of difference is not a criterion for recognizing species. It is not possible to insist on monophyly at the specific level, but it is mandatory for the higher categories (genus, family, etc.). The rank we assign to a given supraspecific category should be determined by its time depth.  相似文献   

TPX is a web-based PubMed search enhancement tool that enables faster article searching using analysis and exploration features. These features include identification of relevant biomedical concepts from search results with linkouts to source databases, concept based article categorization, concept assisted search and filtering, query refinement. A distinguishing feature here is the ability to add user-defined concept names and/or concept types for named entity recognition. The tool allows contextual exploration of knowledge sources by providing concept association maps derived from the MEDLINE repository. It also has a full-text search mode that can be configured on request to access local text repositories, incorporating entity co-occurrence search at sentence/paragraph levels. Local text files can also be analyzed on-the-fly. Availability: http://tpx.atc.tcs.com  相似文献   

The concept of energy serves biologists as a powerful analytical model to describe phenomena that occurs in the natural world. Due to the concept’s relevance, educational standards of different countries identify energy as a core idea for the teaching and learning of biology and other science subjects. However, previous research on students’ energy understanding has mostly focused on physics contexts. This cross-sectional study extends insight to the field by providing a systematic analysis of students’ (N = 30, grades 5, 7, 9, 11) conceptions about energy in biological contexts. In order to connect the findings to previous research, the study analyses conceptions about four energy aspects that are regarded as central for understanding the concept in different disciplinary contexts, i.e. (1) energy forms/sources, (2) transfer/transformation, (3) degradation/dissipation and (4) energy conservation. The findings identify substantial changes in students’ conceptions about energy between the different grade levels, but also highlight conceptions that students consistently employed across age groups. The results are discussed in the light of previous research on students’ progressing energy understanding and the connection of their energy understanding across different disciplinary contexts. Lastly, the article provides implications for the further development of energy teaching in biological contexts.  相似文献   

One of the so called 'species problems' is that no universal concept exists. There is a tendency among microbiologists to criticize the hitherto devised concept. It is considered by some researchers as being too conservative and not suitable to be compared with those for eukaryotes. However, such problem is not only restricted to prokaryotes, but among other taxonomies comparisons seem to be impossible. As it is argued, the underlying cause to this problem is the reductionistic and monistic use of taxonomy. Analyzing the more than 22 devised concepts it seems possible to achieve a universal species concept. However, this might not be pragmatic. For the time being, a pluralistic sense of the species concept might be accepted, and one will have to recognize that any comparison among different taxonomies will be difficult.  相似文献   

Modern biology has been heavily influenced by the gene‐centric concept. Paradoxically, this very concept – on which bioresearch is based – is challenged by the success of gene‐based research in terms of explaining evolutionary theory. To overcome this major roadblock, it is essential to establish new theories, to not only solve the key puzzles presented by the gene‐centric concept, but also to provide a conceptual framework that allows the field to grow. This paper discusses a number of paradoxes and illustrates how they can be addressed by the genome‐centric concept in order to further resynthesize evolutionary theory. In particular, methodological breakthroughs that analyze genome evolution are discussed. The multiple interactions among different levels of a complex system provide the key to understanding the relationship between self‐organization and natural selection. Darwinian natural selection applies to the biological level due to its unique genetic and heterogeneous features, but does not simply or directly apply to either the lower non‐living level or higher intellectual society level. At the complex bio‐system level, the genome context (the entire package of genes and their genomic physical relationship or genomic topology), not the individual genes, defines the system and serves as the principle selection platform for evolution.  相似文献   

朱益群 《生物学杂志》2000,17(2):30-31,29
生物学概念的教学是生物学教学的一项重要任务。在具体的生物学概念教学实践中,教师采用的教学策略风格各异,但就其共性来说,生物学概念的教学策略一般由五个层次性的环节组成。本文就这五个萃知理论,结合教学实践作一些探讨。  相似文献   

The present article was originally published in the medical italian journal,Rassegna Medica, 1984. The author, on the basis of the recent development of the biotechnology, genetic engineering and environment exploitation by man, attempts to reconstruct the natural history of the ethical concept and its implications for the present natural equilibrium. On this basis he suggests a concept of bioethics which stresses Man-Environment interaction.  相似文献   

雕玲 《生物学杂志》2012,29(4):111-113,104
教学设计围绕基因突变这一核心概念,设计多样化的教学活动,让学生从实例分析入手,按照认知的规律从现象到概念,从宏观到微观来归纳总结出基因突变的概念;利用环环相扣的问题、科研资料引导学生在不断地探究、思考、分析和讨论,理解基因突变特征和基因突变的意义。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a natural concept (food vs. non-food) and on a pseudoconcept (arbitrary classification of edible and not edible stimuli). The birds were trained with real objects and then tested with colour photographs in the object-to-picture transfer group, and they were trained and tested in the reverse order in a picture-to-object transfer group. The subjects showed good transfer of discrimination in both directions when the task involved a natural concept, but they did not show transfer of a pseudoconcept discrimination. Because all birds saw the same stimuli during the discriminative training, the difference in transfer was due to the type of classification of the stimuli. These results suggest object-picture equivalence based on functional classification.  相似文献   

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