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Allozymes were used to analyse the genetic impact of hatchery brown trout Salmo trutt a, morpha fario stocked in wild Mediterranean populations to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of introgression (regulation, elimination or homogenization). Analysis of the genetic structure of populations from the same river drainage basin but subjected to different incidences was performed in space and time (data on two generations and 2 years of sampling). Introgression is associated with high deficits of heterozygotes and linkage disequilibria. Genetic divergence according to age group was observed. These results may indicate selective forces acting against domesticated genes and limiting hybridization between the two forms.  相似文献   

The spawning pattern of the anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta was studied in Själsöån, a small stream in Gotland, Sweden, during eight winters between 1992–1993 and 1999–2000. The total length ( L T) at spawning was normally distributed (185–890 mm) for females and multimodal for males (300, 400 and 550 mm most frequent length classes). Spawning males were significantly younger (2+ to 4+ years) than females (3+ to 5+ years). The sex‐ratio at the beginning and at the end of the spawning season favoured males. The mean ±  s . d . number of spawners was 70 ± 16 individuals per year. Migration into and out of the stream occurred between November and June. The highest number of spawning fish was found in the stream at the end of November or at the beginning of December. Migration mainly occurred during high water flow and at night. The majority of the females entered the stream and spawned the same (29·3% of all the females) or the next night (32·8% of all the females) while males may have stayed for 2 to 3 weeks (21·3% of all the males) in the stream before spawning. Males usually remained much longer in the stream (mean ±  s . d . 45 ± 56 days) than females (16 ± 30 days). Females lost more mass in the stream (mean ±  s . d . 17·3 ± 8·6%) than males (7·7 ± 9·6%). For both sexes, mass loss was positively correlated with the time spent in the stream. Only 7·3% of the males and 5·7% of the females occurred in the stream for >1 year. Spawning took place only during the night.  相似文献   

In non–drought years (1977, 1985), temperatures and oxygen concentrations from 1 to 14 July at the deepest point in each of five pools in Wilfin Beck were similar with ranges of 12–18° C and 7·8–9·8 mg l–1. Trout Salmo trutta were present in all pools. In drought years (1976, 1983), temperature increased and oxygen concentration decreased as pool size decreased. In the two smallest pools, they were outside the thermal and oxygen limits for trout (ranges for both pools 24–29° C, 1·2–2·5 mg l–1), and trout were absent. Values in a medium–sized pool were close to the incipient lethal levels and a few juvenile trout were present in both drought years. The lowest temperatures and highest oxygen concentrations were recorded in the two largest pools (ranges 20–25° C, 3·6–4·8 mg l–1) and trout of all ages (0+ to adults) were present in both drought years. In these two pools, both temperature and oxygen concentration decreased from the surface to the deepest point in the pool. Trout preferred lower temperatures near the pool bottom rather than higher oxygen concentrations near the surface, but some fish moved towards the surface at night when the pool cooled slightly. These field results were discussed in relation to lethal values recorded for brown trout in the laboratory, and there was general agreement between field and laboratory values. Trout in the drought years occurred at temperatures close to, or below, the incipient lethal value of 24·7° C (+0·5) and also at the highest oxygen concentrations, but only when these were at temperatures below the incipient lethal value.  相似文献   

In a brown trout Salmo trutta population, there was a much higher frequency of injuries among mature male parr than among immature or female parr. The quantitative data are discussed in relation to spawning success and overall fitness.  相似文献   

Distribution, growth and movement of River Usk brown trout (Salmo trutta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The River Usk catchment in South Wales supports mainly freshwater resident brown trout, with few anadromous fish. Electric fishing and netting revealed that age-class distribution differed between main river and tributary habitats, the latter environment acting as a nursery area for young fish. Few fry were found at main river sites. Age-class distribution also differed between tributary systems, and possible reasons are discussed. Trapping experiments indicated that trout move to main river habitat at 2+ yr. Lengths at age (back-calculated from scale reading) were similar for main river and tributary resident fish at 1 and 2 year, but main river fish were larger at 3 and 4 yr. This habitat shift and size difference is discussed with reference to current angling regulations.  相似文献   

Both 1 + and 2+ brown trout fed during the day and at night when held in hatchery tanks at low temperatures (2·7–3° C). Over 60% of the daily ration was consumed during daylight hours, but there were differences in feeding behaviour between fish of the two age groups: the 1 + trout had greater feeding activity at night than the 2+ fish.  相似文献   

Regulatory volume decrease, following physical swelling of red cells from brown trout Salmo trutta , was almost complete in oxygenated cells but much less in deoxygenated cells. There was a small, insignificant regulatory volume increase, following physical shrinkage. Amiloride had no effect on this response, indicating that hypertonic shrinkage did not activate the Na+/H+ exchanger. However, cell volume was increased markedly in shrunken cells by addition of noradrenaline, with deoxygenated cells showing complete recovery. These data show that the previously reported differences in volume regulation between the red cells of brown trout and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss are not present and that both species appear to have lost volume sensitivity of the Na+/H+ exchanger.  相似文献   

The effect of the introduction of fry of anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta L., on the genetic integrity of landlocked brown trout populations was evaluated. Samples were taken from six brown trout populations from streams above impassable waterfalls in the Conwy river system (North Wales, U.K.) in 1989 and 1990. Three of these streams had no known stocking history and three had been stocked with sea trout fry from the lower Conwy system over the last few years. Representatives of these sea trout were collected from two streams in the lower Conwy system and from a hatchery. Allele frequencies at 13 loci, six of which were polymorphic, were determined by starch gel electrophoresis.
The stocked populations were intermediate in their allele frequencies between unstocked brown trout and sea trout samples. A principal component analysis suggested significant numbers of hybrids in all of the stocked streams. This shows that some of the introduced sea trout did not migrate down the falls to the sea, but stayed in fresh water and hybridized with the local population. The significance of this finding for the conservation of the genetic resource of brown trout stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

1.  The brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) represents one of the main freshwater resources in Spain, but habitat alterations and overharvesting have contributed to the decline or disappearance of numerous natural populations. In addition, reinforcement programs of wild populations based on releases of hatchery reared fish of exogenous origin compromise the conservation of remnant native trout resources.
2.  We present allozymic data from Central Spain trout populations including stocked and unstocked populations. Although the levels of genetic variation observed were low and affected by hatchery releases (p = 18.23%, Ho= 3.39%), they were within the range observed in other European areas.
3.  The effective introduction of hatchery reared fish is genetically homogenising the populations in the studied area and disturbing the ancestral pattern of genetic variation that distinguishes the Tajo and Duero basins. Within the eight natural populations analysed, seven had alleles assigned to the foreign trout. The introgression in these populations, following the LDH-5 * 90 allele frequency, ranged between 2% and 29.4%, but those values are not in concordance with the respective stocking effort undertaken in each population. Moreover, the release of hatchery-reared fish does not solve the problems related to the reduced size of wild populations and their recruitment instability.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The large microgeographical differentiation revealed by allozyme studies in brown trout ( Salmo trutta) populations is one of the most striking features of this species. Additionally, allozymes showed great genetic differences between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations on a macrogeographical scale.
2. This study was carried out in order to assess whether the great differences observed between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations persisted where the two are geographically close (the 'microgeographical scale'). Sixteen populations of brown trout, S. trutta , were screened for genetic variation at 25 allozyme loci. The sampling sites, which occupied a relatively small geographical area, were distributed across Cantabrian (Atlantic) and Mediterranean drainages in Northern Spain.
3. The neighbour-joining tree, inferred from Nei's genetic distance, showed that brown trout populations clustered into two different groups. These groups corresponded to the Cantabrian and the Mediterranean groups of populations, although no clear geographical pattern emerged within each of the groups. This geographical pattern is basically caused by significant differences in the frequency distribution of the CK-A1 * locus, with a higher frequency of * 115 in Cantabrian samples (0.586 ± 0.091) while allele * 100 was more frequent in Mediterranean samples (0.931 ± 0.038). In addition, this study revealed alleles exclusive to the Mediterranean and Cantabrian populations, agreeing with previous findings.
4. Genetic differentiation between Cantabrian and Mediterranean regions (14.19%) was similar to that estimated in Spain at a larger scale (13%), showing that most of the differences between the regions can be observed even in a small geographical area.  相似文献   

A juxtaposed microsatellite system (JMS) is composed of two microsatellite repeat arrays separated by a sequence of less than 200 bp and more than 20 bp. This paper presents the first empirical evaluation of JMSs for the study of genetic admixture induced by man, with brown trout (Salmo trutta) as model organism. Two distinct admixture situations were studied: native populations from streams of the Atlantic basin and of the Mediterranean basin, respectively, all stocked with domestic strains originating from the Atlantic basin. For these two situations, we first evaluated by simulation the ability of JMSs to differentiate between alien alleles and naturally shared homoplasious or ancestral alleles, and thus to behave as diagnostic markers for admixture. Simulations indicated that JMSs are expected to be reliable diagnostic markers in most divergent (i.e. Mediterranean) populations and nonreliable diagnostic markers in most closely related (i.e. Atlantic) populations. Three JMSs were genotyped in domestic strains as well as in nonstocked and stocked populations of brown trout sampled in different rivers of the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. The observed distributions of JMS haplotypes were consistent with simulation predictions confirming that JMSs were reliable diagnostic markers only over a given proportion of the species range, i.e. in substantially divergent populations. JMSs also reinforced the diagnostic character of three microsatellite sites for the studied Mediterranean populations. This last result is consistent with our simulation results which showed that, although much less frequently than at JMSs, diagnostic markers are likely to be found at single site microsatellites provided that the native Mediterranean population has a sufficiently small effective population size. For each population of the Mediterranean basin admixture coefficients did not differ significantly across JMSs and mean admixture coefficients sometimes differ among populations. The interpretation of the origin of JMS haplotypes based on the allele length variants was supported by nucleotide sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Retention of both rigid and new soft standard size visible implant (VI) tags in brown trout Salmo trutta after 6 months varied between 42 and 97% for different batches, with no evidence of increased retention of the new type of tag. The 6 month retention of visible implant elastomer tags (VIE) also varied but with a mean of 96%. The VIE retention gradually declined with time up to 42 months.  相似文献   

Multilocus F ST estimates revealed a pronounced genetic structure at six microsatellite loci in brown trout Salmo trutta in Nordre Finnvikelv, with at least three breeding units that remained stable over time. Significant differences in allele frequencies were found between five sections within a 3-km range, even when no physical barriers prevented fish from migrating between sections. It is argued that geological structures may rise to patterns resembling isolation by distance. Seemingly, the most important factor causing genetic differentiation in Nordre Finnvikelv is genetic drift in small populations that are geologically subdivided by a tributary and by impassable waterfalls. Some correlation between previous behavioural observations and genetic structures were found.  相似文献   

A purified mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) probe was used to examine restriction fragment length polymorphisms produced by six restriction enzymes ( Xba I, Eco RV, Ava II, Hinf I, Hae III, Mbo I) in 915 brown trout from western Europe. A total of 20 composite haplotypes were found with one to seven haplotypes in individual populations. Icelandic trout samples from north, south, east, and west coast drainages showed only a single common haplotype in contrast to the high level of polymorphism found in Irish and Scottish populations. The phylogeny of mtDNA haplotypes and the pattern of haplotype distribution suggests that post-glacial colonization of brown trout in NW Europe was more complex than the dual colonization model which has been proposed on the basis of differential LDH-5* allele distribution. For example, Lough Melvin (Ireland) appears to have been independently  相似文献   

Significant differences in the number and shape of parr marks were found between native, introduced hatchery and hybrid brown trout parr in the River Doubs. Similar differences in number of parr marks were observed in selective cross-breedings.  相似文献   

Complete sequencing of the mitochondrial control region was undertaken among brown trout Salmo trutta from North Atlantic areas where previous studies, based on smaller mtDNA fragments, failed to detect any phylogeographic signal. Comparison of sequences suggests that brown trout in the Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia belong to largely divergent evolutionary units.  相似文献   

In this study, individual growth of juvenile offspring of anadromous and freshwater resident brown trout Salmo trutta and crosses between the two from the River Imsa, Norway, was estimated. The juveniles were incubated until hatching at two temperatures (±S.D. ), either 4.4 ± 1.5°C or 7.1 ± 0.6°C. Growth rate was estimated for 22 days in August–September when the fish on average were c. 8 g in wet mass, and the estimates were standardized to 1 g fish dry mass. Offspring of anadromous S. trutta grew better at both 15 and 18°C than offspring of freshwater resident S. trutta or offspring of crosses between the two S. trutta types. This difference appears not to result from a maternal effect because anadromous S. trutta grew better than the hybrids with anadromous mothers. Instead, this appears to be an inherited difference between the anadromous and the freshwater resident fish lending support to the hypothesis that anadromous and freshwater resident S. trutta in this river differ in genetic expression. Egg incubation temperature of S. trutta appeared not to influence the later growth as reported earlier from the studies of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar.  相似文献   

Based on published data, we reviewed clinal variations in life-history characteristics of anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta from 102 European rivers at latitudes between 54 and 70° N. Growth rate in fresh water, mean smolt age, mean sea age at first sexual maturity, proportion of repeal spawners among adults, longevity, and length of adult life span exhibited latitudinal clines. Brown trout grew faster in fresh water, smolted and matured younger, lived fewer years but spawned more times in the south than in the north. The life-history traits studied were often correlated. Longevity, smolt age and sea age at maturity were negatively and smolt length and proportion of repeat spawners among adults were positively correlated with growth rate in fresh water. Longevity was positively correlated with smolt age and sea age at maturity. The latter also increased with increasing smolt age. None of these significant correlations among life history variables, except for those between smolt age and parr growth and proportion of repeat spawners and parr growth, are latitudinal effects. We do not know to what extent the latitudinal variation in life–history traits reflects phenotypic plasticity and to what extent it is caused by inherited differences among populations.  相似文献   

In an artificial stream channel, wild 1 year old brown trout Salmo trutta were exposed to fluctuations in flow and water level to simulate hydro-peaking conditions downstream of a hydropower installation. Blood plasma cortisol concentrations reached a maximum of 59·4 ± 35·3 ng ml−1 (mean ± 95% CL) 2h after the end of down-ramping. Return to the pre-exposure cortisol level was achieved within 6 h. When subjected to daily cyclical fluctuations over 7 days, plasma cortisol levels were significantly elevated (61·3 ± 26·8 ng ml−1) on the first day compared to undisturbed fish (4·9 ± 3·7 ng ml−1). On the fourth and seventh day, no elevation in plasma cortisol above control levels was observed. No changes in blood glucose that could be attributed to the stressor were found. There was no correlation between plasma cortisol and blood glucose levels. The short-lived cortisol response to daily fluctuations indicates a rapid habituation to this Stressor.  相似文献   

This study addressed two hypotheses: (1) that individual recognitionis used to reduce the cost of contesting resources in sea troutand (2) that the hatchery environment selects against individualrecognition. Predictions from these hypotheses were tested inlaboratory experiments where behavior and growth were studiedin juvenile sea trout. In tact groups of familiar fish werecompared with groups that contained both familiar and unfamiliarindividuals. In general, the results were in agreement withthe first hypothesis. Familiar fish in intact groups had morestable dominance ranks, higher food intake, and better utilizationof food. Familiarity also reduced the distance to the nearestneighbor. Furthermore, initiators of conflicts were more likelyto win against familiar fish than against strangers. These resultssupport game-theory-based hypotheses explaining the dear-enemyphenomenon as an effect of familiarity A picture emerges inwhich familiarity stabilizes the hierarchical structure of agroup and governs behavioral modifications that will promotefeeding and growth, in turn leading to higher fitness. The secondhypothesis, which predicted a reduced effect of individual recognitionin sea-ranched trout, was not strongly supported because familiarityaffected sea-ranched and wild trout similarly in most respects.However, familiarity was not beneficial for growth in sea-ranchedtrout, whereas it increased growth rate in wild fish. In addition,sea-ranched trout tended to maintain larger distances to theirnearest neighbors than did wild trout.  相似文献   

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