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Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied after administration of three different antiandrogenic compounds.The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components. Different types of intranuclear inclusions were found.The various alterations observed were often encountered within the same section. This may indicate that the nuclear alterations occur in the same compartment of the cell, and represent a dysfunction of integrated biochemical events occurring within this compartment.The findings support a view that the stimulatory secretory effect of androgens is mediated via a secretory center, located within the nucleolusassociated chromatin. Within this secretory center, the initial steps of the secretory process, the binding of the DHT receptor complex to DNA is assumed to occur.  相似文献   

Summary A systematic, comparative study of the accessory sex organs of the adult male rat was carried out after intra-aortic perfusion of the pelvic organs with glutaraldehyde. It has been revealed that although the epithelial cells of the different lobes of the prostate have many features in common, it is also apparent that the cell type of the various lobes have specific ultrastructural characteristics of its own, which morphologically distinguish it from the cell type of the other lobes. I.e.: the different lobes may be identified by their specific ultrastructural feature. It is also striking that the lobes, two-by-two, have so many morphological features in common that they may be divided in 3 subgroups. Based on the appearance of amount and localisation of the different organelles, the cells of the lateral lobe and the seminal vesicle are so alike that they morphologically may be classified as one group. Similarly, the coagulating gland and the dorsal lobe form another group, while the ventral lobe as a single form a third group. The few biochemical data from the different lobes which are accessible, seem suggestive to support this subgrouping.Since the various prostate lobes and the seminal vesicles have their homologies in man, further investigation both morphologically and biochemically should be concentrated upon the different groups instead of the single lobe.The study, which describes the different lobes and cell types in detail also show structures which have not been demonstrated within the prostatic epithelium before.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied 2, 3, 5, 7 and 21 days after castration. The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components.Changes in the nucleoplasm were primarily reflected by a condensation of chromatin, particularly along the nuclear membrane and adjacent to the nucleolus. Later, different types of intranuclear inclusions were observed.After 21 days, the nuclei were characterized by an irregular outline with large indentation. Within the nucleoplasm aggregates of coarse granular chromatin were found. No cell necrosis was observed, indicating that androgen deprivation results in a remodeling of the cell to a less active state with marked cellular alterations and cessation of secretion, but apparently with some of their basic functions still intact.Injections of testosterone completely reverse the castrated-induced alterations.The changes observed are assumed to be due to the withdrawal of the androgenic stimulus, with a direct influence on the secretory function of the cell. The findings support the view that the stimulating secretory effect of androgen is mediated via an intranuclear androgen receptor, probably located in the nucleolus-associated-chromatin. It is also proposed that the secretory function of the epithelial cells of the prostatic complex, initiated by androgens, may be regulated by an intranuclear secretory center.  相似文献   

Summary The seminal vesicles and the coagulating gland of the rat were studied 2, 3, 5, 7 and 21 days after castration. The major changes within the seminal vesicles were primarily formation of whorls of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), followed by a general atrophy with a numerical reduction of the RER-profiles, and with general simplification of the cytoplasm due to loss of the organelles. It was a gradually reduction of secretion granules, diminution of the Golgi apparatus, formation of pigment bodies and autophagic vacuoles. Lipid droplets were observed in the basal cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. In the coagulating gland, similar changes occurred within the Golgi area and the lysosome complex. On the other hand, cisternae of the basal endoplasmic reticulum tended to persist in many cells. The similarity in response strongly suggests that the pathogenetic mechanisms are similar in both organs, i.e. atrophy due to deprivation of the androgenic stimulus. The deprivation of androgen gave rise to an inflammatory-like process with infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages. The increased number of macrophages may indicate that they contribute in some way to the involution of the prostate by removing the material in the autophagic vacuoles.  相似文献   

Retrotestosterone (17beta-hydroxy 9beta 10alpha androst 4-en 3 one) (RT), testosterone propionate (TP), and a combination of TP and RT were administered to adult male rats in order to study the effects of such treatment on male sex organs and spermatogenesis. Although TP treatment did not produce significant reduction in testis weight, RT and RT+TP did. Seminal vesicle (SV) weight was increased by TP treatment and TP+RT treatment, but it was decreased with the RT treatment. Ventral prostate (VP) weight was increased significantly by TP and TP+RT treatment, whereas RT did not alter VP weight. The The pituitary weight of RT- and RT+TP-treated rats was significantly reduced but that of the TP rats was unaltered. Resting spermatocytes, pachytene spermatocytes, Stage 7 spermatids, and spermatogonia were increased in all treatment groups. In castrated rats, the increase in VP and SV weight was significant in the group treated with TP, but in the RT-treated group, S V and VP weights were significantly reduced. Simultaneous administration of TP and RT in 1:1, 1:4, and 1:8 ratios failed to produce statistically significant increases in SV and VP weight. The group treated with 1:20 ratio of RT:TP produced highly significant incre ases in SV and VP weights. In the spermatodynamic study, results showed that RT is comparatively more potent than TP in stimulating spermatogenesis. RT+TP treatment produced maximum increase in the count of resting and pachytene spermatocytes, whereas spermatogonia and Stage 7 spermatids were more than in the TP-treated group but less than in the RT-treated group. The findings indicate that RT is weakly androgenic and unable to stimulate accessory organs but that it is able to block the effect of endogenous androgen on the target tissue.  相似文献   

Hair trace element (TE) (Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Br, Rb, Sr, Pb) levels from 336 healthy subjects were measured by the Proton-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) method. The subjects were divided in three groups: 157 full-term neonates (75 male and 82 female), 86 children (41 male and 45 female) ages 6 to 11 yr, and 93 adolescents (51 male and 42 female) 11 to 16 yr old. Cu, Zn, Cr, and Br show an increase from birth to 8 yr and then decrease. Fe, Mn, and Sr strongly decrease up to 8 yr and then remain almost stable. Sex differences are present in Fe, Zn, and Br of children and in Cu, Cr, and Br of adolescents.  相似文献   

The statistical tests analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, correlation coefficient, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,t-test, and Tukey test were applied to copper, magnesium, managenese, and zinc content in serum (S) and in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of controls and of a sporadic form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease. This is carried out in order to evaluate statistically the possible relationships among the trace elements when ALS patients and controls are considered as independent groups, within sex groups and within age decades of both patients and control classes. A statistically significant difference between older controls (age >40) and ALS patients (age>40) for copper in CSF, copper in S, manganese in S, and zinc in CSF was found. Statistically significant correlation coefficients within the different classes formed for this study were observed. Within this pool, a correlation of patient group can differ statistically from the corresponding one of controls and vice versa. Thus, this correlation could be characteristic of the group from which is extracted, e.g., the correlation between copper in S and zinc in S, which is characteristic of ALS patients when considered as an independent group as well as members of the male patient class.  相似文献   

Male and female rats demonstrate a difference in the relationship between food intake and H(1) receptor binding, which may be due to hormonal differences that exist. The relationship between the endocrine and histaminergic regulation and synchronization of food intake needs to be elucidated. Male and female rats fed 25% protein displayed bioperiodicity in mean corticosterone levels of 148.95+/-33.71 and 288.48+/-47.84 ng/ml, respectively. Accompanying bioperiodic times were of 22.43+/-1.35 h (males) and a period of 21.42+/-1.96 h (females). Central H(1) receptors in male rats had a mean bioperiodic value of 102.37+/-1.95 pmol/g protein with a period of 21.66+/-1.85 h, while that for females was 97.42+/-4.19 pmol/g protein with a period of 10.23+/-0.95 h. Central histaminergic activity affects feeding in rats with distinct gender variation that is bioperiodic in nature and functions as a major regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the distribution of copper in the kidneys of growing rats. Renal copper concentrations increased steadily with age and were greater in female than in male animals. Most of the copper was present as (copper, zinc)-metallothionein and two forms of this protein were isolated and characterized from the kidneys of mature female rats. That copper metabolism in kidneys is subject to hormonal influence was indicated by a reduction in the concentrations of copper and (copper, zinc)-metallothionein in ovariectomized rats and by an increase in their concentrations after the administration of progesterone. Concentrations of renal (copper, zinc)-metallothionein were less in zinc-deficient than in zinc-adequate rats during pregnancy and after progesterone administration.  相似文献   

The process of ageing is associated with increased susceptibility to infection. Phagocytes form the primary defence mechanism against infecting microorganisms, but the influence of ageing on phagocyte function remains controversial. In this study we have applied a microtitre plate phagocyte chemiluminescence (CL) assay suitable for clinical use to compare phagocyte oxidative metabolism in younger healthy subjects (age 20–60 years) and healthy older (60–70 years) subjects. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) and monocytes were stimulated using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), serum opsonized zymosan (SOZ), and non-opsonized zymosan (ZYM) in the presence of both lucigenin and luminol. Monocytes showed a higher luminolenhanced CL response to PMA in males compared with females in the younger age group. No PMNL differences were observed between the sexes. Although no difference were found in relation to age when cells were stimulated with PMA and SOZ, significantly lower background (unstimulated) CL was obtained from PMNL with luminol. PMNL luminol-enhanced CL responses were also lower in response to ZYM. The findings suggest a reduced response of PMNL from older subjects to minimal stimulation. This could be related to abnormalities in the triggering of the respiratory burst or myeloperoxidase release due to ageing. The influence of age and sex should be taken into account in clinical studies of phagocyte CL.  相似文献   

Serotonin content of rat brain in relation to sex and age   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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