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Free arachidonic acid is released rapidly in the brain at the onset of ischemia and during convulsions. The transient nature of this phenomenon indicates the existence of an active reacylation system for this fatty acid, likely an arachidonoyl-CoA synthetase-arachidonoyl transferase. The first of these enzymatic activities in brain microsomes was studied and it was found that [1-14C]arachidonic acid is rapidly activated and shows an absolute requirement for ATP and CoA. MgCl2 enhances this activity 10-fold. The optimum pH is 8.5, and the apparent Km values for the radiolabeled substrate, ATP, CoA, and MgCl2 are 36, 154, 8, and 182 microM, respectively. The apparent Vmax is 32.4 nmol/min/mg protein for arachidonic acid. The presence of Triton X-100 (0.1%) in the assay medium caused a significant reduction in apparent Km (9.4 microM) and Vmax (25.7 nmol/min/mg protein) values. The enzymatic activity is thermolabile with a T1/2 of less than 1 min at 45 degrees C and a maximal activity at 40 degrees C. The breaking point or transition temperature is 25 degrees C in an Arrhenius plot. The activation energies were 95 kJ/mol from 0 to 25 degrees C and 30 kJ/mol from 25 to 40 degrees C. Fatty acid competition studies showed inhibition by unlabeled docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids with a Ki of 31 and 37 microM, respectively, in the absence and 18 and 7.7 microM in the presence of Triton X-100. Palmitic acid and oleic acid slightly inhibited the reaction whereas linoleic acid inhibited it to a moderate extent. It is concluded that this very active enzyme can activate arachidonic acid as well as docosahexaenoic acid in brain microsomes. In addition, this reaction may be involved in regulating the pool size of these free fatty acids in brain by rapid removal through activation, thus limiting eicosanoid formation. Moreover, the rapid formation of polyenoic acyl-coenzyme A may participate in the retention of essential fatty acids in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The formation of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) from ribose 5-phosphate and adenosine 5′-triphosphate, catalyzed by purified PRPP synthetase from Salmonella typhimurium, was conducted in 18O-enriched water. The products were isolated, and inorganic phosphate was isolated from AMP and the pyrophosphoryl moiety of PRPP. Oxygen-18 was incorporated into PRPP but not into AMP. These results indicate that PRPP synthesis proceeds with scission of a βPO bond of adenosine 5′-triphosphate. Oxygen-18 enters PRPP by prior exchange of H218O into ribose 5-phosphate; the rate of this exchange was measured by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the trimethylsilyl derivative of ribose 5-phosphate.  相似文献   

Previous methods for the measurement of folylpolyglutamate synthetase have been modified and combined to facilitate assay of this enzyme at the levels found in mammalian tissues. Batch adsorption of product onto charcoal allowed the rapid analysis of multiple samples of partially purified enzyme, e.g., column fractions. This technique, however, was unsuitable for the assay of folylpolyglutamate synthetase in crude cytosols due to the presence of interfering enzyme activities. On the other hand, the sequential use of charcoal adsorption and batch elution from DEAE-cellulose permitted isolation of the folate product from assay mixtures containing crude enzyme fractions. Under these conditions, interference from other enzyme activities and background values were low enough for the quantitation of 10 pmol of oligoglutamyl folate product. Folylpolyglutamate synthetase was measured in a series of mouse tissues and tumors. Enzyme activity was quite low in all cases. Mouse liver and kidney and some of the tumors studied had the highest levels (50-100 pmol product/h/mg protein); other tumors and spleen had lower levels. Enzyme activity was at the limit of detection in intestine and lung and was below detection in brain, heart, and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) was isolated from human erythrocyte ghosts by a simple procedure utilizing ammonium sulfate precipitation and affinity chromatography on NAD+-Sepharose 4B. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of 98 units/mg protein. The kinetic mechanism of GAPD was studied by product and deadend inhibition using NADH, α-glycerophosphate, nitrate, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. The results indicated that the human erythrocyte GAPD-catalyzed reaction follows an ordered ter bi mechanism characterized by the sequential addition of NAD+, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP), and phosphate to the enzyme and the sequential release of 1,3-diphosphoglycerate and NADH from the enzyme. This contrasts with the mechanism (rapid equilibrium random ter bi) proposed by Oguchi (1970, J. Biochem. (Tokyo)68, 427–439) who based his conclusion on the initial rate data alone. Since the Michaelis-Menten kinetics were not applicable to this enzyme because of the competitive substrate inhibition by GAP, we devised a new kinetic approach for determining the parameters of the GAPD-catalyzed reaction. Results of this study indicate that the GAPD-catalyzed reaction is regulated by both ATP and GAP. We propose that GAP acts as an “amplifier” for the feedback inhibition effect of ATP. We discuss the effect this may have played in causing controversy over the regulatory role of this enzyme in glycolysis.  相似文献   

A double affinity-labelling approach has been developed in order to convert an oligomeric enzyme with multiple active centres into a single-site enzyme.Tryptophanyl-transfer RNA synthetase (EC from beef pancreas is a symmetric dimer, α2 An ATP analogue, γ-(p-azidoanilide)-ATP does not serve as a substrate for enzymatic aminoacylation of tRNATrp but acts as an effective competitive inhibitor in the absence of photochemical reaction, with K1 = 1 × 10?3m (Kmfor ATP = 2 × 10?4m). The covalent photoaddition of azido-ATP3 results in complete loss of enzymatic activity in both the ATP-[32P]pyrophosphate exchange reaction and tRNA aminoacylation. ATP completely protects the enzyme against inactivation. However, covalent binding of azido-ATP is also observed outside the active centres. The difference between covalent binding of the azido-ATP in the absence and presence of ATP corresponds to 2 moles of the ATP analogue per mole of the enzyme.Two binding sites for tRNATrp have been found from complex formation at pH 5.8 in the presence of Mg2+. The two tRNA molecules bind, with Kdis = 3.6 × 10?8m and Kdis = 0.9 × 10?6m, respectively, pointing to a strong negative co-operativity between the binding sites for tRNA.N-chlorambucilyl-tryptophanyl-tRNATrp and TRSase form a complex with Kdis = 5.5 × 10?8m at pH 5.8 in the presence of 10 mm-Mg2+. This value is similar to the value of Kdis for tryptophanyl-tRNA of 4.8 × 10?8m. Under the same conditions a 1:1 complex (in mol) is formed between the enzyme and Trp-tRNA or N-chlorambucilyl-Trp-tRNA. On incubation, a covalent bond is formed between N-chlorambucilyl-Trp-tRNA and TRSase; 1 mole of affinity reagent alkylates 1 mole of enzyme independently of the concentration of the modifier. The alkylation reaction is completely inhibited by the presence of tRNATrp whereas the tRNA devoid of tRNATrp does not affect the rate of alkylation. In the presence of either ATP or tryptophan, or a mixture of the two, the alkylation reaction is inhibited even though these ligands have no effect on the complex formation between TRSase and the tRNA analogue. Photoaddition of the azido-ATP completely prevents the reaction of the enzyme with the tRNA analogue, although the non-covalent complex formation is not affected.Exhaustive alkylation of TRSase partially inhibits the reaction of ATP [32P]pyrophosphate exchange and completely blocks the aminoacylation of tRNATrp. Cleavage of the tRNA which is covalently bound to TRSase restores both the ATP-[32P]pyrophosphate exchange and aminoacylation activity.The TRSase which is covalently-bound to R-Trp-tRNA is able to incorporate only one ATP molecule per dimeric enzyme into the active centre. This doubly modified enzyme is completely enzymatically inactive. Removal of the tRNA residue from the doubly modified enzyme results in the formation of the derivative with one blocked ATP site. Therefore, a “single-site” TRSase may be generated either by alkylation of the enzyme with Cl-R-Trp-tRNA or after the removal of covalently bound tRNA from the doubly labelled protein.Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase containing blocked ATP and/or tRNA binding site(s) seems to bo a useful tool for investigation of negative co-operativity and may help in the elucidation of the structure function relationships between the active centres.  相似文献   

A purification procedure for rat liver fatty acid synthetase has been developed using polyethylene glycol. This procedure results in high yields of the enzyme which is essentially free of endogenous proteolytic nicking and also free of any contaminating proteases. The fatty acid synthetase obtained has a specific activity range of 1.8–2.1 measured at 25 °C and is stable at 4 °C for a few weeks and indefinitely when frozen. Approximately 1 mg of enzyme can be obtained per gram of induced rat liver. The enzyme is pure as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, sedimentation velocity, and immunoelectrophoresis. The first crystallization of rat liver fatty acid synthetase is also reported.  相似文献   

An investigation of the subunit structure of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC from Escherichia coli indicates that this enzyme is a monomer. The enzyme purified to apparent homogeneity is a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 62,000 ± 3,000 and KGlum ? 50 μM in the aminoacylation reaction. Analytical gel electrophoretic procedures were used to determine the molecular weight of species exhibiting glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity in freshly prepared extracts of several strains of E. coli, which had been grown under various nutritional conditions and harvested at different stages of growth. In all cases, glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity was associated with a protein having about the same molecular weight and KGlum as the purified enzyme. Thus, no evidence of an oligomeric form of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase with a greater affinity for l-glutamate was obtained, in contrast to a previous report of J. Lapointe and D. Söll (J. Biol. Chem.247, 4966–4974, 1972).  相似文献   

The six sulfhydryl groups in each subunit of the alanyl-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli react with sulfhydryl reagents with at least four different rates. One reacts very rapidly with 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), and a second reacts somewhat less rapidly with this reagent. These two groups are required for transfer activity, which is lost in proportion to the extent of derivatization. Two other groups react more slowly, with a consequent loss of exchange activity. The remaining two sulfhydryl groups do not react with DTNB until the protein is denatured. The inactivations are reversed by dithiothreitol. Two sulfhydryl groups react with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and with a spin-label derivative of NEM. These reactions resemble the modification of two sulfhydryl groups with DTNB, in that they also inactivate the transfer reaction but not the ATP:PPi exchange. The two spin labels are incorporated at similar rates but are in very different environments, one highly exposed and one highly immobilized. These groups do not interact with Mn2+, which is bound to the enzyme in the absence of ATP.  相似文献   

The reactivities of the nitro analogs of the substrates of adenylosuccinate synthetase and adenylosuccinate lyase, the enzymes which catalyze the penultimate and last step, respectively, in the pathway for AMP biosynthesis have been examined. Alanine-3-nitronate, an aspartate analog, was a substrate for the synthetase from Azotobacter vinelandii, having a kcatKm which was ~30% that for aspartate. The product of this reaction was N6-(l-1-carboxy-2-nitroethyl)-AMP. Of nine other substrate analogs tested, only cysteine sulfinate (having 5.5% of the activity of aspartate) was reactive. These results demonstrate the strict requirement of the synthetase for a negatively charged substituent, with a carboxylate-like geometry, at the β-carbon of the α-amino acid substrate. The lyase, purified to homogeneity from brewer's yeast by a new procedure, did not utilize N6-(l-1-carboxy-2-nitroethyl)-AMP as a substrate. However, the nitronate form of this analog was a good inhibitor of the lyase (KmKi = 28 when compared to adenylosuccinate), suggesting that it mimics a carbanionic intermediate in the reaction pathway. The avid binding of bromphenol blue by the lyase (i = 0.95 μM) was used for active site titrations and for displacement of the enzyme, in the purification protocol, from blue Sepharose.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of fructokinase I of pea seeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fructokinase I of pea seeds has been purified to homogeneity and the enzyme shown to be monomeric, with a molecular weight of 72,000 +/- 4000. The reaction mechanism was investigated by means of initial velocity studies. Both substrates inhibited the enzyme; the inhibition caused by MgATP was linear-uncompetitive with respect to fructose whereas that caused by D-fructose was hyperbolic-noncompetitive against MgATP. The product D-fructose 6-phosphate caused hyperbolic-noncompetitive inhibition with respect to both substrates. MgADP caused noncompetitive inhibition, which gave intercept and slope replots that were linear with D-fructose but hyperbolic with MgATP. Free Mg2+ caused linear-uncompetitive inhibition when either substrate was varied. L-Sorbose and beta, gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate were used as analogs of D-fructose and MgATP, respectively. Inhibition experiments using these compounds indicated that substrate addition was steady-state ordered, with MgATP adding first. The product inhibition experiments were found to be consistent with a steady-state random release of products. The substrate inhibition caused by MgATP was most likely due to the formation of an enzyme-MgATP-product dead-end complex, whereas that caused by D-fructose was due to alternative pathways in the reaction mechanism. The inhibition caused by Mg2+ can be explained in terms of a dead-end complex with either a central complex or an enzyme-product complex.  相似文献   

Kinetic compartmental analysis of carnitine metabolism in the dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was undertaken to quantitate the dynamic parameters of carnitine metabolism in the dog. Six mongrel dogs were given intravenous injections of L-[methyl-3H]carnitine and the specific radioactivity of carnitine was followed in plasma and urine for 19-28 days. The data were analyzed by kinetic compartmental analysis. A three-compartment, open-system model [(a) extracellular fluid, (b) cardiac and skeletal muscle, (c) other tissues, particularly liver and kidney] was adopted and kinetic parameters (carnitine flux, pool sizes, kinetic constants) were derived. In four of six dogs the size of the muscle carnitine pool obtained by kinetic compartmental analysis agreed (+/- 5%) with estimates based on measurement of carnitine concentrations in different muscles. In three of six dogs carnitine excretion rates derived from kinetic compartmental analysis agreed (+/- 9%) with experimentally measured values, but in three dogs the rates by kinetic compartmental analysis were significantly higher than the corresponding rates measured directly. Appropriate chromatographic analyses revealed no radioactive metabolites in muscle or urine of any of the dogs. Turnover times for carnitine were (mean +/- SEM): 0.44 +/- 0.05 h for extracellular fluid, 232 +/- 22 h for muscle, and 7.9 +/- 1.1 h for other tissues. The estimated flux of carnitine in muscle was 210 pmol/min/g of tissue. Whole-body turnover time for carnitine was 62.9 +/- 5.6 days (mean +/- SEM). Estimated carnitine biosynthesis ranged from 2.9 to 28 mumol/kg body wt/day. Results of this study indicate that kinetic compartmental analysis may be applicable to study of human carnitine metabolism.  相似文献   

a++Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthetase has been purified from Lactobacillus plantarum. It catalyzes the formation of a C55 polyprenyl pyrophosphate having isoprene residues with cis stereochemistry. The enzyme was shown to be an acidic protein (pI = 5.1), which can be partially purified by preparative gel electrophoresis and Blue-agarose column chromatography. The Km's of the enzyme for its substrates t,t-farnesyl pyrophosphate and isopentenyl pyrophosphate were determined to be 0.13 and 1.92 microM, respectively. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated by molecular sieve chromatography and gradient centrifugation to be 56,000 +/- 4000. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the protein was composed of a dimer of 30,000-Da subunits. The enzyme was inactivated by the arginine-specific reagents phenylglyoxal, butanedione and, cyclohexanedione, but this inactivation was not prevented by either of the substrates.  相似文献   

The enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) has been isolated from a mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium, constructed by Kustu, which lacks the enzymatic activity for adenylylation of glutamine synthetase. Thus the purified GS is uniformly unadenylylated, as confirmed by gel electrophoresis and enzyme assays. It crystallizes readily in many morphologies, at least six of which are distinct polymorphs. The most favorable crystal form for structural studies belongs to space group C2, with unit cell dimensions a = 235.5 A, b = 134.5 A, c = 200.1 A, beta = 102.8 degrees, and with one GS molecule per asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract to about 2.8 A resolution in rotation X-ray photographs and thus appear suitable for structural studies at moderate resolution. These crystals are isomorphous with crystalline GS from Escherichia coli in both adenylylated and unadenylylated states, suggesting that the enzymes from the two bacteria are similar molecules, and that adenylylation does not greatly affect the conformation of the molecule.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase from the plant cytosol fraction of lupin nodules was purified 89-fold to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme molecule is composed of eight subunits of Mr 44,700 ± 10%. Kinetic analysis indicates that the reaction mechanism is sequential and there is some evidence that Mg-ATP is the first substrate to bind to the enzyme. Michaelis constants for each substrate using the ammonium-dependent biosynthetic reaction are as follows: ATP, 0.24 mm; l-glutamate, 4.0–4.2 mm; ammonium, 0.16 mm. Using an hydroxamate-forming biosynthetic reaction the Km ATP is 1.1 mm but the Km for l-glutamate is not altered. The effect of pH on the Km for ammonium indicates that NH3 rather than NH4+ may be the true substrate. At 10 mm Mg2+, the pH optimum of the enzyme is between 7.5 and 8, but increasing Mg2+ concentrations produce progressively more acidic optima while lower Mg2+ concentrations raise the pH optimum. The rate-response curve for Mg2+ is sigmoidal becoming bell-shaped in alkaline conditions. The enzyme is inhibited by l-Asp (Ki, 1.4 mm) and less markedly by l-Gln and l-Asn. Inhibition by ADP and AMP is strong, both nucleotides exhibiting Ki values around 0.3 mM. Investigations of the probable physiological conditions within the nodule plant cytosol indicate that in situ glutamine synthetase has an activity greater than that required to support the efflux of amino acid nitrogen from the nodule. A possible role for glutamine synthetase in the control of nodule ammonium assimilation is suggested.  相似文献   

Using methyl-tryoctyl-ammonium chloride (which is soluble in cyclohexane and insoluble in water) it is possible to transport α-chymotrypsin in 20% yield from a water solution to a supernatant cyclohexane solution. The spectroscopic properties of the protein in the aprotic phase are investigated. On the basis of these spectroscopic data, it is argued that under certain conditions no extensive denaturation of the protein takes place in cyclohexane in the presence of the ammonium salt. The possible reason for this unexpected finding and its implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

The requirement for metal ions by glutamine synthetase of Escherichia coli in catalyzing the γ-glutamyl transfer reaction has been investigated. In order of decreasing V at pH 7.0, Cd2+, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Co2+, or Zn2+ will support the activity of the unadenylylated enzyme in the presence of ADP. With AMP substituted for ADP to satisfy the nucleotide requirement, only Mn2+ or Cd2+ will support the activity of the unadenylylated enzyme. Kinetic and equilibrium binding measurements show a 1:1 interaction between the nonconsumable substrate ADP and each enzyme subunit of the dodecamer. (To obtain this result, each enzyme subunit must be active in catalyzing γ-glutamyl transfer.) The stability constant of the unadenylylated subunit for ADP-Mn is 3.5 × 105m?1, or ~2.86 × 107m?1 under assay conditions, with arsenate, Mn2+, and glutamine being responsible for this large affinity increase. Saturation of two Mn2+ ion-binding sites per enzyme subunit is absolutely required for activity expression. While apparently not affecting the affinity of the first Mn2+ bound (K′ = 1.89 × 106 M?1), glutamine increases the stability constant for the second Mn2+ bound from 2 × 104 to 5.9 × 105m?1. Reciprocally, increasing Mn2+ concentrations decreases the apparent Km′ value for glutamine. Glutamine (by producing a net uptake of protons in binding to the enzyme) is responsible for changing the proton release from 3 to about 1 for 2 Mn2+ bound per enzyme subunit, with ~0.5 H+ displaced in both fast and slow processes. The uv spectral change induced by the binding of the first Mn2+ to each enzyme subunit remains unchanged by the presence of glutamine. However, glutamine reduces the half-time of the spectral change or slow proton release from ~30 to ~20 sec at 37 °C. Binding and kinetic results indicate a mechanism involving a random addition of Mn2+ to two subunit sites. Saturation of the high-affinity site with Mn2+ induces a conformational change to an active configuration, while activity expression depends also on the saturation of a second Mn2+ binding site (at or near the catalytic site). Once the first Mn2+ binding site of the subunit is saturated, an active enzyme complex can be formed either by the sequential binding of Mn2+ and ADP at the second site or by the binding of ADP-Mn complex directly to this site if the concentration of ADP-Mn is greater than 10?8m in the assay. Some additional observations on the binding of Mg2+, Ba2+, Ca2+, and Zn2+ to the enzyme are presented.  相似文献   

The acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase from Escherichia coli has been examined for its ability to specifically acylate acyl carrier protein (ACP) from higher plants in order to develop an assay for plant ACP, and to prepare labeled acyl-ACP of plant origin. It was found that the E. coli enzyme was able to acylate ACP from spinach, soybean, avocado, corn, and several other plants. The acylation was very specific because, in crude extracts of spinach leaves where ACP represented approximately 0.1% of the total soluble protein, ACP was shown to be the only protein acylated. In contrast to other E. coli enzymes that display 2- to 10-fold lower rates with plant versus bacterial ACP, the kinetic constants (Km and Vmax) for acyl-ACP synthetase were found to be essentially identical for spinach and E. coli ACP when acylated with palmitic acid. Palmitic, myristic, lauric, stearic, and oleic acid could all be esterified to both spinach and E. coli ACP with similar specificity. Procedures are described that allow the assay of ACP in plant extracts at the nanogram level.  相似文献   

Kinetic methods for studying the reactions of the “general” fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase under three sets of substrate and enzyme concentration conditions have been developed. The reaction of butyryl-CoA and electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) can be studied either under steady-state conditions with enzyme at catalytic concentration or under single-turnover conditions with enzyme in excess. Under the latter conditions, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase acts both as a catalyst and an ultimate electron-transfer acceptor. The reductive half-reaction of butyryl-CoA and enzyme can also be studied in a separate kinetic experiment. Comparison of the pH dependences of the rate constants and isotope effects of the steady-state reaction of butyryl-CoA and ETF with the same parameters for the reductive half-reaction is consistent with a mechanism involving transfer of electrons from butyryl-CoA to ETF within a ternary complex. An alternative mechanism in which the reductive half-reaction takes place prior to the binding and reaction of ETF seems unlikely because the pH 8.5 isotope effect on the reductive half-reaction is much larger than that on the complete reaction in spite of the fact that the rates of the reactions are comparable. The pH dependence of the Km for substrate and KI for inhibitor is consistent with a mechanism for transfer of electrons within the ternary complex which involves protonation of the C group of substrates. The protonation labilizes the C-2 proton and base catalysis of the removal of the C-2 proton results in the production of the active enzyme-substrate species, namely the C-2 anion of substrate.  相似文献   

Abstract Regulation of glutamine synthetase (GS) in the thermophilic green phototrophic bacterium, Chloroflexus aurantiacus , was studied. The enzyme was partially purified from cells grown photosynthetically in media with limiting (1 mM) or non-limiting (10 mM) NH+4-concentrations. GS preparations from both cell types were indistinguishable in respect to pH-optimum of GS-transferase activity, sensitivity to feedback modifiers (AMP, L-alanine, glycine) and lack of Mg-inhibition of transferase activity. In contrast to results obtained with a GS preparation from the facultatively phototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides , the catalytic properties of Chloroflexus GS did not change during incubation with snake venom phosphodiesterase suggesting the absence of in vivo regulation of Chloroflexus GS by adenylylation/deadenylylation.  相似文献   

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