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Differential reactivities at restriction enzyme sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method has been developed to measure the rates of digestion by restriction enzymes at individual sites. This involves a simple arithmetical treatment of the integrated areas from a densitometer scan of an ethidium bromide stained gel. We have used this method to study the digestion by HpaI, HincII and SalI of pBR322 and phi X174 DNA, and the effect of various DNA binding ligands. One of the two HpaI sites in phi X174 DNA is much more sensitive to inhibition by ligands such as netropsin, which display a preference for AT base pairs, than is the other site. Inspection of the sequences flanking the restriction sites shows that the former contains a much higher proportion of AT base-pairs than dose the latter. The opposite phenomenon is observed with the two HincII sites in pBR322. This illustrates the importance of neighbouring sequences in the interaction between restriction enzymes and their cleavage sites in DNA.  相似文献   

The distribution of restriction enzyme sites in Escherichia coli.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A statistical analysis of physical map data for eight restriction enzymes covering nearly the entire genome of E. coli is presented. The methods of analysis are based on a top-down modeling approach which requires no knowledge of the statistical properties of the base sequence. For most enzymes, the distribution of mapped sites is found to be fairly homogeneous. Some heterogeneity in the distribution of sites is observed for the enzymes Pstl and HindIII. In addition, BamHI sites are found to be more evenly dispersed than we would expect for random placement and we speculate on a possible mechanism. A consistent departure from a uniform distribution, observed for each of the eight enzymes, is found to be due to a lack of closely spaced sites. We conclude from our analysis that this departure can be accounted for by deficiencies in the physical map data rather than non-random placement of actual restriction sites. Estimates of the numbers of sites missing from the map are given, based both on the map data itself and on the site frequencies in a sample of sequenced E. coli DNA. We conclude that 5 to 15% of the mapped sites represent multiple sites in the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

We present the 5295 nucleotide-long sequence of the polyoma genome and the restriction enzyme digestion sites predicted from this sequence.  相似文献   

A rapid method to identify cosmids containing rare restriction sites.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A procedure for identifying specific cosmid clones containing recognition sites for "rare cutting" restriction enzymes has been developed. Cosmid clones containing human inserts were selected by hybridisation to human repetitive DNA. An oligonucleotide corresponding to the NotI recognition site, eight bases long, was labelled and used to probe DNA samples from one hundred cosmids. By optimising the difference in melting characteristics between eight-base perfect match and six-base match/two base mismatch hybrids, we were able to detect the cosmids containing either NotI (8 bp match) or XmaIII/EagI (6 bp match) sites. The generation of a map for rare cutter sites along a human chromosome, or a chromosome region, should be simplified using this approach, which will enable the identification of a set of "milestones" at intervals of several hundred kilobases (kb) along the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Summary A general method has been developed for the deletion of restriction endonuclease sites in bacterial plasmid DNA. The procedure involves partial digestion of the covalently closed circular plasmid DNA with an appropriate restriction endonuclease under conditions which allow accumulation of unit-length linear DNA molecules, controlled digestion of the exposed 5 ends with the 5-exonuclease, and in vivo recircularization of the resulting linear DNA in a bacterial host cell. The method has been used for the deletion of one of the two EcoRI sites in the plasmid pML2 (colE1-Km). Two of the resulting plasmids, pCR1 and pCR11, have a single EcoRI cleavage site, but retain genetic determinants specifying resistance to colicin E1 and kanamycin, and thus may be useful as vectors for the cloning and amplification of DNA in bacteria.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme inhibition studies have been employed to map the locations of high affinity binding sites of the carcinogen N-acetoxy-N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (acetoxyAAF) on pBR322, phiX174 and SV40 DNAs. Bound carcinogen levels were kept low (less than 20 bound AAF moieties per DNA molecule) in order to observe only the binding to the high affinity sites. Inhibition of certain restriction enzymes was observed in a limited number of locations on these DNAs. Inhibition increased as bound AAF increased and the particular restriction enzymes inhibited varied with location. On all three DNAs, activities of these enzymes was not affected in other locations. Comparison of the sequences at the sites of inhibition on the three DNAs indicates that all sites have common sequence elements: the presence of either the sequence T(C/G)TT(G/C) or the sequence T(G/C)CTT(G/C).  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for the cloning of PCR products without the need for post-amplification enzymatic treatment. Tailed PCR primer sets are used to create complementary staggered overhangs on both insert and vector by a post-PCR denaturation-hybridisation reaction. The single-stranded overhangs are designed to allow directional cloning in a ligase-free manner. This 'enzyme-free cloning' procedure is highly efficient, and is not constrained by the need for the presence of suitable restriction enzyme sites within the plasmid vector. The avoidance of post-amplification enzymatic procedures makes the technique rapid and reliable, avoiding the need for multiple sub-cloning steps.  相似文献   

A novel method employing polymerase chain reaction was developed for the disruption of yeast genes lacking convenient restriction enzyme sites. The method was found to be easy and effective. Using this method, a yeastYKE2 gene (a yeast homolog of murinek-region expressed genes) was successfully disrupted by replacement ofHIS3 marker gene.  相似文献   

A simple method for the determination of angiotensin I converting enzyme   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

IIB型限制内切酶能够识别并切割特异酶切位点两端特定距离的DNA,形成粘性末端的30 bp左右的等长DNA片段。利用其特性与限制性酶切位点关联测序技术(RAD)相结合发展出2b-RAD简化基因组测序技术,应用于遗传图谱构建、种群遗传结构分析、性状定位以及细菌分型等多种研究领域。构建2b-RAD测序文库之前,需要对基因组中的IIB型限制内切酶位点进行预测与统计分析,制定有效的测序文库构建方案。本文利用Python语言构建分析基因组中IIB型限制内切酶位点的流程,预测并统计6个鳞翅目代表物种基因组含有的8个商业化IIB型限制内切酶的酶切位点,比较了各个基因组与IIB型限制内切酶之间含有的酶切位点总量、重复序列数量以及酶切间隔长度的关系,为在昆虫基因组中进一步试行2b-RAD研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Restriction enzymes are among the best studied examples of DNA binding proteins. In order to find general patterns in DNA recognition sites, which may reflect important properties of protein–DNA interaction, we analyse the binding sites of all known type II restriction endonucleases. We find a significantly enhanced GC content and discuss three explanations for this phenomenon. Moreover, we study patterns of nucleotide order in recognition sites. Our analysis reveals a striking accumulation of adjacent purines (R) or pyrimidines (Y). We discuss three possible reasons: RR/YY dinucleotides are characterized by (i) stronger H-bond donor and acceptor clusters, (ii) specific geometrical properties and (iii) a low stacking energy. These features make RR/YY steps particularly accessible for specific protein–DNA interactions. Finally, we show that the recognition sites of type II restriction enzymes are underrepresented in host genomes and in phage genomes.  相似文献   

A computer program (RSITE) was developed which predicts the recognition sequence of a restriction endonuclease. The sizes of fragments experimentally determined on cleavage of a DNA of known sequence were input. Possible recognition sequences producing fragments of sizes matching those determined empirically were printed out. The program faithfully predicted the specificity of restriction enzymes of known recognition sequence and also determined the recognition sequence of a new restriction enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae GU (HinGU II).  相似文献   

A method has been described for the determination of proteolytic activities of enzyme preparations using casein as substrate. The rate of digestion is proportional to the enzyme concentration used. This relationship is utilized as a measure of the enzyme activity. One unit of activity is defined as the amount which is required to digest casein in 15 minutes at 37.5 degrees C. so that 50 per cent of the protein in 1 ml. of 0.25 per cent solution is not precipitable by trichloroacetic acid. This method has been used to determine the activity of enzymes from different sources and also used to follow the rate of activation of enzymes.  相似文献   

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