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Recent structural studies have highlighted the importance of antiparallel coiled coils in nature. In addition, well-behaved, model antiparallel coiled coils have been designed and used for the reassembly of protein fragments and for the study of the energetic contributions of various interactions to helix orientation specificity. Finally, high-resolution structural data are available for designed helical bundles, allowing an evaluation of the success of state-of-the-art protein design efforts.  相似文献   

In this communication, we discuss the design, synthesis, and characterization of four peptides which are able to self-assemble into five different homo- and heterodimeric alpha-helical coiled coils based on the pH of their environment. These peptides are very short, containing only 14 or 21 amino acids each, and illustrate the minimum requirements necessary to form dimeric coiled coils which are critical in a large number of biological and materials design applications.  相似文献   

Predicting oligomerization states of coiled coils.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
An algorithm based on the profile method was developed that faithfully distinguishes between the amino acid sequences of dimeric and trimeric coiled coils. Normalized sequence profiles derived from nonhomologous, two- and three-stranded, coiled-coil sequences with unambiguous registers were used to assign dimer and trimer propensities to test sequences. The difference between the dimer and trimer profile scores accurately reflected the preferred oligomerization state. The method relied on two strategies that may be generally applicable to profile calculations--profile values of solvent-exposed residues and of amino acids that were underrepresented in the data-base were given zero weight. Differences between the dimer and trimer profiles revealed sequence patterns that match and extend experimental studies of oligomer specification.  相似文献   

A new multidimensional scoring approach for identifying and distinguishing trimeric and dimeric coiled coils is implemented in the MultiCoil program. The program extends the two-stranded coiled-coil prediction program PairCoil to the identification of three-stranded coiled coils. The computations are based upon data gathered from a three-stranded coiled-coil database comprising 6,319 amino acid residues, as well as from the previously constructed two-stranded coiled-coil database. In addition to identifying coiled coils not predicted by the two-stranded database programs, MultiCoil accurately classifies the oligomerization states of known dimeric and trimeric coiled coils. Analysis of the MultiCoil scores provides insight into structural features of coiled coils, and yields estimates that 0.9% of all protein residues form three-stranded coiled coils and that 1.5% form two-stranded coiled coils. The MultiCoil program is available at http://theory.Ics.mit.edu/multicoil.  相似文献   

Bacterial cells exhibit a wide variety of shapes. Recent results indicate that the characteristic crescent shape of Caulobacter crescentus depends upon an inter-mediate filament-like protein that localizes to the concave side of the cell.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion mediated by coiled coils: a hypothesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A molecular model of the low-pH-induced membrane fusion by influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is proposed based upon the hypothesis that the conformational change to the extended coiled coil creates a high-energy hydrophobic membrane defect in the viral envelope or HA expressing cell. It is known that 1) an aggregate of at least eight HAs is required at the fusion site, yet only two or three of these HAs need to undergo the "essential" conformational change for the first fusion pore to form (Bentz, J. 2000. Biophys. J. 78:000-000); 2) the formation of the first fusion pore signifies a stage of restricted lipid flow into the nascent fusion site; and 3) some HAs can partially insert their fusion peptides into their own viral envelopes at low pH. This suggests that the committed step for HA-mediated fusion begins with a tightly packed aggregate of HAs whose fusion peptides are inserted into their own viral envelope, which causes restricted lateral lipid flow within the HA aggregate. The transition of two or three HAs in the center of the aggregate to the extended coiled coil extracts the fusion peptide and creates a hydrophobic defect in the outer monolayer of the virion, which is stabilized by the closely packed HAs. These HAs are inhibited from diffusing away from the site to admit lateral lipid flow, in part because that would initially increase the surface area of hydrophobic exposure. The other obvious pathway to heal this hydrophobic defect, or some descendent, is recruitment of lipids from the outer monolayer of the apposed target membrane, i.e., fusion. Other viral fusion proteins and the SNARE fusion protein complex appear to fit within this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The coiled coil structural motif consists of alpha helices supercoiling around each other to form staggered knobs‐into‐holes packing. Such structures are deceptively simple, especially as they often can be described with parametric equations, but are known to exist in various conformations. Even the simplest systems, consisting of 2 monomers, can assemble into a wide range of states. They can form canonical as well as noncanonical coiled coils, be parallel or antiparallel, where helices associate with different degrees of shift, tilt, and rotation. Here, we investigate the energy landscape of heterodimeric coiled coils by carrying out de novo folding simulations starting from amino acid sequence. We folded a diverse set of 22 heterodimers and demonstrate that the approach is capable of identifying the atomic details in the experimental structure in the majority of cases. Our methodology also enables exploration of alternative states that can be accessible in solution beyond the experimentally determined structure. For many systems, we observe folding energy landscapes with multiple energy minima and several isoenergetic states. By comparing coiled coils from single domains and those extracted from larger proteins, we find that standalone coiled coils have deeper energy wells at the experimentally determined conformation. By folding the competing homodimeric states in addition to the heterodimers, we observe that the structural specificity towards the heteromeric state is often small. Taken together, our results demonstrate that de novo folding simulations can be a powerful tool to characterize structural specificity of coiled coils when coupled to assessment of energy landscapes.  相似文献   

Paircoil2: improved prediction of coiled coils from sequence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We introduce Paircoil2, a new version of the Paircoil program, which uses pairwise residue probabilities to detect coiled-coil motifs in protein sequence data. Paircoil2 achieves 98% sensitivity and 97% specificity on known coiled coils in leave-family-out cross-validation. It also shows superior performance compared with published methods in tests on proteins of known structure.  相似文献   

Collagen triple helices fold slowly and inefficiently, often requiring adjacent globular domains to assist this process. In the Streptococcus pyogenes collagen-like protein Scl2, a V domain predicted to be largely α-helical, occurs N-terminal to the collagen triple helix (CL). Here, we replace this natural trimerization domain with a de novo designed, hyperstable, parallel, three-stranded, α-helical coiled coil (CC), either at the N terminus (CC-CL) or the C terminus (CL-CC) of the collagen domain. CD spectra of the constructs are consistent with additivity of independently and fully folded CC and CL domains, and the proteins retain their distinctive thermal stabilities, CL at ~37 °C and CC at >90 °C. Heating the hybrid proteins to 50 °C unfolds CL, leaving CC intact, and upon cooling, the rate of CL refolding is somewhat faster for CL-CC than for CC-CL. A construct with coiled coils on both ends, CC-CL-CC, retains the ~37 °C thermal stability for CL but shows less triple helix at low temperature and less denaturation at 50 °C. Most strikingly however, in CC-CL-CC, the CL refolds slower than in either CC-CL or CL-CC by almost two orders of magnitude. We propose that a single CC promotes folding of the CL domain via nucleation and in-register growth from one end, whereas initiation and growth from both ends in CC-CL-CC results in mismatched registers that frustrate folding. Bioinformatics analysis of natural collagens lends support to this because, where present, there is generally only one coiled-coil domain close to the triple helix, and it is nearly always N-terminal to the collagen repeat.  相似文献   

CD studies are presented on thermal unfolding of coiled-coil homodimers of two genetic variant chains of chicken gizzard tropomyosin (CG-Tm). The experiments include the effects of cross-linking both isoforms and the dependence on protein concentration of unfolding in both reduced isoforms, variables not examined in extant work. The general shapes of the unfolding curves for singly cross-linked species depend on whether the crosslink is at C190 (its site on one isoform) or at C36 (its site on the other). These curves are compared with extant ones for various cross-linked species of rabbit tropomyosin. The comparison supports the view that the unfolding behavior of cross-linked species results from a complex interaction of strain at the cross-link, local variations in structural stability, and loop entropy. The observed concentration dependence of the transition temperature for the uncross-linked (reduced) species of CG-Tm is very small (2.9°C) for one variant homodimer and unobservably small (< 2°C) for the other in the 100-fold concentration range (~ 0.01–1.0 mg/mL) accessible here. These experimental values of ΔTm are much smaller than are predicted from extant values of the van't Hoff transition enthalpies, calling the latter into question. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Defined and tunable peptide-lipid membrane interactions that trigger the release of liposome encapsulated drugs may offer a route to improving the efficiency and specificity of liposome-based drug delivery systems, but this require means to tailor the performance of the membrane active peptides. In this paper, the membrane activity of a de novo designed coiled coil peptide has been optimized with respect to sequence and size to improve release efficiency of liposome encapsulated cargo. The peptides were only membrane active when covalently conjugated to the liposomes. Two amino acid substitutions were made to enhance the amphipathic characteristics of the peptide, which increased the release by a factor of five at 1?μM. Moreover, the effect of peptide length was investigated by varying the number of heptad repeats from 2 to 5, yielding the peptides KVC2-KVC5. The shortest peptide (KVC2) showed the least interaction with the membrane and proved less efficient than the longer peptides in releasing the liposomal cargo. The peptide with three heptads (KVC3) caused liposome aggregation whereas KVC4 proved to effectively release the liposomal cargo without causing aggregation. The longest peptide (KVC5) demonstrated the most defined α-helical secondary structure and the highest liposome surface concentration but showed slower release kinetics than KVC4. The four heptad peptide KVC4 consequently displayed optimal properties for triggering the release and is an interesting candidate for further development of bioresponsive and tunable liposomal drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

M E Holtzer  T Breiner  A Holtzer 《Biopolymers》1984,23(10):1811-1833
The nature of the interhelix interaction in two-chain, α-helical, coiled coils is studied by experiments on the formation of hydrid molecules in which one helical chain is an α-tropomyosin and the other a β-tropomoysin. By means of a recently developed assay, the population of heterohelical (i.e., αβ hybrid) molecules relative to their homohelical (αα and ββ) parent species is determined under a variety of conditions, both equilibrium and nonequilibrium. It is found that mixed intact αα and ββ molecules do not form hybrid species in detectible amounts even after incubation at room temperature (or below) for periods of over one week. That the lack of αβ species in this “native-exchange” system is a result of a kinetic barrier is evident from experiments involving a thermal denaturation–renaturation cycle in which the largely dissociated, unfolded chains at higher temperature are annealed to benign temperatures over a period of 6 h, thus assuring an equilibrium population of two-chain species. In the resulting equilibrium state, the αβ population is one-half the total, indicating that recombination is random. Furthermore, this same (equilibrium) state is reached if the separated, mostly unfolded chains are renatured by a rapid (~ 40 s) quench to benign temperatures. Some implications of these results for the thermodynamics of interhelix interation, for kinetics of chain dissociation and recombination, and for in vivo genesis of two-chain coiled coils are discussed.  相似文献   

In 1953, Francis Crick and Linus Pauling both proposed models of supercoiled helices (‘coiled coils’) for the structure of keratin. These were the first attempts at modelling the tertiary structure of a protein. Crick emphasized the packing mode of the side-chains (‘knobs-into-holes’), which required a periodicity of seven residues over two helical turns (7/2) and a supercoil in the opposite sense of the constituent helices. By contrast, Pauling envisaged a broader set of periodicities (4/1, 7/2, 18/5, 15/4, 11/3) and supercoils of both senses. Crick's model became canonical and the ‘heptad repeat’ essentially synonymous with coiled coils, but 50 years later new crystal structures and protein sequences show that the less common periodicities envisaged by Pauling also occur in coiled coils, adding a variant packing mode (‘knobs-to-knobs’) to the standard model. Pauling's laboratory notebooks suggest that he searched unsuccessfully for this packing mode in 1953.  相似文献   

We have performed 40–80 ns-long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the GCN4 leucine zipper and synthetic coiled coils using the GROMOS96 (43a2) and OPLS-AA force fields, with the aim of predicting coiled coil stability. Starting with an initial configuration of two peptides placed in an ideal coiled coil configuration, we find that changing the amino acid sequence modestly or decreasing peptide length can lead to a decrease in the final α-helicity of coiled coils, although for peptides as long or longer than 16 residues, the values of helicity do not decrease to the low values seen in the experimental results of Lumb et al. (Biochemistry. 1994, 33, 7361–7367) or of Su et al. (Biochemistry. 1994, 33, 15501–15510), presumably because the simulations are not long enough. We find, however, that helicity correlates positively with the number of close hydrophobic interactions between the two peptides, showing that stable coiled coils in the simulations are tightly packed. The minimum interhelical distances are 0.50–0.66 nm for charged groups, indicating that favorable charge interactions are also important for the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

There are many controversies concerning whether ionic interactions in alpha-helices and coiled coils actually contribute to the stabilisation and formation of these structures. Here we used a statistical approach to probe this question. We extracted unique alpha-helical and coiled coil structures from the protein database and analysed the ionic interactions between positively and negatively charged residues. The ionic interactions were categorized according to the type, spacing and order of the residues involved. Separate datasets were produced depending on the number of alpha-helices in the coiled coils and the mutual orientation of the helices. We compared the frequency of residue configurations able to form ionic interactions with their probability to form the interaction. We found a correlation between the two variables in alpha-helices, antiparallel two-stranded coiled coils and parallel two-stranded coiled coils. This indicates that some ionic interactions are indeed important for the formation and stabilisation of alpha-helices and coiled coils. We concluded that the configurations, which have simultaneously a large probability to form the ionic interaction and a frequent occurrence, are those, which have the most stabilising effect. These are the 4RE, 3ER and 4ER interactions.  相似文献   

John Seo  Carolyn Cohen 《Proteins》1993,15(3):223-234
Two complementary methods for measuring local pitch based on heptad position in α-helical coiled coils are described and applied to six crystal structures. The results reveal a diversity of pitch values: two-stranded coiled coils appear to have pitch values near 150 Å the values for three- and four-stranded coiled coils range closer to 200 Å. The methods also provide a rapid and sensitive gauge of local coiled-coil conformation. Polar or charged residues in the apolar interface between coiled-coil helices markedly affect local pitch values, suggesting a connection between pitch uniformity and coiled-coil stability. Moreover, the identification of a skip residue (heptad frame shift) in the hemaglutinin glycoprotein of influenza virus (HA) allows interpretation of local pitch changes. These results on relatively short coiled-coil structures have relevance for the much longer fibrous proteins (many of which have skip residues) whose detailed structures are not yet established. We also show that local pitch values from molecular dynamics predictions of the GCN4 leucine zipper are in striking agreement with the high-resolution crystal structure—a result not readily discerned by direct comparison of atomic coordinates. Taken together, these methods reveal specific aspects of coiled-coil structure which may escape detection by global analyses of pitch. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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