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Specific d anti-b and b anti-a suppressor T cells induced by intravenous injection of mice with gamma-irradiated allogenic lymphoid cells, are not a homogenous population of cells as shown by their selective absorption on macrophage monolayers of various H-2 haplotypes. This is proved by separation of suppressor T cells to two subpopulations, at least, each of them being able to react with the products of only one (K or D) end of the H-2 complex. Moreover, the fine specificity study of d anti-b suppressor T cells enriched by elution from macrophage monolayers of different H-2 haplotypes, demonstrated these suppressors to represent a set of narrow-specific clones, each of them carried receptors reactive in a selective fashion with a particular determinant of the H-2 molecule irrespective of this linkage with other products of the H-2 complex. Two such clones reactive with H-2a and H-2f third-party antigens, respectively, were isolated by elution from the corresponding cell monolayers, each of them accounted for about 1.5% of the total d anti-b suppressor population. These data are discussed in the light of differences of suppressor T cells from other T cell subclasses and their resemblance to B cells with respect to the clonal structure and the receptor specificity.  相似文献   

Two antisera to Ia antigens, products of the H-2 complex I-Cd and I-JkEk subregions, respectively, have been obtained by immunisation of the F1 hybrids of recombinant strains of mice. These antisera are shown to display the 50 per cent cytotoxic effect in vitro in the presence of complement upon lymphocyte populations immune to the H-2 complex antigens and enriched for specific suppressor T cells (SSC) by fractionation on the monolayer of target cells. The specificity of anti-Ia cytotoxins is shown by the cross antibody absorption with T- and B-cells of mice originated from the recombinant H-2 haplotypes and bearing either particular I-Cd, I-Jk and I-Ek antigens, or their combinations. Anti-I-Cd cytotoxins are found to react with both B and T cells at a different rate, and the anti-I-JkEk serum contains two antibody types directed to I-Ek and I-Jk products, respectively, the latter being able to react preferently with T cells. Although both antisera do inactivate the in vitro SSC function in the presence of complement at a similar degree, the inactivating action of the anti-I-Cd serum, but not that of the anti-I-JkEk serum, occurs without complement. SSC are established to bear both Ia-antigens, I-J and I-C on the same cell, as demonstrated by the cross antibody absorption and variation of the H-2 origin of SSC. These two markers are suggested to function differently in the SSC immune to the H-2 antigens and the I-C antigen expression on the SSC surface is presumed to be required for their interaction with the inhibited responder T cells proliferating in MLC.  相似文献   

Intravenous immunization of mice with a large dose of gamma-irradiated allogenic spleen cells gives rise to specific suppressor T cells and cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL). However, being optimal form suppressor T cell induction, these conditions of immunization are not conducive to identification of CTL unless they are enriched by elution from the allogenic target monolayer. Unlike CTL, specific suppressor T cells are highly susceptible to gamma-irradiation while their precursors differ from those of CTL by high susceptibility to cyclophosphamide and hydrocortisone.  相似文献   

Spleen T-cells of mice immunized intravenously with gamma-irradiated allogenic lymphoid cells at a high dose are shown to inhibit the activation of DNA synthesis in MLC. The difference in the whole H-2 complex or in either of its K, I, D regions or I-subregions is required and sufficient for induction of specific T-suppressors. The magnitude of the suppression is a sum of suppressive reactions induced separately by each of the immunizing complex components, the products of one of the H-2 regions (subregions) as shown by changing the source of stimulator cells in MLC. These components have a similar impact in the suppressor activity. Unlike the other T-cell subclasses, T-suppressors react only to serologically defined mutant antigens of the Dd allele, but do not react to the mutants of the Kb allele and do not discriminate Kb and Kba antigens. Specific suppressor T-cells recognize the I-subregion products without their linkage to the K/D region products. For elicitation of the suppression two conditions are required and sufficient: a) direct contact of immune suppressors with the corresponding antigenic determinant; b) the subregion IC identity between the suppressors and the responder cells. Intensity of suppression is reduced if F1 hybrid responder cells interact with parent suppressor cells, but is not reduced in the inverse arrangement of the experiment. Specific suppressor T-cells are presumed to differ from other subclasses of T-cells and to be similar to B-cells relatively to the nature and multiplicity of recognizable individual products of the H-complex and to narrow specialization of reactive clones.  相似文献   

The in-vivo-induced memory T cells (MC) of mice, specific to H-2 antigens, are assayed by the generation of the secondary cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) activated by heat-killed stimulator cells. The MC are shown to adhere selectively to the corresponding target monolayer that gives rise to both the loss of MC activity in the population of non-adherent lymphocytes and gain in MC activity in the population adherent and eluted from the same monolayer. In addition to the revealing of MC H-2 antigen-binding receptors, the absorption-elution technique allows the separation of the MC into two categories: secondary CTL precursors bearing these receptors, and secondary amplifier cells non-adherent to the monolayer and assayed by promotion of the CTL generation from the primary precursors activated in MLC by heated stimulators. The difference in the receptor properties between the primary and secondary CTL precursors raises the possibility that the MC are generated not only in the amplifier cell population but also in the independent CTL precursor population.  相似文献   

The immunoregulation of cytotoxic T-cell responses to the male-specific antigen H-Y in mice has been found to be genetically controlled by genes of the major histocompatibility complex (H-2). Responsiveness was mainly confined to H-2 b strains, but it has also been found in recombinant strains, F1 hybrids, and chimeras that carry at least part of the H-2 b haplotype. By using a different immunization procedure it has been shown recently that an H-2 k mouse strain (CBA) is also able to mount an equivalent H-Y-specific response. We investigate here, by applying this immunization technique, the responsiveness of other H-2 k strains and of strains of other independent H-2 haplotypes. Both responders and nonresponders are found in three haplotypes: k, s, and d. The strain distribution pattern of responsiveness shows a combined influence of non-H-2 and H-2 genes. In certain strains there is a high variability in responsiveness between genetically indentical individual animals. We discuss a model of immune response (Ir) gene function which could account for these observations.  相似文献   

Following appropriate absorption rabbit serum to CBA anti-C57BL/6 lymph node cells (rabbit ISS) and rat serum to enriched CBA anti-C57BL/6 T killers (rat ISS) selectively inhibited the activity of K-anti-b T killers but did not affect T killers of other specificities (K-anti-d, d-anti-b). Rabbit ISS did not suppress the capacity of CBA anti-C57BL/6 (K-anti-b) T cells to produce MIF. Under the same conditions, anti-Thy-1.2 serum inactivated killers and K-anti-b MIF-producers. The findings indicate that the killers and MIF-producers immune to the antigens of H-2 complex constitute different subpopulations of T cells, which appear to carry nonidentical sets of idiotypes.  相似文献   

In rat lacrimal gland, cholinergic, α- or β-adrenergic or methylxanthine stimulations of protein secretion are extracellular calcium dependent. 10 μM trifluoperazine (TFP) inhibited only cholinergic and α-adrenergic stimulations. Half maximal effect was observed at 30 μM, with all inducers except norepinephrine (3 μM). 10 or 30 μM TFP also suppressed the decrease of L-[3H]leucine incorporation into protein due to carbamylcholine. 100 μM TFP inhibited protein secretion and L-[3H]leucine incorporation. 500 μM TFP promoted cell lysis. It is suggested that: (a) at 100 μM TFP, inhibition is not specific for protein secretion; (b) at 30 μM TFP, inhibition could be related to a role of calmodulin in the secretory regulation process.  相似文献   

The treatment of tumour and lymphoid cells of mice with 3M KC1 solution having high ionic strength, nonionic detergent and by subsequent freeze-thawing resulted in obtaining serologically active H-2 antigen preparation capable of specifically blocking the cytotoxicity of H-2 antisera. The antigenic activity of the preparations thus obtained depended on the source from which they were isolated (spleen cells and their membrane fragments proved to be the best source), on the degree of maturity of tumor cells and the degree of purification of the preparation, as well as on the methods of solubilization. The blocking action of soluble H-2 antigens on the cytotoxicity of immune lymphocytes depended on the method used for isslating these antigens. The interaction of immune lymphocytes and H-2 antisera with soluble antigens was probably effected by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Analysis of the content of CD16/32+, CD4+ and CD8+ -cells was perfomed in the peripheral blood and spleen ofmice of the ASC strain with high predisposition to depressive-like state in comparison with mice of parent CBA strain having no depressive behaviour. In both cases, ASC mice showed a decrease in the percentage of CD16/32+ and CD4+-cells along with an increase CD8 cells and lowering of immunoreactivity index (CD4+/CD8+). Changes in cellular subpopulations found in intact ASC mice was accompanied with animals' low capacity to respond to T-dependent antigen: sheep red blood cells at the dose of 5 x 10(8). In contrast to CBA mice the percentage and absolute number of IgM-antibody-forming cells were significantly decreased in the spleen of ASC mice on the 4th and 5th days after immunization as well as the numbers of IgG-antibody-forming cells on the 6th day of the immune response. Possible mechanisms underlying the immune reactivity inhibition under depressive-like state are discussed.  相似文献   

Serologically active preparations of soluble H-2 antigens were obtained by 3 M KCl extraction from the ascitic cells of leukemia L 1210 (H-2d) and sarcoma MX-11 (H-2b). These preparations had no specific influence in vitro on the cytotoxic effect of immune lymphocytes on target cells, and did not inhibit the lymphocyte adsorption on the monolayer of the corresponding target cells.  相似文献   

We elucidated previously that cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) against H-43a allo-antigen, which we had discovered as a new mouse minor H antigen, were primed in H-43b mice only in the context of self H-2Kb restriction element, and that anti-H-43a CTLp tolerance was induced in H-43b mice by injection with H-43a spleen cells (SC) from H-43 congenic mice, i.e., under the condition of disparity at only the H-43 locus. The present study attempted to determine whether the H-2Kb restriction element for anti-H-43a CTLp priming is also implicated in the induction of anti-H-43a CTLp tolerance. For this purpose, we used a newly established H-43b C3W (H-2k) strain which is H-43 congenic to H-43a C3H/HeN. When (C3W X B10.MBR)F1 (H-43b, H-2Kk/b, Ik/k, Dk/q) mice were injected with H-43a-bearing (C3H/HeN X B10.AKM)F1 (H-43a/b;H-2Kk/k,Ik/k,Dk/q)SC, their selfH-2Kb-restricted anti-H-43a CTLp were were primed (cross-priming). By contrast, injection of H-43a-bearing (C3H/HeN X B10.MBR)F1 (H-43a/b; H-2Kk/b,Ik/k, Dk/q)SC, which differ from (C3H/HeN x B10.AKM) F1 SC solely at H-2K and possess H-2Kb molecules, did not prime but specifically inactivated the anti-H-43a CTLp of (C3W x B10.MBR)F1 mice. These results indicate clearly that anti-H-43a CTLp tolerance is induced exclusively in the context of the H-2Kb element expressed on the antigenic H-43a SC.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from C3H/He mice immunized in vivo to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-self were sensitized in vitro to TNP-self. These spleen cells displayed strong lysis on TNP-modified H-2D end-matched (Kd-Dk) targets as well as enhanced cytotoxicity against H-2 matched (Kk-Dk) or H-2K end-matched (Kk-Dd) target cells. Cold target-blocking studies showed that the lysis of TNP-Kd-Dk targets could be blocked by the addition of TNP-modified Kk-Dk, Kk-Dd Kk-Db, or Kd-Dk, but not by TNP-modified Kd-Dd, Kb-Db and Kq-Kq spleen cells. These results demonstrate that the lysis of TNP-Kd-Dk targets is not due to cross-reactive clones against TNP-Kd-Dd, Kb-Db or Kq-Dq antigens. Inhibition of the TNP-Kd-Dk target lysis by TNP-Kk-matched (Kk-Dd or Kk-Db) as well as TNP-Dk-matched (Kd-Dk) blockers also reveals that this target is lysed by clones directed against shared antigens between Kk-TNP and Dk-TNP, indicating that no cytotoxic response restricted for Dk-TNP only could be detected even after in vivo priming.  相似文献   

H-2 loss variant sublines of a sarcoma (M-AS), induced by methylcholanthrene in an (A × A.SW)F1 mouse, were used to study the role of the MHC products in the recognition of MC-TSTA. The two reciprocal variant sublines (M-A and M-S) were found to express the TSTA of the original tumor as shown by cross-reactions in graft rejection experiments performed in (A × A.SW)F1 mice. In the A/Sn and A.SW mice the presence of the reciprocal parental H-2 antigens on the immunizing cells decreased the response against the tumor antigens. An admixture of lymphocytes derived from hyperimmune mice inhibited the outgrowth of the tumor cells. The growth inhibition was mediated by T cells and was H-2 restricted. Cells derived from hyperimmune syngeneic mice inhibited the outgrowth of the variant subline used for immunization but had no effect on the reciprocal variant subline.  相似文献   

The distribution of Ia antigens on the surfaces of lymph node lymphocytes of several mouse strains was investigated using indirect immunoferritin labeling and electron microscopy. The immunoferritin labeling results agreed with results of cytotoxic tests in strain distribution of reactivity, proportion of cells showing label, and cell populations reacting. Capping was induced by increased incubation temperature but conditions for Ia antigen mobilization varied somewhat between the two anti-Ia antisera employed. Uncapped specimens generally showed a denser, more evenly distributed antigen coating than is the case for H-2 antigens labeled by the same indirect immunoferritin method.  相似文献   

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