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Vacuum UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra were measured down to 175 nm for d(C)10, d(G)10, the d(G)10.d(C)10 duplex, and the d(G)10.d(G)10.d(C)10 triplex. A CD difference spectrum was calculated for d(G)10.d(C)10 giving the change in CD induced by forming the duplex from d(G)10 and d(C)10. The d(G)10.d(G)10.d(C)10 CD difference spectrum gave the CD induced by triplex formation from binding of d(G)10 to the d(G)10.d(C)10 duplex. In the near-UV, the d(G)10.d(C)10 and d(G)10.d(G)10.d(C)10 difference spectra resembled the difference spectrum for poly[r(G).r(C)] (Biopolymers 29, 325-333). This similarity may be an indication of similar purine base stacking. The d(G)10.d(G)10.d(C)10 vacuum UV difference spectrum had a negative band at 195 nm and a positive band at 180 nm, making it similar to difference spectra for homopolymer triplexes containing T.A.T and U.A.U triplets (Nucl. Acids Res. 19, 2275-2280). The appearance of these bands in difference spectra should be good indicators of triplex formation. The complementary oligonucleotides c-mycI d(CCCCACCCTCCC) and c-mycII d(GGGAGGGTGGGG) are part of the regulatory sequences of the human c-myc gene. G.G.C rich triplexes formed by binding c-mycII or c-mycIII d(GGGGTGGGTGGG) to the c-mycI.c-mycII duplex had CD difference spectra similar to that of d(G)10.d(G)10.d(C)10 in both the vacuum UV and near UV regions, indicating similar triplet structures.  相似文献   

Vacuum UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra were measured down to 174 nm for five homopolymers, five duplexes, and four triplexes containing adenine, uracil, and thymine. Near 190 nm, the CD bands of poly[d(A)] and poly[r(A)] were larger than the CD bands of the polypyrimidines, poly[d(T)], poly[d(U)], and poly[r(U)]. Little change was observed in the 190 nm region upon formation of the duplexes (poly[d(A).d(T)], poly[d(A).d(U)], poly[r(A).d(T)], poly[r(A).d(U)], and poly[r(A).r(U)]) or upon formation of two of the triplexes (poly[d(T).d(A).d(T)] and poly[d(U).d(A).d(U)]). This showed that the purine strand had the same or a similar structure in these duplexes and triplexes as when free in solution. Both A.U and A.T base pairing induced positive bands at 177 and 202 nm. For three triplexes containing poly[d(A)], the formation of a triplex from a duplex and a free pyrimidine strand induced a negative band centered between 210 and 215 nm. The induction of a band between 210 and 215 nm indicated that these triplexes had aspects of the A conformation.  相似文献   

D Alkema  P A Hader  R A Bell  T Neilson 《Biochemistry》1982,21(9):2109-2117
A series of pentaribonucleotides, ApGpXpGpU (where X identical to A, G, C, or U), was synthesized to investigate the effects of flanking G . C pairs on internal Watson-Crick, G . U, and nonbonded base pairs. Sequences ApGpApCpU (Tm = 26 degrees C) and ApGpCpCpU (Tm = 25 degrees C) were each found to form a duplex with non-base-paired internal residues that stacked with the rest of the sequence but were not looped out. ApGpGpCpU also forms a duplex (Tm = 30 degrees C) but with dangling terminal nonbonded adenosines rather than internal nonbonded guanosines. ApGpUpCpU prefers a stacked single-strand conformation. In addition, contribution to duplex stability from an internal A . U or G . C base pair is enhanced by 6 degrees C when flanked by G . C base pairs as compared to A . U base pairs. G . C base pairs flanking an internal G . U base pair were found to be more tolerant to the altered conformation of a G . U pair and result in an increase to stability comparable with that found for an internal A . U base pair.  相似文献   

G·U wobble base pairs are the most common and highly conserved non-Watson–Crick base pairs in RNA. Previous surface maps imply uniformly negative electrostatic potential at the major groove of G·U wobble base pairs embedded in RNA helices, suitable for entrapment of cationic ligands. In this work, we have used a Poisson–Boltzmann approach to gain a more detailed and accurate characterization of the electrostatic profile. We found that the major groove edge of an isolated G·U wobble displays distinctly enhanced negativity compared with standard GC or AU base pairs; however, in the context of different helical motifs, the electrostatic pattern varies. G·U wobbles with distinct widening have similar major groove electrostatic potentials to their canonical counterparts, whereas those with minimal widening exhibit significantly enhanced electronegativity, ranging from 0.8 to 2.5kT/e, depending upon structural features. We propose that the negativity at the major groove of G·U wobble base pairs is determined by the combined effect of the base atoms and the sugar-phosphate backbone, which is impacted by stacking pattern and groove width as a result of base sequence. These findings are significant in that they provide predictive power with respect to which G·U sites in RNA are most likely to bind cationic ligands.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics governing the denaturation of RNA duplexes containing 8 bp and a central tandem mismatch or 10 bp were evaluated using UV absorbance melting curves. Each of the eight tandem mismatches that were examined had one U-U pair adjacent to another noncanonical base pair. They were examined in two different RNA duplex environments, one with the tandem mismatch closed by G.C base pairs and the other with G.C and A.U closing base pairs. The free energy increments (Delta Gdegrees(loop)) of the 2 x 2 loops were positive, and showed relatively small differences between the two closing base pair environments. Assuming temperature-independent enthalpy changes for the transitions, (Delta Gdegrees(loop)) for the 2 x 2 loops varied from 0.9 to 1.9 kcal/mol in 1 M Na(+) at 37 degrees C. Most values were within 0.8 kcal/mol of previously estimated values; however, a few sequences differed by 1.2-2.0 kcal/mol. Single strands employed to form the RNA duplexes exhibited small noncooperative absorbance increases with temperature or transitions indicative of partial self-complementary duplexes. One strand formed a partial self-complementary duplex that was more stable than the tandem mismatch duplexes it formed. Transitions of the RNA duplexes were analyzed using equations that included the coupled equilibrium of self-complementary duplex and non-self-complementary duplex denaturation. The average heat capacity change (DeltaC(p)) associated with the transitions of two RNA duplexes was estimated by plotting DeltaH degrees and DeltaS degrees evaluated at different strand concentrations as a function of T(m) and ln T(m), respectively. The average DeltaC(p) was 70 +/- 5 cal K(-)(1) (mol of base pairs)(-)(1). Consideration of this heat capacity change reduced the free energy of formation at 37 degrees C of the 10 bp control RNA duplexes by 0.3-0.6 kcal/mol, which may increase Delta Gdegrees(loop) values by similar amounts.  相似文献   

The stability and structure of RNA duplexes with consecutive A.C, C.A, C.C, G.G, U.C, C.U, and U.U mismatches were studied by UV melting, CD, and NMR. The results are compared to previous results for GA and AA internal loops [SantaLucia, J., Kierzek, R., & Turner, D. H. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 8813-8819; Peritz, A., Kierzek, R., & Turner, D.H. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 6428-6436)]. The observed order for stability increments of internal loop formation at pH 7 is AG = GA approximately UU greater than GG greater than or equal to CA greater than or equal to AA = CU = UC greater than or equal to CC greater than or equal to AC. The results suggest two classes for internal loops with consecutive mismatches: (1) loops that stabilize duplexes and have strong hydrogen bonding and (2) loops that destabilize duplexes and may not have strong hydrogen bonding. Surprisingly, rCGCUUGCG forms a very stable duplex at pH 7 in 1 M NaCl with a TM of 44.8 degrees C at 1 x 10(-4) M and a delta G degrees 37 of -7.2 kcal/mol. NOE studies of the imino protons indicate hydrogen bonding within the U.U mismatches in a wobble-type structure. Resonances corresponding to the hydrogen-bonded uridines are located at 11.3 and 10.4 ppm. At neutral pH, rCGCCCGCG is one of the least stable duplexes with a TM of 33.2 degrees C and delta G degrees 37 of -5.1 kcal/mol. Upon lowering the pH to 5.5, however, the TM increases by 12 degrees C, and delta G degrees 37 becomes more favorable by 2.5 kcal/mol. The pH dependence of rCGCCCGCG may be due to protonation of the internal loop C's, since no changes in thermodynamic parameters are observed for rCGCUUGCG between pH 7 and 5.5. Furthermore, two broad imino proton resonances are observed at 10.85 and 10.05 ppm for rCGCCCGCG at pH 5.3, but not at pH 6.5. This is also consistent with C.C+ base pairs forming at pH 5.5. rCGCCAGCG and rGGCACGCC have a small pH dependence, with TM increases of 5 and 3 degrees C, respectively, upon lowering the pH from 7 to 5.5. rCGCCUGCG and rCGCUCGCG also show little pH dependence, with TM increases of 0.8 and 1.4 degrees C, respectively, upon lowering the pH to 5.5.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

When guanine and uracil form hydrogen bonds in the pairing scheme first proposed by Crick one would expect that poly(A,G) will form an unperturbed double helix with poly U at room temperature in a dilute electrolyte solution (0.1 M NaCl). We have demonstrated by Raman- and IR-spectroscopy that the secondary structure of poly(A.G) · poly U is very similar to the structure of poly A · poly U; only the thermal stability of the double helix seems slightly lower than the stability of poly A · poly U, whereas the average helix length is unaffected by the dispersed G · U base pairs. From our input ratio of guanine and adenine we estimate that about every fourth base pair is a wobble pair.  相似文献   

The thymine analog 5-chlorouridine, first reported in the 1950s as anti-tumor agent, is known as an effective mutagen, clastogen and toxicant as well as an effective inducer of sister-chromatid exchange. Recently, the first microorganism with a chemically different genome was reported; the selected Escherichia coli strain relies on the four building blocks 5-chloro-2′-deoxyuridine (ClU), A, C and G instead of the standard T, A, C, G alphabet [Marlière,P., Patrouix,J., Döring,V., Herdewijn,P., Tricot,S., Cruveiller,S., Bouzon,M. and Mutzel,R. (2011) Chemical evolution of a bacterium’s genome. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 7109–7114]. The residual fraction of T in the DNA of adapted bacteria was <2% and the switch from T to ClU was accompanied by a massive number of mutations, including >1500 A to G or G to A transitions in a culture. The former is most likely due to wobble base pairing between ClU and G, which may be more common for ClU than T. To identify potential changes in the geometries of base pairs and duplexes as a result of replacement of T by ClU, we determined four crystal structures of a B-form DNA dodecamer duplex containing ClU:A or ClU:G base pairs. The structures reveal nearly identical geometries of these pairs compared with T:A or T:G, respectively, and no consequences for stability and cleavage by an endonuclease (EcoRI). The lack of significant changes in the geometry of ClU:A and ClU:G base pairs relative to the corresponding native pairs is consistent with the sustained unlimited self-reproduction of E. coli strains with virtually complete T→ClU genome substitution.  相似文献   

We have determined the crystal structure of the RNA octamer duplex r(guguuuac)/r(guaggcac) with a tandem wobble pair, G·G/U·U (motif III), to compare it with U·G/G·U (motif I) and G·U/U·G (motif II) and to better understand their relative stabilities. The crystal belongs to the rhombohedral space group R3. The hexagonal unit cell dimensions are a = b = 41.92 Å, c = 56.41 Å, and γ = 120°, with one duplex in the asymmetric unit. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method at 1.9 Å resolution and refined to a final R factor of 19.9% and Rfree of 23.3% for 2862 reflections in the resolution range 10.0–1.9 Å with F ≥ 2σ(F). The final model contains 335 atoms for the RNA duplex and 30 water molecules. The A-RNA stacks in the familiar head-to-tail fashion forming a pseudo-continuous helix. The uridine bases of the tandem U·G pairs have slipped towards the minor groove relative to the guanine bases and the uridine O2 atoms form bifurcated hydrogen bonds with the N1 and N2 of guanines. The N2 of guanine and O2 of uridine do not bridge the ‘locked’ water molecule in the minor groove, as in motifs I and II, but are bridged by water molecules in the major groove. A comparison of base stacking stabilities of motif III with motifs I and II confirms the result of thermodynamic studies, motif I > motif III > motif II.  相似文献   

CD spectra were obtained for eight synthetic double-stranded DNA polymers down to at least 175 nm in the vacuum uv. Three sets of sequence isomers were studied: (a) poly[d(A-C).d(G-T)] and poly[d(A-G).d(C-T)], (b) poly[d(A-C-C).d(G-G-T)] and poly[d(A-C-G).d(C-G-T)], and (c) poly[d(A).d(T)], poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)], poly[d(A-A-T).d(A-T-T)], and poly[d(A-A-T-T).d(A-A-T-T)]. There were significant differences in the CD spectra at short wavelengths among each set of sequence isomers. The (G.C)-containing sequences had the largest vacuum uv bands, which were positive and in the wavelength range of 180-191 nm. There were no large negative bands at longer wavelengths, consistent with the polymers all being in right-handed conformations. Among the set of sequences containing only A.T base pairs, poly[d(A).d(T)] had the largest vacuum uv CD band, which was at 190 nm. This CD band was not present in the spectra of the other (A.T)-rich polymers and was absent from two first-neighbor estimations of the poly[d(A).d(T)] spectrum obtained from the other three sequences. We concluded that the sequence dependence of the vacuum uv spectra of the (A.T)-rich polymers was due in part to the fact that poly[d(A).d(T)] exists in a noncanonical B conformation.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that isoalloxazine derivatives are able to photocleave RNA specifically at G.U base pairs embedded within a helical stack. The reaction involves the selective molecular recognition of G.U base pairs by the isoalloxazine ring and the removal of one nucleoside downstream of the uracil residue. Divalent metal ions are absolutely required for cleavage. Here we extend our studies to complex natural RNA molecules with known secondary and tertiary structures, such as tRNAs and a group I intron (td). G.U pairs were cleaved in accordance with the phylogenetically and experimentally derived secondary and tertiary structures. Tandem G.U pairs or certain G.U pairs located at a helix extremity were not affected. These new cleavage data, together with the RNA crystal structure, allowed us to perform molecular dynamics simulations to provide a structural basis for the observed specificity. We present a stable structural model for the ternary complex of the G. U-containing helical stack, the isoalloxazine molecule and a metal ion. This model provides significant new insight into several aspects of the cleavage phenomenon, mechanism and specificity for G. U pairs. Our study shows that in large natural RNAs a secondary structure motif made of an unusual base pair can be recognized and cleaved with high specificity by a low molecular weight molecule. This photocleavage reaction thus opens up the possibility of probing the accessibility of G.U base pairs, which are endowed with specific structural and functional roles in numerous structured and catalytic RNAs and interactions of RNA with proteins, in folded RNAs.  相似文献   

A new model for DNA containing A.T and I.C base pairs.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
DNA polymers containing exclusively A.T or I.C base pairs frequently exhibit D- or E-type X-ray diffraction patterns when dried. The distribution of intensities in fiber patterns appears to demand helical structures with 7 and 7.5 bp/turn, respectively, but it is not stereochemically possible to wind a right-handed antiparallel B-family helix this tightly. It is a simple matter, however, to build a left-handed helix with 7-7.5 bp/turn by incorporating Hoogsteen pairing into a Z helix framework. X-ray intensities calculated from this novel left-handed Hoogsteen model provide as reasonable a fit to the D-DNA diffraction pattern as do intensities calculated from previously proposed right-handed 8-fold models.  相似文献   

An increasing number of recognition mechanisms in RNA are found to involve G.U base pairs. In order to detect new functional sites of this type, we exhaustively analyzed the sequence alignments and secondary structures of eubacterial and chloroplast 16S and 23S rRNA, seeking positions with high levels of G.U pairs. Approximately 120 such sites were identified and classified according to their secondary structure and sequence environment. Overall biases in the distribution of G.U pairs are consistent with previously proposed structural rules: the side of the wobble pair that is subject to a loss of stacking is preferentially exposed to a secondary structure loop, where stacking is not as essential as in helical regions. However, multiple sites violate these rules and display highly conserved G.U pairs in orientations that could cause severe stacking problems. In addition, three motifs displaying a conserved G.U pair in a specific sequence/structure environment occur at an unusually high frequency. These motifs, of which two had not been reported before, involve sequences 5''UG3'' 3''GA5'' and 5''UG3'' 3''GU5'', as well as G.U pairs flanked by a bulge loop 3'' of U. The possible structures and functions of these recurrent motifs are discussed.  相似文献   

D M Gray  T Cui    R L Ratliff 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(19):7565-7580
We have studied the coil-to-helix transition of the DNA oligomer d(C4A4T4C4), using circular dichroism measurements to monitor the formation of A.T base pairs within the central self-complementary A4T4 region and the formation of protonated C.C+ base pairs at the ends of the oligomer. We found that both A.T and C.C+ base pairs formed in a coordinated fashion as the temperature and pH were lowered. The CD data of the helix form of the oligomer were consistent with the presence of paired oligomers, but not with hairpin loops. The pKa for formation of C.C+ base pairs between the C4 ends of the oligomer was higher than the pKa for formation of C.C+ base pairs in d(C8), indicating that the formation of C.C+ base pairs in the oligomer was influenced by the presence of a paired A4T4 region. We conclude that A.T and C.C+ base pairs coexist in the self-complex of the oligomer and, therefore, that C.C+ base pairs can form between antiparallel DNA strands.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have established that in certain synthetic oligomeric DNA sequences, including mixtures of d(AACC)5 with d(CCTT)5, adenine-thymine (A.T) base pairs form to the exclusion of neighboring protonated cytosine-cytosine (C.C+) base pairs [Edwards, E., Ratliff, R., & Gray, D. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 5166-5174]. In the present work, circular dichroism and other measurements were used to study DNA oligomers that represented two additional classes with respect to the formation of A.T and/or C.C+ base pairs. (1) One class included two sets of repeating pentameric DNA sequences, d(CCAAT)3-6 and d(AATCC)4,5. For both of these sets of oligomers, an increase in the magnitude of the long-wavelength positive CD band centered at about 280 nm occurred as the pH was lowered from 7 to 5 at 0.1 and 0.5 M Na+, indicating that C.C+ base pairs formed. Even though it may have been possible for these oligomers to form duplexes with two antiparallel A.T base pairs per pentamer, no A.T base pairing was detected by monitoring the CD changes at 250 nm. Thus, spectral data showed that as few as 40% C.C+ base pairs were stable in two sets of oligomers in which A.T base pairs did not form adjacent to, or in place of, C.C+ base pairs. (2) Another class of oligomer was represented by d(C4A4T4C4), which was studied by CD, HPLC, and centrifugation experiments. We confirmed previous work that this sequence was able to form both types of base pairs as the pH and temperature were lowered [Gray, D., Cui, T., & Ratliff, R. (1984) Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 7565-7580].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

E L Edwards  R L Ratliff  D M Gray 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):5166-5174
Circular dichroism (CD) experiments were carried out on a series of DNA oligomers to determine if short internal stretches of protonated cytosine-cytosine (C.C+) base pairs could coexist with adenine-thymine (A.T) base pairs. (1) C.C+ base pairs did form in the absence of A.T base pairs in the individual oligomers d(AACC)5 and d(CCTT)5, as indicated by the appearance of a long-wavelength CD band centered at 282-284 nm, when the pH was lowered to 6 or 5 at 0.5 M Na+. A comparison of measured with calculated spectra showed that d(CCTT)5 at pH 5, 0.5 M Na+, 20 degrees C, likely adopted a structure with a central core of stacked C.C+ base pairs and looped-out thymines. Under the same conditions, it appeared that C.C+ base pairs also formed in d(AACC)5, but with the adenines remaining intrahelical. Each of these oligomers showed a cooperative transition for formation of C.C+ base pairs as the temperature was lowered, with C.C+ base pairs forming at a higher temperature in d(CCTT)5 than in d(AACC)5. A.T base formed in equimolar mixtures of d(AACC)5 plus d(CCTT)5 as monitored by an increase in the negative magnitude of the 250-nm CD band. However, a large increase did not appear at about 285 nm in CD spectra of the mixtures, showing that there were no stacked C.C+ base pairs in the d(AACC)5.d(CCTT)5 duplex even though they formed under the same conditions in the individual strands. Thus, in this duplex, A.T base pairs prevented the formation of neighboring internal C.C+ base pairs. (2) CD measurements were also made of d(A10C4T10).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Acid-induced exchange of the imino proton in G.C pairs.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Acid-induced catalysis of imino proton exchange in G.C pairs of DNA duplexes is surprisingly fast, being nearly as fast as for the isolated nucleoside, despite base-pair dissociation constants in the range of 10(-5) at neutral or basic pH. It is also observed in terminal G.C pairs of duplexes and in base pairs of drug-DNA complexes. We have measured imino proton exchange in deoxyguanosine and in the duplex (ATATAGATCTATAT) as a function of pH. We show that acid-induced exchange can be assigned to proton transfer from N7-protonated guanosine to cytidine in the open state of the pair. This is faster than transfer from neutral guanosine (the process of intrinsic catalysis previously characterized at neutral ph) due to the lower imino proton pK of the protonated form, 7.2 instead of 9.4. Other interpretations are excluded by a study of exchange catalysis by formiate and cytidine as exchange catalysts. The cross-over pH between the regimes of pH-independent and acid-induced exchange rates is more basic in the case of base pairs than in the mononucleoside, suggestive of an increase by one to two decades in the dissociation constant of the base pair upon N7 protonation of G. Acid-induced catalysis is much weaker in A.T base pairs, as expected in view of the low pK for protonation of thymidine.  相似文献   

D S Moore  A L Williams 《Biopolymers》1986,25(8):1461-1491
New adenine (A) and uracil (U) π → π* transition-moment parameters have been derived from a recently developed semiempirical procedure. Using conformational energy probabilities based on the Boltzmann equation, the new parameters were assigned by optimizing the calculated CD of cyclic nucleotides against measured CD. The derived A-and U-parameters (along with guanine and cytosine parameters derived previously by the same procedure) have been assessed in CD spectral calculations of some polyribonucleic acid sequences, in assumed A-class geometries. Comparisons have been made between CD spectra calculated from the newly derived parameters and those calculated from parameters obtained from a combination of crystal optical measurements and quantum-mechanical calculations. Although some spectral differences do occur, for the RNA sequences considered, no major disagreements were found in CD spectral signs and shapes, between measurements and calculations. Overall, the results indicate that the newly derived A-, U-, G-, and C-parameters show better agreement between theory and experiment than those used in previous nucleic acid CD calculations.  相似文献   

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