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When deplasticized Epon sections were treated with endo- and/or exopeptidases prior to incubation with antibodies, the neuropeptide immuno-reactivity of secretory nerves was often altered in a predictable way. Cleavage of neurosecretory material in octopus nerves by trypsin and carboxypeptidase-B enhanced enkephalin-like immunoreactivity, while Molluscan neuropeptide-like immunoreactivity was prevented by tryptic cleavage. The enzyme effects indicated the occurrence of a heptapeptide (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met/Leu-Arg-Phe) that contains both the enkephalin and the Molluscan neuropeptide sequence. Vasopressin terminals of the rat neurohypophysis, which presumably contain enkephalin precursor sequences, exhibited enkephalin-like immunostaining after tryptic cleavage. ACTH/beta-endorphin cells of the rat intermediate pituitary, which synthesize the enkephalin sequence at the N-terminus of Beta-endorphin, exhibited enkephalin=like immunoreactivity when sections were treated with alpha-chymotrypsin or trypsin, but not after incubation with leucine-aminopeptidase or carboxypeptidase-B. Enkephalin-like immunostaining could not be induced in any way in ACTH/beta-endorphin cells of the anterior pituitary. Enzymatic cleavage may give additional information in immunocytochemical localization studies on neuropeptide sequences in secretory nerves and hormonal granules.  相似文献   

Serial semithin sections of rat neurohypophysis were immunostained with 2 antibodies to enkephalins using the peroxidase antiperoxidase method. One of the antibodies (R133) recognizes both met- and leu-enkephalin whereas the other (R26) reacts with met-enkephalin only. After cyanogen bromide pretreatment of the sections the antibody R133 stained only a subpopulation of nerve endings that were distinct from those stained with the latter antibody. R26-(met-enkephalin-like) immunoreactivity was totally abolished by cyanogen bromide pretreatment. This preincubation method which selectively interferes with the staining of met-enkephalin terminals may help to discriminate the two enkephalins in immunocytochemical preparations.  相似文献   

Summary Serial semithin sections of rat neurohypophysis were immunostained with 2 antibodies to enkephalins using the peroxidase antiperoxidase method. One of the antibodies (R133) recognizes both met- and leu-enkephalin whereas the other (R26) reacts with met-enkephalin only. After cyanogen bromide pretreatment of the sections the antibody R133 stained only a subpopulation of nerve endings that were distinct from those stained with the latter antibody. R26-(met-enkephalin-like) immunoreactivity was totally abolished by cyanogen bromide pretreatment. This preincubation method which selectively interferes with the staining of met-enkephalin terminals may help to discriminate the two enkephalins in immunocytochemical preparations.  相似文献   

Among five monoclonal antibodies (AHA-1 to 5 mAbs) prepared against glutaraldehyde (GA)-conjugated histamine (HA) in our previous study, only mAb AHA-2 was found to detect HA specifically in rat brain neurons by an immunocytochemistry method (ICC) using GA as a tissue fixative. All the other mAbs, except for AHA-5, reacted with HA in the enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL cells) of rat stomach [Fujiwara et al. (1997) Histochem. Cell Biol. 107, 39-45]. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) binding and inhibition tests demonstrated that AHA-2 is specific for HA, with almost no detectable cross-reaction with any other established or putative amino acid neurotransmitters, LH-RH, TRH, or peptides with N-terminal histidines. ELISA assays also suggested that the AHA-2 mAb recognizes a HA epitope structure different from the one recognized by the AHA-1 mAb. The immunostaining patterns with AHA-2 mAb, as seen in the five subgroups of the tuberomammillary nuclei in the rat posterior hypothalamus, were very similar to those described by Inagaki et al. [(1988) Brain Res. 439, 402-405; (1990) Exp. Brain Res. 80, 374-380] and Panula et al. [(1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 2572-2576; (1988) J. Histochem. Cytochem. 36, 259-269] using polyclonal anti-HA serum. However, it was also noted that moderate numbers of immunoreactive nerve fibers projected into the median eminence. The present HA ICC method using AHA-2 mAb allows highly sensitive HA detection in brain, and thus might permit detailed studies of HA localization hitherto impossible using previously available anti-HA polyclonal antibodies produced against carbodiimide-conjugated HA.  相似文献   

W K Paull  J C King 《Histochemistry》1983,78(3):413-416
This paper describes the construction and use of a washing/incubation chamber that may be used for peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemistry of vibratome sections. The advantages of the chamber include: all sections are processed simultaneously with exception of exposure to the primary antiserum; the exposure of the sections to DAB substrate can be precisely controlled; and also the sections are not directly manipulated during the procedure resulting in a much greater integrity of the tissue. Use of the chamber reduces the amount of labor normally required to wash the sections throughout the procedure. Application of this system to the development and standardization of quantitative immunocytochemical techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the construction and use of a washing/incubation chamber that may be used for peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemistry of vibratome sections. The advantages of the chamber include: all sections are processed simultaneously with exception of exposure to the primary antiserum; the exposure of the sections to DAB substrate can be precisely controlled; and also the sections are not directly manipulated during the procedure resulting in a much greater integrity of the tissue. Use of the chamber reduces the amount of labor normally required to wash the sections thorughout the procedure. Application of this system to the development and standardization of quantitative immunocytochemical techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a novel procedure combining the multiple-site reactivity of polyclonal antibodies with the defined single epitope-specificity of monoclonal antibodies. The method is based on previous findings that IgG molecules often only react with tissue-bound antigens with one of their two antigen-combining sites; thus, the remaining site is free to bind subsequently added antigen. In the procedure devised, such (undenatured) antigen is subsequently detected by a specific monoclonal antibody and the reaction is finally revealed by immunogold-silver staining. Antibody subpopulations to contaminating antigens may well be present in the polyclonal antiserum and may well bind first to tissue and then to the corresponding contaminants in the crude antigen preparation applied as second layer. Such contaminants will, however, not react with the monoclonal antibody and will therefore not be immunocytochemically detected. The method has been evaluated with one antigen which cannot be detected by monoclonal antibodies in paraffin sections (glial fibrillar acidic protein) and with another antigen (human chorionic gonadotropin) which can only be detected by the monoclonal antibody when occurring in high concentrations. In both cases the procedure resulted in strong specific staining of the antigens with no background.  相似文献   

Summary The denaturing effects of various types of fixative solutions on 5 cell surface antigens on mouse T-lymphocytes (Thy-1, T-200, Lyt-1, Lyt-2, and Th-B) were studied. For this purpose, cells were fixed with paraformaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, acrolein and osmium tetroxide at various concentrations. Fixed cells were then incubated with monoclonal antibodies and appropriate second stage antibodies or conjugates. The degree of antibody binding to these cells was determined quantitatively using flow-cytometry with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter or with a semi-automatic micro-ELISA system. The data obtained indicate that paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde preserve all five tested antigen molecules, whereas antibody binding to cells fixed in acrolein and osmium tetroxide is rapidly reduced at increasing concentrations of the fixative. The optimal concentration of paraformaldehyde is in the range 0.5–1%, whereas glutaraldehyde should be used at concentrations between. 0.05 and 0.1%. Cells fixed with 0.5% paraformaldehyde or with 0.05% glutaraldehyde are stable and can be stored for at least one week prior to incubation with antibodies.  相似文献   

In this study the conventional autoclaving technique was modified by incubating the food overnight prior to autoclaving. This treatment resulted in a markedly improved consistency of the food pellets, comparable with that of untreated food. The modified autoclaved food did not adhere to the walls of feeders or clog the transport passage. Furthermore, the losses in thermolabile vitamins resulting from this treatment were the same as those resulting from conventional autoclaving.  相似文献   

Isomerization of the third amino acid residue (a phenylalanine) of crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) has been previously reported to occur as a late step of hormone precursor maturation in a few neurosecretory cells in the X-organ-sinus gland complex of the crayfish Orconectes limosus. In the present report, using conformation-specific antisera combined with immunogold labeling, we have studied, at the ultrastructural level, the distribution of L- and D-CHH immunoreactivity in CHH-secreting cells of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Two CHH-secreting cell populations were observed, the first one (L-cells), the most numerous, exhibited only labeling for L-CHH. In the second one (D-cells), four secretory granule populations were distinguished according to their labeling: unlabeled, either L- or D- exclusively or both L- and D-granules. Labeling quantification by image analysis in D-cells showed a marked increase in D-labeling from the cell body to the axon terminal. However some L- and mixed granules remain in axon terminals. Our results demonstrate that Phe3 isomerization of CHH occurs within the secretory granules of specialized neurosecretory cells and progresses as the granules migrate along the axonal tract. The observation that not all the CHH synthesized is isomerized, and the great variability in the proportion of L- and D-immunoreactivity in granules in every cell region may suggest an heterogeneous distribution of the putative enzyme involved in Phe3 isomerization, a peptide isomerase, within the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

A novel combined solid-phase DNA synthesis and solid-phase DNA purification strategy is described. Removal of all N-, cap-, and phosphate protecting groups while maintaining a 5'-blocking group on the final product followed by a 5'- specific exonuclease digestion of failure sequences with the synthetic DNA still attached to the solid phase yields an essentially pure oligomer.  相似文献   

We report evidence that a monoclonal antibody raised by immunization with a vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-carrier protein conjugate selectively hydrolyzes VIP and a fluorescence quenched decapeptide (FQ14-22D), representing the region of VIP most susceptible to autoantibody-mediated cleavage (residues 14-22). A high affinity of the antibody for VIP and a lower affinity for FQ14-22D were revealed by kinetic studies and further substantiated by potent inhibition of FQ14-22D cleaving activity by full-length VIP. Sequencing of FQ14-22D hydrolysis products indicated selective cleavage at one peptide bond. These observations suggest that antibodies induced against naturally occurring polypeptide antigens can express peptidolytic activity targeted for specific sequences in the recognition epitope.  相似文献   

Cleavage of Muc4/SMC precursor into two subunits is an essential processing step for maturation and occurs within a GD-PH sequence. Recent evidence indicates that cleavage of the precursor of gel-forming mucin MUC2 within the same tetrapeptide sequence occurs by a non-enzymatic, autocatalytic cleavage at low pH, and in cells in the late secretory pathway. Here we provide evidence that the cleavage step of Muc4/SMC processing occurs by a proteolytic mechanism. First, processing of Muc4/SMC precursor to ASGP-2 was inhibited in the presence of the mechanism-based serine protease inhibitor, Pefabloc SC, under conditions that did not block synthesis of other proteins. This inhibition led to an increased level of the precursor. Second, neutralization of the acidic environment of the late secretory pathway with NH4Cl did not inhibit cleavage of Muc4/SMC precursor. These results indicate that the two mucins can be processed by cleavage at the same peptide site by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The procedure for the isolation and conjugation of the anti-substance P monoclonal antibody NC1/34 with the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is described. This resulted in a molecular complex of monoclonal antibody/HRP of 1:1. This conjugate was of approximately 400,000 daltons, as estimated by gel chromatography. Practically all the isolated antibody was coupled to HRP. The conjugate was tested both in a model system where CNBr-activated Sepharose beads were coupled to substance P and on fixed tissue preparations from the rat spinal cord and medulla oblongata. The conjugate revealed staining in nerve fibers in areas known to contain substance P. The best immunohistochemical results were obtained by prolonged incubations at 12 degrees C in the presence of 0.1% Triton X-100. The preabsorption of the conjugate with substance P obliterated the reaction.  相似文献   

Among‐individual variation in antibody‐associated immunity to gastrointestinal nematode parasites (GIN) is known be associated with life‐history traits and vital rates in wild vertebrate systems. To date, measurement of levels of antibodies against GIN antigens in natural populations has exclusively been based on invasive blood sampling techniques. Previous work in laboratory rodents and ruminant livestock suggests that antibody measures from feces may provide a viable noninvasive approach. We measured total and anti‐GIN antibodies of different isotypes (immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA and IgE) from paired samples of plasma and feces from free‐living Soay sheep of different ages and sexes. We tested the correlations among these measures as well as their associations with body mass and Strongyle nematode fecal egg counts (FEC). Significant positive correlations were present among plasma and fecal anti‐GIN antibody levels for IgG and IgA. Generally, correlations between total antibody levels in plasma and feces were weaker and not significant. No significant relationships were found between any antibody measures and body mass; however, fecal anti‐GIN antibody levels were significantly negatively correlated with FEC. Our data clearly demonstrate the feasibility of measuring anti‐GIN antibodies from fecal samples collected in natural populations. Although associations of fecal antibody levels with their plasma counterparts and FEC were relatively weak, the presence of significant correlations in the predicted direction in a relatively small and heterogeneous sample suggests fecal antibody measures could be a useful, noninvasive addition to current eco‐immunological studies.  相似文献   

To cultivate the use of trans-splicing as a novel means to rapidly express various antibody fusion proteins, we tried to express antibody-reporter enzyme fusions in a COS-1 co-transfection model. When a vector designed to induce trans-splicing with IgH pre-mRNA was co-transfected with a vector encoding the mouse IgM locus, the expression of VH-secreted human placental alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) as well as Fab-SEAP were successfully expressed both in mRNA and protein levels. Especially, the vectors encoding complementary sequence to Sμ as a binding domain was accurate and efficient, producing trans-spliced mRNA of up to 2% of cis-spliced one. Since Sμ sequence should exist in every IgH pre-mRNA, our finding will lead to the rapid production and analysis of various antibody-enzyme fusions suitable for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or antibody-dependent enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT).  相似文献   

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