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以3年的野外调查为基础,通过斑块数量、斑块面积、斑块优势度、斑块的大小分布以及斑块转化等各项指标,研究了茶陵普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)种群恢复初期的种群动态。作为人工管理下的自然种群,普通野生稻种群在1997~1999年间持续增加,个体数由447丛增加到803丛,4 m2以上的斑块数由19个增加到31个,斑块总面积由268 m2增加到780 m2,斑块在群落中的优势度值由0.0627增加到0.1148。目前,种群以小斑块(面积小于20 m2)为主,种群的斑块大小分布为增长型分布。在斑块转  相似文献   

在海南岛五指山腹地橡胶林中系统观测海南山蛭种群数量变动8年.对海南山蛭种群数量Y与气候因素X_(1-n)的关系建立逐步最优回归方程Y=b_0 b_1X_1 b_2X_2 …… b_nX_n计算分析采用国际标准化最新版本SAS(6.11)软件进行分析.逐步回归分析表明:1)每年海南山蛭种群数量变动不同,影响其数量变动主要因素是X_1,X_2和X_3.2)雨季(5~10月)种群数量明显大,其主要影响因素是X_1,X_2和X_5,旱季(11月~次年4月)种群数量小,其主要影响因素是X_1.3)8年19条回归方程,7个气象因素中影响种群数量变动的主要气象因素是X_1,X_2和X_5,X_7,与山蛭生物学特性一致,本研究结果为山蛭防治提供科依据.  相似文献   

 以3年的野外调查为基础,通过斑块数量、斑块面积、斑块优势度、斑块的大小分布以及斑块转化等各项指标,研究了茶陵普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)种群恢复初期的种群动态。作为人工管理下的自然种群,普通野生稻种群在1997~1999年间持续增加,个体数由447丛增加到803丛,4 m2以上的斑块数由19个增加到31个,斑块总面积由268 m2增加到780 m2,斑块在群落中的优势度值由0.0627增加到0.1148。目前,种群以小斑块(面积小于20 m2)为主,种群的斑块大小分布为增长型分布。在斑块转  相似文献   

集合种群的似Allee效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从局域种群出发,建立了一个既包括局域种群动态,又包含集合种群侵占率的整合模型,并在这两个层次上进行了计算机模拟,结果表明:(1)同局域种群的Allee效应相类似,集合种群的斑块(适宜生境)侵占比例也存在一个临界值,即使有足够的适宜生境,当斑块的侵占比例低于这个临界值时,集合种群优将趋于灭绝。(2)这个临界值与局域种各的Allee效应密切相关,这将给自然保护,尤其稀有生物的保护以很大的启示。  相似文献   

濒危植物香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)种群结构与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)为我国特有种,属国家Ⅱ级重点保护植物。主要分布于江西、安徽等地亚热带中山或低山区的森林中。文中对武夷山自然保护区4个群落类型的香果树种群数量动态进行了系统研究,统计其径级结构、建立生命表,应用谱分析方法分析种群数量的动态变化,并对影响该种群结构的环境因子进行了分析。结果表明:(1)武夷山自然保护区香果树种群基本属于衰退型,幼苗少,中树、大树个体丰富。不同生境的种群密度存在差异,其中香果树纯林密度较大(8.45±0.818株·100 m^-2),幼苗数量较多,更新较好(幼苗密度1.05±0.326株·100 m^-2),针阔混交林中香果树密度较小(6.58±0.76株·100 m^-2),无幼苗;(2)香果树种群中树死亡率较高,其他各级死亡率较低;(3)香果树种群自然更新过程存在明显的周期。(4)对影响香果树种群结构的13个环境因子通过主成分分析(PCA)发现,较高的光强、土壤含水量、弱酸性土壤、土壤有机质、大气湿度、大气温度和适量的人为干扰对种群增长发挥有利影响,而高海拔、阴坡、陡坡度和大的乔灌层盖度对香果树种群增长则发挥不利影响。(5)充分利用香果树幼树喜荫、大树喜光的特点,加强现有林分的就地保护,特别是具有结实能力的母树,并就地采种育苗,扩大人工种群数量。  相似文献   

本文讨论有时滞的扩散系统,此系统有两个种群两个斑块,其中一种种群可以在两斑块中自由扩散,另一种群被限定在斑块中不能扩散,当系数数满足一定的条件时,得到系统有持续生存和全局稳定的解。  相似文献   

刘志广 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2958-2964
建立了一个显式含有空间庇护所的两斑块Leslie-Gower捕食者-食饵系统。假设只有食饵种群在斑块间以常数迁移率迁移,且在每个斑块上食饵间的迁移比局部捕食者-食饵相互作用发生的时间尺度要快。利用两个时间尺度,可以构建用来描述所有斑块总的食饵和捕食者密度的综合系统。数学分析表明,在一定条件下,存在唯一的正平衡点,并且此平衡点全局稳定。进一步,捕食者的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加而降低;在一定条件下,食饵的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加先增加后降低,在足够强的庇护所强度下,两物种出现灭绝。对比以往研究,利用显式含有和隐含空间庇护所的数学模型所得结论不一致,这意味着在研究庇护所对捕食系统种群动态影响时,空间结构可能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

栖息地质量对两种网蛱蝶集合种群结构和分布的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在河北省赤城县研究了栖息地质量对大网蛱蝶Melitaea phoebe和金堇蛱蝶Euphydryas aurinia两种网蛱蝶集合种群结构和分布的影响。这两种网蛱蝶在约10 km2的区域内共存,成虫期的蜜源植物几乎相同,大网蛱蝶的发生峰期比金堇蛱蝶晚约一个月,两者只有不到一周左右的时间重叠。大网蛱蝶和金堇蛱蝶幼虫的寄主植物分别是: 祁州漏芦(菊科)和华北蓝盆花(川续断科)。蜜源植物的丰度与两种网蛱蝶的局域种群大小呈正相关;祁州漏芦的密度对大网蛱蝶的局域种群大小影响很大,金堇蛱蝶的局域种群大小则与其寄主植物华北蓝盆花的高度正相关;斑块内平均植被高度与两种网蛱蝶的局域种群大小均呈正相关,植物多样性、植物均匀性和植被盖度均与金堇蛱蝶的局域种群大小负相关,与大网蛱蝶的关系不大。同时分析了其他因子如斑块的坡向、坡度等的影响。主要结论是:1)幼虫寄主植物的不同和成蝶飞行峰期的分离允许两种网蛱蝶在这样一个小的斑块区域内共存;2)蜜源是重要的限制因子,并且受气候随机性的影响很大,蜜源的波动可以很好地解释网蛱蝶集合种群在年度间的动态变化;3)大网蛱蝶和金堇蛱蝶的飞行、食物搜寻能力的不同以及各自寄主植物的生物学特性、空间分布的不同决定了它们具有不同的集合种群结构: 金堇蛱蝶是经典的集合种群,大网蛱蝶是源-汇集合种群;4)斑块质量和昆虫行为共同决定了两种网蛱蝶的集合种群结构和分布。  相似文献   

野生动植物种群和生物多样性的垂直分布模式是生态学研究中的重要问题,而目前对于大型兽类的垂直分布模式却了解较少。本研究以秦岭南坡森林生态系统中的有蹄类动物为对象,使用相机陷阱调查技术(camera-trapping),系统的调查了研究区域内大中型兽类的分布情况。我们将研究区域按300 m垂直间隔划分为5个海拔段,分别计算各海拔段内目标物种的相对多度指数(Relative Abundance Index, RAI)和物种丰富度(species richness),研究有蹄类动物群落的组成和垂直分布特征。2008年3~12月,共调查123个有效位点,在4 307个有效相机工作日中共记录到7种森林有蹄类动物。其中,羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)为秦岭南坡有蹄类动物群落中的优势物种(平均RAI = 110.66),种群数量最多;其次是野猪(RAI = 28.25)和斑羚(RAI = 25.10);林麝(Moschus berezovskii)则是群落中种群数量最少的物种(RAI = 1.33)。在本研究所涉及的海拔梯度内,各物种种群数量的垂直分布模式为:羚牛和林麝为单峰型,种群数量在中间海拔段存在一个峰值,两侧递减;斑羚(Naemorhedus goral)为单调递增型(R2 = 0.84),种群数量大体随着海拔梯度的升高而增加;小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)(R2 = 0.94)和鬣羚(Capricornis sumatraensis)(R2 = 0.79)为单调递减型,种群数量随着海拔梯度的升高而减少;野猪(Sus scrofa)和毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus)为复合型,分布模式较为复杂。整个有蹄类群落的物种丰富度的垂直分布表现为中峰模式,在1 700~2 300 m的中等海拔段最高,符合中域效应假说的预测。  相似文献   

薛亚东  李佳  李迪强 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7965-7973
野骆驼是中亚地区重要的迁徙物种,历史上完整、连续的野骆驼栖息地目前已成为孤岛状。为了解野骆驼历史分布区受人类活动的影响,明确造成其历史分布区破碎化的驱动因素,研究选取土地利用和道路两个因素,通过对近40年来的野骆驼历史分布区土地利用变化和动态度分析,以及道路密度和影响域计算,定量评估野骆驼历史分布区景观格局,以期为野骆驼栖息地整体连通性的改善,避免或缓解线性基础设施建设对野骆驼栖息地的影响提供科学的建议。结果表明:(1)近40年,野骆驼历史分布区内以未利用土地和草地为主体的格局保持不变,尤其是沙地、戈壁为主的未利用土地始终占比很大(>80%);(2)野骆驼历史分布区范围内道路密度为0.0410 km/km2,但道路的阻隔作用明显,野骆驼当前分布区呈3个孤岛的格局与道路隔离形成的景观格局是一致的;(3)野骆驼历史分布区斑块数为914个,西部历史分布区斑块数为78个,远低于中部的373个和东部的463个,斑块数和平均斑块面积两个景观指数表明西部的栖息地破碎化程度比中部和东部栖息地要低;(4)从最大斑块指数来看,残存的大面积、无路区斑块是当前野骆驼种群得以存续的庇护所。根据当前的景观格局和破碎化状况,西部分布区和中部分布区间通过实施科学的栖息地连通和廊道建设规划,将极有可能实现两个孤立种群的交流连通,中部分布区和东部分布区间种群已基本无连通的可能。建议将更多的保护资源和努力投入到西部和中部分布区种群的维持和连通。在未来的道路规划建设和布局中,要考虑道路规划和建设对野骆驼最小生境面积的影响,并且要将影响评估尺度放大到整个野骆驼历史分布区的尺度上考虑道路的阻隔作用。  相似文献   

1.  Patch area and proximity of patch edge can influence ecological processes across patchy landscapes and may interact with each other. Different patch sizes have different amounts of core habitat, potentially affecting animal abundances at the edge and middle of patches. In this study, we tested if edge effects varied with patch size.
2.  Fish were sampled in 10 various-sized seagrass patches (114–5934 m2) using a small (0·5 m2) push net in three positions within each patch: the seagrass edge, 2 m into a patch and in the middle of a patch.
3.  The two most common species showed an interaction between patch size and the edge–interior difference in abundance. In the smallest patches, pipefish ( Stigmatopora nigra ) were at similar densities at the edge and interior, but with increasing patch size, the density at the edge habitat increased. For gobies ( Nesogobius maccullochi ), the pattern was exactly the opposite.
4.  This is the first example from a marine system of how patch size can influence the magnitude and pattern of edge effects.
5.  Both patch area and edge effects need to be considered in the development of conservation and management strategies for seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

Social and ecological conditions can influence flock formation (e.g. number of flocks, flock size, etc.) depending on the degree of social attraction of a species. We studied group formation in brown‐headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) over short time periods (30 min) in two semi‐natural experiments conducted under controlled conditions. First, we determined the shape of the relationship between intake rate and flock size by manipulating group size in a single enclosure. Second, we assessed the role of population size, food abundance, and predation risk, and their interactions, in flock size formation in a system of four enclosures (two with and two without food) connected to a central refuge patch. In the first experiment, we found that pecking rates peaked at intermediate flock sizes (three to six individuals), which was influenced by greater availability of foraging time and more aggressive interactions in large groups. In the second experiment, flock sizes in the patches with food increased with population size likely due to the benefits of patch exploitation in groups. Flock size decreased after predator attack probably because refuge availability reduced perceived predation risk more than flocking in larger groups. Food abundance had minor effects, varying flock sizes between the two patches with food, under high food availability conditions when population size was high, probably due to social cohesion effects. Our results suggest that: (1) this species has an inverted‐U food intake–group size relationship with a range of intake‐maximizing flock sizes rather than a single peak, (2) the presence of a near refuge modifies the expected benefits of group patch exploitation under high predation risk, and (3) an increase in population size would more likely be translated into rapid increases in the size of the flocks rather than in more new flocks.  相似文献   

中国林蛙的分子系统关系   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
测定了 6种林蛙和用作外群的 2种侧褶蛙和 1种陆蛙的线粒体 12SrRNA基因序列 393bp。序列两两对位比较表明内外群间的位点替换率是 7 3%到 2 3 1% ,内群中物种间则为 0 0 %到 9 2 %。依据上述DNA序列 ,用距离法和最大简约法的系统发育分析表明 :①研究的 6种林蛙聚为一支 ,构成单系群 ,并有高的BPs值(90 %以上 )支持 ;② 6种林蛙可以分成 2个姐妹群 ,即中国林蛙、黑龙江林蛙和桓仁林蛙为一组 (BPs >94% ) ,峨眉林蛙、昭觉林蛙和镇海林蛙为一组 (BPs >5 0 % ) ;③昭觉林蛙与镇海林蛙有较近的亲缘关系 ;④中国林蛙的榆中种群与牡丹江种群间的遗传分化似乎达到了种级分化水平。  相似文献   

Interpretation of spatially structured population systems is critically dependent on levels of migration between habitat patches. If there is considerable movement, with each individual visiting several patches, there is one ”patchy population”; if there is intermediate movement, with most individuals staying within their natal patch, there is a metapopulation; and if (virtually) no movement occurs, then the populations are separate (Harrison 1991, 1994). These population types actually represent points along a continuum of much to no mobility in relation to patch structure. Therefore, interpretation of the effects of spatial structure on the dynamics of a population system must be accompanied by information on mobility. We use empirical data on movements by ringlet butterflies, Aphantopus hyperantus, to investigate two key issues that need to be resolved in spatially-structured population systems. First, do local habitat patches contain largely independent local populations (the unit of a metapopulation), or merely aggregations of adult butterflies (as in patchy populations)? Second, what are the effects of patch area on migration in and out of the patches, since patch area varies considerably within most real population systems, and because human landscape modification usually results in changes in habitat patch sizes? Mark-release-recapture (MRR) data from two spatially structured study systems showed that 63% and 79% of recaptures remained in the same patch, and thus it seems reasonable to call both systems metapopulations, with some capacity for separate local dynamics to take place in different local patches. Per capita immigration and emigration rates declined with increasing patch area, while the resident fraction increased. Actual numbers of emigrants either stayed the same or increased with area. The effect of patch area on movement of individuals in the system are exactly what we would have expected if A. hyperantus were responding to habitat geometry. Large patches acted as local populations (metapopulation units) and small patches simply as locations with aggregations (units of patchy populations), all within 0.5 km2. Perhaps not unusually, our study system appears to contain a mixture of metapopulation and patchy-population attributes.  相似文献   

Population structure of a monophagous moth in a patchy landscape   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The population structure of a monophagous noctuid moth, Abrostola asclepiadis , living on a patchily distributed perennial herb, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria is described. The study took place over 5 years at a landscape scale (about 12 km2).
2. Patch occupancy rates and population densities were studied in relation to patch size, degree of patch isolation, level of sun exposure and distance from the coast. In addition, flight tests in the laboratory were performed to estimate the potential dispersal capacity of the moth.
3. Occupancy rates were high and the likelihood of extinction depended on patch size. Small patches were less likely to be occupied than were large patches (> 10 m2). Sun-exposed patches were occupied for a lower proportion of years than were shaded patches. No distance effects could be discerned at the spatial scale of study, presumably because the insect is a strong flier.
4. Population densities in occupied patches decreased with increasing patch size. Furthermore, insect densities tended to increase with distance from the coast. Density changes in patches were synchronized.
5. The studied insect population can be described as a 'patchy population' sensu Harrison (1991) with spatially correlated population dynamics. These dynamics are superimposed on a landscape gradient.  相似文献   

We studied population dynamics of red squirrels in a group of small forest fragments, that cover only 6.5% of the total study area (4664 ha) and where distances to the nearest source population were up to 2.2 km. We tested effects of patch size, quality and isolation and supplementary feeding on patch occupation during 1995–99. Larger patches and patches with supplementary feeding had a higher probability of being occupied. No patch <3.5 ha was ever occupied. No effects of isolation were found, suggesting that the forest habitat in the study area is not sufficiently fragmented to influence red squirrel distribution across patches. For medium sized patches (3.7–21 ha), that were occupied some years, there was an increase in patch occupation over the years, even though overall population size tended to decrease. These patches had a high turnover, especially of males. Patches in which the squirrel population went extinct were recolonized within a year. For patches that were at least some years occupied, squirrel density depended on patch quality only. No effects of patch size, isolation and winter temperature on population density were found. These data suggest that in our study area habitat fragmentation has no effect on local squirrel density and that the random sample hypothesis explains the distribution pattern across patches.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the forested landscape poses a threat to many aspects of biodiversity associated with old-growth forests Studies of the effects of forest fragmentation are often complicated by the variation in composition and age of patches and the matrix This study used a system of isolated stands where patch age and composition were similar and the matrix variability negligible The patches were composed of old-growth Picea abies stands of varying size and shape in a wetland matrix The study organisms were epiphytic crustose calicioid lichens (also known as Caliciales), many of which are very substrate-specific and restricted to old-growth stands The aim of the study was to measure the effect of patch size, patch isolation, habitat and substrate quality on the species riochness and composition of epiphytic calicioids Twenty-four patches ranging from 0 4 to 15 9 ha in size were studied All species of calicioid lichens were registered in 0 1 ha plots in each patch Isolation was measured as the percentage of available habitat within 400 m of a patch Twenty-two species were found with an average of 9 48 ± 0 26 (SE) species per patch and 292 ± 0 18 (SE) species per tree Species richness at patch level correlated with stand structure, primarily tree density, while number of species per tree (reflecting population size) was strongly correlated with island size and several stand variables There was no effect of isolation on species richness Species composition was influenced by both substrate variables and patch size The species composition on the islands showed a significant nestedness, i e species composition on species-poor islands constituted a non-random subset of the species composition on species-rich islands We propose that the explanation for the strong relationship between species richness at tree level and stand size is an edge effect which implies that unaffected interior areas only occur on large islands The different microclimate of the patch edge enables only the hardiest species to establish large populations there whilst shade and moisture demanding species are restricted to the interiors of larger islands  相似文献   

1.  Habitat fragmentation can affect pollinator and plant population structure in terms of species composition, abundance, area covered and density of flowering plants. This, in turn, may affect pollinator visitation frequency, pollen deposition, seed set and plant fitness.
2.  A reduction in the quantity of flower visits can be coupled with a reduction in the quality of pollination service and hence the plants' overall reproductive success and long-term survival. Understanding the relationship between plant population size and/or isolation and pollination limitation is of fundamental importance for plant conservation.
3.  We examined flower visitation and seed set of 10 different plant species from five European countries to investigate the general effects of plant populations size and density, both within (patch level) and between populations (population level), on seed set and pollination limitation.
4.  We found evidence that the effects of area and density of flowering plant assemblages were generally more pronounced at the patch level than at the population level. We also found that patch and population level together influenced flower visitation and seed set, and the latter increased with increasing patch area and density, but this effect was only apparent in small populations.
5.   Synthesis. By using an extensive pan-European data set on flower visitation and seed set we have identified a general pattern in the interplay between the attractiveness of flowering plant patches for pollinators and density dependence of flower visitation, and also a strong plant species-specific response to habitat fragmentation effects. This can guide efforts to conserve plant–pollinator interactions, ecosystem functioning and plant fitness in fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a spatially explicit metapopulation model with Allee effects. We refer to the patch occupancy model introduced by Levins (Bull Entomol Soc Am 15:237–240, 1969) as a spatially implicit metapopulation model, i.e., each local patch is either occupied or vacant and a vacant patch can be recolonized by a randomly chosen occupied patch from anywhere in the metapopulation. When we transform the model into a spatially explicit one by using a lattice model, the obtained model becomes theoretically equivalent to a “lattice logistic model” or a “basic contact process”. One of the most popular or standard metapopulation models with Allee effects, developed by Amarasekare (Am Nat 152:298–302, 1998), supposes that those effects are introduced formally by means of a logistic equation. However, it is easier to understand the ecological meaning of associating Allee effects with this model if we suppose that only the logistic colonization term directly suffers from Allee effects. The resulting model is also well defined, and therefore we can naturally examine it by Monte Carlo simulation and by doublet and triplet decoupling approximation. We then obtain the following specific features of one-dimensional lattice space: (1) the metapopulation as a whole does not have an Allee threshold for initial population size even when each local population follows the Allee effects; and (2) a metapopulation goes extinct when the extinction rate of a local population is lower than that in the spatially implicit model. The real ecological metapopulation lies between two extremes: completely mixing interactions between patches on the one hand and, on the other, nearest neighboring interactions with only two nearest neighbors. Thus, it is important to identify the metapopulation structure when we consider the problems of invasion species such as establishment or the speed of expansion.  相似文献   

Acoustic signaling is a form of information transmission that in many animal species may be behaviorally learnt and transmitted between individuals, creating flows of cultural traits (i.e. memes) across the landscape. The biogeography of memetic traits can have major implications for avian population evolution, ecology and conservation. We characterize the α (i.e. within population), β (i.e. among populations) and γ (i.e. total) acoustic diversity (i.e. number of memes) for four species of Hawaiian forest birds within a fragmented landscape. We study the effects of species characteristics (mobility and population size), and landscape variables (isolation and patch size) on patterns of meme diversity. We expect an increase in meme α‐diversity with patch and population size, and a decrease with patch isolation. We also expect β meme diversity to increase with patch isolation, and this relationship to be stronger for the less mobile species. We used spectrogram analyses and automatic sound recorders to characterize the acoustic diversity. We studied the overall meme structure and the factors affecting meme diversity with network analysis and a modeling approach. As predicted, large patches had richer α‐diversities for all species, while the effect of isolation was species‐dependent. Patches with larger populations showed greater αdiversities for two species. βdiversity only increased with distance for one highly mobile species. The structure of the acoustic traits was nested (i.e. memes in patches with lower meme diversities are a subset of the memes in patches with higher meme diversities) for all the species. Moreover, the meme structure for the ‘Apapane Himatione sanguinea suggested the existence of acoustic ‘dialects’. Meme diversity depended on both landscape variables (patch size and isolation), and some species characteristics (population size). The results of this study improve our understanding of the transmission of information by animals in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

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