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The main peptidase PN/cutting Tyr8-Gly9 or Gly9-Leu10 bond (of sequence Glp6-Phe7-Tyr8-Gly9-Leu10-MetNH2) seems to be, at least in part, cysteine type enzyme. Cutting of Phe7-Tyr8 bond with PC enzyme is apparently negligible. Further degradation of labelled PN products seems to be accomplished with PI, being serine enzyme at least in part. Metalloenzymes, including "enkephalinase", seem to be of minor importance in hexapeptide degradation, at least in its very low concentration. Some typical inhibitors enhance the degradation what might be explained assuming that products of action of one peptidase strongly inhibit the other peptidase's action. Namely, products of PN and PI seem to inhibit PC except the hippocampal synaptosomes where the opposite is true.  相似文献   

Peptidase(s) activity of different subcellular fractions isolated from cortex, hippocampus, midbrain, thalamus with hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata exerted against less than Glu SP6-11 (3H-Phen8) was evaluated in "low-ionic" and similar (in composition) to both extracellular and intracellular conditions. The incubation of less than Glu SP6-11 with different fractions leaves the hexapeptide undegraded in the studied conditions in most cases. Peptidases activity results in the formation of the first of all C-terminal and exceptionally "internal" labelled products. Labelled N-terminal products were not seen. The most effective degradation in vitro of less than Glu SP6-11 takes place, in the majority of cases, in "low ionic" conditions when compared to those similar to extra or intracellular ones. The biggest total (per 1 g of wet mass) and specific activities against less than Glu SP6-11 can be shown in the hippocampus areas.  相似文献   

Radioiodinated m-iodobenzylguanidine ([125I]MIBG) and tritiated norepinephrine ([3H]NE]) uptake and release were compared, in different regions of the brain of the rat. The classification of the regions according to uptake was the same for both tracers: striatum > hypothalamus > hippocampus > cortex > brainstem. Tetrabenazine (TBZ), a granular monoamine uptake inhibitor reduced the uptake in the different regions. The inhibition rate was higher for [3H]NE uptake than for [125I]MIBG. The spontaneous release was the same for [125I]MIBG and [3H]NE and was the lowest in the striatum. The K+ stimulated release of [3H]NE was more complete than the release of [125I]MIBG and was the most important in the striatum. From these results, it is inferred that MIBG enters the brain tissue via NE uptake mechanisms. It appears that MIBG is stored in the chromaffin granules, as NE, but also in the cytoplasm. A modified molecule derived from MIBG which would cross the blood-brain barrier, would then appear as a potential scintigraphic marker of monoamine uptake, storage and release.  相似文献   

Two key enzymes of gluconeogenesis, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructosp-1-6-diphosphatase, were present in the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brain stem of the rat brain. Significant activities of these-enzymes were associated with the particulate fraction.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of histone and phosvitin kinase activities in brain has been studied and the ability of the various fractions to catalyse the phosphorylation of their endogenous proteins (intrinsic protein kinase activity) also examined. Synaptosome membrane fragments have little or no histone or phosvitin kinase activity but contain the highest concentration of cyclic AMP-stimulated intrinsic protein kinase activity. Homogenisation of the membrane fragments in Triton X-100 increased the histone kinase activity but on centrifugation it was all recovered in the supernatant, while the insoluble material contained all the intrinsic protein kinase activity. These results indicate that the intrinsic protein kinase activity of cerebral membrane fragments is due to the presence of a kinase enzyme which is specific to certain membrane proteins. The intrinsic protein kinase activity of synaptosome membrane fragments is a rather slow reaction which takes several minutes to saturate all the acceptor proteins.  相似文献   

Suc-[Glu9,Ala11,15]-endothelin(ET)-1(8-21), IRL 1620, is a linear ET-analog specific for the ET-isopeptide-nonselective ETB receptor. The radio-iodinated analog, [125I]IRL 1620, showed a single class of saturable binding to the ETB receptors in porcine lung membranes with a Kd of 18 pM and a Bmax of 930 fmol/mg protein, which are almost comparable to the values obtained with [125I]ET-3 (6 pM and 900 fmol/mg protein). In competitive binding assays with [125I]IRL 1620, unlabeled ET-1, ET-3, IRL 1620 and [monoiodo-Tyr13]-IRL 1620 showed almost identical displacement curves with Ki of 8 to 16 pM. However, [125I]IRL 1620 was dissociated from the binding sites by addition of an excess amount (100 nM) of any of these unlabeled peptides, each with the same t1/2 of 100 min. This was in marked contrast to [125I]ET-3 which was hardly dissociated from the binding sites.  相似文献   

Summary Whole-body autoradiography demonstrated the different distribution of [125I]-C-ANP and [125I]-ANP to rat tissues. Highest enrichment of radioactivity of both labelled peptides was found in the kidney. In some organs we found remarkable differences between [125I]-ANP and [125I]-C-ANP. In the kidney cortex, especially in the glomeruli, as well as in the endocardium, the zona glomerulosa and the medulla of the adrenal gland, where high levels of radioactivity after [125I]-ANP administration were detected, no or just few radioactivity was found after administration of [125I]-C-ANP. On the other hand in the kidney papilla and the outer subcortical medulla, characteristic blackening was found after [125I]-C-ANP administration. Those differences might be important for the understanding of pharmacological actions of ANP analogues.This work is part of the doctoral thesis of Frank Heidemann to be presented at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, FRG  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of histone and phosvitin kinase activities in brain has been studied and the ability of the various fractions to catalyse the phosphorylation of their endogenous proteins (intrinsic protein kinase activity) also examined. Synaptosome membrane fragments have little or no histone or phosvitin kinase activity but contain the highest concentration of cyclic AMP-stimulated intrinsic protein kinase activity. Homogenisation of the membrane fragments in Triton X-100 increased the histone kinase activity but on centrifugation it was all recovered in the supernatant, while the insoluble material contained all the intrinsic protein kinase activity. These results indicate that the intrinsic protein kinase activity of cerebral membrane fragments is due to the presence of a kinase enzyme which is specific to certain membrane proteins. The intrinsic protein kinase activity of synaptosome membrane fragments is a rather slow reaction which takes several minutes to saturate all the acceptor proteins.  相似文献   

1. Peptidase(s) activity of nuclear and synaptosomal fraction from cortex and hippocampus of rat brain against pyroGlu6[125I-Tyr8]SP6-11 was evaluated in different concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+ in about "isotonic" conditions. 2. The effects of studied ions on the peptidase activities forming N-terminal and C-terminal fragments are different especially in synaptosomes of both areas. 3. The differences of ionic requirements for N- and C-forming activities are particularly relevant for Ca2+ at the cortex and K+ at the hippocampus. 4. Ca2+ activate forming of N-terminal fragments in the nuclear fraction whereas inhibit it in synaptosomes from both areas. 5. The ionic requirements for C-terminal fragments' formation in synaptosomes of both areas are contradictory.  相似文献   

Diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP) produces organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) in humans and sensitive animal species, e.g., adult chicken. The chickens were sacrificed 18 days after a single dose of DFP (1.7 mg/kg, sc.), which produced severe ataxia or paralysis in 10–14 days. We studied Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent in vitro neurofilament phosphorylation by the brain subcellular fractions of control and DFP-treated hens. There was enhanced phosphorylation of all three NF subunits by the brain supernatant of treated hens. This was accompanied by enhanced autophosphorylation of both Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-kinase II) subunits and increased calmodulin binding using either125I-CaM or biotinylated calmodulin to only subunit without concomitant increase in the amount of this enzyme. This enhanced phosphorylation of neurofilament subunits was completely and partially inhibited by mastoparan and KN-62, respectively. There was no alteration in the distribution of CaM-kinase II activity in treated hens and the activity was not related to its concentration in different subcellular fractions. The difference in125I-CaM binding to CaM-kinase II subunit in the brain supernatants of control and DFP-treated hens was not altered by its phosphorylation or dephosphorylation. The increased CaM-kinase II activity in the soluble fraction of DFP-treated hen brain may be involved in the aberrant phosphorylation of axonal neurofilaments, and thus play a role in OPIDN.Abbreviations CaM calmodulin - CaM-kinase II Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II - DFP diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate - ECL enhanced chemiluminescence - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - MAP-2 microtubule-associated protein-2 - MBP myelin basic protein - OPIDN organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity - PIPES 1,4-piperazinediethanesulfonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Whole-body autoradiography demonstrated the different distribution of [125I]-C-ANP and [125I]-ANP to rat tissues. Highest enrichment of radioactivity of both labelled peptides was found in the kidney. In some organs we found remarkable differences between [125I]-ANP and [125I]-C-ANP. In the kidney cortex, especially in the glomeruli, as well as in the endocardium, the zona glomerulosa and the medulla of the adrenal gland, where high levels of radioactivity after [125I]-ANP administration were detected, no or just few radioactivity was found after administration of [125I]-C-ANP. On the other hand in the kidney papilla and the outer subcortical medulla, characteristic blackening was found after [125I]-C-ANP administration. Those differences might be important for the understanding of pharmacological actions of ANP analogues.  相似文献   

Total protein kinase activity and the expression of the type I and type II cyclic adenosine 3′:5′-monophosphate-dependent protein kinases were studied in subcellular fractions of rat thymocytes and the effect of concanavalin A treatment on protein kinase activity was assessed. At a concentration of 100 μ/ml of concanavalin A a marked decline of total nuclear protein kinase activity occurred which lasted approximately 20 to 90 min. Concomitantly, a twofold increase of total protein kinase activity in the 900g supernatant fraction was observed which lasted from 5 to 30 min. Studies using the heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor revealed that the concanavalin A-mediated activity changes were primarily due to changes of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, whereas cAMP-independent protein kinase activity remained unchanged. Analysis of the type I and type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozyme pattern before and after concanavalin A treatment revealed a selective change of the relative expression of isozyme activities. Whereas type I protein kinase was the major nuclear isozyme before concanavalin A treatment, nuclear type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase increased markedly with a concomitant loss of type I isozyme expression. In the 900g supernatant fraction, containing primarily the type II isozyme in unstimulated cells, concanavalin A treatment caused an increase of the expression of the type I isozyme. The concanavalin A-mediated relative changes of cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozyme expression were confirmed by photoaffinity labeling of the regulatory subunits RI and RII before and after concanavalin A stimulation. The intracellular concanavalin A-mediated isozyme changes were time dependent, exhibiting maximal effects about 20 min after concanavalin A addition. These results indicate that selective regulation of intracellular cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozyme expression may be a mechanism related to isozyme-specific phosphorylation of specific intracellular substrates in concanavalin A-activated thymocytes.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the steric structures of the bioactive part of substance P (SP[6-11]) and its analogs (NY3460 and pHOPA-SP5). The molecular dynamics-simulated annealing method was used to explore the conformational space, and the structural differences and similarities of these molecules were identified. For the three peptides, the conformational distributions were represented in Ramachandran density plots. The occurring secondary structural elements of the investigated molecules were identified, namely alpha-Helix, type III beta-Turn, gamma-Turn, and inverse gamma-Turn. For SP[6-11] and its two analogs, different intramolecular interactions (H-bonds between the main-chain atoms, aromatic-aromatic interactions, and amino-aromatic interactions) that can stabilize the various conformations of the three peptides were investigated. Detailed examination of these intramolecular interactions revealed that H-bonds between the main-chain atoms are relevant in the determination and stabilization of the conformer structures of the peptides, while the aromatic-aromatic interactions do not play an important stabilizing role. Furthermore, in the conformers of NY3460 and pHOPA-SP5, different types of amino-aromatic interactions were identified that contribute to the formation of the various structures of these peptides. For all three molecules, the orientations of the side chains were investigated and the rotamer populations were determined.  相似文献   

1. Six subcellular fractions were prepared from the brain of 3-week-old rats after the injection of [(32)P]orthophosphate into the subarachnoidal space. The fractions were characterized by chemical and enzymic determinations and by electron microscopy. 2. The highest concentration of phosphoinositides was found in the microsomal fraction. 3. After an exchange period of 4hr. in vivo, the specific radioactivity of phosphatidylinositol was high in the nuclear, mitochondrial and supernatant fractions, and that of diphosphoinositide was high in the nuclear, microsomal and supernatant fractions. Triphosphoinositide specific activity was highest in the myelin fraction. 4. Specific activities (counts/100sec./mug. of P) were in the following order for all fractions except myelin: diphosphoinositide>phosphatidylinositol>triphosphoinositide. For myelin the order was: diphosphoinositide>triphosphoinositide>phosphatidylinositol. 5. Phosphatidylinositol extracted from a tissue fraction by acidified chloroform-methanol had roughly twice the specific activity of that extracted by neutral solvents. The same applied to diphosphoinositide.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the kidney is the major site for clearance and catabolism of a peptide (residues 43-88) of encephalitogenic or basic protein (BP) derived from central-nervous-system myelin. In the present investigation rat renal tissue was shown to be capable of degrading human BP peptide 43-88 over the pH range 4-11.5 with peaks of activity at pH5 and pH9. The enzymic activity at pH5 was localized mainly to the 5900 g pellet (crude mitochondrial fraction) and, on the basis of its sulphydryl features, was inferred to be cathepsin B. The enzyme activity at pH9 was greatly enriched in the 100 000 g pellet (microsomal brush-border fraction), and its sensitivity to inhibitors suggested that it was a metalloproteinase. The activity at alkaline pH in the 100 000 g pellet was stimulated 3-fold by non-ionic detergents and 20-fold by ATP and polyphosphates. Through a series of experiments the ATP stimulation of the alkaline proteinase activity was concluded to be the result of a reversal of inhibition imposed by the presence of another cationic protein, methylated bovine serum albumin. Inhibition by certain bivalent cations, the irregular effects of chelators and the effects of poly-L-lysine supported this conclusion. These studies indicate the availability of renal enzymes of different types and in different cellular compartments that are capable of degrading BP peptide 43-88. In particular, the relative amounts of bivalent cations, anions and charged proteins and peptides are likely to be major influences on the activity of the alkaline proteinase in vivo. The control of this degradation as well as the features of the smaller fragments of the peptide formed may determine biological and immune events subsequent to the release of this potentially autoantigenic material.  相似文献   

Binding of 2-[125I]iodomelatonin in hamster brain synaptosomal membranes at 0 degrees C is rapid, saturable, reversible and sensitive to heat and trypsin treatment. Computer resolution of curvilinear Scatchard plots yielded high- and low-affinity components as follows: Kd1 = 0.32 +/- 0.14 nM, Bmax1 = 5.6 +/- 1.7 fmol/mg protein and Kd2 = 10.5 +/- 3.2 nM, Bmax2 = 123 +/- 33 fmol/mg protein (n = 3). Competition experiments indicated that 2-iodomelatonin and prazosin are the most potent inhibitors of high-affinity binding. Unlike prazosin, several alpha-adrenergic agents and various neurotransmitters were ineffective. These findings suggest that prazosin may be a potent antagonist at a unique, non-alpha-adrenergic, high-affinity binding site for melatonin.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of proteins normally visible on two-dimension gels of rat brain tissue punches and crude brain homogenate was investigated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and computerized scanning densitometry. Seven enriched subcellular fractions (cytosol, mitochondria, microsomes, nucleus, crude synaptic vesicles, myelin and synaptic membrane) were generated from a crude extract of rat brain. Fifty microgram samples of the crude homogenate and each fraction were then taken and the proteins within these samples separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Proteins were stained with silver and the gels then analyzed by computerized scanning densitometry. Of 136 proteins visible on two-dimension gels of the crude homogenate that were quantitatively examined, a total of 73 (54%) were identified as being primarily located in a single subcellular fraction. The majority of these 73 proteins were found to be located primarily in either the cytosolic or mitochondrial fractions, while fewer proteins were identified as being primarily located in the microsomal, nuclear or crude synaptic vesicular subfractions. In contrast, the myelin and synaptic membrane fractions were found to be the primary location for only a single protein each that is clearly visible in the crude homogenate. In addition, gels of four of the subfractions (mitochondria, cytosol, nucleus and myelin) contained proteins that are not normally visible on gels generated using a crude extract. The subcellular location of a number of proteins found previously to be altered by specific experimental manipulations was also determined, providing further information on these proteins in brain. These results should prove useful in future experiments designed towards isolating and characterizing specific proteins of neurochemical interest.  相似文献   

Nuclear, chromatin and microsomal fractions were isolated from hepatocytes prepared from rats injected with [32P]O4(2-) and killed subsequently at times between 1 and 48 h. Specific activities of the total phospholipids (PL) were determined for each subcellular fraction. The major points noted were the initial specific activity of the chromatin PL was half that of both nuclear and microsomal PL at 1 h; the first peak of labelling occurred at 6 h in both nuclear and microsomal PL, but was 3 h later (9h) in the chromatin PL; and a second peak of labelling occurred in the chromatin and microsomal PL, but not in those of the nuclei. On fractionation of the PL, the major and most metabolically active components were phosphatidylcholine + phosphatidylethanolamine, whilst sphingomyelin accounted for only about 8 per cent of the total PL. The chromatin and microsomal fractions were somewhat similar in their labelling patterns though with a delayed peaking of activity in the chromatin. This is indicative of a synthesis and transport of PL from the microsomes to the chromatin.  相似文献   

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