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A reliable Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method has been developed for peas (Pisum sativum) using immature cotyledons as the explant source. Transgenic plants were recovered from the four cultivars tested: Bolero, Trounce, Bohatyr and Huka. The method takes approximately 7 months from explant to seed-bearing primary regenerant. The binary vector used carried genes for kanamycin and phosphinothricin resistance. Transformed pea plants were selected on 10 mg/l phosphinothricin. The nptII and bar genes were shown to be stably inherited through the first sexual generation of transformed plants. Expression of the phosphinothricin-resistance gene in the transformed plants was demonstrated using the Buster (=Basta) leaf-paint test and the phosphinothricin acetyl transferase enzyme assay.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments on three seed lots of peas have shown that the incidence of the physiological disorder, hollow heart, depends largely on the seed environment. Seeds subjected to excessive watering showed little hollow heart: insufficient watering favoured hollow heart development. Hollow heart did not directly affect germination and seedling growth but led to rotting of the cotyledons, thus predisposing seedlings to fungus infection. Over-watering and over-firming of soil can severely affect pea stands irrespective of the incidence of hollow heart, and a seed lot susceptible to hollow heart is not necessarily the most susceptible to fungus infection and vice versa.  相似文献   

Summary A half diallel analysis involving nine cultivars showed that additive as well as non-additive gene effects were important for the inheritance of seed yield per plant, 100-seed weights, protein content and potassium per cent. For remaining traits non-additive genetic components were important. Overdominance was observed for all traits except for 100-seed weight, which expressed partial dominance. Parents PMR-T10, EC21857, EC109182, T163 and EC109189 were good general combiners for seed yield, seed weight and quality traits. In general there was a good relationship between per se performance and the gca effects of the parents for all traits. Cross combinations such as LMR8 x EC109182,LMR8 x PMR-T10,LMR8 x EC21857,PMRT10 x EC21857 and P23 x EC21857 were found promising. The seed yield was positively correlated with other quality traits. Protein had a positive correlation with methionine and phosphorus. All the values of correlation co-efficients were non-significant except for yield with potassium, 100-seed weight and protein with methionine, indicating that yield and quality attributes can be improved simultaneously by simple selection procedures.  相似文献   

Chloropicrin, dazomet, formaldehyde, and D-D soil treatments all decreased the incidence of Fusarium wilt in a wilt-susceptible variety of pea grown in wilt-infested soil, but only chloropicrin and dazomet gave satisfactory control of the disease. All four fumigants decreased root nodulation, but no adverse effects on plant growth were detected. With dazomet, formaldehyde, and D-D, decreased nodulation is largely attributed to the extra soil nitrogen mineralized, whereas with chloropicrin the almost complete suppression of nodulation probably reflects the lethal effect of this material on the Rhizobium bacteria.  相似文献   

A combination of mineral nutrients and plant growth regulators should be assessed to improve crop performance under various abiotic stresses. There is a need to include plant growth regulators in fertilization regime of various crops along with essential mineral nutrients, especially when they are irrigated with polluted water with higher levels of heavy metals. The performance of pea was evaluated under cadmium (Cd) stress coupled with potassium (K) and jasmonic acid (JA) supplementation. The Cd stress (50 μM) was applied to soil (sandy loam) grown pea plants as basal dose after a month of sowing. The control and stressed plants were then supplemented with K (5 M), JA (0.5 mM) and their collective application along with control as distilled water. Cd stress showed a marked reduction in growth pattern, however, the collective supplementation sufficiently improved the growth pattern of stressed peas plants as evidenced by improvement in shoot length (cm), root length (cm), number of leaves per plant, leaf area (cm2), plant fresh and dry weight (gm). Potassium application under Cd stress significantly enhanced internodal distance (cm) while the number of seeds per pod and relative water contents remained nonsignificant. The applied treatment (JA + K) under Cd stress prominently improved enzymatic activities, which were measured as nitrate reductase activity (NRA), nitrite reductase activity (NiRA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT). Cd stress impacted the biochemical profile by enhancing antioxidant capacity (AC), antioxidant activity (AA), total phenols (TP), while reducing total soluble protein (TSP), chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ‘b’ and carotenoids. The combined application of JA and K under Cd stress enhanced AC, AA, TP, Chl a and b, TSP and carotenoids. The results indicate that foliar application of JA and K efficiently negated the harmful effects of Cd stress on peas.  相似文献   

Abstract Two pea cultivars (Pisum sativum L., cvs. Alaska and Progress No. 9) shown previously to differ with regard to the appearance of the cyanide-resistant (alternative) pathway of respiration in axis tissue, were found to show this same difference in mature leaf tissue and in epicotyl mitochondria. The possible relationship between dwarf growth form and lack of alternative respiration in cv. Progress No. 9 was tested in two ways. When dwarfism was alleviated in Progress No. 9 by application of exogenous gibberellin A1, no appearance of the alternative pathway was observed. In a survey of eight other dwarf pea cultivars, five were found to have an alternative pathway comparable to that shown by the tall cv. Alaska, while three lacked the pathway (cf. Progress No. 9). In reciprocal crosses between Alaska and Progress No. 9, the alternative pathway capacity of F1 progeny resembled that of the maternal parent. This pattern was maintained in all the F2 generation, indicating maternal inheritance of the trait. These data suggest that alternative respiration in pea is, to some extent, under the control of an organellar genome.  相似文献   

Summary Studies have been made on the growth of peas in Richter's nutrient solution at concentrations of 1.0 (original solution), 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001; instead of employing flowing cultures, the solutions were vigorously stirred and continually replaced by fresh solution to maintain the concentration within close limits (±5%). Maximum growth occurred at the 1 and 0.1 concentrations; at lower concentrations growth was significantly depressed, but no deficiency symptoms were observed. The relative growth rate decreased regularly with decreasing concentration. No correspondence was observed between the reduction in solution concentration and that in the yield; for a concentration decrease of 1000 times, dry matter production was depressed only 4.85 times. With decreasing solution concentration the chlorophyll content however was depressed more than growth and at the lowest concentration was less than 1/80th of that in the original solution. As a result the net assimilation rate, calculated on the basis of dry matter production per unit chlorophyll content, increased sharply with decreasing nutrient solution concentration. Even at the lowest concentration the plants continued to grow throughout the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

Crude chromatin preparations from pea seedlings contain calcium-dependent deoxyribonuclease activity, at least part of which is endonucleolytic. During germination, there is a dramatic increase in chromatin-bound deoxyribonuclease activity in the embryonic axis immediately prior to the onset of DNA replication. Evidence has been obtained for the presence of an inhibitor of deoxyribonuclease activity in chromatin preparations from embryonic axes not undergoing DNA replication.  相似文献   

The expression of a lectin gene in pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots has been investigated using the copy DNA of a pea seed lectin as a probe. An mRNA which has the same size as the seed mRNA but which is about 4000 times less abundant has been detected in 21-d-old roots. The probe detected lectin expression as early as 4 d after sowing, with the highest level being reached at 10 d, i.e. just before nodulation. In later stages (16-d- and 21-d-old roots), expression was substantially decreased. The correlation between infection by Rhizobium leguminosarum and lectin expression in pea roots has been investigated by comparing root lectin mRNA levels in inoculated plants and in plants grown under conditions preventing nodulation. Neither growth in a nitrate concentration which inhibited nodulation nor growth in the absence of Rhizobium appreciably affected lectin expression in roots.Abbreviation cDNA copy DNA - poly(A)+RNA polyadenylated RNA  相似文献   

In three seed lots the condition of the cotyledons was found to be important in denning seeds predisposed to pre-emergence mortality. Such seeds readily exuded materials into seed-steep water, were rapidly infected by Pythium spp. and showed intensely stained cotyledons after being in solutions of tetrazolium chloride. In soil, infection of the cotyledons was found to occur before infection of the seedling axis and occurred in normal seed if disks of cotyledon material were placed in the soil next to the seed.
It is suggested that cotyledons influence predisposition by either increasing exudation around the seed and stimulating the fungal pathogen or by acting as a food base for the fungal hyphae which infect and kill the seedling axis.  相似文献   

Some esterases of the pea (Pisum sativum L.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Alison M. Smith 《Planta》1988,175(2):270-279
In order to determine whether round-and wrinkled-seeded peas (Pisum sativum L.) differ in the activity and properties of starch-branching enzyme (1,4--D-glucan, 1,4--D-glucan-6-glycosyl transferase; EC in their developing embryos, essentially isogenic lines of peas, differing only at the r (rugosus) locus that confers the round (RR, Rr) or wrinkled (rr) phenotype, were studied. Activity of the enzyme rises rapidly from an early stage of development in embryos of round peas, but only at later stages in embryos of wrinkled peas. The purified enzyme from mature embryos of round peas can be resolved into two isoforms that differ in molecular weight and in their ability to branch amylose. The purified enzyme from mature embryos of wrinkled peas is a single protein with the same molecular weight and branching properties as one of the isoforms from embryos of round peas. The difference in activity of starch-branching enzyme between embryos of round and wrinkled peas is likely to be due to the absence from embryos of wrinkled peas of one of the isoforms occurring in embryos of round peas.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - FW fresh weight - kDa kilodalton - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Explants fromPisum sativum shoot cultures and epicotyls were transformed by cocultivation withAgrobacterium tumefaciens vectors carrying plant selectable markers and transformants could be selected on a medium containing kanamycin. Transformants could also be obtained at a low frequency by cocultivating small protoplast-derived colonies. The transformed nature of the calli obtained from selection was confirmed by opine assay and DNA analysis. In addition five cultivars of pea were tested for their response to seven differentAgrobacterium tumefaciens strains. The response pattern coincided largely between the different pea cultivars, being more dependent on the bacterial strain than the cultivar used.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BA 6-benzyladenine - Km kanamycin - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - NOS nopaline synthase - NPT neomycin phosphotransferase - OCS octopine synthase  相似文献   

N. Harris  N. J. Chaffey 《Planta》1985,165(2):191-196
Plasmatubules are tubular evaginations of the plasmalemma. They have previously been found at sites where high solute flux between apoplast and symplast occurs for a short period and where wall proliferations of the transfer cell type have not been developed (Harris et al. 1982, Planta 156, 461–465). In this paper we describe the distribution of plasmatubules in transfer cells of the leaf minor veins of Pisum sativum L. Transfer cells are found in these veins associated both with phloem sieve elements and with xylem vessels. Plasmatubules were found, in both types of transfer cell and it is suggested that the specific distribution of the plasmatubules may reflect further membrane amplification within the transfer cell for uptake of solute from apoplast into symplast.  相似文献   

The inheritance and manifestation of fasciation character in three fasciated lines of common pea Pisum sativum L. were investigated. All studied forms are characterized by abnormal enlargement of stem apical meristem leading to distortions in shoot structure. It was estimated that fasciation in mutant Shtambovyi is connected with recessive mutation in gene FAS, which was localized in linkage group III using morphological and molecular markers. It was demonstrated that fasciation in cultivar Rosacrone and line Lupinoid is caused by recessive mutation of the same gene (FA). The peculiar architecture of inflorescence in the Lupinoid line is a result of interaction of two recessive mutations (det fa). Investigation of interaction of mutations fa and fas revealed that genes FA and FAS control consequential stages of apical meristem specialization. Data on incomplete penetrance and varying expressivity were confirmed for the mutant allele fa studied.  相似文献   

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