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Zahar Y  Wagner H  Gutfreund Y 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39559
The saliency of visual objects is based on the center to background contrast. Particularly objects differing in one feature from the background may be perceived as more salient. It is not clear to what extent this so called "pop-out" effect observed in humans and primates governs saliency perception in non-primates as well. In this study we searched for neural-correlates of pop-out perception in neurons located in the optic tectum of the barn owl. We measured the responses of tectal neurons to stimuli appearing within the visual receptive field, embedded in a large array of additional stimuli (the background). Responses were compared between contrasting and uniform conditions. In a contrasting condition the center was different from the background while in the uniform condition it was identical to the background. Most tectal neurons responded better to stimuli in the contrsating condition compared to the uniform condition when the contrast between center and background was the direction of motion but not when it was the orientation of a bar. Tectal neurons also preferred contrasting over uniform stimuli when the center was looming and the background receding but not when the center was receding and the background looming. Therefore, our results do not support the hypothesis that tectal neurons are sensitive to pop-out per-se. The specific sensitivity to the motion contrasting stimulus is consistent with the idea that object motion and not large field motion (e.g., self-induced motion) is coded in the neural responses of tectal neurons.  相似文献   

The amphibian optic tectum and pretectum have been analyzed in detail anatomically and physiologically, and a specific model for tecto-pretectal interaction in the context of the visual guidance of behavior has been proposed. However, anatomical evidence for this model, particularly the precise pattern of pretecto-tectal connectivity, is lacking. Therefore, we stained pretectal neurons intracellularly in an in-vitro preparation of the salamanders Plethodon jordani and Hydromantes genei. Our results demonstrate that the projections of neurons of the nucleus praetectalis profundus are divergent and widespread. Individual neurons may project divergently to telencephalic (ipsilateral amygdala and striatum), diencephalic (ipsi-and contralateral thalamus, contralateral pretectum), and mesencephalic (ipsi- and contralateral tectum and tegmentum) centers, and to the ipsi- and contralateral medulla oblongata and rostral spinal cord. The projection of pretectal cells to the optic tectum is bilateral; axonal structures do not show discernible patterns and are present in all layers of the superficial white matter. A classification of pretectal neurons on the basis of axonal termination pattern or dendritic arborization has not been possible. Our results do not support the hypothesis that a distinct class of pretectal neurons projects to a particular subset of tectal cells. Rather, the pretectum appears to influence the tectum indirectly, acting either on retinal afferents or modulating inhibitory interneurons.  相似文献   

The avian retino-tecto-rotundal pathway plays a central role in motion analysis and features complex connectivity. Yet, the relation between the pathway’s structural arrangement and motion computation has remained elusive. For an important type of tectal wide-field neuron, the stratum griseum centrale type I (SGC-I) neuron, we quantified its structure and found a spatially sparse but extensive sampling of the retinal projection. A computational investigation revealed that these structural properties enhance the neuron’s sensitivity to change, a behaviorally important stimulus attribute, while preserving information about the stimulus location in the SGC-I population activity. Furthermore, the SGC-I neurons project with an interdigitating topography to the nucleus rotundus, where the direction of motion is computed. We showed that, for accurate direction-of-motion estimation, the interdigitating projection of tectal wide-field neurons requires a two-stage rotundal algorithm, where the second rotundal stage estimates the direction of motion from the change in the relative stimulus position represented in the first stage  相似文献   

Binocular depth perception mechanisms in tongue-projecting salamanders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tongue-projecting salamanders (Bolitoglossini) combine extreme speed and high precision in prey capture. They possess all requirements for stereoscopic depth perception: frontally oriented eyes, a substantial amount of direct ipsilateral projection in addition to the contralateral one, and binocularly driven neurons. Extracellular recordings were made from retinal afferents in the tectum as well as from the somata of tectal neurons. RF-sizes of afferents and tectal neurons were determined, and the response properties of tectal neurons were tested under monocular and binocular conditions with stimuli of different size and velocity. While RF-sizes and response properties of binocular neurons during binocular and contralateral stimulation were similar, ipsilaterally stimulated neurons exhibited much smaller RFs, lower spike rates and different size preferences.Furthermore, the contralateral retinotectal projection from one eye and the ipsilateral from the other are in register. While retinal afferents are distributed linearly over the tectal surface, most tectal neurons are activated by a retinal area corresponding to the frontal visual field; this results in a magnification of this region. The two monocular receptive fields of binocular neurons exhibit zero disparities (horopter) at distances that coincide with the maximum reach of the tongue. We hypothesize that bolitoglossine salamanders (as well as amphibians in general) make use of two kinds of disparities: (1) between the maps in the left and right tectal hemisphere, coding for the lateral eccentricity of an object, and (2) between the ipsilateral and contralateral retinotectal map, coding for the distance. The presence of substantial direct ipsilateral afferents in bolitoglossine salamanders appears to be the basis for a fast computation of object distance, which is characteristic of these animals.Abbreviations Ax/Ay coordinates of a recorded afference - Nx/Ny coordinates of a recorded neuron - RF receptive field - RFc contralateral receptive field - RFi ipsilateral receptive field - RFx/RFy coordinates of a receptive field center - RGC retinal ganglion cell  相似文献   

Responses of single units to constant-velocity rotations of the visual surround (0.25-10 degrees/s) were studied in the pretectum of unilateral enucleated rats at different ages. Enucleation was performed either in the first postnatal week ("early" enucleated rats) or in the adult stage ("late" enucleated rats). Pretectal unitary responses were recorded in early enucleated animals at postnatal day 20-21, 36-49 and, in both experimental groups, in the adult stage. Optokinetic ocular nystagmus was studied in early and late enucleated rats in the adult stage. Gain of optokinetic nystagmus in temporo-nasal stimulus direction was not changed for visual surround rotations of up to 20 degrees/s compared to controls in monocular viewing conditions. At higher stimulus velocities, however, the gain dropped. In naso-temporal stimulus direction, optokinetic nystagmus was improved in gain for optokinetic pattern motions of up to 5-10 degrees/s. There were only minor differences in the gain behaviour of optokinetic nystagmus obtained from early or late enucleated rats. The optokinetic responses of pretectal neurons obtained from early and late enucleated rats were reduced in sensitivity by more than 50%. The response patterns of neurons recorded in the contralateral pretectum relative to the intact eye were shifted by a large amount from directional selective to directional nonselective response types. No such changes were obtained in the ipsilateral pretectum. In contrast to normal rats, there were very few directional selective units responding to temporo-nasal pattern motion. On the other hand, a large proportion of directional selective units responded to naso-temporal pattern motion. These latter units were found in both early and late enucleated rats. A similar response type has previously been described for intact young rats but not for adult rats. The velocity tuning curve of pretectal units studied in the adult stage was similar in shape in early and late enucleated rats and resembled that obtained from enucleated or intact young animals. Our results show that response sensitivity, direction and velocity tuning of pretectal units depend crucially on retinal afferent input originating from both eyes. The data suggest that the response characteristics of many of the pretectal units that are considered to be important for mediating optokinetic reflexes depend on interpretectal signal processing using commissural connections. There is very little evidence for an adaptative structural plasticity of the optokinetic system following loss of one eye. The reduced asymmetry observed in gain of optokinetic responses correlated in both early and late enucleated rats with the shifts observed in the distribution of pretectal unitary response patterns.  相似文献   

In anurans, visual prey information is filtered in the retina and processed in interacting pretectal and tectal retinal projection fields. Neuropeptide Y is involved in pretecto-tectal inhibition. Information related to prey and its location in space is transmitted to the bulbar/spinal motor pattern generating systems by ensembles of efferent tectal and tegmental neurons. This basic stimulus-response (S-R) mediating circuit is influenced by forebrain loops. It is suggested that ventral striatum and lateral thalamic nucleus participate in a loop responsible for gating S-R. The hippocampal pallium modifies S-R via the anterior thalamus with regard to previous experience. Dopaminergic modulation influences prey-catching strategies.  相似文献   

The concept of coded 'command releasing systems' proposes that visually specialized descending tectal (and pretectal) neurons converge on motor pattern generating medullary circuits and release--in goal-specific combination--specific action patterns. Extracellular recordings from medullary neurons of the medial reticular formation of the awake immobilized toad in response to moving visual stimuli revealed the following main results. (i) Properties of medullary neurons were distinguished by location, shape, and size of visual receptive fields (ranging from relatively small to wide), by trigger features of various moving configural stimulus objects (including prey- and predator-selective properties), by tactile sensitivity, and by firing pattern characteristics (sluggish, tonic, warming-up, and cyclic). (ii) Visual receptive fields of medullary neurons and their responses to moving configural objects suggest converging inputs of tectal (and pretectal) descending neurons. (iii) In contrast to tectal monocular 'small-field' neurons, the excitatory visual receptive fields of comparable medullary neurons were larger, ellipsoidally shaped, mostly oriented horizontally, and not topographically mapped in an obvious fashion. Furthermore, configural feature discrimination was sharper. (iv) The observation of multiple properties in most medullary neurons (partly showing combined visual and cutaneous sensitivities) suggests integration of various inputs by these cells, and this is in principle consistent with the concept of command releasing systems. (v) There is evidence for reciprocal tectal/medullary excitatory pathways suitable for premotor warming-up. (vi) Cyclic bursting of many neurons, spontaneously or as a post-stimulus sustaining event, points to a medullary premotor/motor property.  相似文献   

(1)From the dorsal surface of the toad (Bufo b. spinosus, B. marinus) optic tectum (OT), field potentials (FP) were recorded at 9 reference sites in response to electrical stimulation of the optic nerve (ON). The FP showed 4 main components, besides an initial deflection attributed to axonal potentials: two negative waves N1, N2 (attributed to postsynaptic excitatory processes) and two positive waves P2, P3 (attributed to postsynaptic inhibitory processes). The responses across the reference sites were rather similar in different individuals. (2) Electrical stimulation of an area in the ipsilateral pretectal lateral posterodorsal and posterior (Lpd/P) thalamic region evoked tectal FPs showing mainly a negative and a positive wave. Regarding wave amplitudes, the FPs displayed disproportionalities across the reference sites. (3) Electrical stimulation of the contralateral Lpd/P evoked mainly a positive wave in the tectal FP whose disproportionality corresponded roughly to the one obtained to ipsilateral Lpd/P stimulation. (4) The inital negative wave of the tectal FP in response to ON stimulation was nearly abolished, if Lpd/P stimulation preceded ON stimulation at a delay of 17–25 ms. (5) Since FPs showed adaptation to repetitive stimulation, various experiments were carried out to distinguish adaptation phenomena from effects of neuronal interactions between Lpd/P and OT. (6) The results provide evidence that ON- and Lpd/P-mediated inputs interact in superficial tectal layers, whereby pretectotectal input suppresses retinotectal excitatory information transfer. Input of Lpd/P to the contralateral superficial OT suggests postsynaptic inhibition. This study provides no information about pretectal inputs to deeper tectal layers, which anatomically are known to exist.Abbreviations A-I recording sites from the dorsal tectal surface - D t delay between Lpd/P and ON stimulation - EPSP IPSP excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, respectively - FP field potential - L latency of FP waves - ON optic nerve - OT optic tectum - Lpd/P lateral posterodorsal and posterior pretectal thalamic region - Lpv lateral posteroventral pretectal thalamic nucleus - N, P negative and positive waves of FPs, respectively - PRE presynaptic axonal input - TH pretectal thalamic neurons  相似文献   

Born RT  Groh JM  Zhao R  Lukasewycz SJ 《Neuron》2000,26(3):725-734
To track a moving object, its motion must first be distinguished from that of the background. The center-surround properties of neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT) may be important for signaling the relative motion between object and background. To test this, we microstimulated within MT and measured the effects on monkeys' eye movements to moving targets. We found that stimulation at "local motion" sites, where receptive fields possessed antagonistic surrounds, shifted pursuit in the preferred direction of the neurons, whereas stimulation at "wide-field motion" sites shifted pursuit in the opposite, or null, direction. We propose that activating wide-field sites simulated background motion, thus inducing a target motion signal in the opposite direction. Our results support the hypothesis that neuronal center-surround mechanisms contribute to the behavioral segregation of objects from the background.  相似文献   

The retino-tecto-rotundal pathway is the main visual pathway in non-mammalian vertebrates and has been found to be highly involved in visual processing. Despite the extensive receptive fields of tectal and rotundal wide-field neurons, pattern discrimination tasks suggest a system with high spatial resolution. In this paper, we address the problem of how global processing performed by motion-sensitive wide-field neurons can be brought into agreement with the concept of a local analysis of visual stimuli. As a solution to this problem, we propose a firing-rate model of the retino-tecto-rotundal pathway which describes how spatiotemporal information can be organized and retained by tectal and rotundal wide-field neurons while processing Fourier-based motion in absence of periodic receptive-field structures. The model incorporates anatomical and electrophysiological experimental data on tectal and rotundal neurons, and the basic response characteristics of tectal and rotundal neurons to moving stimuli are captured by the model cells. We show that local velocity estimates may be derived from rotundal-cell responses via superposition in a subsequent processing step. Experimentally testable predictions which are both specific and characteristic to the model are provided. Thus, a conclusive explanation can be given of how the retino-tecto-rotundal pathway enables the animal to detect and localize moving objects or to estimate its self-motion parameters.  相似文献   

The retinal projections of the shark Scyliorhinus canicula were re-examined using the radioautographic method following the intraocular injection of tritiated tracers. New primary visual centers were identified. Overall 12 distinct sites of termination of contralateral optic endings were found distributed within five levels of the brain (hypothalamus, thalamus, pretectum, tectum and mesencephalic tegmentum). Furthermore the presence of a small ipsilateral retinal projection was demonstrated attaining the hypothalamic thalamo:pretectal and tectal levels. These new data broaden our understanding of the organization of the primary visual system in Scyliorhinus as defined previously using the degeneration technique.  相似文献   

对蟾蜍的56个视顶盖神经元的视觉反应进行了定量考察和分析,发现它们不仅对黑目标起反应,也对结构目标起反应.同相运动的结构背景使53.5%的神经元的反应完全抑制,而异相运动则只有10%的神经元完全被抑制,却有21.6%的神经元反应增强.遮盖感受野(RF)中心区,则同相运动使某些细胞脱抑制,而异相运动使其抑制强度稍有增强.遮盖RF的外周区,几乎全部研究过的神经元对结构背景运动本身也起反应。本研究还发现,如果预先将一目标放在兴奋性感受野(ERF)中央静止不动,并使结构背景在水平方向匀速移动较长时间后突然停止运动,则被研究过的66个视盖神经元中有29个发放一串脉冲,即神经元的运动后放电.各个神经细胞放电的脉冲多寡不一。若在ERF中央不放置静止目标,仅是结构背景的水平运动不能诱发放电.此效应的出现,既与目标背景间反差符号(即目标为白色或黑色)无关,也与背景的运动方向无关。为诱发这一效应,不仅要求背景运动时间较长(至少在20秒以上),而且目标的面积要有足够大。  相似文献   

We present a computational model for target discrimination based on intracellular recordings from neurons in the fly visual system. Determining how insects detect and track small moving features, often against cluttered moving backgrounds, is an intriguing challenge, both from a physiological and a computational perspective. Previous research has characterized higher-order neurons within the fly brain, known as 'small target motion detectors' (STMD), that respond robustly to moving features, even when the velocity of the target is matched to the background (i.e. with no relative motion cues). We recorded from intermediate-order neurons in the fly visual system that are well suited as a component along the target detection pathway. This full-wave rectifying, transient cell (RTC) reveals independent adaptation to luminance changes of opposite signs (suggesting separate ON and OFF channels) and fast adaptive temporal mechanisms, similar to other cell types previously described. From this physiological data we have created a numerical model for target discrimination. This model includes nonlinear filtering based on the fly optics, the photoreceptors, the 1(st) order interneurons (Large Monopolar Cells), and the newly derived parameters for the RTC. We show that our RTC-based target detection model is well matched to properties described for the STMDs, such as contrast sensitivity, height tuning and velocity tuning. The model output shows that the spatiotemporal profile of small targets is sufficiently rare within natural scene imagery to allow our highly nonlinear 'matched filter' to successfully detect most targets from the background. Importantly, this model can explain this type of feature discrimination without the need for relative motion cues.  相似文献   

Ebner M 《Biological cybernetics》2011,105(5-6):319-330
A series of experiments with human subjects have shown that color constancy improves when an object moves. It has been hypothesized that this effect is due to some kind of influence of high-level motion processing. We have built a computational model for color perception which replicates the results qualitatively which have been obtained with human subjects. We show that input from high-level motion processing is not required. In our model, the dependence is an effect of eye movement in combination with neural processing. Depending on the type of stimulus used, the eye either tracks the object or the background. When the object moves but is tracked by the observer, the background appears to move when considering the stimulus with respect to eye coordinates. Hence, the retinal input is different for the two conditions leading to a difference in color constancy performance.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recording and labeling of cells from the toad's (Bufo bufo spinosus) medulla oblongata in response to moving visual (and tactual) stimuli yield the following results. (i) Various response types characterized by extracellular recording in medullary neurons were also identified intracellularly and thus assigned to properties of medullary cell somata. (ii) Focussing on monocular small-field and cyclic bursting properties, somata of such neurons were recorded most frequently in the medial reticular formation and in the branchiomotor column but less often in the lateral reticular formation. (iii) Visual object disrimination established in pretectal/tectal networks is increased in its acuity in 4 types of medullary small-field neurons. The excitatory and inhibitory inputs to these neurons evoked by moving visual objects suggest special convergence likely to increase the filter properties. (iv) Releasing conditions, temporal pattern, and refractoriness of cyclic bursting neurons resemble membrane characteristics of vertebrate and invertebrate neurons known to play a role in premotor/motor activity. (v) Integrating functions of medullary cells have an anatomical correlate in the extensive arborizations of their dendritic trees; 5 morphological types of medullary neurons have been distinguished.Abbreviations A stripe moving in antiworm configuration - (W) moving in worm configuration - S square - BMC branchiomotor column - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - RetF medullary reticular formation - RF receptive field - M neurons response properties of medullary neurons - T neurons classes of tectal neurons - TH neurons classes of thalamic/pretectal neurons - tr.tb.d. tractus tecto-bulbaris directus - tr.tbs.c. tractus tecto-bulbaris et spinalis cruciatus  相似文献   

Quantitative behavioral experiments have shown that the toad uses mainly two types of gestalt information in prey/enemy discrimination: pattern extension in the direction of movement promotes, in general, the signal value prey, while extension perpendicular to the direction of movement promotes that of enemy. Registrations from single fibers and single cells at different stages on the visual path showed that the object extension perpendicular to the direction of movement is chiefly analysed by means of the retinal and thalamus pretectal nerve nets, whereas the extension in the direction of movement is analysed mostly by certain tectal nerve nets. Further neurobiological findings indicated that the prey/enemy discrimination is the result of subtractive interaction between the tectal and thalamus pretectal nerve nets. The system answers given by the retina, the retina-pretectum and the retinatectum to the input patterns used in the neurobiological experiments were determined for relevant space and time parameters on the basis of two dimensional neuron network models. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical ones. If the subtractive interaction between the model networks hypothesized from the neurophysiological results is applied, the resulting system answer describes the behavioral findings very well. So it is shown that the networks investigated would suffice in principle for the behavioral interpretations of the key stimulus prey/enemy — so far as these are known.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Ew 7/6 u. Forsch.-Gr. Az. 741,29.  相似文献   

蜻蜒腹神经束上存在着自运动检测神经元和目标运动检测神经元.我们采用了两种视觉刺激条件来测试自运动检测神经元的光谱反应.当采用控制强度和波长的闪光进行测试时、它们的光谱反应曲线与绿色光感受器的光谱灵敏度曲线极其相似,峰值位于500nm处.然而采用运动的条纹进行测试时,它们的峰值却位于560nm处.当用一种颜色的运动图案作为目标放置在另一种颜色背景的前方测试时,发现存在某个目标的照明强度值能使反应下降到自发放电的水平,这表明自运动检测器无法检测这二种颜色的差别,即它们是色盲的、它主要接受来自绿色光感受器的信号.目标运动检测神经元的光谱反应特性与自运动检测神经元的不同,目标运动检测神经元在以380nm至580nm的范围中有着平坦的光谱反应曲线,有时在紫外频段出现峰有(?)前景与背景颜色不同且固定背景光的颜色与强度而改变前景的光强时,神经元的反应不会下降到自发放电水平,当背景为绿色而目标为另一个颜色.特别是兰色时,神经元反应强烈,但当背景为兰色而目标为绿色时,它们的反应相对较弱.这些结果表明目标运动检测神经元是对颜色敏感的.  相似文献   

The behavioral studies of Part I have shown in common toads that after systemic administration of the dopamine agonist apomorphine the prey-directed orienting turning movements are suppressed while prey snapping is facilitated. Part II focusses on retinal and tectal single cell responses to moving objects. (1) After systemic administration of apomorphine, the discharge rates of retinal class R2 and R3 ganglion cell fibres – recorded from the retino-tectal projection – speeded up in response to visual objects traversing their excitatory receptive fields. This enhancing effect was independent of the recording site in the retino-tectal map. (2) The diameters of the excitatory receptive fields of R2 and R3 neurons doubled their sizes. Probably, apomorphine enhances the center-dominated excitatory responses at the expense of the strength of the inhibitory surround. (3) The apomorphine-induced effects were fully developed 20–35 min after drug administration. (4) At the same time the discharge rates of T5.1 and T5.2 tectal neurons were reduced under apomorphine. The effect was independent of the recording site in the retino-tectal map. The diameters of the excitatory receptive fields of these tectal neurons were not influenced. (5) To changes in configurational stimulus features, the basic pattern of discrimination was maintained. (6) It is suggested that tectal output to the turn-generating motor network – mediated by T5.1 and T5.2 neurons – is modulated by a pretecto-tectal pathway which involves dopaminergic pretectal cells. (7) The enhanced snapping can be interpreted in terms of a modulation of reticular/hypoglossal structures by dopaminergic preoptic/hypothalamic/solitary systems.  相似文献   

Drosophila vision is mediated by inputs from three types of photoreceptor neurons; R1-R6 mediate achromatic motion detection, while R7 and R8 constitute two chromatic channels. Neural circuits for processing chromatic information are not known. Here, we identified the first-order interneurons downstream of the chromatic channels. Serial EM revealed that small-field projection neurons Tm5 and Tm9 receive direct synaptic input from R7 and R8, respectively, and indirect input from R1-R6, qualifying them to function as color-opponent neurons. Wide-field Dm8 amacrine neurons receive input from 13-16 UV-sensing R7s and provide output to projection neurons. Using a combinatorial expression system to manipulate activity in different neuron subtypes, we determined that Dm8 neurons are necessary and sufficient for flies to exhibit phototaxis toward ultraviolet instead of green light. We propose that Dm8 sacrifices spatial resolution for sensitivity by relaying signals from multiple R7s to projection neurons, which then provide output to higher visual centers.  相似文献   

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