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The interspecific relationships between egg size and body size in butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperiidae), and between size and egg and larval development time, larval trophic specificity, foodplant structure, climate, and phenology were investigated based on a sample of more than 1180 species. The independent contrasts mediod was used to avoid taxonomy-dependent results. Egg size is allometrically related to adult wing length by a slope of 0.43. Based on a subset of species, fecundity is correlated to adult body size, and there is evidence for a compromise between egg number and egg size (relative to adult size) across species. Butterfly size increases in correlation to the mean annual temperature of me species geographic range, but decreases in relation to increased aridity (or die length of the dry season). Larger butterflies tend to have longer larval development times, use large or structurally complex host plants, and are more likely to lay their eggs in batches, irrespective of climate. Larger eggs tend to develop more slowly, and give rise to larvae with longer developmental periods that will result in larger adults. No evidence was found to support a relationship between butterfly body size and polyphagy. A complex pattern of interrelationships links body size (and egg size) to other traits, although correlations other than mat between egg size and body size are generally low. The results suggest the necessity of separating climate and seasonality into components that are relevant to insect life histories in comparative studies.  相似文献   

We present a phylogenetic comparative study assessing the evolutionary determinants of egg size in the moth family Geometridae. These moths were found to show a strong negative allometric relationship between egg size and maternal body size. Using recently developed comparative methods based on an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, we show that maternal body size explains over half the variation in egg size. However, other determinants are less clear: ecological factors, previously hypothesized to affect egg size, were not found to have a considerable influence in the Geometridae. The limited role of such third factors suggests a direct causal link between egg size and body size rather than an indirect correlation mediated by some ecological factors. Notably, no large geometrid species lay small eggs. This pattern suggests that maternal body size poses a physical constraint on egg size, but within these limits, there appears to be a rather invariable selection for larger eggs.  相似文献   

Many features of species' biology, including life history, physiology, morphology, and ecology are tightly linked to body size. Investigation into the causes of size divergence is therefore critical to understanding the factors shaping phenotypic diversity within clades. In this study, we examined size evolution in monitor lizards (Varanus), a clade that includes the largest extant lizard species, the Komodo dragon (V. komodoensis), as well as diminutive species that are nearly four orders of magnitude smaller in adult body mass. We demonstrate that the remarkable body size disparity of this clade is a consequence of different selective demands imposed by three major habitat use patterns-arboreality, terrestriality, and rock-dwelling. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships and ancestral habitat use and applied model selection to determine that the best-fitting evolutionary models for species' adult size are those that infer oppositely directed adaptive evolution associated with terrestriality and rock-dwelling, with terrestrial lineages evolving extremely large size and rock-dwellers becoming very small. We also show that habitat use affects the evolution of several ecologically important morphological traits independently of body size divergence. These results suggest that habitat use exerts a strong, multidimensional influence on the evolution of morphological size and shape disparity in monitor lizards.  相似文献   

In order to identify key factors in the evolution of life history traits in Ascothoracida and Rhizocephala (two groups of crustacean parastes of invertebrates), comparative analyses were performed using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Among 59 ascothoracidan species, latitude correlated positively with body size, whereas there was no relationship between water depth and body size. Body size also correlated strongly with egg size; however, once corrected for body size, egg size was not related to either latitude or water depth. Among 91 rhizocephalan species, neither latitude nor water depth correlated with body size. However, host species of larger sizes harboured larger species of rhizocephalan parasites. Egg size of rhizocephalans did not correlate with body size, and was not influenced by either latitude or water depth. The patterns observed in this study show both differences from an similarities to those reported for other groups of crustacean parasites, and suggest that adaptations to similar selective pressures are not always identical among distantly-related taxa.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental sources of egg size, fecundity and body size (forewing length) were examined in the butterfly, Parnara guttata guttata. Phenotypic and genetic correlation and heritability were estimated for these traits under different day-length and temperature conditions. Egg size and fecundity had relatively high heritabilities, and body sizes in males and females had moderate and high heritability, respectively. Negative phenotypic and genetic correlations between egg size and fecundity were estimated in treatments corresponding to the natural conditions during larval development of the first and second generations. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between body size and egg size differed considerably between insects reared under long and short day-lengths. Next, genotype–environment interactions were estimated by comparing reaction norms to day-length or temperature of these traits among families. ANOVA analysis revealed significant genotype–environment interactions in egg size and forewing length in both sexes for day-length and temperature. These results suggested that a large additive genetic variance for egg size might have been maintained by a genetic trade-off and/or by genotype–environment interactions in P. g. guttata.  相似文献   

Selective pressures favor morphologies that are adapted to distinct ecologies, resulting in trait partitioning among ecomorphotypes. However, the effects of these selective pressures vary across taxa, especially because morphology is also influenced by factors such as phylogeny, body size, and functional trade-offs. In this study, we examine how these factors impact functional diversification in mammals. It has been proposed that trait partitioning among mammalian ecomorphotypes is less pronounced at small body sizes due to biomechanical, energetic, and environmental factors that favor a “generalist” body plan, whereas larger taxa exhibit more substantial functional adaptations. We title this the Divergence Hypothesis (DH) because it predicts greater morphological divergence among ecomorphotypes at larger body sizes. We test DH by using phylogenetic comparative methods to examine the postcranial skeletons of 129 species of taxonomically diverse, small-to-medium-sized (<15 kg) mammals, which we categorize as either “tree-dwellers” or “ground-dwellers.” In some analyses, the morphologies of ground-dwellers and tree-dwellers suggest greater between-group differentiation at larger sizes, providing some evidence for DH. However, this trend is neither particularly strong nor supported by all analyses. Instead, a more pronounced pattern emerges that is distinct from the predictions of DH: within-group phenotypic disparity increases with body size in both ground-dwellers and tree-dwellers, driven by morphological outliers among “medium”-sized mammals. Thus, evolutionary increases in body size are more closely linked to increases in within-locomotor-group disparity than to increases in between-group disparity. We discuss biomechanical and ecological factors that may drive these evolutionary patterns, and we emphasize the significant evolutionary influences of ecology and body size on phenotypic diversity.  相似文献   

We used European geometrid moths (>630 species) as a model group to investigate how life history traits linked to larval host plant use (i.e., diet breadth and host-plant growth form) and seasonal life cycle (i.e., voltinism, overwintering stage and caterpillar phenology) are related to adult body size in holometabolous insect herbivores. To do so, we applied phylogenetic comparative methods to account for shared evolutionary history among herbivore species. We further categorized larval diet breadth based on the phylogenetic structure of utilized host plant genera. Our results indicate that species associated with woody plants are, on average, larger than herb feeders and increase in size with increasing diet breadth. Obligatorily univoltine species are larger than multivoltine species, and attain larger sizes when their larvae occur exclusively in the early season. Furthermore, the adult body size is significantly smaller in species that overwinter in the pupal stage compared to those that overwinter as eggs or caterpillars. In summary, our results indicate that the ecological niche of holometabolous insect herbivores is strongly interrelated with body size at maturity.  相似文献   

通过对核桃扁叶甲3个亚种(指名亚种Gastrolina depressa depressa Baly,淡足亚种G. depressa pallipes Chen和黑胸亚种G. depressa thoracica Baly)的比较形态学研究,结合生物学和生物地理学方面的资料,对其分类地位进行了探讨。从形态上来说,三者的上唇、下唇、后翅和爪的形态区别较小,但是触角、上颚、下颚和受精囊则存在着较大的区别,而且通过超微形态的比较,淡足亚种、黑胸亚种和指名亚种均存在着较为明显的形态区别。动物地理学研究表明,指名亚种和黑胸亚种在我国北纬25°~30°之间有地域重叠,目前仅在部分地区可以通过海拔来区分。但是对于淡足亚种而言,它的分布区与其他两个亚种有着一定的地理隔离,其间并没有重叠区的存在。因此从地理分布上而言,三者也存在着不同。通过上述讨论,本文将核桃扁叶甲三亚种恢复或提升为种,即核桃扁叶甲G. depressa Baly,黑胸扁叶甲G. thoracica Baly和淡足扁叶甲Gastrolina pallipes Chen, stat. Nov.。  相似文献   

Changes in size, whether ontogenetic or phylogenetic, tend to be associated with changes in shape. This allometry can arise through two different evolutionary mechanisms: (1) selection acting primarily on overall size may be associated with changes in shape because of physiological and mechanical constraints or differential responses of different body components; or (2) selection acting primarily on shape (on the size of specific body components) may be associated with changes in overall size because of genetic correlations, and thus correlated responses, of other body components. To assess the relative importance of these two mechanisms, shape polymorphism is examined along two axes of size dimorphism (sex and wing morphology) in the common waterstrider, Gerris remigis Say. Eight measurements were made of body and appendage components of 234 adults, from three independent populations. Univariate and multivariate analyses reveal that both sexes and wing morphs differ significantly in size and shape. Shape differentiation along the two axes of size dimorphism is found to be dissimilar, partially independent of size, and strongly correlated with the ecological specialization of the various morphs. These observations suggest that selection is acting directly on shape, and thus that allometry in this species primarily reflects shape-mediated changes in size (mechanism 2), rather than size-mediated changes in shape. The role of developmental processes in facilitating this shape differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on morphological evidence, we newly define the genus Stenotaenia Koch, 1847 (=Scnipaeus Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866; =Simophilus Silvestri, 1896; =Onychopodogaster Verhoeff, 1902; =Insigniporus Attems, 1903; =Notadenophilus Verhoeff, 1928; =Bithyniphilus Verhoeff, 1941; =Schizopleres Folkmanova, 1956; =Euronesogeophilus Matic, 1972; all syn. nov. ) as including the following 15 species: Stenotaenia linearis (Koch, 1835) (=Geophilus simplex Gervais, 1835; =Geophilus brevicornis Koch, 1837; =Scnipaeus foveolatus Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866; =Himantarium caldarium Meinert, 1886 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus (Geophilus) linearis var. polyporus Verhoeff, 1896 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus ormanyensis Attems, 1903 syn. nov. , after lectotype designation; =Insigniporus acuneli C?pu?e, 1968 syn. nov. ) from central and northern Europe; Stenotaenia frenum (Meinert, 1870) from northern Africa; Stenotaenia romana (Silvestri, 1895) (=Geophilus silvestrii Verhoeff, 1928 syn. nov. ) and Stenotaenia sorrentina (Attems, 1903) (=Geophilus forficularius Fanzago, 1881 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus linearis abbreviatus Verhoeff, 1925 syn. nov. ) from the Italian peninsula and Sardinia; Stenotaenia antecribellata (Verhoeff, 1898) (=Simophilus albanensis Attems, 1929 syn. nov. ), Stenotaenia cribelliger (Verhoeff, 1898), Stenotaenia palpiger (Attems, 1903), Stenotaenia rhodopensis (Kaczmarek, 1970), and Stenotaenia sturanyi (Attems, 1903) from the Balkan peninsula; Stenotaenia naxia (Verhoeff, 1901) (=Geophilus graecus Verhoeff, 1902) from the Aegean islands; Stenotaenia asiaeminoris (Verhoeff, 1898) and Stenotaenia bosporana (Verhoeff, 1941) from Anatolia; Stenotaenia giljarovi (Folkmanova, 1956) from western Caucasus; Stenotaenia fimbriata (Verhoeff, 1934) and Stenotaenia palaestina (Verhoeff, 1925) from Palestine; with the only exception of S. linearis, all of these binomens are comb. nov. In Stenotaenia, a strongly conserved overall morphology is matched by an unusual interspecific variation in both the body size of fully grown specimens (from 1.7 cm in S. romana to 7.7 cm in S. sturanyi) and the number of leg‐bearing segments (from 43 in male S. romana to 115 in female S. sturanyi). The number of segments correlates with maximum body size. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 253–286.  相似文献   

In most temperate insects, diapause strategies and voltinism generally exhibit latitudinal clines, supporting the concept that they represent adaptations to climate. In contrast, in the satyrine butterfly Ypthima multistriata Butler, local populations with different voltinism patterns are geographically intermingled, suggesting that life‐history traits related to diapause may differ even between geographically and phylogenetically close populations. In this study, we experimentally examined the critical photoperiod for diapause induction and the larval developmental period in two univoltine and two bivoltine populations of Y. multistriata, all of which inhabit virtually the same latitude (34.652–34.750°N). We found that the critical photoperiod for diapause induction was longer in the univoltine populations than in the bivoltine populations. Moreover, the larval period under the long day length treatment was different among populations in both sexes, although significant differences were also detected between populations with the same voltinism. These results indicate that in Y. multistriata, life‐history traits related to diapause can not be attributed merely to climatic conditions such as temperature or day length, which depend largely on latitude. Therefore, we suggest that biotic elements, such as leaf toughness, as well as abiotic elements should be taken into account in attempts to explain the enigmatic pattern of geographic variation in the diapause strategies of Y. multistriata.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are intensifying global ecological hazards. The fine structure and dynamics of bloom community are critical to understanding bloom development but little understood. Here, the questions whether dominant bloomers have high diversity and whether dominant OTUs (operational taxonomical units) compete with one another were addressed. 16S rRNA gene amplicons from an annual bloom at five locations in Harsha Lake (Ohio, USA) showed cyanobacteria were the dominant phylum, and co-existing major bacterial phyla included Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinoacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. On the genus level, the initial dominance by Dolichospermum in June yielded to Planktothrix in July, which were replaced by Microcystis and Cylindrospermopsis in August throughout the bloom. Based on the number of verified unique OTUs (a within-genus biodiversity metric), dominant genera tended to have high within-genus diversity. For example, Dolichospermum had 57 unique OTUs, Planktothrix had 36, Microcystis had 12, and Cylindrospermopsis had 4 unique OTUs. Interestingly, these different OTUs showed different dynamics and association with other OTUs. First, no between-OTU competitions were observed during the bloom cycle, and dominant OTUs were abundant throughout the bloom. Such biodiversity of OTUs and their dynamics were verified in Microcystis aeruginosa with two microcystin synthetase genes (mcyA and mcyG): the relative abundance of both genes varied during the bloom based on quantitative PCR. Two Dolichospermum circinale OTUs and one P. rubescens OTU were most abundant and persistently present throughout the entire bloom. Second, these OTUs differed in the OTUs they were associated with. Third, these OTUs tended to have different levels of association with the environmental factors, even they belonged to the same genera. These findings suggest the structure and dynamics of a cyanobacterial bloom community is complex, with only few OTUs dominating the bloom. Thus, high-resolution molecular characterization will be necessary to understand bloom development.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The effect of body size on different components of male fitness was studied for Epirrita autumnata , a geometrid known for its eruptive population dynamics. Body size is the main determinant of female fecundity in this species.
2. Longevity of males was found to have a weak negative correlation with body size at low temperatures. No significant correlation was found at higher temperatures.
3. We found no correlation between male size and female fecundity or egg size which is consistent with the small size of spermatophores in this species.
4. Small and large males were equally successful when allowed to compete for females in laboratory conditions.
5. In one or two field collections, males found mating were larger than males found singly. Large males also had an advantage in finding of virgin females, offered experimentally. No size-assortative mating was recorded.
6. We conclude that size-dependent mate location ability is the factor accounting for most of the variance in male fitness in E.autumnata. The dependence of fitness on body size may well be equally strong in males and females.  相似文献   

We evaluate the phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of the members of the family Pettalidae (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi), a textbook example of an ancient temperate Gondwanan taxon, by means of DNA sequence data from four markers. Taxon sampling is optimized to cover more than 70% of the described species in the family, with 117 ingroup specimens included in the analyses. The data were submitted to diverse analytical treatments, including static and dynamic homology, untrimmed and trimmed alignments, and a variety of optimality criteria including parsimony and maximum‐likelihood (traditional search and Bayesian). All analyses found strong support for the monophyly of the family Pettalidae and of all its genera, with the exception of Speleosiro, which is nested within Purcellia. However, the relationships among genera are poorly resolved, with the exceptions of a first split between the South African genus Parapurcellia and the remaining species, and, less supported, a possible relationship between Chileogovea and the other South African genus Purcellia. The diversification of most genera is Mesozoic, and of the three New Zealand genera, two show evidence of constant diversification through time, contradicting scenarios of total submersion of New Zealand during the Oligocene drowning episode. The genera Karripurcellia from Western Australia and Neopurcellia from the Australian plate of New Zealand show a pattern typical of relicts, with ancient origin, depauperate extant diversity and recent diversification. The following taxonomic actions are taken: Milipurcellia Karaman, 2012 is synonymized with Karripurcellia Giribet, 2003 syn. nov. ; Speleosiro Lawrence, 1931 is synonymised with Purcellia Hansen & Sørensen, 1904 syn. nov . The following new combinations are proposed: Parapurcellia transvaalica (Lawrence, 1963) comb. nov. ; Purcellia argasiformis (Lawrence, 1931) comb. nov .  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated that DNA barcoding is an effective tool for detecting DNA clusters, which can be viewed as operational taxonomic units (OTUs), useful for biodiversity research. Frequently, the OTUs in these studies remained unnamed, not connected with pre-existing taxonomic hypotheses, and thus did not really contribute to feasible estimation of species number and adjustment of species boundaries. For the majority of organisms, taxonomy is very complicated with numerous, often contradictory interpretations of the same characters, which may result in several competing checklists using different specific and subspecific names to describe the same sets of populations. The highly species-rich genus Parnassius (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) is but one example, such as several mutually exclusive taxonomic systems have been suggested to describe the phenotypic diversity found among its populations. Here we provide an explicit flow chart describing how the DNA barcodes can be combined with the existing knowledge of morphology-based taxonomy and geography (sympatry versus allopatry) of the studied populations in order to support, reject or modify the pre-existing taxonomic hypotheses. We then apply this flow chart to reorganize the taxa within the Parnassius delphius species group, solving long-standing taxonomic problems.  相似文献   

Will the ongoing extinction crisis cause a severe loss of evolutionary information accumulated over millions of years on the tree of life? This question has been largely explored, particularly for vertebrates and angiosperms. However, no equivalent effort has been devoted to gymnosperms. Here, we address this question focusing on cycads, the gymnosperm group exhibiting the highest proportion of threatened species in the plant kingdom. We assembled the first complete phylogeny of cycads and assessed how species loss under three scenarios would impact the cycad tree of life. These scenarios are as follows: (1) All top 50% of evolutionarily distinct (ED ) species are lost; (2) all threatened species are lost; and (3) only all threatened species in each IUCN category are lost. Finally, we analyzed the biogeographical pattern of cycad diversity hotspots and tested for gaps in the current global conservation network. First, we showed that threatened species are not significantly clustered on the cycad tree of life. Second, we showed that the loss of all vulnerable or endangered species does not depart significantly from random loss. In contrast, the loss of all top 50% ED , all threatened or all critically endangered species, would result in a greater loss of PD (Phylogenetic Diversity) than expected. To inform conservation decisions, we defined five hotpots of diversity, and depending on the diversity metric used, these hotspots are located in Southern Africa, Australia, Indo‐Pacific, and Mexico and all are found within protected areas. We conclude that the phylogenetic diversity accumulated over millions of years in the cycad tree of life would not survive the current extinction crisis. As such, prioritizing efforts based on ED and concentrating efforts on critically endangered species particularly in southern Africa, Australia, Indo‐Pacific, and Mexico are required to safeguarding the evolutionary diversity in the cycad tree of life.  相似文献   

Females of the migrant skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, that are reared under lower temperatures lay smaller eggs. The adaptive significance of egg size plasticity in response to temperature is unknown in this species. We suggest, based on the following experimental results, that P. g. guttata uses temperature as an indirect cue to predict the host condition (leaf toughness) of the next generation. First, larvae were reared under the typical conditions of temperature and photoperiod experienced during the immature stages in the first, second, and overwintering (third) generations (LD 16:8 at 25°C, LD 14:10 at 25°C and LD 14:10 at 20°C). Females reared under LD14:10 at 20°C produced more, smaller eggs than those reared under LD14:10 and LD16:8 at 25°C. Secondly, survival rates of first instar larvae derived from females reared under the three photoperiod/temperature treatments were measured on young soft rice leaves (soft), or tough, old rice leaves (tough). Survival rates of hatchlings reared on soft and tough leaves did not differ when females were reared under LD16:8 and LD14:10 at 25°C. However, hatchling survival was significantly higher on soft than on tough leaves when females were reared under LD14:10 at 20°C. Thirdly, we found that egg size plasticity in response to temperature in P. g. guttata may be a threshold response. Temperatures below 20°C experienced during the immature stages may be effective for production of smaller and more eggs in the overwintering generation of P. g. guttata.  相似文献   

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