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1. Silica, deposited as opaline phytoliths in the leaves of grasses, constitutes 2-5% of dry leaf mass, yet its function remains unclear. It has been proposed that silica may act as an antiherbivore defence by increasing the abrasiveness and reducing the digestibility of grass leaves, although there is little direct experimental evidence to support this. 2. We investigated the effects of manipulated silica levels on the abrasiveness of the leaves of five grass species. We also examined the effects of silica levels on the feeding preferences, growth performance and digestion efficiency of two folivorous insects and one phloem-feeding insect. 3. Silica addition resulted in increases to leaf abrasiveness in four of the five grass species studied. Silica addition also deterred feeding by both folivores and reduced their growth rates and digestion efficiency. 4. These effects resulted in lower pupal mass of the lepidopteron larvae Spodoptera exempta and compensatory feeding by the orthopteran, Schistocerca gregaria. In contrast, silica had no effects on the feeding preference or the population growth of the phloem feeder, Sitobion avenae. 5. Our results demonstrate that silica is an effective defence against folivorous insects, both as a feeding deterrent, possibly mediated by increased abrasiveness, and as a digestibility reducer. The effects of silica on pupal mass and development time may impact on herbivore fitness and exposure to natural enemies. 6. These results are the first demonstration of a direct effect of silica on the abrasiveness of grasses and the adverse impact of silica on herbivore preference and performance.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology examines the adaptive responses of animals to pathogens in relation to other environmental factors and explores the consequences of trade-offs between investment in immune function and other life-history traits. Among species of herbivorous insects, diet breadth may vary greatly, with generalists consuming a wide variety of plant families and specialists restricted to a few species. Generalists may thus be exposed to a wider range of pathogens exerting stronger selection on the innate immune system. To examine whether this produces an increase in the robustness of the immune response, we compared larvae of the generalist herbivore Heliothis virescens and the specialist Heliothis subflexa challenged by entomopathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. Heliothis virescens larvae showed lower mortality, a lower number of recoverable bacteria, lower proliferation of haemocytes and higher phagocytic activity. These results indicate a higher tolerance to entomopathogenic bacteria by the generalist, which is associated with a more efficient cell-mediated immune response by mechanisms that differ between these closely related species. Our findings provide novel insights into the consequences of diet breadth and related environmental factors, which may be significant in further studies to understand the ecological forces and investment trade-offs that shape the evolution of innate immunity.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of artificial defoliation of birch trees in the previous year on the consumption and utilization of food by a geometrid larva, Epirrita autumnata, were studied in laboratory. The leaves were collected from two sites on a slope of a fell. Defoliation had a significant retarding effect on approximate digestibility, efficiency of conversion of ingested food, relative consumption rate and relative growth rate but not on efficiency of conversion of digested food. The effects were to the same direction with leaves from the two sites, but the response was stronger with leaves from the zone defoliated by Epirrita during mid-sixties. The defensive nature of the response(s) of birch to defoliation is discussed in the light of these results. It is concluded that contrary to the hypothesis of Moran and Hamilton (1980) no increase in the consumption incurred by individual trees could be shown in this system.  相似文献   

Plants activate direct and indirect defences in response to insect egg deposition. However, whether eggs can manipulate plant defence is unknown. In Arabidopsis thaliana, oviposition by the butterfly Pieris brassicae triggers cellular and molecular changes that are similar to the changes caused by biotrophic pathogens. In the present study, we found that the plant defence signal salicylic acid (SA) accumulates at the site of oviposition. This is unexpected, as the SA pathway controls defence against fungal and bacterial pathogens and negatively interacts with the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway, which is crucial for the defence against herbivores. Application of P. brassicae or Spodoptera littoralis egg extract onto leaves reduced the induction of insect‐responsive genes after challenge with caterpillars, suggesting that egg‐derived elicitors suppress plant defence. Consequently, larval growth of the generalist herbivore S. littoralis, but not of the specialist P. brassicae, was significantly higher on plants treated with egg extract than on control plants. In contrast, suppression of gene induction and enhanced S. littoralis performance were not seen in the SA‐deficient mutant sid2‐1, indicating that it is SA that mediates this phenomenon. These data reveal an intriguing facet of the cross‐talk between SA and JA signalling pathways, and suggest that insects have evolved a way to suppress the induction of defence genes by laying eggs that release elicitors. We show here that egg‐induced SA accumulation negatively interferes with the JA pathway, and provides an advantage for generalist herbivores.  相似文献   

Plants respond to herbivory through various morphological, biochemicals, and molecular mechanisms to counter/offset the effects of herbivore attack. The biochemical mechanisms of defense against the herbivores are wide-ranging, highly dynamic, and are mediated both by direct and indirect defenses. The defensive compounds are either produced constitutively or in response to plant damage, and affect feeding, growth, and survival of herbivores. In addition, plants also release volatile organic compounds that attract the natural enemies of the herbivores. These strategies either act independently or in conjunction with each other. However, our understanding of these defensive mechanisms is still limited. Induced resistance could be exploited as an important tool for the pest management to minimize the amounts of insecticides used for pest control. Host plant resistance to insects, particularly, induced resistance, can also be manipulated with the use of chemical elicitors of secondary metabolites, which confer resistance to insects. By understanding the mechanisms of induced resistance, we can predict the herbivores that are likely to be affected by induced responses. The elicitors of induced responses can be sprayed on crop plants to build up the natural defense system against damage caused by herbivores. The induced responses can also be engineered genetically, so that the defensive compounds are constitutively produced in plants against are challenged by the herbivory. Induced resistance can be exploited for developing crop cultivars, which readily produce the inducible response upon mild infestation, and can act as one of components of integrated pest management for sustainable crop production.  相似文献   

Interspecific New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties have been recently developed and used in Sub-Saharan Africa but herbivore resistance properties of these plants remain poorly understood. Here we report that, compared to a local Japanese cultivar Nipponbare, NERICA 1, 4 and 10 are significantly more damaged by insect herbivores in the paddy fields. In contrast to high levels of leaf damage from rice skippers and grasshoppers, constitutive and induced volatile organic compounds for indirect plant defense were higher or similar in NERICAs and Nipponbare. Accumulation of direct defense secondary metabolites, momilactones A and B, and p-coumaroylputrescine (CoP) was reduced in NERICAs, while feruloylputrescine accumulated at similar levels in all varieties. Finally, we found that Nipponbare leaves were covered with sharp nonglandular trichomes impregnated with silicon but comparable defense structures were virtually absent in herbivory-prone NERICA plants. As damage to the larval gut membranes by Nipponbare silicified trichomes that pass intact through the insect digestive system, occurs, and larval performance is enhanced by trichome removal from otherwise chemically defended Nipponbare plants, we propose that silicified trichomes work as an important defense mechanism of rice against chewing insect herbivores.  相似文献   

  • 1 Below‐ground organisms influence above‐ground interactions in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Among the most important below‐ground organisms are mycorrhizal fungi, comprising ubiquitous and ancient plant mutualists that have significant effects on plant growth and fitness mediated by resource exchange with plants. In the present study, we focus on the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on crop defence against insect pests.
  • 2 AMF alter the availability of resources used by crop plants to manufacture defences against pests and to compensate for pest damage. However, AMF also provide plants with nutrients that are known to increase insect performance. Through potentially opposing effects on plant nutritional quality and defence, mycorrhizal fungi can positively or negatively affect pest performance.
  • 3 Additionally, AMF may directly affect gene expression and plant defence signalling pathways involved in the construction and induction of plant defences, and these effects are apparently independent of those caused by nutrient availability. In this way, AMF may still influence plant defences in the fertilized and highly managed systems typical of agribusiness.
  • 4 Because AMF can affect plant tolerance to pest damage, they may have a significant impact on the shape of damage–yield relationships in crops. Potential mechanisms for this effect are suggested.
  • 5 We highlight the need for continuing research on the effects of AMF identity and the abundance on crop defences and tolerance to pest attack. Much work is needed on the potential effects of mycorrhizal colonization on plant signalling and the induction of direct and indirect defences that may protect against pest damage.

植物诱导性直接防御   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
众所周知,植物对植食性昆虫危害的反应表现在3个方面:直接防御,间接防御,和耐害性。直接防御是指植物自身所具有的能影响寄主植物感虫性的所有特性。植物对昆虫危害的直接防御包括:限制食物供给,降低营养价值,减少偏嗜程度,破坏组织结构和抑制害虫代谢途径。目前已知的防御化合物主要包括植物次生代谢物质、昆虫消化酶(蛋白)抑制剂、蛋白酶、凝集素、氨基酸脱氨酶和氧化酶。植物在防御某种昆虫为害时多个因素往往具有累加效应或协同作用,并且对一种昆虫起主导作用的因素在防御另一种昆虫时可能仅仅起次要作用甚至根本不起作用。因此,对寄主植物基因表达、蛋白水平和活性以及代谢物含量在不同时空条件下进行广泛的定量和定性的高通量分析,不仅可以促进对植物直接防御机制的全面理解,而且有助于在农业生产中加快对作物抗性的特定靶标的鉴定。  相似文献   

In their defence against pathogens, herbivorous insects, and mites, plants employ many induced responses. One of these responses is the induced emission of volatiles upon herbivory. These volatiles can guide predators or parasitoids to their herbivorous prey, and thus benefit both plant and carnivore. This use of carnivores by plants is termed indirect defence and has been reported for many plant species, including elm, pine, maize, Lima bean, cotton, cucumber, tobacco, tomato, cabbage, and Arabidopsis thaliana. Herbivory activates an intricate signalling web and finally results in defence responses such as increased production of volatiles. Although several components of this signalling web are known (for example the plant hormones jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, and ethylene), our understanding of how these components interact and how other components are involved is still limited. Here we review the knowledge on elicitation and signal transduction of herbivory-induced volatile production. Additionally, we discuss how use of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana can enhance our understanding of signal transduction in indirect defence and how cross-talk and trade-offs with signal transduction in direct defence against herbivores and pathogens influences plant responses.  相似文献   

Indirect plant defense against insect herbivores: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants respond to herbivore attack by launching 2 types of defenses: direct defense and indirect defense. Direct defense includes all plant traits that increase the resistance of host plants to insect herbivores by affecting the physiology and/or behavior of the attackers. Indirect defense includes all traits that by themselves do not have significant direct impact on the attacking herbivores, but can attract natural enemies of the herbivores and thus reduce plant loss. When plants recognize herbivore‐associated elicitors, they produce and release a blend of volatiles that can attract predators, parasites, and other natural enemies. Known herbivore‐associated elicitors include fatty acid–amino acid conjugates, sulfur‐containing fatty acids, fragments of cell walls, peptides, esters, and enzymes. Identified plant volatiles include terpenes, nitrogenous compounds, and indoles. In addition, constitive traits including extrafloral nectars, food bodies, and domatia can be further induced to higher levels and attract natural enemies as well as provide food and shelter to carnivores. A better understanding of indirect plant defense at global and componential levels via advanced high throughput technologies may lead to utilization of indirect defense in suppression of herbivore damage to plants.  相似文献   

Background and AimsThe great diversity of floral characteristics among animal-pollinated plants is commonly understood to be the result of coevolutionary interactions between plants and pollinators. Floral antagonists, such as nectar thieves, also have the potential to exert an influence upon the selection of floral characteristics, but adaptation against floral antagonists has attracted comparatively little attention. We found that the corollas of hornet-pollinated Codonopsis lanceolata (Campanulaceae) and the tepals of bee-pollinated Fritillaria koidzumiana (Liliaceae) are slippery to nectar-thieving ants living in the plant’s habitat; because the flowers of both species have exposed nectaries, slippery perianths may function as a defence against nectar-thieving ants.MethodsWe conducted a behavioural experiment and observed perianth surface microstructure by scanning electron microscopy to investigate the mechanism of slipperiness. Field experiments were conducted to test whether slippery perianths prevent floral entry by ants, and whether ant presence inside flowers affects pollination.Key ResultsScanning electron microscopy observations indicated that the slippery surfaces were coated with epicuticular wax crystals. The perianths lost their slipperiness when wiped with hexane. Artificial bridging of the slippery surfaces using non-slippery materials allowed ants to enter flowers more frequently. Experimental introduction of live ants to the Codonopsis flowers evicted hornet pollinators and shortened the duration of pollinator visits. However, no statistical differences were found in the fruit or seed sets of flowers with and without ants.ConclusionsSlippery perianths, most probably based on epicuticular wax crystals, prevent floral entry by ants that negatively affect pollinator behaviour. Experimental evidence of floral defence based on slippery surfaces is rare, but such a mode of defence may be widespread amongst flowering plants.  相似文献   

1. Trichome‐producing (hairy) and trichomeless (glabrous) plants of Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera were investigated to test whether plant resistance to herbivory depends on the plants' phenotypes and/or the phenotypes of neighbouring plants (associational effects). 2. A common garden experiment was conducted in which the relative frequency of hairy and glabrous plants was manipulated. Two species of leaf‐chewing insects (larvae of a white butterfly and a cabbage sawfly) were found less often on hairy plants than on glabrous plants. By contrast, the numbers of aphids and flea beetles did not differ significantly between hairy and glabrous plants. For none of these insects did abundance depend on the frequency of the two plant morphs. 3. A field survey was conducted in two natural populations of A. halleri. In the first population, a species of white butterfly was the dominant herbivore, and hairy plants incurred less leaf damage than glabrous plants across 2 years. By contrast, in the other population, where flea beetles were dominant, there were no consistent differences in leaf damage between the two types of plants. In neither of the two populations was any evidence found of associational effects. 4. This study did not provide any conclusive evidence of associational effects of anti‐herbivore resistance, but it was discovered that trichomes can confer resistance to certain herbivores. Given the results of previous work by the authors on associational effects against a flightless leaf beetle, such associational effects of the trichome dimorphism of A. halleri were herbivore‐specific.  相似文献   

Inducible direct plant defense against insect herbivores: A review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plants respond to insect herbivory with responses broadly known as direct defenses, indirect defenses, and tolerance. Direct defenses include all plant traits that affect susceptibility of host plants by themselves. Overall categories of direct plant defenses against insect herbivores include limiting food supply, reducing nutrient value, reducing preference, disrupting physical structures, and inhibiting chemical pathways of the attacking insect. Major known defense chemicals include plant secondary metabolites, protein inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes, proteases, lectins, amino acid deaminases and oxidases. Multiple factors with additive or even synergistic impact are usually involved in defense against a specific insect species, and factors of major importance to one insect species may only be of secondary importance or not effective at all against another insect species. Extensive qualitative and quantitative high throughput analyses of temporal and spatial variations in gene expression, protein level and activity, and metabolite concentration will accelerate not only the understanding of the overall mechanisms of direct defense, but also accelerate the identification of specific targets for enhancement of plant resistance for agriculture.  相似文献   

Plant tannins and insect herbivores: an appraisal   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract. 1. The bioassays with tannins and insects, and the ecological studies on insects implicating tannins, are summarized and discussed.
2. Because of the great variation now shown in all aspects of the insect-tannin relationship, the difficulty of making generalizations is stressed.
3. The significance of plant tannins for insect herbivores is reconsidered in the light of recent work and little-known older work, which illustrate the very varied nature of its effects.  相似文献   

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