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Abstract: Oligodendroglial and neuronal perikarya have been isolated from fresh and frozen bovine brain and used to investigate the synthesis of cerebrosides from UDP-hexoses and ceramides. The radioactive cerebrosides produced have been identified by TLC of the intact lipids on borate-silica gel and by a combination of acid hydrolysis and ion-exchange chromatography of the liberated hexoses. Incubation of either neuronal or oligodendroglial homogenates with UDP-galactose (UDP-gal) and mixed ceramides (hydroxy plus nonhydroxy fatty acids) leads to the synthesis of hydroxy fatty acid galactocere-broside. This lipid is also formed by both neuronal and oligodendroglial homogenates if the UDP-gal is replaced by UDP-glucose (UDP-glu). Formation of glucocerebroside has been observed only in the presence of neuronal homogenates and UDP-glu. Electron microscopic examination of the isolated cell preparations has shown that, although the oligodendroglia are relatively pure, the neurones are contaminated with oligodendroglia, which may account for some of the hydroxy fatty acid galactocere-broside synthesis. When unlabelled UDP-gal is included in the incubations containing cell homogenates, mixed ceramides, and labelled UDP-glu, galactocerebroside formation is greatly reduced, but there is comparatively little effect on glucocerebroside synthesis. In addition, experiments using D-[14C]galactose 1-phosphate and UDP d-[6-3H]glucose simultaneously have shown that the rate of formation of tritiated cerebroside is much greater than that of the 14C-labelled compound. For these reasons it is suggested that galactocerebroside is formed from UDP-glu and ceramide by epimerisation of the UDP hexose to UDP-gal rather than by synthesis of UDP-gal from galactose 1-phosphate and UDP-glu.  相似文献   

The importance and essential functions of glial cells in the nervous system are now beginning to be understood and appreciated. Glial cell lines have been instrumental in the elucidation of many of these properties. In this Overview, the origin and properties of most of the existing cell lines for the major glial types: oligodendroglia, astroglia, microglia and Schwann cells, are documented. Particular emphasis is given to the culture conditions for each cell line and the degree to which the line can differentiate in vitro and in vivo. The major molecular markers for each glial cell lines are indicated. Finally, methods by which the glial cell lines have been developed are noted and the future directions of glial cell line research are discussed.  相似文献   

Galactolipid metabolism was investigated as a function of development in primary cultures initiated from 19-21-day-old dissociated fetal rat brain. Significant amounts of galactocerebrosides, sulfatides, and monogalactosylglycerides were synthesized and accumulated by 8 days in culture. Thereafter the synthetic rates and levels of these galactolipids increased rapidly, reaching maximal values approximately 22-29 days in culture. Galactolipids containing nonhydroxy or 2-hydroxy fatty acid were both synthesized at approximately equal rates. The initial rates of synthesis, investigated at 15, 29, and 50 days in culture, were three- to fivefold higher for galactocerebrosides than for sulfatides and two- to threefold higher than for monogalactosylglycerides. The total number of cells staining with antisera against galactocerebroside of sulfatide also increased very rapidly between 8 and 22 days in culture, reaching levels of 4-5 million cells per seeded fetal brain. The amount of galactocerebroside or sulfatide per cell stained with the corresponding antiserum increased severalfold from 10 to 27 days in culture and remained high until at least 36 days in culture (the latest time point examined). Thus, the temporal expression of galactolipid accumulation in the cell cultures was comparable to that occurring in rat brain, but some important quantitative reductions in the levels of accumulation per cell in culture were noted. In addition, in contrast to normal brain in which galactolipid synthetic rates are reduced after the period of most active myelination, in culture both synthesis and turnover of these galactolipids remained high, suggestive of a partial arrest in myelin maturation.  相似文献   

The enzyme activities of ceramide galactosyltransferase and ceramide glucosyltransferase were assayed as a function of time (0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days) after crush injury or permanent transection of the adult rat sciatic nerve. These experimental models of neuropathy are characterized by the presence and absence of axonal regeneration and subsequent myelin assembly. Within the first 4 days after both injuries, a 50% reduction of ceramide galactosyltransferase-specific activity was observed compared to values found in the normal adult nerve. This activity remained unchanged at 7 days after injury; however, by 14 days the ceramide galactosyltransferase activity diverged in the two models. The activity increased in the crushed nerve and reached control values by 21 days, whereas a further decrease was observed in the transected nerve such that the activity was nearly immeasurable by 35 days. In contrast, the ceramide glucosyltransferase activity showed a rapid increase between 1 and 4 days, followed by a plateau that was 3.4-fold greater than that in the normal adult nerve, which persisted throughout the observation period in both the crush and transection models. [3H]Galactose precursor incorporation studies at 7, 14, 21, and 35 days after injury confirmed the previously observed shift in biosynthesis from the galactocerebrosides during myelin assembly in the crush model to the glucocerebrosides and oligohexosylceramide homologues in the absence of myelin assembly in the transection model. The transected nerves were characterized by a peak of biosynthesis of the glucocerebrosides at 14 days. Of particular interest is the biosynthesis of the glucocerebrosides and the oligohexosylceramides at 7 and 14 days after crush injury.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Endothelin-converting enzyme is a phosphoramidon-sensitive metalloprotease that cleaves big endothelin to the potent vasoconstrictor peptide, endothelin. The converting enzyme is expressed in endothelial cells in a variety of tissues and in some secretory cells. In the present study, phosphoramidon-sensitive endothelin-converting enzyme activity has been demonstrated by radioimmunoassay in the neuroblastoma cell line, SH-SY5Y, and in Bu17 and C6 glioma lines. The identity of the activity was confirmed by immunoblotting, revealing a polypeptide of ∼120 kDa in each of these lines, in D384 glioma cells, and in primary astrocytes. Immunofluorescence revealed the cell-surface location of endothelin-converting enzyme in the neuronal and glial cell lines and in primary astrocytes. Pretreatment of SH-SY5Y and Bu17 cells with phosphoramidon resulted in an apparent concentration of the enzyme protein in an intracellular compartment. Immunoperoxidase-staining of rat brain sections located this metalloprotease to the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus. Endothelin-converting enzyme-1 was revealed by in situ hybridisation in the neuronal and glial cell lines.  相似文献   

The zebrafish is a premier vertebrate model system that offers many experimental advantages for in vivo imaging and genetic studies. This review provides an overview of glial cell types in the central and peripheral nervous system of zebrafish. We highlight some recent work that exploited the strengths of the zebrafish system to increase the understanding of the role of Gpr126 in Schwann cell myelination and illuminate the mechanisms controlling oligodendrocyte development and myelination. We also summarize similarities and differences between zebrafish radial glia and mammalian astrocytes and consider the possibility that their distinct characteristics may represent extremes in a continuum of cell identity. Finally, we focus on the emergence of zebrafish as a model for elucidating the development and function of microglia. These recent studies have highlighted the power of the zebrafish system for analyzing important aspects of glial development and function.Following the pioneering work of George Streisinger in the early 1980s, the zebrafish has emerged as a premier vertebrate model system (Streisinger et al. 1981). A key strength of the zebrafish is that the embryos and early larvae are transparent, allowing exquisite cellular analysis of many dynamic processes, including cell migration, axonal pathfinding, and myelination, among many others (e.g., Gilmour et al. 2002; Lyons et al. 2005; Czopka et al. 2013). The zebrafish also has many advantages for large-scale genetic studies, including relatively small size and rapid development, high fecundity, and the ability to manipulate the ploidy of gametes and early embryos (Kimmel 1989). Through the 1980s and early 1990s, insightful studies of several interesting mutations elegantly exploited these experimental advantages (e.g., Kimmel et al. 1989; Ho and Kane 1990; Hatta et al. 1991; Grunwald and Eisen 2002), attracting many researchers from other fields to the zebrafish system. Following the explosion of interest in the zebrafish in the 1990s, advances in many areas have added to the strengths of the system, including large-scale screens that identified thousands of new mutations (Driever et al. 1996; Haffter et al. 1996), rapid transgenesis (Kawakami et al. 2004), new methods for imaging and tracking all cells during development (Huisken 2012), genetic mapping and sequencing to identify genes and mutated loci (Postlethwait et al. 1994; Howe et al. 2013), optogenetic methods to control neural activity (Portugues et al. 2013), the advent of targeted nucleases to create mutations in genes of interest (Huang et al. 2011; Sander et al. 2011; Bedell et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2013; Hwang et al. 2013), and small molecule screening approaches to isolate compounds with novel biological activities in vivo (Peterson and Fishman 2011).Many fundamental similarities in physiology and body plan unite the zebrafish and other vertebrates (Kimmel 1989). In addition, analysis of genes and genomes has revealed that sequence, expression, and function of many genes are conserved among zebrafish and other vertebrates (Postlethwait and Talbot 1997; Howe et al. 2013). Thus, insights from studies in zebrafish will apply broadly to other vertebrates, including humans. On the other hand, there are important genetic, genomic, and physiological differences among vertebrates. It is, therefore, important to keep possible differences in mind and to recognize that analyzing the diversity among different species may enhance overall understanding of important processes. For example, zebrafish and other teleosts have a much more extensive regenerative ability than mammals, so that studies of fin, heart, and spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish may suggest avenues toward new therapeutic approaches in humans (Gemberling et al. 2013; Becker and Becker 2014).In this review, we provide an overview of different types of glia in the zebrafish, with a focus on some recent studies that highlight the power of the zebrafish system to analyze different aspects of glial development and function.  相似文献   

Glycerolipids are structural components for membranes and serve in energy storage. We describe here the use of a photodynamic selection technique to generate a population of Chinese hamster ovary cells that display a global deficiency in glycerolipid biosynthesis. One isolate from this population, GroD1, displayed a profound reduction in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and triglycerides but presented high levels of phosphatidic acid and normal levels of phosphatidylinositol synthesis. This was accompanied by a reduction in phosphatidate phosphatase 1 (PAP1) activity. Expression cloning and sequencing of the cDNA obtained from GroD1 revealed a point mutation, Gly-189 → Glu, in glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), a glycolytic enzyme involved in an inherited disorder that results in anemia and neuromuscular symptoms in humans. GPI activity was reduced by 87% in GroD1. No significant differences were found in DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and ATP levels, whereas glycerol 3-phosphate levels were increased in the mutant. Expression of wild-type hamster GPI restored GPI activity, glycerolipid biosynthesis, and PAP1 activity in GroD1. Two additional, independently isolated GPI-deficient mutants displayed similar phenotypes with respect to PAP1 activity and glycerolipid biosynthesis. These findings uncover a novel relationship between GPI, involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and PAP1, a lipogenic enzyme. These results may also help to explain neuromuscular symptoms associated with inherited GPI deficiency.  相似文献   

Plant secondary metabolites constitute are a wide range of compounds whose biosynthesis takes place in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) acts as an important signaling molecule that regulates plant response to various stresses. Moreover, 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) is one of the key enzymes in the ABA biosynthesis pathway in higher plants. In this study, a new NCED gene from Taxus chinensis, the TcNCED1, was overexpressed in transgenic T. chinensis cells, resulting in a maximum of 48?% more accumulation of ABA and a 2.7-fold increase of taxol production compared to the untransformed cells, respectively. These results indicate that overexpression of TcNCED1 can significantly increase the ABA and taxol level in T. chinensis cells, which probably provides an alternative approach in metabolic engineering to improve the yield of taxol in T. chinensis cells through genetic manipulation of the related genes in the ABA biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Glutamate appears to be the neurotransmitter of granule cells, the major neuronal population of the cerebellar cortex. To determine the role of astroglial cells in the synthesis of glutamate, we have measured the specific activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in clonal cell lines that might be the in vitro equivalents of the different cerebellum astroglial cell types. In conditions where GDH operates in the direction of glutamate synthesis, the specific activity of GDH measured in the "Golgi-Bergmann"-like clone was 4-6 times higher than in the "velate protoplasmic"- or "fibrous-like" astrocytic clones. These data correlate well with the intense immunoreactivity to GDH in Golgi-Bergmann astrocytes in vivo that has been recently reported.  相似文献   

叙述了新近纯化的胶质细胞源神经营养因子(GDNF)的生物功能及其在鼠胚中的分布,着重介绍了该因子对损伤的多巴胺能神经元及运动神经元促进存活、修复损伤及再生的活性.  相似文献   

Incubation of soybean hypocotyl sections with 0.1 millimolar 2,2′-dipyridyl in the absence of auxin results in increases in growth rate and in cell wall extensibility lasting for about 3 hours. This is accompanied by greatly decreased biosynthesis of hydroxyproline, which ultimately appears in the wall, and in slightly reduced oxygen uptake, both of which continue for at least 9 hours. Continuous synthesis of hydroxyproline which appears in the cell wall is thus not necessary for short term growth. The decrease in growth and cell wall extensibility that occurs between the 3rd and 9th hours of dipyridyl inhibition cannot be attributed to cross-linking of newly synthesized hydroxyproline, since its synthesis is still inhibited.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhe  Sun  Grace Y.  Ding  Shinghua 《Neurochemical research》2021,46(10):2638-2650
Neurochemical Research - Focal ischemic stroke (FIS) is a leading cause of human debilitation and death. Following the onset of a FIS, the brain experiences a series of spatiotemporal changes which...  相似文献   

Abstract: The biosynthesis of tRNA was investigated in cultured astroglial cells and the 3-day-old rat brain in vivo. In the culture system astrocytes were grown for 19 days and were then exposed to [3H]guanosine for 1.5–7.5 h; 3-day-old rats were injected with [3H]guanosine and were killed 5–45 min later. [3H]tRNA was extracted, partially purified, and hydrolyzed to yield [3H]-guanine and [3H]methyl guanines. The latter were separated from the former by high performance liquid chromatography and their radioactivity determined as a function of the time of exposure to [3H]guanosine. The findings indicate that labeling of astrocyte tRNA continued for 7.5 h and was maximal, relative to total RNA labeling, at 3 h, while in the immature brain tRNAs were maximally labeled at 20 min after [3H]guanosine administration. The labeling pattern of the individual methyl guanines differed considerably between astrocyte and brain tRNAs. Thus, [3H]1-methylguanine represented up to 35% of the total [3H]methyl guanine radioactivity in astrocyte [3H]tRNA, while it became only negligibly labeled in brain [3H]tRNA. Conversely, brain [3H]tRNA contained more [3H]N2-methylguanine than did astrocyte [3H]tRNA. Approximately equal proportions of [3H]7-methylguanine were found in the [3H]tRNAs of both neural systems. The [3H]methylguanine composition of brain [3H]tRNA was followed through several stages of tRNA purification, including benzoylated DEAE-cellulose and reverse phase chromatography (RPC-5), and differences were found between the [3H]methylguanine composition of RPC-5 fractions containing, respectively, tRNAlys and tRNAphe. The overall results of this study suggest that developing brain cells biosynthesize their particular complement of tRNAs actively and in a cell-specific manner, as attested by the significant differences in the labeling rates of their methylated guanines. The notion is advanced that cell-specific tRNA modifications may be a prerequisite for the successful synthesis of cell-specific neural proteins.  相似文献   

p38MAPK介导的胶质细胞iNOS的转录激活机制   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
丝裂原激活蛋白激酶(MAPK)酶级联反应系统参与胶质细胞中iNOS的合成.通过瞬时转染p38MAPK途径中上游激酶,MAPK激酶3(MKK3)和MAPK激酶6 (MKK6 )表达质粒,进一步了解p38MAPK级联传导信号系统调节iNOS基因在胶质细胞中的转录激活机制.MKK3或MKK6表达质粒与接有荧光素酶(luciferase ,Luc)的大鼠iNOS启动基因质粒(iNOS Luc)联合转染C6星形胶质细胞株引起iNOS Luc的激活,并且使细胞因子诱导的iNOSmRNA的表达增强.这两种效应都能够被p38MAPK抑制剂SB2 0 35 80所抑制.MKK3 6也可以诱导核因子κB(NFκB Luc)依赖的转录活性.这些分子水平的研究结果为p38MAPK信号级联传导途径在调节大鼠胶质细胞中iNOS基因转录激活中的重要作用,包括转录因子NFκB的作用提供了证据.通过阻断iNOS表达或NO的生成,抑制细胞炎症发生,为防治神经细胞炎症反应性疾病提供实验依据.  相似文献   

Abstract: Acetylcholine and other muscarinic agonists stimulate the proliferation of rat cortical astrocytes and 132 1N1 human astrocytoma cells by activating muscarinic m3 cholinergic receptors. Ethanol was a potent inhibitor of carbachol-stimulated proliferation, measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation, with an IC50 of 10 m M . On the other hand, basal and serum-stimulated proliferation of astrocytes and astrocytoma cells was inhibited by ethanol with lower potency (IC50 = 200–250 m M ). Concentration-response experiments with carbachol, in the presence of 10 m M ethanol, suggested that inhibition of proliferation by the alcohol was of the noncompetitive type. Experiments with acetaldehyde and with the alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor 4-methylpyrazole suggested that the inhibitory effect of alcohol was due to ethanol itself and not to its metabolite acetaldehyde. Proliferation of astrocytoma cells induced by carbachol and the inhibitory effects of ethanol were also confirmed by flow cytometry using the 5-bromodeoxyuridine-Hoechst 33258 method. Ethanol (10 m M ) had no effect on proliferation induced by 50 µg/ml insulin and 100 ng/ml platelet-derived growth factor BB; on the other hand, the mitogenic effect of 1 m M histamine, 100 U/ml interleukin-1, and 100 ng/ml 12- O -tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate were inhibited by ∼50%. These results indicate that proliferation of glial cells induced by muscarinic agonists is especially sensitive to the inhibitory effect of ethanol. This action of ethanol may be relevant to its developmental neurotoxicity, particularly microencephaly, which is one of the common features of the fetal alcohol syndrome.  相似文献   

Tryptophan Biosynthesis in Cell Cultures of Nicotiana tabacum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Some of the general features of the pathway for l-tryptophan biosynthesis in cell cultures of Nicotiana tabccum var. Wisc. 38 have been investigated. The results of both isotope competition and direct-labeling experiments show that shikimic acid, anthranilic acid, indoleglycerol phosphate, and indole can serve as precursors to l-tryptophan in these cells, indicating that, in terms of its biochemical intermediates, the pathway is similar to that described for the bacteria and fungi.  相似文献   

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